General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '09 I => Topic started by: Charles_Ellis on June 26, 2009, 01:29:05 AM

Title: New MPI DVD storyline compilations
Post by: Charles_Ellis on June 26, 2009, 01:29:05 AM
MPI is putting out two 3-hour discs regarding two storylines from DS- Barnabas' return in 1967, and the 1968/69 "Turn of the Screw" storyline with the ghosts of Quentin and Beth.  Personally, I've always wanted 1795 to be put out as a stand-alone miniseries DVD set:

Title: Re: New MPI DVD storyline compilations
Post by: Brian on June 26, 2009, 02:10:12 AM
So are these edited-down versions of the stories to capture the essentials of the story, or are they just 6 - 9 episodes from those storylines?  (Seems like an awful lot of work for little gain to edit the many, many shows from these stories into a 3-hour mini-movie-type story.
Title: Re: New MPI DVD storyline compilations
Post by: Midnite on June 26, 2009, 03:50:26 AM
Brian, the article describes each as "a selection of scenes from the most popular episodes" of the story.

I love the covers.
Title: Re: New MPI DVD storyline compilations
Post by: Gothick on June 26, 2009, 03:12:55 PM
Agree with Midnite--the covers are simply fantastic.  Way to go!  That picture of Barnabas with his collar turned up hiding part of his face has always been a favorite of mine.  The makeup they used for that shoot was so weird.  I'm guessing they brought in someone from outside for that shoot because the look given Barn is so extraordinarily different from how Vinnie Loscalzo conceived the character.

Since Angelique is on the cover of the Vampire Curse one, I would presume that scenes from 1795 are included.  Angelique had better appear at least in a few scenes of the disc, otherwise they are luring consumers on with false advertising!

Title: Re: New MPI DVD storyline compilations
Post by: The Doctor and K9 on June 26, 2009, 03:32:38 PM
It would be nice if they would add commentary tracks to these.  I think I'll order them any way, but I'm more than a bit lukewarm about the idea.  I'd be more likely to commit to a series of compilations if there were something new in them.  I doubt it would cost much to have David Selby and Denise Nickerson, for example, sit in and talk about their memories. 
Title: Re: New MPI DVD storyline compilations
Post by: jimbo on June 26, 2009, 03:53:08 PM
Besides the making money aspect, what is the purpose of these releases and are they necessary? Are these DVDs marketed to the hard core DS fans or an attempt to introduce the original Dark Shadows to a new audience ie...the  fans of Johnny Depp, Tim Burton, Twilight etc... who may never have previously heard of Dark Shadows? Just curious about this and the releases' timing. BTW the artwork is indeed real good.
Title: Re: New MPI DVD storyline compilations
Post by: Gothick on June 26, 2009, 04:26:32 PM
I personally don't really have time to sit down and watch them, but I can see the videos--if well done--being a cool way of introducing DS to someone who might just want a taste and be unlikely to go further (at first blush, certainly) than something that is, say, the length of your typical Lord of the Rings installment.

If well done, the discs could bring in new fans to the show, I would think primarily via the venue of Netflix. 

With the continuing buzz around Depp Shadows, I hope the videos have been well done and that they find a brisk traffic on the subscription services.

Title: Re: New MPI DVD storyline compilations
Post by: Charles_Ellis on June 26, 2009, 09:31:45 PM
I think it's an excellent move.  Let's face it: all of the episodes are out on disc.  So, unless a 'lost' master videotape for a kinescope used on one of the DVDs is found, I don't think there will be any more big releases.  Look at what Paramount has done with the Star Trek episodes from the various shows: they're making compilations on subjects like alternate universes, viewer's favorites, and even a Captain's Collection featuring all the Captains from Kirk to Archer.  So what's wrong with MPI drumming up interest for the Twilight crowd, especially with the Depp/Burton movie happening?  Nothing.

Here's an idea I'd love to see: a documentary on the history of DS fandom, starting with the 'studio kids' and the people who ran fan clubs for the stars during the show's ABC run, like Jay Nass, Dee Kearney, Bob Finnochio, Walter Miller and others.  Then, it can segue to the post-cancellation fandom revival from 1975 to the present with people like Kathy Resch, Marcy Robin, Jim Pierson, Ann Wilson, Jeff Thompson and others.  Footage from various DS fan events from the past 30 years exists, with footage of stars that have since passed, like Joan Bennett, Louis Edmonds, Michael Stroka and Dennis Patrick.  Also, surviving stars could be interviewed with their viewpoints on fandom and attending the festivals.  Did you know that John Karlen was the guest of honor at the very first DS convention in 1977? 

If anyone out there has seen the movie Trekkies and its sequel, you know what I mean.  DS fandom and its rich history (I've been a part of it for nearly 30 years!) should be documented on film.
Title: Re: New MPI DVD storyline compilations
Post by: The Doctor and K9 on June 26, 2009, 10:12:02 PM
Charles, I had a hard time finding a short, direct quote that summed up your idea adequately, so I'm going to summarize the points I found intersting.  You mentioned that it would be nice to have a film like Trekkies, that documents the history of DS fandon. I can't agree with you more!  I don't think it's likely to happen professionally though.  I'd like to suggest instead, that it would make a fantastic fan project.  Look at the wonderful documentaries that Reel Time turned out on Doctor Who.  They also made their own features using characters and races from the Whoniverse.  I'd like to see somene who has talent behind the camera take on a project like this. 

Someone else asked about the potential audience for the compilations.  I don't think they are likely to bring in new fans.  Supposing you give someone a copy of The Haunting of Collinwood. Sure, there's more than enough to hold interest for three hours, but then what?   The story really doesn't have much of an ending.  I think there's potential for fans like us to have a manageable condensed version of the story to take with us on trips, watch with other fans, or just buy to decorate a shelf (lol).  It would be nice to get something new as a bonus though.  I went into this in a previous post.
Title: Re: New MPI DVD storyline compilations
Post by: ProfStokes on June 27, 2009, 08:08:12 AM
Amen, Charles! I've long wished for a treatment of DS fandom, perhaps as a book along the lines of Henry Jenkins's fan studies, but a documentary would be even better. The enthusiasm, creativity, and insightful perspectives of DS fans are the most exciting aspects of the show for me and I'd love to see a respectful representation of them.  Perhaps it could be a 45th Anniversary special?

Title: Re: New MPI DVD storyline compilations
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on June 27, 2009, 06:16:19 PM
I'd love to see a respectful representation of them.

Emphasis on the word "respectful." Heaven forbid it should be anything like that Sciography program.  [ghost_shocked]

Perhaps it could be a 45th Anniversary special?

We should be so lucky. And who knows, if the Depp/DS film hits big, maybe it will actually happen...