General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '08 II => Topic started by: Watching Project on July 29, 2008, 09:04:33 PM

Title: Discuss - Ep #0597
Post by: Watching Project on July 29, 2008, 09:04:33 PM
Robservations #597
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0597
Post by: Lydia on July 30, 2008, 02:10:50 AM
I liked the arrangement of the two gurneys during the closing credits.  They looked very companionable.  And I also like that circular red light in the Old House basement - the lone bit of bright color in that set, except for the strange monitors.  And, speaking of color, there's one more thing that I like: Stokes's bow tie.

Poor Adam.  He's got to believe that Eve is good, in the face of immediate evidence that she is not.  Suddenly Barnabas, Julia, and Stokes are all three of them being categorized as Adam's "friends", and Eve is trying to tear Adam from them.  Not a nice thing to do.

I had an expectation - even though I've seen this episode before - that when Eve was left alone in Josette's room, she would leave the Old House by herself, through the back door that Josette must have used with Jeremiah 170 years ago.  But she wasn't yet ready to strike out on her own, I guess.  Her murderous nature has to wait until she's feeling more sure of herself.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0597
Post by: IluvBarnabas on July 30, 2008, 02:39:20 PM
I felt sorry for Adam when Eve called him weak. He wanted so desperately to prove that she was good despite what Professor Stokes said and that's why he allowed him and Barnabas to question her. Eve just wants to be left alone now with little bother as possible. Yeah, like that's going to happen, especially since Stokes has figured out who it really was that brought Eve to life.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0597
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on July 30, 2008, 06:33:44 PM
I love Marie Wallace's performance as Eve - especially her barely masked expressions of disdain, like this one:


(Perfect training for Marie's upcoming role as India Delany on Somerset.  [ghost_wink])
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0597
Post by: Gothick on July 30, 2008, 07:35:49 PM
Just chiming in to say that I also love Marie's performance as Eve.  Even though Adam gets to be a tiresome bore during this part of the story, Eve is always worthwhile viewing.

Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0597
Post by: MagnusTrask on July 31, 2008, 04:57:53 AM
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0597
Post by: loril54 on August 10, 2008, 06:42:14 PM
Maybe Adam is thinking what have I got myself into.

I just had a thought. But I am probobly wrong. What if Nicholas had as part of the spell to make Carolyn care more and encourage Adam.  No I am wrong, By the way what happened to Carolyn after this portion. Didn't she disappear for awhile?

Marie was great, I didn't like Eve, but I love Marie. A very nice lady.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0597
Post by: EmeraldRose on August 12, 2008, 03:05:37 AM
Marie was great, I didn't like Eve, but I love Marie. A very nice lady.
I agree, Lydia. Marie is always very nice at the DS Fests, but I hate Eve. Marie did a good job making Eve a person the audience would want to hate. [clap2]

I also felt sorry for Adam when Marie called him weak. That was a nice kiss between them, though. [love3]

Barnabas and Prof. Stokes tried to trip up Eve, but were unsuccessful.  It's too bad Adam spoke to her first, because she had a heads up about it ahead of time.  [ghost_huh]

----- Sally -----
[coolg] [hippy2]
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0597
Post by: Taeylor Collins on August 14, 2008, 05:45:38 AM
I have to go with Sally.  I CAN NOT STAND Eve, but wasn't that the point?   I think Marie Wallace is gorgeous. Love the big beautiful hair and the wonderfully large false eyelashes.  I have a few female impersonator friends and they look like 199's which is the biggest ones you can get!  Of course DS had to do everything LARGER THAN LIFE!!  That is why we love it, eh?
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0597
Post by: JWGucciEnvy on October 14, 2008, 04:46:30 AM
My favourite new line..."I don't kiss men who are weak"....I just thought it such a soap opera diva thing to say....which makes me like EVE, even more. [hall2_grin] [hall2_grin]

When Julia is standing and drinking her drink, she almost looks like she could care less what is going on. Everyone in the room is talking and for a minute or two, she just keeps drinking her drink.  Like she wants a break from all this nonsense, at least for the evening.