General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '09 I => Topic started by: Watching Project on June 19, 2009, 09:20:56 PM

Title: Discuss - Ep #0805
Post by: Watching Project on June 19, 2009, 09:20:56 PM
Robservations #805
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0805
Post by: alwaysdavid on July 02, 2009, 05:17:12 AM
Jamison is superimposed over Collinwood.  They seem to be using this technique quite often now and I like it.  Jamison is locked in the cell in the Old House.  Charity does her version of "I Wanna Dance. "    This is really funny.  Trask commenting on the shocking condition of her face.  Trask is so smug when he remarks, " Soon there won't be any Collins left."  It was a total surprise when Barnabas appeared to Evan.  How does Barnabas know that Tim has the hand?  It seems that more and more they are leaving out the scene's to advance the plot logically and just skipping to highlights.  The reappearance of the burned paper was predictable, but good special effect.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0805
Post by: EmeraldRose on July 07, 2009, 09:17:29 AM
Major Milestones: [milestone]
1. This was the first time that Jamison/Count Petofi gave someone a "truth kiss" in a dream, instead of in person.
2. Jamison/Petofi made Evan write a confession about Trask and Evan killing Minerva.
3. Trask told Evan he wanted him to draw up a paper declaring Edward and Jamison incompetent, so Trask could be Master of Collinwood. But Trask was tricked into signing a confession instead!
4. The Confession could not be destroyed! Trask burned it in the fireplace, but it rematerialized on the desk.
5. Charity was changing back and forth between herself and Pansy Faye more often.

It was funny to watch Trask's reaction when Charity was Pansy Faye. [lghy] As Robin mentioned, the picture was in black and white for a while during that scene. Weird!  [ghost_wacko] I just love it when Charity was Pansy Faye. She was much more attractive as Pansy Faye and too dowdy as Charity.

I love Barnabas's entrance at Evan's house! Wind, door opening, then Barnabas appeared! [shkdg] Really neat! When Trask knocked on Evan's door, Barnabas disappeared again. Cool! [ghost_cheesy]

How  does Barnabas know that Tim has the hand?  It seems that more and more they are leaving out the scene's to advance the plot logically and just skipping to highlights.
I checked back on Robservations, and there was no scene during which Barnabas was informed that Tim had the hand. I guess Quentin must have told Barnabas off-screen.  [ghost_undecided]

I thought it was great when Evan was compelled to write that confession, and it was even more fulfilling when Trask was tricked into signing it. [cheer] Serves them right! It was really exciting when the paper rematerialized on the desk! [ghost_shocked]

----- Sally (EmeraldRose) -----
[snow_bigglass] [hippy2]
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0805
Post by: Roland on July 26, 2009, 02:14:05 AM
There's some truly wicked black humor in this section of the story...one funny scene after another as people are forced to reveal all the truths about themselves that they work so hard to keep hidden.

Favorite moment in this episode:  when informed by Trask that Edward thinks he is a servant, Evan responds sympathetically,  "How horrible,"  as if it were a fate worse than death.  How's that for class condescension! 
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0805
Post by: Midnite on August 01, 2009, 09:58:41 PM
How  does Barnabas know that Tim has the hand?  It seems that more and more they are leaving out the scene's to advance the plot logically and just skipping to highlights.
I checked back on Robservations, and there was no scene during which Barnabas was informed that Tim had the hand. I guess Quentin must have told Barnabas off-screen.  [ghost_undecided]

Or Magda told him.  From the scene in Quentin's room in the previous ep when Barnabas told Jamison/Petofi, "We don't have the hand," we can glean that Barnabas had already been informed at that point.

Quote from: EmeraldRose
the picture was in black and white for a while during that scene. Weird!  [ghost_wacko]

There was a tear in the tape, so the kinescope was used to replace the damaged part.  Before that, the ep was simply skipped entirely during (early) syndication.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0805
Post by: EmeraldRose on August 02, 2009, 11:13:57 AM
Wow! I'm glad they were able to fix it with the kinescope copy! Much better than not seeing it at all! [ghost_wink]

----- Sally -----
[snow_bigglass] [hippy2]
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0805
Post by: Midnite on August 03, 2009, 05:33:45 AM
I really like the turns this story has taken.  Gregory believes he hit the trifecta now that Judith, Edward and Jamison are acting crazy.  Barnabas is being used sparingly, which I LOVE.  And Evan has undergone an eleventh hour redemption as he tries to distance himself from Gregory's schemes and claims to have had enough of the Black Arts.  I think the last one is the most interesting.  Unfortunately, Evan won't be seen again for quite some time, so we won't find out how long he'll go without falling off the no-magic wagon.  But when Evan finally does reappear in the story, guess what he'll be up to?  [ghost_wink]

Jamison/Petofi turned over the tiles to spell out "Trask" with his right (prosthetic) hand.  I'm so confused!

Gregory:  "Once Quentin is taken care of, I shall be Master of Collinwood."
Do you suppose he intends to kill him?

Gregory:  "Taking over Collinwood was the kindest thing I could do. Can I leave the lunatics to run the asylum? The animals to run the zoo?"
He's delusional, of course, but it reminded me of the old nursing joke:  In a psych ward, how do you tell the patients from the staff?  The staff are the ones with the keys.  Yep, Gregory is the one with the keys.

Favorite moment in this episode:  when informed by Trask that Edward thinks he is a servant, Evan responds sympathetically,  "How horrible,"  as if it were a fate worse than death.  How's that for class condescension!

Dictated to Evan by Jamison/Petofi:  "To who it may concern..."

JL and NB smacked each other with the recorder!
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0805
Post by: Lydia on September 23, 2009, 09:59:17 PM
There was a tear in the tape, so the kinescope was used to replace the damaged part.
They did a very neat patch!  And the patch looked sepia and white rather than black and white to me, so I was surprised to learn that it was kinescope.

I'm amused by the way some people pronounce Petofi "P'Toffee", just as I am amused by the way the spellchecker keeps suggesting to me that when I say Petofi I mean Tofu.

In the beginning of this episode, Un-Charity tells Trask that she knows she's Charity, but towards the end, she talks of a memory that could only be Pansy's, of the train ride with Carl back to Collinsport.  Maybe Charity and Pansy are astral twins.

Was that really the Kiss of Truth that Evan got?  I had been wondering what truths about himself would be revealed to him, because I don't think he had many illusions: he knew perfectly well that he wanted power and wealth and that he would kill to get them.  Maybe he had some illusion related to his extravagant wife.  Anyway, my impression was that dream-Jamison's kiss was more like a call to Petofi's service.

I just love that indestructible confession.  Maybe Trask will lock it in a closet until it realizes the error of its ways.