RobinV's Crypt => Robservations => Topic started by: ROBINV on January 17, 2002, 06:39:05 PM

Title: #0321/0322: Robservations 01/18/02: March Toward Destruction
Post by: ROBINV on January 17, 2002, 06:39:05 PM
321 - (KLS) - The moon over Collinwood is partially obscured by mists from the sea. It is almost as if the earth is struggling to hide its secrets. For this is to be a night of terror. A trap has been set for one who would destroy--one who at this moment is making a frightening and dangerous decision.

Barnabas stands at the drawing room window in the Old House, gazing out intently. Willie tries his best to talk the vampire out of his plans to kill Maggie, but Barnabas refuses to be dissuaded. Julia returns with Barnabas' injection, remarking how pleased she is that he finally completely trusts her.
Barnabas assures her of his trust, lulling her into a false sense of security, but Willie, listening, knows better.

Maggie stands at the open French doors of her bedroom in the cottage. Sam enters and tells her not to be afraid, reminding her of the group of deputies protecting her outside there in the dark. Sam closes the French doors and leaves. Maggie sits down and begins to read a book.

Outside the cottage, Sarah stands behind a picket fence, looking around.

Maggie falls asleep while reading, and the book drops to the floor. Sarah awakens the young woman, who is confused, wondering how the little girl got past all the guards out there. When Maggie indicates that she's doing to call her father, Sarah warns her she will leave if she does so--I came to see you, no one else, says the little girl--I had a feeling you wanted me to come here tonight.
She asks about her doll and is upset to learn that Dr. Woodard now has it--you must have it! Insists Sarah vehemently. When Maggie calls to Sam from the door, she turns around to find Sarah has disappeared again. Sam rushes into his daughter's room, and Maggie tells him she believes Sarah's appearance tonight was a warning to her.

At Collinwood, Willie tosses pebbles at Julia's window to awaken her (normally such a romantic gesture, Julia must have been disappointed). Barnabas is planning to kill Maggie, Willie tells her desperately.
He couldn't! she says, but Willie convinces her it's true, and she leaves to try and stop him.

Cottage - Sam reports to Maggie that none of the deputies standing guard outside spotted Sarah. This terrifies Maggie. Sam assures her he's called Joe and asked him to retrieve the doll from Woodard. Outside, dogs howl mournfully.
Barnabas gazes balefully out the Old House front window, thinking to himself, "At last darkness has come. Goodbye, Maggie Evans. I might have loved you. I might have spared you. Now you must die." Dogs howl.

NOTES: I know we saw Sarah holding her doll during the time Maggie supposedly had it, but that was probably a writer's slip. Continuity was not the best on DS, and for those who are anal retentives (and you know who you are), this is sometimes impossible to accept.

Willie cares so much about Maggie, he goes to Julia and begs her to do what he couldn't--stop Barnabas from murdering Maggie. Will he succeed? Will Julia be able to talk him out of what he is so determined to do? Or will Sarah intervene once more, as she already appears to have done?


322 - (KLS) - Tonight, someone may die near Collinwood. A death, sudden, unexpected and violent. At this moment, a decision made by one man will trigger the inevitable march toward destruction.

Old House drawing room - Barnabas gets ready to go out and kill Maggie. When he opens his door, however, Julia is waiting for him. Where are you going? She asks. "Out!" replies Barnabas. He tries to pretend nothing is going on, but Julia confronts him about his plans to do away with Maggie.
She warns him that a sealed envelope will be opened revealing the truth about him if either she or Maggie dies. You're bluffing! Says Barnabas. I advise you not to take the risk, she says evenly, and leaves. Barnabas stares out the window, furious.

Cottage - Maggie awakens in her bed, screaming for Sam, who immediately dashes in. I feel eyes watching me, she says fearfully.

Barnabas stares out the window, his eyes reaching into unspeakable places.

Though Maggie agrees that her feeling is probably her imagination, she still feels as if she's in danger. The place is surrounded by police, Sam assures her--you're safe.

At the fountain, Julia meets Willie and tells him what she told Barnabas.
He's going to realize you're lying about the envelope, frets Willie.

Old House drawing room - Is she lying to me? Wonders Barnabas. Is there really a letter? Would she expose me to save Maggie? No, I don't believe she would! It is a possibility, since he'd threatened to kill Julia, and she would surely say anything necessary to save her life. He's about to leave the house when he feels his sister's presence. Hearing her flute playing "London Bridge," he calls out for her piteously.
Cottage, Maggie's bedroom - Sam and Joe enter. Joe hands Maggie the doll Sarah had given her. Feeling suddenly safe, she falls asleep.

Alone by the fountain, Willie tries to decide what to do. He feels helpless. He knows that Barnabas wasn't fooled by Julia's threat. I must warn Maggie! he says to himself, beyond all reason in his fear for Maggie.
Evans cottage, outside - Joe advises Sam to send Maggie away for a while; Sam agrees and decides to send her to stay with relatives in Canada.

Maggie lies asleep, clutching the doll.

Outside - The deputies spot a figure in the woods and watch it carefully to see if it approaches the house. The figure appears at the French doors to Maggie's room. Maggie awakens with a scream of terror. Outside, the cops fire a warning shot, then a volley of shots follow. Sam and Joe run into the room, followed seconds later by a deputy. "Is he dead?" asks Maggie. "If he isn't dead, it's a miracle," the cop replies. "He's got about five bullet holes in his back."

NOTES: My first question watching this the first time around, as I sat there, trembling in my seat, was WHO WAS SHOT? We know regular bullets can't harm Barnabas, so there was only one other possibility--Willie, who'd gone to the cottage to warn Maggie she was in danger! I wondered if that poor, sweet schlub had given his life in order to save hers. It was a long time until the next episode, and probably a Friday cliffhanger.

Such a good ep, huh? We've got Barnabas determined to kill Maggie, Willie and Julia determined to save her, both going to desperate lengths to do so. Julia was sure her bluff about the envelope worked (too bad she didn't really have such insurance), but Willie knows him better, and was sure he wouldn't believe it.

So who was shot outside Maggie's door? See you next episode!

Love, Robin