General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '09 I => Topic started by: Watching Project on March 05, 2009, 08:44:24 PM

Title: Discuss - Ep #0737
Post by: Watching Project on March 05, 2009, 08:44:24 PM
Robservations #737
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0737
Post by: Midnite on March 12, 2009, 07:06:16 PM
Selby owned this ep.  He's a great finger snapper, yes?  And he was marvelous at playing the shameless hypocrite, and at lording it over Laura that he was settling their score.  (Though, technically, their scorecard would read Quentin--2 and Laura--1 if one were scoring the number of times that one of them abandoned the other while the latter was dying.  But the number of times that one of them actually died but came back is a tie.  What a strange show this is!!!)

And with all the murder attempts, threats, and physical assaults that we know Quentin has pulled off, it's a WONDER that he has not successfully killed someone.  Yet.  That we know of.

So, will Dirk light Laura's fire using sex to rejuvenate her?  Sure looks like it, doesn't it?  How else would she be "restored"?
My answers:  No, no, and by tapping into the powers now within him.  [snow_undecided]

That scene between Quentin and Laura was sexy, wasn't it?  You know they were once lovers, ... But he touches her one last time, as though establishing that they DID once have a physical relationship--and now he's taken away her very life force--really intense scene!
His goodbye kiss for her made me think about their former relationship too, but I don't think there's anything "sexy" in that scene.  Actually, I thought the kiss was a pretty nasty thing for him to do, though not at all surprising since this isn't the first time we've seen Quentin use sex as a weapon.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0737
Post by: Pansity on March 15, 2009, 09:16:14 PM
Selby owned this ep.  He's a great finger snapper, yes?  And he was marvelous at playing the shameless hypocrite, and at lording it over Laura that he was settling their score.  ....And with all the murder attempts, threats, and physical assaults that we know Quentin has pulled off, it's a WONDER that he has not successfully killed someone.  Yet.  That we know of.

So, will Dirk light Laura's fire using sex to rejuvenate her?  Sure looks like it, doesn't it?  How else would she be "restored"?
My answers:  No, no, and by tapping into the powers now within him.  [snow_undecided]

That scene between Quentin and Laura was sexy, wasn't it?  You know they were once lovers, ... But he touches her one last time, as though establishing that they DID once have a physical relationship--and now he's taken away her very life force--really intense scene!
His goodbye kiss for her made me think about their former relationship too, but I don't think there's anything "sexy" in that scene.  Actually, I thought the kiss was a pretty nasty thing for him to do, though not at all surprising since this isn't the first time we've seen Quentin use sex as a weapon.

Can't agree with you more about Selby.  But then, I'm not exactly a shrinking violet about my opinion that he's SERIOUSLY underrated as an actor.  [snow_grin]

Isn't it odd that, after their history, Judith lets Quentin take Laura to her room?  Wonder if Edward knows, considering the fit he had that they were even together in the drawing room.

Oh, the scene between them is marvelous.  Quentin at the top of his nasty game, relishing his payback no end. Very good drama, though oh so messed up psychologically.   

Good point about his use of sex as a weapon.  Thinking about where that could have originated leads me down some very dark paths of speculation, probably not  intended in the script -- and which send chills down my spine.  Thing is, they were stealing from the Victorian classics, with him as a combination of a number of "bad boys" with Heathcliff at the top of the list. Something I never noticed until I went from the corporate world to a not for profit agency which deals with abused children is just how many characteristics of those classic characters of Victorian literature are also signs and markers of past sexual abuse. The reckless don't give a damn behavior, the drinking and other vices, the violence and cold blooded manipulation of others, amongst other behaviors, all fit the pattern.

He likes women, but seems to keep testing them and expecting to be betrayed.  Angelique and Laura show he has a powerful reaction of anger towards women who try to mess with his head  and manipulate and use him (No double entendres meant, FYI). He tests Beth over and over, yet in a particular scene we see his initial reaction is still that he would be betrayed.

I'm probably not explaining this too well.  The impression I get is that he learned young that sex is a weapon to use against someone, and at the time of the storyline he's partially unlearned it, but when threatened goes back to that behaviour pattern.

Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0737
Post by: alwaysdavid on March 19, 2009, 10:46:13 PM
Judith seems genuinely concerned about Laura's well being and then later  Quentin talks about her always hating Laura
It makes one think that showing hated and contempt was the norm for the family and it was probably a sign a weakness to show caring towards other family members. 
And then there RD goes again with his arms all wrapped around Laura.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0737
Post by: Pansity on March 22, 2009, 01:29:57 AM
Judith seems genuinely concerned about Laura's well being and then later  Quentin talks about her always hating Laura
It makes one think that showing hated and contempt was the norm for the family and it was probably a sign a weakness to show caring towards other family members. 
And then there RD goes again with his arms all wrapped around Laura.

Very good point about the family in general perceiving admitting caring as a sign of weakness.  I also remember an episode right after the grandmother died where Judith said something about not crying, as Grandmother considered crying as a sign of weakness.

Speaking as someone who was raised by a grandmother (my mother was widowed when i was 2 and went to work;my grandmother did the day to day raising of me), I find it mindboggling, even for the Victorian " stiff upper lip" mindset, to consider visible grieving over the grandmother who apparently raised the whole family, as WRONG.   More and more we see that grandmammamama did quite an emotional number on those kids.

oh, YIKES what a mental image you gave me with that comment on RD.  In light of another thread discussing Leviathan and Cthulu, I got this mental image of RD as Cthulu -- intertwined with Laura.  [eek] [haironend]

Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0737
Post by: MagnusTrask on March 22, 2009, 01:44:49 AM
In light of another thread discussing Leviathan and Cthulu, I got this mental image of RD as Cthulu -- intertwined with Laura.  [eek] [haironend]

Here's hoping the sheep you count tonight won't also turn into Dirkthulus.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0737
Post by: Pansity on March 22, 2009, 03:39:08 AM
I'd rather count werewolves.....

Jeannie [easter_grin]
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0737
Post by: Taeylor Collins on March 22, 2009, 04:26:46 AM
DIRTHULUS! ROFLMAO I love your sense of humor Magnus! [easter_evil] I can just imagine him rubbing his gigantic tentacles to death!  THE HORRORO!!
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0737
Post by: MagnusTrask on March 22, 2009, 04:35:36 AM
Man you are one satisfying audience TC!
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0737
Post by: EmeraldRose on May 05, 2009, 11:36:01 AM
Selby owned this ep.  He's a great finger snapper, yes?
Yes, indeed, he was a great finger snapper! I was very impressed; especially since he did it on cue. [clap2] I never was able to snap my fingers like that!

This was the first time we saw someone else help Laura; Ra possessed Dirk. [milestone] It reminded me of both RT Angelique in 1968 and PT Angelique in 1970. [ghost_smiley]

I was quite surprised when Laura didn't die immediately after Quentin snuffed out the fire in the urn.  [ghost_shocked] Evidently, death wasn't instantaneous.  [ghost_nowink] I loved watching Quentin gloat with Laura when she was lying on the bed. Quentin relished it so much! [ghost_cheesy] Judith was understandably worried about Laura, because she didn't know that she was a supernatural creature. But Quentin knew better.  [ghost_wink]

----- Sally -----
[ghost_cool] [hippy2]
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0737
Post by: Lydia on May 14, 2009, 09:50:12 PM
He's a great finger snapper, yes?
Yes, indeed, he was a great finger snapper! I was very impressed; especially since he did it on cue. [clap2] I never was able to snap my fingers like that!
I remember reading - on this Forum, probably - that Lara Parker didn't remember the great slap that Julia gave Angelique in 1968, and that she commented that a slapping sound effect would have been added as the slap was supposedly delivered.  I'm wondering if a snapping sound effect was added for Quentin - in which case, I'd say the timing was perfect.

Excellent delivery of the opening voiceover by Roger Davis.  In fact, a nice job altogether by him today.  It made sense for him to have his arms wrapped around Laura (I'm imagining the writers chortling with glee as they dreamed this up) although I had nasty flashbacks to Jeff Clark and Vicky when Dirk said he would never let Laura go.

He tests Beth over and over, yet in a particular scene we see his initial reaction is still that he would be betrayed.
Thanks for that, Pansity.  If it's the scene I'm thinking of, I've always had trouble with it.  Your comment gives some (twisted) sense to it.  It's the scene in which[spoiler]the silver bullet is found.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0737
Post by: Taeylor Collins on May 14, 2009, 11:55:27 PM
Just wanted to say it's good to see Lydia and Sally posting again.  :)  I think I have told Sally that but wanted to make sure to let you know too Lydia.  I really enjoy the WP as it's one of the "FUN" highlights of my week! :)
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0737
Post by: Lydia on May 15, 2009, 01:09:57 AM
Thanks very much, Taeylor.  I'm doing as much as I can on the Watching Project this week, because next week I'll go back to dealing with family health issues.  I'm hoping I'll be relatively free of them by Independence Day - but I don't know.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0737
Post by: EmeraldRose on May 15, 2009, 11:42:48 AM
Thanks again, Taeylor.  [ghost_smiley] As I mentioned before, it takes me a while to read and post here, especially since 1897 is my favorite storyline. So it's going to take a while for me to catch up. Now that most of the current TV shows that I watch regularly have aired their season finales, I should have more time to devote to this. Unless I find something else (or more new TV shows) to occupy my time. [ghost_rolleyes]

----- Sally -----
[snow_bigglass] [hippy2]
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0737
Post by: Pansity on May 17, 2009, 02:50:50 AM
I'm doing as much as I can on the Watching Project this week, because next week I'll go back to dealing with family health issues.  I'm hoping I'll be relatively free of them by Independence Day - but I don't know.

Good luck with the family health issues, Lydia.  Been there, done that -- know how hard it can be.

Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0737
Post by: Taeylor Collins on May 17, 2009, 08:03:30 AM
I also meant to give you well wishes Lydia. I took care of my grandfather several years ago and it was really hard. I was about 25 and people couldn't believe I would take the time.  I told them when I was 90 I hope someone would help me out!  Your in my thoughts! :)
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0737
Post by: EmeraldRose on May 17, 2009, 08:51:33 AM
You are in my thoughts, too, Lydia. [ghost_smiley] I had to deal with my mom a couple of years ago. It's hard.  [ghost_sad]

----- Sally -----
[snow_bigglass] [hippy2]
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0737
Post by: Pansity on May 17, 2009, 04:12:31 PM
Hugs to Taeylor and ER. 

Taeylor I know what you mean about having to do it at an early age.  My grandmother (who raised me) had a stroke when I was in my first year of college.  My mom's salary was paying the morgage, so I needed to stay home and care for her.  Every so often -- especially the way the economy is now -- I wonder how things would have worked out if I hadn't had to give up a full Ivy League scholarship (I finished college later while working), but I did the only thing I could do and have a clear conscience about it. It bought my grandmother 5 years more at home before a nursing home became physically necessary.

Of course, 20 some years ago my mother became unable to work due to injuries from a bad fall at her job. She's not bedridden or anything; but handicapped enough that I have to do a lot -- and work around the digging in of the heels that elderly people do when they're used to being independent then have to be dependent.  I can really relate to what the two of you went through with caring for the parents and grandparents -- and of course whatever Janet the Wicked's family illness issues are.

Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0737
Post by: Lydia on May 17, 2009, 04:29:55 PM
Thanks, guys.

I did the only thing I could do and have a clear conscience about it.
Yes, that's what it's all about.  A Collins-style conscience would be more convenient, but I don't think I want one.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0737
Post by: Pansity on May 17, 2009, 04:49:15 PM
A Collins-style conscience would be more convenient, but I don't think I want one.

Me either.  I'm with Beth when she told Magda she didn't want to understand that kind of cruelty.

Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0737
Post by: EmeraldRose on May 18, 2009, 10:12:55 AM
Hugs to Taeylor and ER... I can really relate to what the two of you went through with caring for the parents and grandparents...

Thanks, Jeannie. [ghost_smiley]

----- Sally -----
[snow_bigglass] [hippy2]
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0737
Post by: Pansity on May 25, 2009, 02:16:11 AM
You're very welcome, Sally.
