RobinV's Crypt => Robservations => Topic started by: ROBINV on January 10, 2002, 07:03:18 PM

Title: #0311/0312: Robservations 01/11/02: Barnabas is Tempted; David Disappears
Post by: ROBINV on January 10, 2002, 07:03:18 PM
311 - (Alexandra Moltke) - There is a stillness in the darkness that envelops Collinwood. But fear stalks the great house on this night, for a small boy has disappeared--and unknown to him, or to those who would protect him, his life is in great danger.

David lies in the creepy coffin listening to Barnabas cajoling Willie about fearing death and being cowardly. They both talk about "her" again, but no direct reference to Sarah, unless I missed something. Barnabas tells Willie she couldn't hurt anyone, and relates a sad story about how her pet dog had to be "put down" and how he dried her tears.
Willie is sure he hears something, but Barnabas sarcastically puts him down again for having an overactive imagination, and they finally leave, closing the secret room door behind them. David nimbly jumps out of the coffin, then realizes that he has no idea how to open that door, which means he's trapped in there! Apparently not caring if Barn or Willie hear him, David begins to cry, "Let me out!"

Joe searches Collinwood for David, to no avail, and he and Carolyn play "Who's to Blame?" for David running off that way. Carolyn assures Joe she's happy for Vicki's engagement to Burke and made a fool out of herself over Devlin. Carolyn's main concern now is David--she fears something terrible has happened to him.

Back at the tomb, David continues calling for help, pounding on the stone door.

Vicki, in a bright lime green coat, comes in and is alarmed to hear about David's disappearance, which is up to four or five hours now, from Carolyn and Joe. The latter two head out to search around the woods, leaving Vicki to answer the phone in case someone calls.
David, growing more and more upset, tries using his pocketknife on the door. That doesn't work, and, disconsolate, he says, "Nobody can hear me!" He begins to cry.

Carolyn and Joe search the woods, speculating on places he might have played with Sarah. Carolyn, citing nightmares and premonitions she's been having, is sure David is in danger and that something terrible has happened to him. She sensed this, but was sure it would happen to her, not her cousin. David hears Sarah's flute and calls out hopefully to her, but when she fails to respond, he buries his head in his arms on top of the casket.

Carolyn and Joe run into Willie, who nervously claims to be collecting firewood. When Joe suggests searching the Old House,
Willie gets quavery and defensive and insists David isn't there and couldn't possibly be there. He's so insistent about not even allowing them to search, Joe tells Carolyn Willie is always weird about letting people into the Old House--it's like he's hiding something. David recalls Barnabas telling Willie to open the panel, but although he feels the walls and looks all over, has no idea how Willie did it.

While the others are searching for David, Barnabas first spies on Vicki, who is waiting agitatedly on the terrace, then joins her. When he learns of David's disappearance, he's more than willing to keep Vicki company (notice he doesn't suggest searching himself, only that he and Vicki go looking together). He explains that he selfishly enjoys her company, even if she is scared half to death about David. He knows how easy it is to become attached to children, he tells her.
Vicki sobs that David is more like a little brother to her than her student, and Barnabas coaxes her to put her head on his shoulder and allow him to comfort her. He gazes at the moon (so he can slip the fangs in), and when next we see him, he's about to chomp into Vicki's very close, exposed throat!

NOTES: Ah, that Barn, always knowing when to take advantage of a lady in a vulnerable situation!! Is he going to take the nibble he's longed to take all this time, or will his better instincts get the better of him again?

David has gone from attempted father killer to a child we like and relate to. I remember all the teen mags had articles on him, and he was very popular among the teeny-bops.

Carolyn has had premonitions about something bad happening, but she assumed it would happen to her, not her cousin. In a short time, something pretty bad WILL happen to her, but whose fate is she really seeing in her dreams?

312 - (Alexandra Moltke) - A pale, peaceful moon illuminates the walls of Collinwood, but the great house knows no peace on this night, for a small boy has disappeared, and a terrified girl seeks comfort from one whose comforting touch could bring her death and destruction.

Barn hastily releases Vicki and retracts his fangs as Carolyn and Joe join them on the terrace (I do love that set)! Vicki talks about how very kind Barnabas has been keeping this vigil with her, and Barn learns that David left the house to search for Sarah. While Barnabas blathers on about Sarah being David's imaginary playmate--Vicki's imaginary girl at the top of the stairs--he's uncomfortable to hear that everyone else believes she's real--and that she might know about what happened to Maggie.
Joe calls the sheriff while Carolyn frets over whether or not to call Roger and Liz in Boston (Liz sure didn't waste time getting out of the house!). Carolyn turns to ask Barn's opinion about that, but, much like his little sister, he's disappeared.

Barnabas returns to the Old House, and though he won't admit it, Willie knows they're both worried about this David-Sarah business and how much David knows about Barnabas' secret life.
They have to find David first, Barn insists, and when Willie presses him about just what he's going to do if he finds out David is more knowledgeable than he'd like him to be, Barnabas says he'll do whatever is necessary. To a child--and a Collins? Willie asks. Regrettable, Barn admits, but. . .first they have to find David and see just what he does know.

Sheriff Patterson shows up at Collinwood, annoyed that he wasn't called in sooner.
He suggests a kidnapping, which sends Carolyn's adrenalin into the red zone, and Joe recalls that they never did search the Old House. When Vicki recalls seeing the little girl at the top of the stairs, it WAS at the Old House, so off Joe and Patterson go.

It's nearing dawn, which adds a lot of tension to the very suspenseful scene that follows. Joe and Patterson give Barnabas and Willie a lot of good reasons why the kids might be hiding in the Old House, and even if the house was locked, as Willie asserts, that never stopped David! Thus, Barnabas is forced into allowing a search of his house. While Patterson and Joe are searching the back of the house and upstairs, Willie is hoarsely demanding to know what Barnabas is going to do when they want to search the basement? His coffin. . .the cock crows. . .and sure enough, Joe and the Sheriff DO want to search the basement, the only unsearched place.
Barn buys time--he lost the key. When Joe says he'll break down the door, and fix it afterwards, Barnabas protests. Cock crows--it's coffin time, and Barn still has his company insisting on checking the basement! The clock strikes. . .Barnabas is very close to turning to dust! Just when it seems all is hopeless, Carolyn comes running in--some woman saw a boy fitting David's description on the beach road (didn't something similar happen with Maggie, too?). Joe and Patterson abandon the idea of searching the basement and decide to head out that way, too--would Barnabas like to come? No, Barn politely refuses, his skin probably beginning to smoke under his clothing. Willie shuts the door after the departing pair. Barnabas orders him to keep searching for David; if he finds him, bring him to the Old House and he'll decide what to do next. Willie, looking terrified and none-too-happy, watches Barnabas head off to his coffin. Can my miserable life get any worse than this? his expression asks.

NOTES: Such suspense, wondering if Barnabas will be able to get to his coffin without arousing suspicion in the sheriff and the others. Fortunately for both Barnabas and Willie, they were all distracted by this boy seen on the beach road. Barnabas was able to retire safely to his coffin, and Willie, whose blood pressure must now be about 1000/500, is orders to find David.

Will David escape the secret room? If so, will he be safe from Barnabas, who is sure the boy knows more than is good for him?

Isn't this good?

Love, Robin