General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '02 II => Topic started by: Lindsey on July 08, 2002, 11:46:07 PM

Title: Memory Lapse
Post by: Lindsey on July 08, 2002, 11:46:07 PM
Hey all! When I originally began watching DS a few years back, I began watching during the Dream Curse. Now that the Dream Curse has ended, it has been the one storyline I have seen twice through. For some reason though, I have no recollection of the end of the storyline (with Cassandra aging). I probably was just busy then with school, so I didn't see the episodes. But what is wierd is that I have a specific recollection of an episode I was SURE occurred around this time, but I didn't see it. Did I just dream this up or did this really happen?!!?

The scene is in the Drawing room at Collinwood between Cassandra and Roger. Roger has figured out that Cassandra is a witch and he has trapped her in the room and refuses to let her leave. In order to prove she really is a witch, he hands her the Bible and asks her to read the Lord's Prayer, but she could only read it backwards, which proved she was a witch.

Now, did this happen with some other characters and I am just getting if confused or did I somehow invent this scene in my head back in eighth grade and never realize it never happened!?  ?!?

Title: Re: Memory Lapse
Post by: Gothick on July 09, 2002, 12:26:34 AM
Hi Lindsay,  

I can state as definitively as anything in this insane world of ours can be stated that the scene you described NEVER aired on Dark Shadows.

There was however a scene between Louis Edmonds and Lara Parker that started out somewhat the way you describe this one ...


In 1840, Edmonds played the aged Daniel Collins. When Angelique arrives, calling herself Valerie Collins, Daniel remembers her as Angelique who was eventually found out to be the witch who caused all the trouble back in 1795.  However, the way the scene is played in 1840, it is Angelique who traps Daniel in the drawing room ...

In general, DS seems to have avoided direct references to religion.  Apart from crosses, and a character occasionally exclaiming some variant of "Dear God!"  The one exception to this rule is with the various incarnations of Trask, and the Trask family in 1897.  The depiction of religious hypocrisy in the Trask family caused some fundamentalist organizations to print pamphlets and leaflets condemning DS as "the Devil's playmate" or something along those lines, which I personally think is a HOOT, but that's another matter.

It was interesting (to continue this discussion just a little further) that when Barnabas and Angelique are fighting Laura Collins in 1897, they both use invocations and holy names from Ancient Egyptian religion, rather as Isis was called upon by the forces of good in the classic 1932 film The Mummy (please don't confuse it with the remake).

Hope you continue to enjoy Dark Shadows.

Title: Re: Memory Lapse
Post by: Raineypark on July 09, 2002, 02:24:11 AM

they both use invocations and holy names from Ancient Egyptian religion,

Well, back in the 1960's, Ancient Egyptian religious practices and Deities would have been far enough removed from current religious thought that no one would have made a fuss about them.

Today, if you invoked the same things, you'd get irate responses from the Religious Right and you'd also get ticked off responses from people who invoke those same Ancient Egyptian practices and Deities in their daily lives!!!!!

What a long, strange trip it's been.......

Raineypark, who remembers when discussing politics or religion outside ones own family simply was NOT done.....
Title: Re: Memory Lapse
Post by: Lindsey on July 09, 2002, 04:22:37 AM
Thanks Gothick!

I really have no clue where I got that idea, it just seemed so real. I must have dreamt it!  ::)

I am a strong Christian, and I see no problem with anything on Dark Shadows. Trask was a fanatic and, true, some people are like that, but I think DS never meant anything by it, such as picking on a certain faith.

Dark Shadows has never made me want to practice witchcraft or part from my religion. I believe most people can tell the difference between fantasy and real life. Dark Shadows is simply an enjoyment program and I am sure it meant no harm-some people just like to pick on things they don't like and use their religion as an excuse, which is a pity.

Anyway, thanks again for setting my mind straight!  :)

Title: Re: Memory Lapse
Post by: Luciaphile on July 11, 2002, 07:13:31 PM
The scene is in the Drawing room at Collinwood between Cassandra and Roger. Roger has figured out that Cassandra is a witch and he has trapped her in the room and refuses to let her leave. In order to prove she really is a witch, he hands her the Bible and asks her to read the Lord's Prayer, but she could only read it backwards, which proved she was a witch.

Now, did this happen with some other characters and I am just getting if confused or did I somehow invent this scene in my head back in eighth grade and never realize it never happened!?  ?!?

LOL!  I wonder--this sounds familiar to me too.  I think it may have been in a fanfic.  Maybe off AlaneSue's page?  Is that still around?

Title: Re: Memory Lapse
Post by: Carol on July 12, 2002, 12:41:51 AM

LOL!  I wonder--this sounds familiar to me too.  I think it may have been in a fanfic.  Maybe off AlaneSue's page?  Is that still around?


If someone knows where to find it I wish they would let us know. Everytime I think that I've found it, I can't access it--site unknown pops up.
Title: Re: Memory Lapse
Post by: RingoCollins on July 12, 2002, 07:54:44 PM
, but she could only read it backwards, which proved she was a witch.

L, I think that was on the 'White Album' [thumb], and it was actually a recipe for a vegetarian curry cheeseburger.

cheers and pass the tobasco! [flmthrw]
Title: Re: Memory Lapse
Post by: Melody on July 13, 2002, 01:02:53 AM
Actually, it was a recipe for a "ripping good" veggie split pea soup.  ;D