RobinV's Crypt => Robservations => Topic started by: ROBINV on January 03, 2002, 07:04:18 PM

Title: #0301/0302: Robservations 01/04/02: Thrust & Parry
Post by: ROBINV on January 03, 2002, 07:04:18 PM
301 - (Alexandra Moltke) - We plan for the future, looking forward hopefully and innocently. But there are those who would interrupt our plans--those who would plot against us and destroy tomorrow.

Willie strongly cautions Barnabas against killing Burke--the sheriff would institute an exhaustive search, given that Burke is one of their leading citizens.
Also, if Barnabas kills Burke, his disappearance will likely be linked to Maggie. Barnabas decides to put off Burke's demise for another, more convenient, time.

At the front door of Collinwood, Vicki and Burke embrace, rhapsodizing about their wonderful evening together. Burke wishes she'd accepted his marriage proposal, and Vicki wishes she had, too (or could have given him an instant decision, at least), and thanks him for giving her the time to think it over. They kiss and go into the house.

Liz asks Burke into the drawing room, and Vicki retires for the night. Liz tells Burke she will sell Seaview to him, and he's delighted.
They toast Burke's happiness.

Vicki, unable to sleep, goes into the drawing room to talk to Liz--she's got a lot to think about. Liz informs Vicki that she's selling Seaview to Burke, and Vicki is as elated as Devlin was. You've changed Burke, says Liz approvingly, he's got a newfound stability.
Vicki agrees and tells Liz she's "fond" of Burke. It's obvious how much Burke cares for you, says Liz. Vicki admits that Burke asked her to marry him tonight--she's been carefully considering his proposal, but it's the first time she's ever thought about marriage. Liz won't help her make this important decision, but assures her she doesn't oppose the relationship.

Barnabas comes into the Blue Whale, where Burke is happily celebrating what he must think will be Vicki's acceptance of his marriage proposal. In one of the most fascinating and fun exchanges I've ever seen on DS, they sit down at the same table, Burke buys Barnabas a brandy, and they launch into a discussion that clearly delineates their adversarial relationship. Barn says he, too, might have something to celebrate--and that it would be nothing without Burke. Do we really like each other? Burke asks Barn, comparing their relationship to card players playing for very high stakes. Barnabas, however, likens it to a duel--I thrust, you parry, you thrust, I parry. Burke doesn't like that simile, there's too much desperation in it--a battle to the death. Is a duel necessary? Burke asks. Barnabas wants to know if Burke sees him as an evil person, and points out that even in a card game, the stakes could be life or death. Cards or sabers? they wonder, and they drink to that. Barnabas eyes him with evil intent.
Burke says he wants to get to know more about him, and asks again about Niall Bradford, his cousin. The bartender is closing up. Burke says, "Thanks for playing the game." Barnabas bids Burke good night with a measured glance of hatred, but after he leaves, Burke picks up the phone and dials the overseas operator--for London.

NOTES: Thrust and parry, indeed--and who will win this duel/card game?

302 - (Alexandra Moltke) - The stillness of another night has fallen over Collinwood, but the stillness is deceiving. For in the Old House on the Collinwood estate, a strange alliance has been formed--and alliance between the living and the dead.

Old House, drawing room - Barnabas is looking through the family album when Julia joins him. Your injection will be ready shortly, she informs him. One mistake could mean your life, he warns her. Julia sits across from him and notes how often he's been looking through that album. I like looking through the family album, says Barnabas--there's a strong resemblance between Jeremiah and Burke Devlin. He indicates that he'd like to see Devlin dead. Don't hurt him, says Julia. Realizing he's looking at Sarah's picture, she asks him if he thinks she has returned. Don't be absurd, he snaps, she's been dead almost 200 years (and you're a vampire, Barn, what's your point?)
You've come back, Julia reminds him defiantly, why can't she?--perhaps she's returned as a ghost. She's concerned that her experiments might fail because of his emotional imbalance--Sarah must be found before everything is ruined. Barnabas confesses that he heard Sarah in Maggie's room, and describes what happened. Why would a little girl prevent you from killing Maggie? Asks Julia. Barnabas doesn't exactly answer her question, but does describe Sarah as "the sum of everything that made living on this earth worthwhile--I've loved her in a way I've loved no other human being. He speculates on why she'd come back. Perhaps you called her back yourself, suggests Julia--subconsciously, because she symbolizes that side of Barnabas that he's lost. They head down to the basement for his injection.

Vicki wanders the drawing room at Collinwood, thinking over the proposal. Liz comes in and asks if she's come to a decision, but Vicki hasn't. Julia arrives, and Liz begins to question her about her work. Vicki leaves to meet Burke on the terrace.

Liz expresses interest in Julia's project. Julia wants to know about Sarah Collins. Liz knows only that she died as a little girl, and persists in questioning Julia about her work in more detail.
Julia attempts to turn the conversation back to Liz, but the latter realizes exactly what Julia is doing and praises how effectively evasive she's been.

Burke and Vicki embrace on the terrace. He explains his lateness--"information from London." I want to know more about you and your past, says Vicki, but Burke becomes evasive on this issue--I can offer you the future, but not the past, he insists.
Vicki hesitates a moment, then tells him she's decided she will marry him. You'll never be sorry, says Burke, embracing her.

Barnabas enters Collinwood's drawing room and makes sure to praise Julia's historical research in front of Liz. Vicki and Burke enter, both grinning with pleasure, and announces that she and Burke are going to get married. Liz and Julia congratulate them, but Barnabas turns away, exclaiming, half to himself, "Jeremiah!"
Only Burke hears what Barnabas has said, and stares at him, perplexed. Vicki walks over to Barnabas and asks about his silence; he replies that he only wants to see her happy. He and Julia leave.

On the terrace, Barnabas rails on about how much he despises this union. How long will my treatment take? He demands impatiently, and what are the chance of success? It depends on your cooperation, Julia tells him. Barnabas vows to cooperation, swearing that when the treatment is finished, he's going to do everything he can to stop this marriage!

Love, Robin