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Title: THE SHE-BEAST ('66) with Barbara Steele...
Post by: retzev on January 14, 2009, 05:20:53 AM
...aka LA SORELLA DI SATANA (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_She_Beast), is being properly released by Dark Sky films on 04/29/09. See artwork and specs here (http://www.dvddrive-in.com/features/darkskypromo09.htm). This one's been floating around in the public domain seemingly forever in a terrible transfer. I have the Alpha Video DVD, it's really one of the worst transfers out there. Hopefully this new release will set things right.
Title: Re: THE SHE-BEAST ('66) with Barbara Steele...
Post by: Gothick on January 16, 2009, 12:21:31 AM
I read about this a couple of months ago.  I saw one of those public domain VHS versions in the early 90s and am doubtful whether anything could improve this film... Barbara is lovely in her scenes of course (as is Ian Ogilvy), and from an historical point of view it's interesting as an early salvo from the director of WITCHFINDER GENERAL.

2009 really seems set to be The Year of Barbara Steele.  I wonder what other surprises we have in store?

Thanx Restev!

Title: Re: THE SHE-BEAST ('66) with Barbara Steele...
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on January 16, 2009, 12:28:10 AM
2009 really seems set to be The Year of Barbara Steele.  I wonder what other surprises we have in store?

We should only be so lucky that her wish to somehow be cast in the Depp/DS film comes to fruition.  [snow_wink]

As for The She Beast, I saw it in a local theater back in '67, but I have very little memory of what it was actually like. I suppose I should definitely revisit it...
Title: Re: THE SHE-BEAST ('66) with Barbara Steele...
Post by: Gothick on January 30, 2009, 10:28:55 PM
I just spotted two classic Barbara Steele titles--the 1966 An Angel for Satan which I have mentioned in at least a couple of previous posts on these forums, and The Long Hair of Death which I believe dates to '64--listed for a late Feb. 2009 release on Amazon.

The less-than-stellar news about this new release is that these films are coming out from a house called Midnight choir which, according to reliable fan sources, is a new spinoff of Legend, a notorious purveyor of bootlegged goods.

I plan to pick up this disc anyway because it is supposed to include English subtitles for the Angel for Satan title--will update this thread with links for a reliable review at that time.

You can see the box cover (an exciting image for Steele fans) on the Amazon page for the pre-release.

Title: Re: THE SHE-BEAST ('66) with Barbara Steele...
Post by: Gothick on March 02, 2009, 01:37:13 AM
Just an update to say that my copy of the ANGEL FOR SATAN disc came in, and I watched the movie last night.  The print looked gorgeous, although I suspect that the anamorphic widescreen transfer may not be the best possible treatment for this material.  The Italian language soundtrack with a fine, evocative score for full orchestra sounded fabulous on my equipment, and the subtitles seemed fine, apart from one egregious gaffe which slightly "spoiled" the payoff of the story (although for the attentive viewer, the "shocking" revelation did not come as much of a surprise). 

Barbara is part of an ensemble cast in this film, entering at about 17 minutes into the story.  The narrative is a highly characteristic bit of florid Italian melodrama.  The performances were uniformly fine, and the storyline gave Barbara a little more range than was typical for this type of material (there were even very subdued hints of lesbian eroticism in a couple of scenes!).  The movie reminded me in some ways of the under-appreciated 1962 film Blood and Roses, especially in the way in which the dramatically filmed landscape acted as a character in the drama, and the music of the soundtrack added emotional depth to the story.

I recommend AN ANGEL FOR SATAN to all Barbara Steele fans--you won't be disappointed.

Title: Re: THE SHE-BEAST ('66) with Barbara Steele...
Post by: Gothick on May 07, 2009, 06:50:47 PM
My copy of SHE BEAST arrived last night.  I had time to preview the commentary on the disc.  It starts out with just Ian Ogilvy, an American producer and a British moderator.  When Barbara enters on screen, she also enters the commentary, and she's a total delight!  She says something like, "My Gawd, my makeup is HIDEOUS!  It stops at the neck and I'm wearing 20 THOUSAND pounds of eyelashes!"  And continues very much in that arid vein.  She and Ian Ogilvy also have some amusing badinage that I can tell is going to make this a LOT of fun to listen to.

The transfer is stunning and actually makes the movie watchable--that, in and of itself, is a miraculous accomplishment!

Title: Re: THE SHE-BEAST ('66) with Barbara Steele...
Post by: MaggieEvans on May 07, 2009, 07:27:40 PM
I will look on http://www.archive.org tonight to see if there's a copy there for download. If it's public domain, there's a chance it will be there. Other than this site here, that's where I spend most of my time. It's a great place for all things public domain.

I would not bring that up here... because I didn't want to sound like I'm advertising the site, but when I read "public domain" in the initial post, I had to let you all know about it.