General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '09 I => Topic started by: Taeylor Collins on March 17, 2009, 11:30:42 PM

Title: Supernatural Creatures Never Used!
Post by: Taeylor Collins on March 17, 2009, 11:30:42 PM
I think it would have been really cool if DS would have had an Angel come to Collinwood to help fight the forces of darknes.  Maybe a storyline with Diablos releasing demons upon the Great Estate.  I also always thought it would have been cool for a SIREN to visit Collinsport!  It would have fit perfectly in with the show!
Title: Re: Supernatural Creatures Never Used!
Post by: arashi on March 18, 2009, 04:31:19 AM
Given their proximity to the sea that would have been a cool idea.
Title: Re: Supernatural Creatures Never Used!
Post by: Cousin_Barnabas on March 19, 2009, 06:34:06 AM
I like the idea of an angel, but I think Josette sort of takes on that role.  The siren idea is cool too.  In addition, I always though Collinsport could have used an invisible man or some sort of creature from some sort of rather dark body of water.   [easter_wink]

But, if you really think about it, the writers could have implemented some sort of sea creature into the story.  The creature could take on human form whilst amongst the town locals and then have its true form only seen off screen.

[spoiler](a la Jeb)[/spoiler]

Naturally, the show would have needed to run a few more years before doing this, but it could have happened.   Then, of course, you have the Mummy concept...
Title: Re: Supernatural Creatures Never Used!
Post by: MagnusTrask on March 19, 2009, 07:00:54 AM
I think it would have been really cool if DS would have had an Angel come to Collinwood to help fight the forces of darknes.  Maybe a storyline with Diablos releasing demons upon the Great Estate.  I also always thought it would have been cool for a SIREN to visit Collinsport!  It would have fit perfectly in with the show!

It'd be a risk to tread into theological areas even more than they already had by, you know, actually going to Hell.    The siren(s) is a good idea.   Anyone being called by one could end up going over Widow's Hill on the way!  And that's always fun!
Title: Re: Supernatural Creatures Never Used!
Post by: Taeylor Collins on March 19, 2009, 07:18:00 AM
Yeah now that I think it about it, I think the SIREN one would have been fun. How bout she start out as a mysterious new singer at THE BLUE WHALE.  In one part of mythology they ate the skin of their victims. The would have fit in nicley.  Harpies would have been cool too.

I think they toyed with the idea of a MUMMY and they always knew when they go that desperate it was time to close up shop or something like that.  Maybe one of you guys know the story better!   What other creatures would have like to have seen.

And yes Josette does kind of fell the Angel vacancy!
Title: Re: Supernatural Creatures Never Used!
Post by: Gothick on March 19, 2009, 03:47:49 PM
I think I've seen references to there having been discussions of doing a mummy story. I believe, although I could be misremembering, that DC blew the idea out of the water because he didn't think mummies were at all scary, and were even ridiculous because of how they shamble along in the 1940s series and you would think anyone would be able to outrun the creature.

If Laura had come back a third time, it would have been cool to have incorporated a mummy into the story--perhaps a High Priest of Ra who was in thrall to her and could be summoned not to kill, but to drive variouis people in Laura's way temporarily insane, speechless, and exiled to Wyndcliffe so she could proceed with her monstrous plans.

Title: Re: Supernatural Creatures Never Used!
Post by: Cassandra Blair on March 19, 2009, 04:21:08 PM
Yeah, given Laura's Egyptian connections (origins?) and worship practices, I could easily see her having a mummy in her thrall, dispatching it to make nighttime visits to various members of the Collins family who were giving her problems, and of course nobody would initially believe the poor sap who'd seen the mummy that the thing was afoot. I'm sure that would have been one more instance of Roger thinking Elizabeth irrational in her belief that something awful was about to happen to her [easter_rolleyes], 'cos you KNOW Laura would've sicced the mummy on Liz.
Title: Re: Supernatural Creatures Never Used!
Post by: MagnusTrask on March 19, 2009, 04:43:39 PM
The mummy wouldn't have to outrun anyone.   It could just emerge from a sarcophagus (?) and sneak up on people, throttle them, then go back in again, while everyone's stumped as to how the death happened.
Title: Re: Supernatural Creatures Never Used!
Post by: Cousin_Barnabas on March 20, 2009, 01:05:02 AM
The mummy wouldn't have to outrun anyone.   It could just emerge from a sarcophagus (?).

And once it did that, it could east its victim's esophagus.   [easter_grin] [easter_tongue]
Title: Re: Supernatural Creatures Never Used!
Post by: MagnusTrask on March 20, 2009, 01:14:07 AM
Damn it, I can't think of any more rhymes for "sarcophagus"!
Title: Re: Supernatural Creatures Never Used!
Post by: PennyDreadful on March 20, 2009, 02:25:54 AM
This has never been verified but I've heard that the plan was to embark on a mummy story after 1897 ended.    Instead, DC went with the Leviathan story.  As Gothick mentions above, Curtis seemed turned off by the Kharis style-mummy who moved very slowly in the 1940s films.  If the rumor about a planned mummy story is true, I'd love to know what the story details were.  The Laura/mummy connection would have been absolutely perfect.  I really like the idea of Laura having a mummy in thrall to her.  Of course, he'd eventually turn on her.  Alternately, they could have gone with a mummy in the style of Imhotep from the classic Universal Karloff film. Imhotep starts out briefly as the shambling, bandaged being but gains strength and soon appears as the cunning and deadly Ardeth Bey.  Perhaps the writers had a difficult time justifying the presence of an ancient Egyptian mummy in a coastal Maine town.  An adaptation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Lot 249 would have solved this dilemma quite nicely m'thinks.  It could have worked quite well.

I like the angel idea and I imagine brevity would've made it really special.  The angel bit couldn't have lasted too long.  Perhaps in a final desperate attempt to end the demonic infestation, Professor Stokes uses an ancient Kabbalistic rite to summon the angel.  The rite is a dangerous one and Stokes explains that the very sight of such a powerful being can be deadly to mortals.  We are left with a cliffhanger as light begins to fill the room and Stokes and Julia gaze with amazement upon a sight we, the viewers, are not allowed to glimpse.  Perhaps we see the angel in the next episode, and if we do, it isn't happy about being summoned.  Collinsport is an evil place, and the Collins legacy reeks of curses and wickedness.  I don't imagine this particular angel would be sweet and fluffy and ready to lend a hand.  I think it'd be angry and full of holy wrath.  Still, with Stokes' earnest cajoling, the angel would see the greater good and would help.  That's just how I imagine an angel might have worked on DS.  The angel would have to be sublime and even frightening in nature.

Other creatures?  Many beings from the dark realms of folklore could have worked on DS.  Banshees, ghouls (though it might have been a bit too gross if we saw them digging up dinner at Eagle Hill Cemetery), hell hounds and other such "things that go bump in the night" would have been perfect for DS. A golem might have worked though I suspect the makeup would've been a challenge.  Vinnie Loscalzo would've had a ball with it though. 

Come to think of it, I bet Vinnie would've come up with a GREAT mummy makeup.  I can just imagine Alex Stevens in the bandages - his large eyes perpetually staring out from beneath the dirty white wrappings.

Title: Re: Supernatural Creatures Never Used!
Post by: Taeylor Collins on March 20, 2009, 04:06:48 AM
AWESOME POST Penny and I love the Kabaalistic ritual that you incorporated! ;)
Title: Re: Supernatural Creatures Never Used!
Post by: Cousin_Barnabas on March 20, 2009, 06:58:34 AM
Magnus, this one is a bit of a stretch, but we'll go with it...

After the killings, the mummy could be interviewed by George Stephanopoulos.   [easter_cheesy]
Title: Re: Supernatural Creatures Never Used!
Post by: rainingwolf on March 20, 2009, 07:27:31 AM
After the killings, the mummy could be interviewed by George Stephanopoulos.   [easter_cheesy]
 [easter_grin] ROTFLMAO!
Title: Re: Supernatural Creatures Never Used!
Post by: CastleBee on March 20, 2009, 03:11:20 PM
Given their proximity to the sea that would have been a cool idea.
I think a Selkie would have worked well too.
Title: Re: Supernatural Creatures Never Used!
Post by: Taeylor Collins on March 20, 2009, 06:35:40 PM
I had never heard of a selkie. Thanks for bringing it to my attention! :)
Title: Re: Supernatural Creatures Never Used!
Post by: CastleBee on March 20, 2009, 11:04:53 PM
You're welcome...here's a link in case you want to read a bit more about them.  I haven't read it all myself yet but it looked good.  The legend has the right kind of spooky/romantic feel for the show it would seem to me.  [easter_shocked] [easter_kiss]

http://www.orkneyjar.com/folklore/selkiefolk/ (http://www.orkneyjar.com/folklore/selkiefolk/)
Title: Re: Supernatural Creatures Never Used!
Post by: arashi on March 23, 2009, 09:16:07 PM
Given the Victorian fascination with mummies I'm surprised they didn't incorporate a mummy storyline. Perhaps they bought a mummy to have an unwrapping party only to unwittingly unleash some new bedevilment on themselves.

A banshee would have been cool, though the widows kind of filled that role as harbingers of doom.
Title: Re: Supernatural Creatures Never Used!
Post by: CastleBee on March 23, 2009, 10:55:37 PM
Oh, GOD...a banshee!  One of the very first things to ever give me recurring nightmares... [easter_shocked] - thank you very much Darby O'Gill (and Walt Disney)  [easter_kiss]
Title: Re: Supernatural Creatures Never Used!
Post by: Gerard on March 23, 2009, 11:55:36 PM
When I did my Charles-Delaware-Trollish version of what-happened-if-the-show-continued, I concluded the series (ending it in the late 70's) with a storyline that had not only a banshee, but all sorts of Irish folklore creatures that kill everyone and destroy everything based upon a curse placed upon the Collins family in Ireland in the 1500's (before the family relocates to England, and then to America).  Of course, the only ones to survive are Barnabas and Angelique (who had, in my CDTish, reformed several seasons before) and both return to that Irish 16th century past to stop the curse.  Imagine the costume extravaganza in that one.  I ended it all with a real bang.

Title: Re: Supernatural Creatures Never Used!
Post by: Taeylor Collins on March 24, 2009, 12:40:24 AM
Too bad this stuff isn't available for reading. I will say it again.....I  miss  zines! [easter_angry]
Title: Re: Supernatural Creatures Never Used!
Post by: Nancy on March 24, 2009, 06:53:48 AM
Taeylor, email Kathy Resch at kathleener@aol.com and put in the subject line LOOKING FOR DS ZINES.  It may take a few days or so for her to respond but she will answer you.  Kathy published many DS zines, Concordances and she has access to other out of print zines as well.  That's someone you can contact and ask about past issues of now out of print DS zines.


Too bad this stuff isn't available for reading. I will say it again.....I  miss  zines! [easter_angry]
Title: Re: Supernatural Creatures Never Used!
Post by: MagnusTrask on March 24, 2009, 07:15:18 AM
It's hard to get my brain working in all the ways I want it to, and I've wanted to write fanfic for years and years.   I never got myself into a proper DS fanfic mode.   I'd like to think it's still possible, but one needs a venue for it.
Title: Re: Supernatural Creatures Never Used!
Post by: Nancy on March 24, 2009, 07:32:42 AM
It's hard to get my brain working in all the ways I want it to, and I've wanted to write fanfic for years and years.   I never got myself into a proper DS fanfic mode.   I'd like to think it's still possible, but one needs a venue for it.

contact me via PM if you want a list of DS fanfic groups.  You can start writing your fanfic right away once you join them.

Title: Re: Supernatural Creatures Never Used!
Post by: Pansity on March 25, 2009, 01:08:51 AM
Your story sounds great, Gothick.  Is it by any chance posted somewhere on line? This fandom is in desperate need of some high quality fanfiction with a plot that hasn't been done ad infinitum.

Title: Re: Supernatural Creatures Never Used!
Post by: MagnusTrask on March 25, 2009, 04:14:33 AM
contact me via PM if you want a list of DS fanfic groups.  You can start writing your fanfic right away once you join them.
