General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '02 I => Topic started by: Midnite on June 15, 2002, 11:07:51 PM

Title: In the Name of the Father / a poll
Post by: Midnite on June 15, 2002, 11:07:51 PM
Happy Father's Day to all dads on the board, and to all our readers' fathers wherever they may be!

In honor of the special day, which DS character do you think made the best dad? And the worst?  Here are some ideas, though I probably missed somebody, and of course there were unseen fathers and father figures.  Have fun!

1960s & 70s:
Richard Garner
Dr. Lang (LOL)
Paul Stoddard
Philip Todd

Reverend Trask

Edward Collins

1970 P.T.:
Quentin Collins
Timothy Stokes

Daniel Collins
Quentin Collins
Gabriel Collins
Ben Stokes
Mordecai Grimes

1841 P.T.:
Justin Collins
Bramwell Collins
Title: Re: In the Name of the Father / a poll
Post by: A.I.Collins on June 15, 2002, 11:19:20 PM
Well...since I have seen so little of the series so far...I can only answer for the 1960's/70's and 1795.For the first one, i would have to say Sam Evans...he tries his best to make Maggie happy.Plus, when anything happens to her, he forgets his beers and whatever else he may be drinking and begins to worry about his daughter.For 1795, i would have to say Andre duPres.Even thought you didn't nominate him..i still think he was the best.(HOORAY! to David Ford for both of those roles!)...

Thanks for letting me voice my opinion. ;D

Adra ;D
Title: Re: In the Name of the Father / a poll
Post by: Philippe Cordier on June 15, 2002, 11:19:54 PM
Great idea -- and recall! :)

I must be forgetting a lot, because I don't remember Bramwell Collins being a father in 1841 PT.  Unless he was a father-to-be ...

In 1840 if I remember correctly we see Ben Stokes as a grandfather but never learn directly of his wife and son/daughter ...

I have no idea whom Edward Collins was the father of in 1897 ...

Phillip Todd ... "adoptive" father?

Title: Re: In the Name of the Father / a poll
Post by: ProfStokes on June 16, 2002, 01:26:31 AM
Richard Garner seemed to be on good terms with his son.  Of the Collins patriarchs, Edward and 1840 Quentin appeared to show true concern for their children.  Sam Evans could be friendly, but he also often shouted at Maggie, and was pretty rude to her during the Burke/blackmail story line.

Ben Stokes really seemed to have a way with children.  We saw how he befriended Daniel and Sarah in 1795, and his 1840 granddaughter Carrie was pretty fond of him.  My guess is that, even though we never saw him as a father, he must have made a pretty good one.

Title: Re: In the Name of the Father / a poll
Post by: TERRY308 on June 16, 2002, 02:56:13 AM
Richard Garner is the one I would pick for my favorite father.  He just seemed to be beaming about his son, and his daughter too.

For the one I wouldn't pick......Reverend Trask.  Now he gives me the willies.
Title: Re: In the Name of the Father / a poll
Post by: Raineypark on June 16, 2002, 03:10:01 AM
For the one I wouldn't pick......Reverend Trask.  Now he gives me the willies.

They didn't HAVE cloning in 1795....so how could Trask have become a father?[hdscrt]

Surely not in the USUAL manner?[nerv]

Title: Re: In the Name of the Father / a poll
Post by: jennifer on June 16, 2002, 05:18:20 AM
I pick Quentin 1840 as a father and Ben Stokes as a grandfather(can't blame Carrie"s whine on him It seems to be all her own ::))


and Rainey ReV did have a son but it is best not to think how :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
Title: Re: In the Name of the Father / a poll
Post by: Birdie on June 16, 2002, 05:25:24 AM
I would have to vote for Sam Evens too.  Though sorry to say not much to pick over.  He was more real, he had many faults but still adored his daughter.  Richard Garner most likely would have been a good day I assume but we really didn't get to see too much of him.

Also agree that Andre duPres was also a caring father.  

The l795 group was really hurting.  

I can't voice an opinion on the rest.  l897 was a long time ago for me.  Don't remember how the "fathers" were with their children.

Quentin seemed to love his son in the 1970 parrell time story but you didn't seem to see them interacting that often.  He also neglected to keep in touch with him while in Europe.

l840 Quentin seemed to be better  He really seemed to love his son.  Stayed with Samatha because of Tad.

Glad my kids have a great Dad.  Even though my father has been gone for 13 years he is with me every day. I have many wonderful memories ones that fill me with laughter.  

Title: Re: In the Name of the Father / a poll
Post by: Karen_#2 on June 16, 2002, 07:19:45 AM
I'd have to nominate Barnabas as the "Crappy-Dad" of the year to Adam!

Even though Lang "invented" him, Barnabas' life force is in Adam....does this make him the "biological" father??"

Ouch, I'm thinking too hard.... [roll3]

As for best Dad, I *think* 1970 PT Quentin was okay to David/Daniel, or whatever his name was, especially since he was a widower at the time (before he married Maggie). Seems like there was a lot of love between the two, IIRC.
Title: Re: In the Name of the Father / a poll
Post by: Cassandra on June 16, 2002, 08:44:58 AM
From the Fathers I've seen on the show so far, I would have to say Sam Evans. Being a single parent must have been pretty hard for him and despite that, I felt that he did a good job at raising Maggie alone.  Yes, he had his faults, especially with the bottle and his occasional short temper tantrums, but considering how well Maggie turned out to be I think he must have done something right. He always seemed genuinely concerned about her and was always there when she needed him,which is more than I can say of some of the other Fathers on the show.

I know this sounds really strange, but I do feel that ole Joshua turned out to be not so bad at the end there.  Seeing those emotional scenes between him and Barnabas at the end showed me another side to him that he kept well hidden throughout the storyline.  When Barnabas lay there dying in his death bed, Joshua stayed by his bedside and you could see how his true emotions really came out.  After his son had died and came back as a vampire, in the end it was up to Joshua to do something about it. You could see how emotional torn up he was inside, especially when he tried to destroy his son with the silver bullets and found he just couldn't do it.  Also that last scene between father and son when they said goodbye forever to each other was heartbreaking to say the least. And you could see every ounce of it on Joshua's face.  Lastly, the saddest part is that it was way too late for Joshua to show any real love towards his son.

As for some of the worst Fathers, I think Gregory Trask would top my list!   [puke]     God only know what horrors he put his daughter Charity through growing up. The only times she seemed happy was when Barnabas had bitten her, and then later on when she was possessed by Pansy Faye. [crazd]

Good poll Midnite!   :)
Title: Re: In the Name of the Father / a poll
Post by: ROBINV on June 16, 2002, 02:06:51 PM
This is a wonderful idea, Midnite!  And may I wish a happy Father's Day (and birthday) to my husband and all other Daddies on the list and relate to thos on the list!

1960s & 70s:
Roger - Was a terrible father at first, worthy of a bleeder valve removal, but he improved with time, fortunately.

Sam - Although an alcoholic, Sam raised Maggie from childhood after her mother's death, and she is not only a good, strong woman but a loving daughter, too.  Sam did a great job despite his own problems.

Richard Garner - Seemed like a wonderful father, and Frank was certainly a chip off the old block.  Vicki could have done worse--and did!

Dr. Lang (LOL) - Adam would have written DADDY DEAREST ABOUT HIM--and Barnabas--when he knew enough words!

Paul Stoddard - A terrible father, basically selling his own child to the Leviathans and letting Liz think she killed him all these years.  He tried hard when he came back, but he's still an SOB in my book--yet Carolyn mourned his death.

Philip Todd - Not bad, considering he was foster father to a group of terror tots--and let's face it, Jeb was just plain BAD!  But I liked Philip, and I think he'd have done a great job if he and Megan started from scratch with their own offspring.


Joshua - Too little, too late.  He loved his kids but didn't show it until it was too late.  Very sad man with kids who felt unloved.

Reverend Trask - He'd have planted the seed and gone on his merry way--horrible man, awful father!  Yet Lamar wanted to avenge his disappearance!

Andre duPres - Loving if mostly absent father.  Very practical man who seemed to feel love was rather silly.


Quentin - Loving but neglectful.  Too obsessive about Jamison.

Edward Collins - Meant well, but too formal and fussy--not enough fun.

1970 P.T.:

Quentin Collins - Eh.  Didn't much like this version of Quentin, too loud and unreasonable--and those clothes!!

Timothy Stokes - Sicko.  God knows what he did with Angelique, his step-daughter!


Daniel Collins - He murdered his wife--how good a father could he have been?

Quentin Collins - He hit his wife when she said he wasn't Tad's father, and he seemed to love his son desperately.  

Gabriel Collins - Another sicko, probably glad his kids were away at boarding school so he didn't have to see them--and I always wondered how he was able to father them, given his original, real injury.

Ben Stokes - a sweetheart adored by his granddaughter and probably his kids, too.

Mordecai Grimes - Meant well, but loud and obnoxious.  

1841 P.T.:

Justin Collins - Hard to tell, since we only see him after he's been in the lottery room, but Melanie adored him and so did his wife, so he was undoubtedly a good man.

Bramwell Collins -  He'd have been a wonderful father, I suspect, and would have given Catherine a nice big brood of babies.

Love, Robin
Title: Re: In the Name of the Father / a poll
Post by: Gerard on June 16, 2002, 03:34:44 PM

Both of my awards go to 1970PT.  Quentin Collins wins for Best Dad.  It just seemed to me that he had a loving relationship with his son Daniel; that photo in Mrs. Angelique Collins' bedroom of pop and son together set the stage for that.  Professor Timothy E. Stokes gets the nod for worst old-man.  True, look at all he did for his lovely daughter Angelique, but what did Daddie Dearest do for his other daughter Alexis?  Parents, in moments of frustration, will say:  "I'm going to kill that kid", but he was being more than just figurative.

Title: Re: In the Name of the Father / a poll
Post by: Julia99 on June 17, 2002, 01:10:59 AM
All of them are unforunately deplorable fathers. .the only one who remotely seemed worthy was Justin Collins in 1841 PT but we saw so little of him . .i'm sure they'd thought up something horrible for Justin if the show wasn't about to go off the air. . .
Title: Re: In the Name of the Father / a poll
Post by: Dr. Eric Lang on June 18, 2002, 04:02:20 AM
I'll have to agree w/Julia99 in that the whole lot of them were deplorable.
Roger: Horrible to David in the beginning and wanted to get rid of him;
Sam: An alcoholic bribe-taker whose daughter had to work and take care of him instead of the other way around;
Richard Garner: May qualify but next to nothing is known about him;
Dr. Lang (LOL): LOL indeed; not really a dad
Paul Stoddard: Abysmal! Promised his daughter to the Leviathans;
Philip Todd: Again, not really a father, but that little Leviathan brat needed a good spanking;

Joshua - Cold and heartless until everyone around him had died;
Reverend Trask - No evidence of fathering (aside from his descendents) but one can guess how evil this man was w/his children;
Quentin - Didn't even know he was a father until too late; was too busy chasing after skirts to be a responsible man;
Edward Collins - Almost as cold as Joshua and foolish enough to marry the Phoenix;
Quentin Collins (1840) again, a skirt chaser who ran off for high sea adventures and nearly got his kid drowned in the process;
Daniel Collins - Hated his son Gabriel w/a passion;
Gabriel Collins - Children sent off to boarding school so he and Edith wouldn't have to be bothered by them;
Mordecai Grimes - Cruel, unusual & escpecially cranky with his son Jeremy;
Justin Collins - Insane
Bramwell Collins - never got a chance to find out (that we saw)

The only ones who stood a chance at being good dads were perhaps Ben Stokes, though we saw nothing of his family side except for his granddaughter Carrie (blech!) and maybe Burke Devlin if in fact he had been David's biological father.
Title: Re: In the Name of the Father / a poll
Post by: liz_collins on June 18, 2002, 04:18:00 AM
:) I have to agree with most everyone.  None of these men are the prefect dads.  But if I had to pick one it would be Sam Evans.  Drunk or not he truely loved Maggie , and really tried at times to be good to her.  The worst would be Rev Trask. yuck :P
Title: Re: In the Name of the Father / a poll
Post by: The Ghost of Sarah Collins on June 18, 2002, 08:42:20 AM
Happy Father's Day to all dads on the board, and to all our readers' fathers wherever they may be!

In honor of the special day, which DS character do you think made the best dad? And the worst?  Here are some ideas, though I probably missed somebody, and of course there were unseen fathers and father figures.  Have fun!

1960s & 70s:
Richard Garner
Dr. Lang (LOL)
Paul Stoddard
Philip Todd

Reverend Trask

Edward Collins

1970 P.T.:
Quentin Collins
Timothy Stokes

Daniel Collins
Quentin Collins
Gabriel Collins
Ben Stokes
Mordecai Grimes

1841 P.T.:
Justin Collins
Bramwell Collins

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

 I feel Bramwell Collins would have shown to be the best of Collins Father's.... just as his love for Catherine
became a  legend so would he be known as a  wonderful Father.   :D

 In the field of worst Father's  any of the Trask men
could most likely be known to top that list.  >:(

The Ghost of Sarah Collins (1784-1795)
Sister to Barnabas...@}{~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Title: Re: In the Name of the Father / a poll
Post by: IluvBarnabas on January 29, 2007, 04:20:45 AM
In my opinion there are two men who stand out as great dads....

First Sam Evans....sure he was an alcoholic and I am sure living with him was a trial at times to Maggie who had to put up with his drinking, but when all is said and done, they loved each other and were there for each other. I think they had the most realistic father/daughter relationship on the show.

Even though we didn't see a whole lot of Tad during the 1840 storyline I think Quentin was a great father to him always....even when [spoiler]Samantha put the doubt in his mind that he could be Tad's father. Quentin still had an unwandering devotion and love for the boy that he still wouldn't let her take Tad away from the only home the boy has known all his life.[/spoiler]

I actually think Barnabas would be a wonderful father. I don't think we should judge his potential parential abilities solely on the Adam thing....that was just a way too weird situation to begin with. I mean look how gentle he was with Sarah and Amy.
Title: Re: In the Name of the Father / a poll
Post by: loril54 on January 29, 2007, 05:50:03 AM
look how gentle he was with Sarah and Amy.

I sometimes think Barnabas was more a dad to Sarah than Joshua.  :)
Title: Re: In the Name of the Father / a poll
Post by: Alondra on February 12, 2007, 07:25:16 PM
This whole post is full of spoilers so beware, I did not use spoiler alert in it.

Ok of the fathers given I will comment on each.

Roger: At first abysmal, hated his son, wanted him to die, even thought he might be Burke's son instead of his own. At least inspired his son to want to kill him. Later improves but becomes a bit too permissive.

Sam: I agree with the consenses that Sam was a good father. Yes he was an alcoholic but he cared deeply for Maggie. Look at the tender care he took of her when she was being victimized by Barnabas. The one thing I question is how much of the money was from her job and how much from his painting? Was she supporting him or was he at least making enough for the household expenses so that her money was just helping?

Richard Garner: Well his son did want to be a lawyer and he joined his father in the business. That's a good thing.

Dr. Lang: he wasn't around long enough to have an impact on Adam. That was Barn's domain and he failed miserably. However I think Barnabas would have made a good father. When he was left caring for David and Amy he did a good job in spite of what Roger the nit thought!

Paul Stoddard: Sucked at first, even walked out on his wife and daughter and was gone for 20 years! Sold his daughter to the Leviathans with no care at all! But when he returned he made up for a lot of this, sure you can't make up for 20 years of neglect but he did try to establish a relationship with her and really regretted what he had done 20 years earlier.

Philip Todd: I don't think he can be blamed for how his "son" turned out. Megan was too darn permissive and it's like he had no say at all! Not to mention this kid was anything but normal!

Joshua: Sucked big time! But seemed to improve when it was too late.

Reverend Trask: How long did Lamar know him before he was suddenly gone? No matter, he taught him the ways of sanctimonious prigism before leaving so much so that Lamar was every bit the sanctimonious prig dear old dad was.

Andre DuPres: I think from what we saw he was a good father, though he was suddenly gone around the middle of the storyline.

Quentin 1897: Once he learned he had children, he became a concerned father. He grieved for his son and cared when his daughter became sick.

Edward: What can you say about a man who put his kids in that sicko school worthington hall and kept sending them back there in spite of the fact that they were being abused there? And who wasn't even grateful to the man who saved their lives from his phoenix wife? Not much! Jamison loved his uncle more than his father. There were times Edward seemed to be a good father, but I wouldnt' give him the father of the year award.

Quentin PT: I wouldn't say his relationship with his son was all that great. He shouted at everyone and seemed more immature even than 1897 Quentin. There really weren't that many scenes between them.

Timothy Stokes: Had two step daughters, loved one, hated the other. Played favorites. ROTTEN! Committed a heinous deed to keep Angelique alive.

Daniel Collins 1840: LOUSY! Had two sons, loved one and despised the other. Say what you will about Gabriel but he wanted his father's love. I can't forget the scene when he confronted his father about how he had loved Quentin and hated him and all Daniel said. I flat can't stand it when a parent favors one kid over the other. Yeah you can assume I came up on the short end of this with one of my parents, not my dad but my mom!

Quentin: Not too many scenes with him and Tad but he loved Tad and Tad loved him. He took Tad to sea with him, they had a strong bond. Samantha lied and said he wasn't Tad's father but he knew that was a lie. Wonderful scene between him and Tad just before he was taken to prison.

Gabriel: SUCKED!!! Gak you never even see his kids but he packed them away to school rather than have them at home.

Ben Stokes: We do not see him with his own children but with his granddaughter Hallie who loved him.

Mordechai Grimes: He was a pissant. I didn't feel he had a good relationship with his son as Jeremy didn't want to be anything like him. Later after he died Jeremy turned against Quentin so there may have been more love than we thought.

Justin 1841 PT: We do not see him with his sons but we can assume that he was probably a good father as much as he could be with that nit curse hanging over the family. Melanie loved him.

Bramwell: Well he wasn't a father, yet. But he was concerned when he learned that Catherine was pregnant with his child. Some of this care might have been because of his feelings for Catherine.

Ben Stokes: I'd say he was a good father, he didn't want Carrie involved using her second sight but that was probably concern for her. Hard to say.

My own dad passed away this past September and I miss him very much. He was a wonderful father.
