General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '09 I => Topic started by: Watching Project on April 27, 2009, 10:03:36 PM

Title: Discuss - Ep #0766
Post by: Watching Project on April 27, 2009, 10:03:36 PM
Robservations #766
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0766
Post by: Taeylor Collins on April 29, 2009, 06:46:24 AM
Gail Strickland did the VO?  WOW! I thought it was Joan!  My tapes are very old though and the sound is horrid.  OH WELL...

VO: Gail Strickland
Written by: Violet Welles
Directed by: Lela Swift

Why does it always look so "light" at night?  It doesn't look like moon light, it looks like sun light.  Maybe they didn't have the lighting technology they have in this day and time?  Good to see Barnabas again.  I really like his suit as it is my favorite one he wears in this time period.  It is interesting that Magda mixes Catholic rituals with curses and so forth.  I guess that is her gypsy way. I guess she is more of a "spiritualist" if you will.  Where did the stairs in the Old House disappear too?  LOL  I love how Q's shirt is totally open and the wolves never is.  LOOK~~I ain't complaning though!YUMMY!  [ghost_wink]  I wish he would just take it off!  I would rather see him completely without one than [spoiler]Jeb Hawkes![/spoiler]  JUST TAKE IT OFF QUENTIN!!  MMM.....Good LORD...moving on...

OH shut up DORCASS you had it coming!

Love Judith's blue dress. 

LOL.  No steps and the whole side of the set is shown.  I bet that camera man was cussed out!

G R E A T Episode!
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0766
Post by: MagnusTrask on April 29, 2009, 07:04:02 AM
I can't believe I missed the vanishing staircase again!

TV shows couldn't film at night or in low light, so they all filmed night scenes in bright light and then just tinted the screen darker I guess.   In outdoor shots they'd sometimes try to shoot so that no sky appeared onscreen, since the sky would stay blue, just a draker blue.

That problem's over now?
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0766
Post by: Taeylor Collins on April 29, 2009, 07:11:49 AM
I think it is Magnus...on General Hospital there night scenes are obviously shot in a studio but the it looks as if it is night.  They use the proper lighting. And primetime shows do shoot there night scenes at night if it is outside, most of the time!  I know they did on Charmed because I have read that they would do their NIGHT shots in the early morning hours around 4 am!  Sorry to get off topic but wanted to address Magnus question!
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0766
Post by: Taeylor Collins on April 29, 2009, 07:18:29 AM
Sorry for the double post, but I wanted to add that Buffy The Vampire Slayer filmed at night as well.  They didn't enhance it with special effects.  I have read many articles about them working early into the morning to get the "night shots"
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0766
Post by: alwaysdavid on May 01, 2009, 04:02:24 AM
Quentin really went though the wringer in this episode.  I was suprised to see Gail Stickland back.  I knew I'd seen her in other things and just saw  "The Man in the Moon" where she was the Mom. 
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0766
Post by: Pansity on May 03, 2009, 10:28:22 PM
Don't feel bad Magnus -- my reaction after reading the posts was WHAT vanishing staircase (and I just saw the episode earlier today).

and Taeylor -- I thought it was Joan, too, and I have the DVD.  Must be something other than your tape quality.  SNICKER -- you noticed that about Wolfie's shirt too.  Obligatory Himbo beefcake. [ghost_grin]  Note the other example I put in my comments below.  [ghost_wink]

We open on wolfie, sprawled out on the top of the rocks, and Magda, approaching him with the gun.  (Is this the first time we see a woman pull a gun on Quentin?  We know it won't be the last....)  [nerv]  She goes through with it, and the werewolf grabs his chest as if the bullet hit him there.

 Ok, her logic seems screwy.  Killing Quentin insures the kids escape the curse?  One would think it would move it right to them.  Even if the pentagram  is used exactly as she says and does protect the boy, the GIRL didn’t get a pentagram, so she would still pass it on , whether or not Quentin is alive – which is what we saw with Chris back in 1969. Seems they stayed consistant with the werewolf lore when they used it again in Leviathan.  What Barnabas describes about Quentin healing if he transforms while the beast is alive vs him dying with the beast fits what was used later for Chris.

HUMPH – Barnabas has a nerve digging at Magda about “it only takes a moment for the future to be destroyed by one silver bullet in the hands of a gypsy”.  Of course HIS constant interference has had NO effect on how events have been  playing out.   [a395] <WHAP> He knows no more about how things need to go to “put right what once went wrong” than Magda does.  And, sorry Barnabas fans, I think Magda is smarter than Barnabas….he’s just more accustomed to assuming he's always right, and everything will always go his way – not to mention blaming everyone but himself when things go wrong.

Again with the timing on the cock crow.  Barn is still nattering on, and demanding that Magda keep the beast alive till dawn – which the cock says is now very close, so why the big production over what they’ve already discussed?
Oh oh, we’re back to a six cylinder gun, from which Magda’s lost a bullet. OI and again no one watches a dangerous person.  Wolfie seems to have gotten his strength back, and right on the cusp of dawn is now on the loose again.  [Wolfie] These people just do NOT seem to get the concept of locking creatures behind doors. May not stop them, but it would sure slow them down – which might be all that’s needed this close to dawn.  LOL amusing in the transformation shot how you see so clearly that the werewolf’s brown eyes change to Quentin’s blue ones.

Snicker, his shirt sure got ripped up real quick.  Even after being shot – twice – wolfie’s shirt was all buttoned up. Made me think of  a scene in Falcon Crest.  All the regulars were in a plane crash.  Every male who survived it had artistically ripped up shirts with bare chests showing.  Yet one of the women was wearing a white dress white hose and stockings – and didn’t have a hair out of place or a smudge on her clothes anywhere.  None of the other women had no much as a snag in their pantyhose either.  [ghost_wink]

Quentin is now chasing after a crying woman’s voice instead of figuring out how to get back to the house unseen.  Smart move <not>! Oh, but here he is sneaking in the front door.  All the secret passages in that house and he comes in the way that’s most likely to get him seen by someone.  And the crying has followed him, to boot – along with the very unwanted and possibly noisy enough to raise the house Dorcas.  He’s still got some work to do on his compassion:  no regrets, no apology, it’s all about “they mustn’t know”.  Of course he goes for her when she won’t shut up, and finds out, as Nathan Forbes did before him that “you can’t kill me – I’m already dead.”  [Ghost00] Uh, not to gross anyone out, but wasn’t it mentioned that Dorcas was ripped apart to the point where they spoke of “body parts”.  Looks kind of intact to me.  Also curious why she didn’t come haunt him before.  If I remember right he killed her at the 1st transformation, and he transformed again the night after, which was the day she was buried. It took the ghost a whole month to find out who he was and come after him?

Of course the next scene is him in his room with the music and the brandy, hands shaking so badly he can’t  tie the stock around his neck.  The second round with Dorcas really does him in.  Between that and the brandy he nearly blows the whole thing to Judith, who came to check when she heard him screaming  (again, he’s supposedly off in his own wing, how did she hear him and get there that fast).

Maybe it’s the elephant in the room that neither of them will mention, but I would think he could have tried to convince Judith that Jenny was haunting him, and hung the whole thing about murderer, etc on that.  Can’t really get a handle on what Judith thinks is going on, whether she pins it on what happened with Jenny, the drinking, or both.  She does in all innocence set off his paranoia by noticing that he’s behaving like a cornered animal, and he’s terrified of letting her suspect anything.  She really seems concerned about him in this scene, while he’s going off like an adolescent screaming GET OUT OF MY ROOM.  Sense I get is she doesn’t leave because he’s being obnoxious and demanding it – she leaves because she sees she’s getting nowhere and gives up on trying to help.  Wonder what she would have done if he'd opened up to her about what REALLY happened?

JUST what Quentin most wanted to hear out of a clear blue sky.  The cousin he doesn’t quite trust telling him obliquely that he knows all about his curse.  Good thing he’s both sober and not freaking out at this point, he has the presence of mind to deny everything.   Barnabas boggles my mind.  He apparently considers Quentin “foolish” (read stupid) for not trusting him and telling him everything, and not realizing that Barnabas is his “only chance”.  And what information does he have that would lead him to trust Barnabas and know he’s there from the future to change things?  Great, Barnabas, expect him to trust you just cause you tell him to, and tell him nothing much except you cant tell him much. [twak]

Good for Quentin, he mistrusts everything he’s being told, because he sees the real possibility of a trap. He tells Barn straight out that the hand of friendship could be hiding a knife.  Since he doesn’t have any of the knowledge the audience does about what Barn and his motives are, this only proves he has a brain. He finally gives in, because he has no better options, but with his eyes wide open for something to go against him.

AGAIN with the conversations about curses and other incriminating stuff WITH A DOOR WIDE OPEN SO ANYONE COULD HEAR.

Now we go from bad to worse, with Barnabas being told by Judith about Jamison’s dream – that David Collins is dead.


Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0766
Post by: Midnite on May 04, 2009, 12:44:35 AM
We open on wolfie, sprawled out on the top of the rocks, and Magda, approaching him with the gun.  (Is this the first time we see a woman pull a gun on Quentin?...)

Beth, #752?

Uh, not to gross anyone out, but wasn’t it mentioned that Dorcas was ripped apart to the point where they spoke of “body parts”.

She was described as having been mutilated, but it was Taeylor and MagnusTrask who pictured her in pieces and even, um, consumed:
I for one was very satisfied with Dorcas getting eaten.
I just saw this, and missed the body parts-- do I want to go back to look for them?   Mmmaybe not.

Had Gail Strickland not been available for this ep, would we then have seen a bandaged and bloody ghost?  [winkb]
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0766
Post by: Pansity on May 04, 2009, 01:32:07 AM
YIKES that was  a bad blooper by me.   [90d1]  Don't know how that one oozed right out of my brain.   [6184] [blshg]

LOL on the bandaged bloody ghost which would have shown up if Gail Strickland weren't avaliable.  Not to mention that the bandages would be on body parts never originally injured.  [ghost_wink]

and LOL on Magnus and Taeylor filling in the blanks and providing us with body parts.  Guess they like the same slasher movies my friend Kelly loves.

Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0766
Post by: Taeylor Collins on May 06, 2009, 03:32:18 AM
When I said "eaten" I didn't mean it literally!  Sorry for the confusion!  I guess that wasn't the right word.   [ghost_huh] I thought I saw her hand disembodied!??  I love scary movies but I tend to like the ones that are fantastical.  If it can really happen (like Scream) it freaks me out! However, I still love certain slasher movies--like Scream!
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0766
Post by: Pansity on May 11, 2009, 12:02:33 AM
LOL Taeylor!

I wasn't sure if I missed something left around to imply body parts.  I watch on a small portable while typing on the laptop, and sometimes I miss fine detail, either through not looking closely enough or taking eyes from episode to multitask.


Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0766
Post by: Midnite on May 19, 2009, 05:36:37 AM
Gail Strickland did the VO?  WOW! I thought it was Joan!  My tapes are very old though and the sound is horrid.  OH WELL...
I remember a discussion about this before and the consensus then among board cousins was that it was JB.  And after listening to it again, I'm convinced that it was Joan.

When I said "eaten" I didn't mean it literally!  Sorry for the confusion!  I guess that wasn't the right word.   [ghost_huh] I thought I saw her hand disembodied!??
If only DS had been that cool, but alas, the hand was still attached.  As for saying she was eaten, it's no problem; isn't that why werewolves have the big canine teeth?

Ok, her logic seems screwy.  Killing Quentin insures the kids escape the curse?  One would think it would move it right to them.  Even if the pentagram  is used exactly as she says and does protect the boy, the GIRL didn’t get a pentagram, so she would still pass it on , whether or not Quentin is alive – which is what we saw with Chris back in 1969.
I think you're absolutely right, Pansity.  Barnabas would know that Quentin's death wouldn't stop the curse because he witnessed future events, but maybe Magda was just not aware of this until he told her (B: "There's no escape for them now"). He ought to think about getting her a copy of Curses for Dummies. ;)

Also curious why she didn’t come haunt him before.  If I remember right he killed her at the 1st transformation, and he transformed again the night after, which was the day she was buried. It took the ghost a whole month to find out who he was and come after him?
Maybe Dorcas' ghost didn't rise immediately, so she had to wait out a moon cycle for the werewolf to show up so she could learn its identity at dawn?  No?

Has anyone heard elsewhere about the 15th century Frenchman who was cured of his lycanthropy?

Barnabas to Magda:  "If his life is lost, so is yours."
It takes a very cocky man to threaten the life of the person responsible for guarding his coffin just before he climbs into it.  If I were Magda and the werewolf died on my watch, I'd do some staking to save myself.

B to M again:  "We'll think about it during the day and we'll discuss it later tonight."
Barnabas' mind is at work during the daytime?

One more B to M quote:  "If we take him to the Old House at once, if we keep him alive until dawn, then Quentin Collins will awake whole and well, but if this creature dies, if he dies, then Quentin Collins dies with him."
Doesn't that sound incredibly familiar?  Just replace "take him to the Old House" with do the experiment, turn "whole and well" into free and healthy, then substitute creation for any references to Quentin or the creature and change the last part to Barnabas will be as he was before and, well, you know. :P

OMG, the slide of Seaview Terrace isn't backwards.

In the Barnabasless 1897, did Magda shoot Quentin with a silver bullet?  If so, how did he survive the night without Barnabas there to insist that the werewolf be cared for at the Old House?

Do you think Magda went to Boston in the original timeline?
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0766
Post by: alwaysdavid on May 20, 2009, 03:41:53 AM
The whole Magda situation in regards to Barnabas bothers me.  She should know that if she killed Barnabas it would free Sandor and she's be free of him also.  Why does Barnabas not enslave her to make sure she does his bidding?
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0766
Post by: EmeraldRose on May 27, 2009, 11:42:07 AM
Major Milestones: [milestone]
1. First time we saw the Werewolf change back to Quentin - we saw the eyes change from brown (Werewolf) to blue (Quentin). I like the blue eyes better! [ghost_cheesy]
2. First mention of Julianka, the Romana family, and King Johnny Romano. Is it Romana or Romano? Could it be that it followed gender, with females having a name ending in a, and males having a name ending in o?
3. First time one of Werewolf Quentin's victims haunted Quentin.
4. Barnabas told Quentin he knew about the curse.
5. First time someone had a dream about the future.

I remember a discussion about this before and the consensus then among board cousins was that it was JB.  And after listening to it again, I'm convinced that it was Joan.
I listened to it again, too, and I agree that it was Joan. [thumb]

In the Barnabasless 1897, did Magda shoot Quentin with a silver bullet?  If so, how did he survive the night without Barnabas there to insist that the werewolf be cared for at the Old House?
I wondered that myself, Midnite. Maybe Sandor was there, or maybe Magda got second thoughts after she shot him. But I think Magda did shoot Quentin in the original timeline.  

Do you think Magda went to Boston in the original timeline?
After watching the next episode (#767), I think she did.

I purposely counted how many silver bullets Magda loaded into that gun - it was six. I think it would be useful to know that, so we can keep track of how many bullets were fired, and how many were left.
Did I count wrong? I went over it again to make sure. Magda said she only loaded the gun with 5 bullets, but I saw her put 6 bullets into that gun. I think that's a blooper, if I ever saw one. [signerror]

I was amazed that Werewolf Quentin was able to survive being shot by a silver bullet. (Truthfully, though, I was relieved, as well.) I thought silver bullets were lethal! I guess maybe it was because Magda missed his heart. [ghost_huh]

How did Quentin's suit get ripped up? When the Werewolf ran out of the house, his suit was in perfect shape, yet just a moment later, the suit was in shreds! Actually, I really enjoyed seeing Quentin's bare chest and his mussed hair! Mmmm! [luv]

It was great when Dorcas was haunting Quentin. Really spooky. [ghost_shocked] Poor Judith... All she wanted to do was help Quentin and find out what was wrong, and Quentin yelled at her to get out like a spoiled child. Sibling abuse!

When Barnabas told Quentin that he knew about the curse, it reminded me of the scene in 1967 when [spoiler]Julia told Barnabas that she knew he was a vampire.[/spoiler]

Excellent episode! David Selby especially did an excellent job with Quentin's feeling guilty and being frightened of Dorcas. [clap2]

----- Sally -----
[snow_bigglass] [hippy2]
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0766
Post by: Taeylor Collins on May 28, 2009, 12:21:17 AM
The whole Magda situation in regards to Barnabas bothers me.  She should know that if she killed Barnabas it would free Sandor and she's be free of him also.  Why does Barnabas not enslave her to make sure she does his bidding?

Didn't Barney offer Magda jewels in his first episode in 1897 to help him and keep his secret??
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0766
Post by: MagnusTrask on May 28, 2009, 05:38:11 PM
How did Quentin's suit get ripped up? When the Werewolf ran out of the house, his suit was in perfect shape, yet just a moment later, the suit was in shreds!

You're stealing my act!  I usually complain about that!

She goes to Boston for [spoiler]the Hand,[/spoiler] doesn't she?   I thought that must be the biggest history change.   So I'd think, no she didn't do that "originally".  But then, I miss things.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0766
Post by: Midnite on May 28, 2009, 06:28:29 PM
Maybe the explanation for the torn shirt conundrum was that they'd have to do a more extensive makeup treatment on any exposed parts of the werewolf's body.  But since the wardrobe department already had the torn shirt for the human Quentin, they thought they may as well use it often and make little Midnite happy.  And I still refuse to complain about it.

Yes, Magnus, that spoiler came about because of the Boston trip, and the idea for the trip came about because of Barn's demand.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0766
Post by: Midnite on May 28, 2009, 07:15:03 PM
Didn't Barney offer Magda jewels in his first episode in 1897 to help him and keep his secret??

Yes, he dangled a bit of the family jewels in front of her, heheh.

Magda said she only loaded the gun with 5 bullets, but I saw her put 6 bullets into that gun.

I'm remembering that she opened the barrel, inserted 2 bullets, then closed it without a bullet at the ready in her fingertips.  Later she opened it, inserted 3 more, and closed it.  JMO
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0766
Post by: Taeylor Collins on May 28, 2009, 09:23:40 PM
I refuse to complain about any ripped shirt on David Selby at any point in time! :)  Bring it on!
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0766
Post by: EmeraldRose on May 29, 2009, 11:02:36 AM
You're stealing my act!  I usually complain about that!
LOL, Magnus!  [rofl10]

I'm remembering that she opened the barrel, inserted 2 bullets, then closed it without a bullet at the ready in her fingertips.  Later she opened it, inserted 3 more, and closed it.  JMO
I rewatched in slow motion again. This time, I noticed that, when Judith heard her at the door, Magda took the gun out of camera range while holding the 3rd bullet. I guess she closed the gun without loading that bullet into it. When I watched it before, I must have assumed that she loaded the bullet she was holding into the gun while it was out of camera range. You've caught me again, Midnite! [6184] Now it makes more sense! [ghost_wink] Magda must have dropped that bullet somewhere along the way, where Edward found it.  [ghost_undecided]

Yes, Magnus, that spoiler came about because of the Boston trip, and the idea for the trip came about because of Barn's demand.
I know that Magda brought [spoiler]the hand[/spoiler] back with her, which didn't happen originally, and was due to Barnabas's demand. But isn't [spoiler]Julianka[/spoiler] "the one person who could have helped him and kept him alive who was murdered"? If it wasn't [spoiler]Julianka,[/spoiler] then who was it? [ghost_huh]

----- Sally -----
[snow_bigglass] [hippy2]
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0766
Post by: MagnusTrask on May 29, 2009, 03:43:03 PM
No!   I think we've just discovered the first temporal continuity mistake in DS ever!

Seriously, I think many things like that can be chalked up to a phenomenon someone needs to make a really good term for, where the gradual, ongoing rewriting of history changes the way later events in 1897 "originally" happened.   For instance, [spoiler]Beth the ghost's story to Julia which cannot possibly be the original story.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0766
Post by: Pansity on May 31, 2009, 02:32:01 AM
Seriously, I think many things like that can be chalked up to a phenomenon someone needs to make a really good term for, where the gradual, ongoing rewriting of history changes the way later events in 1897 "originally" happened.   For instance, [spoiler]Beth the ghost's story to Julia which cannot possibly be the original story.[/spoiler]

Closest thing I can think of is the subgenre of Science Fiction known as Alternate History.  An event happens that causes time travel for one or a group of people, and their actions gradually change the timeline.  Googling Connie Willis, Dr. Harry Turtledove and Eric Flint will get you a TON of information on how various authors have written in this framework.  

Then of course there's Classic Trek's "City on the Edge of Forever" where a random action by a character who accidentally time travels destroys an entire future because someone who was supposed to have died doesn't.

Like the various explanations of the ripped shirt -- esp. Midnite's.  [ghost_wink]  Course the real explanation is soaps and their gratuituously shirtless hunks.  I remember my best friend was hooked on a soap back in the early 80s -- and how we joked about there being a clause in the actors' contracts requiring one shirtless scene a week for no externally logical reason (we checked the frequency, kenneth.)  Put me in the schitzoid Gemini camp of trying to make plot sense of it, while having no objection whatsoever to enjoying the scenery. [ghost_cheesy]

I knew the wording on the curse sounded familiar.  <bops self on head>  As if we didn't hear that tape recording enough times for me to remember it was ripped off their explanation about Adam.

Thanks about my questioning Magda's logic on killing Quentin, and LOL on the Curses for Dummies.  Maybe we need a second copy for Angie and her "whoever loves you willl die".

Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0766
Post by: MagnusTrask on June 01, 2009, 02:29:51 PM
I do realize now that they did this in Trek's CotEoF.   Too bad Barnabas couldn't be as inventive witrh the stone knives and bearskins.   

As for schizoidism, if that's a word, which I'm sure it can't be, I've done pretty well rationalizing the Seven of Nine silver suit and other such things.   I'm not sure these are the uses for which our brains were built, but at least I'm giving it a workout!

I dimly remember Shatner or Robert Conrad on Wild Wild West having that shirtless clause.   And I realize now that I've drifted sort of off-topic.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0766
Post by: Lydia on August 03, 2009, 07:23:33 PM
It's strange how blood kinship matters.  I don't understand it, even though I feel it.  I don't know if it's genetic or cultural.  Magda learns that she has a nephew who is affected by the curse she put on Quentin, and that's it, the curse has got to go.  My first thought is, "Yeah, right" - and my second thought is, "I would feel the same way."

Instead of being freaked out by Dorcas's ghost, Quentin should be thanking his lucky stars that she didn't go to Trask.

I noted the open shirt, and thought about all the hearts that would be fluttering because of it, and thought: "I don't really get it."  But I'm happy for all of you.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0766
Post by: alwaysdavid on August 10, 2009, 11:33:38 PM
Instead of being freaked out by Dorcas's ghost, Quentin should be thanking his lucky stars that she didn't go to Trask.
Perhaps, she gained in death, the lack of perspective she had in life toward Trask and was thanking her lucky stars