General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '09 I => Topic started by: Gothick on March 19, 2009, 12:20:51 AM

Title: Horror Hosts and the DS Phenomenon
Post by: Gothick on March 19, 2009, 12:20:51 AM
Dear Fans,

Last night I played a couple of the interview segments on the DVD set, Dark Shadows The Beginning: vol. 5.  One of  the interviews was with Leonard Wolf, who I last caught sight of back in the Seventies on a late night talk show with Peter Cushing and Forry Ackerman.  Anyhow, Leonard Wolf comes in to try to explain why the DS pop cultural phenomenon hit so big in the late Sixties.  He contrasts the Fifties, which he describes as a culturally and psychologically "desiccated" era, with the Sixties which exploded as the decade wore on with ever more violent and jarring arcs of revolutionary ferment on every level.

After playing the interview, I was thinking about the late 1950s as the period when the vogue for "Horror Hosts" became a phenomenon of its own.  I was trying to recall when Vampira's show was running--I think it was quite early, possibly around 1955?  From the little I know, it seems as if Zacherley's show became the first really big instance of this type of show.

Although the horror hosts and their "creature features" were a very different type of show from our beloved DS, it does seem to have paved the way for other types of series such as Boris Karloff's Thriller and the Addams Family.  Having an afternoon supernatural series looks from this point of view like the next logical step, although of course it was a very radical step for the production team to take.

I like the interviews with the ABC publicity guy who keeps remarking how the network suits had no idea what DS was about, how it should be handled, or really just why it was so popular.

Just a few thoughts--those of you who have done more research on horror hosts might have something to add.  Interestingly, I don't recall horror host shows in my childhood in Maryland until the early 1970s.  In the Sixties, the airings of horror movies I used to watch were not hosted, although they had spooky music and imagery to introduce each week's offering.

Title: Re: Horror Hosts and the DS Phenomenon
Post by: Janet the Wicked on March 19, 2009, 01:00:22 AM
Well, the very first horror show host I recall was a little space man with a light bulb for a head. His name was "Feep". After that, there was the Mad Ghoul on Channel 56 and then Simon's Sanctorum. And then things just got worse and the horror show hosts died out. I managed to graduate from high school anyway.
These "hosts" were not responsible for such masterpieces as "Thriller". Damn good writers were - Richard Matheson, for one. Rod Serling and many others fresh out of WW2, brand new to television - new in itself - had a miriad of stories to tell.
Horror hosts came about when studios began releasing their pictures to television.
Title: Re: Horror Hosts and the DS Phenomenon
Post by: Nancy on March 19, 2009, 02:32:36 AM
I particularly enjoy these kinds of posts from you. 

Title: Re: Horror Hosts and the DS Phenomenon
Post by: Julianka7 on March 19, 2009, 05:22:54 AM
Thanks for bringing up a really interesting topic Gothick.
It gave me the idea to google a Horror Show host I watched
all during the 60's and early 70's. Sammy Terry.
I was surprised to find he is still around and even has a
web page. My brother will be thrilled as I am going to buy him a T-shirt. :)
Here is a link if anyone wants to see what we were watching in
Indiana then. And he was on years before DS hit tv.
Title: Re: Horror Hosts and the DS Phenomenon
Post by: Midnite on March 19, 2009, 05:39:21 AM
 [pointing-up]  http://www.sammyterrynightmares.com/
Title: Re: Horror Hosts and the DS Phenomenon
Post by: Gothick on March 19, 2009, 03:37:46 PM
After posting this topic, I realized I had left out one major anthology series that started in the mid 1950s and had a very memorable host--and the stories ranged from mystery and suspense to the occasional hint of the supernatural:  Alfred Hitchcock Presents.

The shows back then set a very high bar in the writing field.  What made me lose interest in current television was the lack of literate writing, although I think there are some good scripts being produced on the premium channel shows (a friend of mine has been raving about Big Love, which seems to be a Mormon Horror Soap Opera--talk about creating your own genre!)

Dear God--we now have BUNNIES in lieu of smilies!  Let the stomping and chomping commence!  For there are sharp, hungry teeth lurking behind that inoccuous-seeming mass of fluff.

Title: Re: Horror Hosts and the DS Phenomenon
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on March 19, 2009, 05:42:21 PM
Dear God--we now have BUNNIES in lieu of smilies!  Let the stomping and chomping commence!  For there are sharp, hungry teeth lurking behind that inoccuous-seeming mass of fluff.

Have you noticed the teeth on some of them? All the better to eat you with.  [vryevl]
Title: Re: Horror Hosts and the DS Phenomenon
Post by: Gothick on March 19, 2009, 05:45:22 PM
Ugh, I mis-spelled innocuous.  I HATE getting old.

grumpy old G.