General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '02 II => Topic started by: Raineypark on July 11, 2002, 09:22:29 PM

Title: Change of Season at Collinwood
Post by: Raineypark on July 11, 2002, 09:22:29 PM
Over on Mark's "Labyrinth of Souls" thread, someone commented on how nice it was to see snow in Collinwood.

That got me wondering about the change of seasons and the celebration of holidays at our favorite family estate.

They never did it on the show, but wouldn't it have been nice to see autumn trees or Christmas decorations or 4th of July picnics on the lawn?

Isn't it a shame they never celebrated Halloween?

Would Roger have thrown open the doors on New Years Eve?.....or scorned it as "Amateur Night"?

Would Liz have ordered Ham or Lamb for Easter Sunday?

Would Barnabas serve more than a cup of Punch for Thanksgiving?

So consider this an invitation to all our creative types, (we know you're out there  ;) !)  to give us a glimspe of their idea of a seasonal or holiday celebration at Collinwood (or the Old House, or the Evan's cottage....whatever!) You can be serious....or not!


Title: Re: Change of Season at Collinwood
Post by: Dr. Eric Lang on July 11, 2002, 10:04:48 PM
Halloween at Collinwood would have been a natural: they could have all gone as themselves.

I can easily see a beautiful Christmas tree in the drawing room of Collinwood. I can see David sneaking downstairs in the middle of the night (as usual) to get a glimpse of all his presents. Over at the Old House, Julia and Barnabas would privately exchange gifts. She'd have gotten him something personal, such as a new shirt or perhaps a tie. He would have gotten her something impersonal like a new stethascope or a medical bag, and she would have turned away in disappointment as usual when he revealed he'd bought Vicki a beautiful necklace or bracelet.
Title: Re: Change of Season at Collinwood
Post by: tripwire on July 11, 2002, 10:26:38 PM
in Maine, you would think there would be quite the seasonal change, but the "woods" seem to be in full bloom all the time ;)
Title: Re: Change of Season at Collinwood
Post by: ROBINV on July 11, 2002, 11:14:22 PM
Thanksgiving at Collinwood:

Quentin flips a spoonful of overcooked mashed potatoes at David.

In retaliation, David attempts to fling a turkey drumstick at Quentin but misses and hits Carolyn, who is sitting next to him.  

Carolyn, enraged at the greasy drumstick ruining her new silk blouse, picks up a handful of yams with marshmallows and sends it flying across the table at David, who ducks at just the right moment.  

The yam-mallow mess instead connects with Mrs. Johnson, who was leaning over to replenish the corn.  

Angry that God's food--and HER COOKING!--is being used so badly, Mrs. J. tosses a double handful of corn at Carolyn, but misses and hits Barnabas, who was taking a sip of his wine.  

Gazing down at his immaculate double breasted suit now ruined by wine and corn, Barnabas picks up his buttered roll and flings it at Mrs. Johnson.  His aim is off and he catches Roger, grazing his face with the oily surface of the roll.    

"FOOD FIGHT!!!!!" screams Elizabeth, her matronly face blazing with revenge.  She starts tossing peas at Roger, Quentin and Julia, all of whom return the fire with everything they can find on their plates.  Food is tossed back and forth, staining faces, clothing, hair, and soon the room is filled with the sound of laughter, food and fun.  

"Thanksgiving at Collinwood has formed a new tradition," whispered Maggie Evans-Haskell to her husband, Joe.  His response was to dot her nose, eyes and cheeks with brown gravy, then lick it off.  

Even the ghosts enjoyed the holiday that year.

Love, Robin
Title: Re: Change of Season at Collinwood
Post by: Angelique_s_Sis on July 11, 2002, 11:25:18 PM
8)  The "seasons" at Collinwood remind me of life in Florida.  Lots of rainy nights/days and all foilage in full bloom.  It would've been nice to see the spring, autumn and winter on the show.  To celebrate any holiday would've been interesting to watch in the series.  So many twists and turns could've been provided to the viewers.  Guess those budgets prevented that...? ;D ;D

Title: Re: Change of Season at Collinwood
Post by: Tanis on July 12, 2002, 12:56:39 AM
Christmas at the old house.

Beautiful pine boughs drape the staircase with red ribbons and pine cones.  Also pine boughs around the pillars that are on either side of the drawing room.  A nice full pine tree in the middle of the bow window alit with candles.  Antique decorations adorning its branches.  Antique angel in ivory brocade and gold embellishments on its gown gracing the very top of the tree.

Barnabas resplendent in a deep red velvet smoking jacket sitting by the fireside drinking his Christmas wine in solitude, thinking of the women he loves.  (He's loved several, has he not?)  

Julia standing outside his door with her hand in hesitation about to knock.  

I could likely write a whole story about this.

Title: Re: Change of Season at Collinwood
Post by: kuanyin on July 12, 2002, 01:36:09 AM

Would Roger have thrown open the doors on New Years Eve?.....or scorned it as "Amateur Night"?

Would Liz have ordered Ham or Lamb for Easter Sunday?

Would Barnabas serve more than a cup of Punch for Thanksgiving?

Roger would have scorned New Year's Eve revelers as amateurs. Of course, he would still drink on the holiday, as he does every other night of the year, with a sneer.

Liz would serve lamb. Mrs. Johnson would ruin it. David would run away or at least disappear as soon as he was told to stick around because dinner is being served in five minutes.

Barney wouldn't serve anybody, he would be a guest at Collinwood.
Title: Re: Change of Season at Collinwood
Post by: jennifer on July 12, 2002, 02:34:09 AM
Now that you mention it it did all look the same at Collinwood ,like there was no season change, weird because i was up in Maine a few years ago in Jan and it was frigid but you never see them even change their clothing for the seasons no boots, heavy coats or shorts for them That place really was weird!!

didn't Carolyn once talk about Christmas shopping!
Title: Re: Change of Season at Collinwood
Post by: Dr. Eric Lang on July 12, 2002, 03:43:22 AM
ROBIN!!! This was hysterical! Thanks for the great laugh!!!
Title: Re: Change of Season at Collinwood
Post by: Bob_the_Bartender on July 12, 2002, 03:47:31 AM
Hey gang,

The technical crew on Dark Shadows probably had enough difficulty in placing all of that phony green-colored grass carpet on the "grounds" of Collinwood.  (I just love the way that Maggie, Vicky, Jeff, Adam, etc. always find a way to accidentally pull the grass/carpet up off of the ground/floor with their feet.)

Can you imagine how incredibly phony if they had put down that white-colored snow carpet that our parents used to put around the base of the Christmas tree?

And, speaking of the festive observation of the birth of the baby Jesus, I think that the acid-tongued Roger would readily quote his favorite fictional character and say:

                           "Bah Humbug!!!"

Bob the Bartender, whose favorite holiday is St. Patrick's Day, where the Irish proudly march up Fifth Avenue and then proceed to "up-chuck" as they march back down Third Avenue.  (I should know, I've been there, done that!)
Title: Re: Change of Season at Collinwood
Post by: TERRY308 on July 12, 2002, 03:50:06 AM
Collinwood, 4TH of July.

Everybody by the pool, drinking Long Island Iced Tea.  David and Willie with a pocketful of M16.  Liz with sunglasses, sitting by the pool, as Carolyn jumps in.  Quentin and Maggie, playfully playing horseshoes.  Roger is maning the grill and slowing getting drunk.  Barnabas, with sunglasses too, offers to get Angelique another 'iced tea'.  Julia Hoffman, belive it or not, she has on shorts, drinks her 'iced tea'  and hums to the radio.  Professor Stokes and Adam are discussing politics.  Vicki "I don't understand" Winters is trying to get Jeff Clarke into the pool.  But she never will, because he might mess his hair to much.

At twilight there will be an hour of firework for the whole town to enjoy.
Title: Re: Change of Season at Collinwood
Post by: CastleBee on July 12, 2002, 03:55:00 AM
Great visual descriptions all 'round everyone!

And, RobinV your food fight was in a word

[size=10]Hilarious!!![/size] [scrm] [/glow]

If SNL had not been still four years in the future when DS ended this would have been a great skit!
Title: Re: Change of Season at Collinwood
Post by: Cassandra on July 12, 2002, 09:32:32 AM
Robin, That was hysterical!!

I have been wondering for years why they never celebrate any holidays on DS.   It would have been great to see some holiday celebrating on the show. The only party I remember seeing (if you can call it that) is when Barnabas had his little costume party where everyone sat around looking half asleep with nothing to eat but some punch that Barnabas happened to have available.[sleep]

The funny thing is that one can never tell what season they're in on the show. You can't even judge by what people are wearing because some of the household will  be wearing sleeveless dresses, while other are bundled up to their neck in clothing! Some will venture outside with their coats & capes on, while others run out with just the clothes on their backs! It's always raining & thundering, yet no one hardly ever carries an umbrella. [hdscrt]

It's too bad that no one thought to ask Dan Curtis this question (about holidays) during one of his many interviews about the show. :)
Title: Re: Change of Season at Collinwood
Post by: RingoCollins on July 12, 2002, 07:43:04 PM
whispered Maggie Evans-Haskell to her husband, Joe.  His response was to dot her nose, eyes and cheeks with brown gravy, then lick it off.  
Love, Robin

Well, I'm off to the shower!
Title: Re: Change of Season at Collinwood
Post by: Raineypark on July 13, 2002, 05:24:10 AM
Isn't anyone willing to take on Halloween?

I think the image of maurading enfants in costume, arriving at the door of the Old House in hordes, would be priceless: Barnabas peering out the curtains, wondering what gate of hell has spewed forth this batch of little demons.....Willie clutching the back of his neck, terrified that one of them will get into the house and "find out somethin'!!"....and Julia, ever practical, handing out sedatives like....well, you know..... ;)

Title: Re: Change of Season at Collinwood
Post by: ROBINV on July 13, 2002, 10:01:26 PM
I think there was an attempt to give DS a timeless quality, and I suppose celebrating holidays would have spoiled that.  

I know some of the introductions mention the season, or that it's cold, or the leaves are falling, etc., but that's about as much as they share with us.  Considering what they had to work with, the cast and screw performed miracles.

Of course, we all know Dan Curtis was a cheapskate and wouldn't have sprung for a tree or other decorations.  Christmas was mentioned a time or two, but never actually celebrated.  And let's face it, with gothic tales, thunder and lightning are a pre-requisite, although Stephen King managed to make snowstorms terrifying in THE SHINING and CHRISTINE.

I'm glad some of you enjoyed my little Collinwood Thanksgiving.  

Love, Robin