General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '08 II => Topic started by: Watching Project on July 24, 2008, 11:09:02 PM

Title: Discuss - Ep #0594
Post by: Watching Project on July 24, 2008, 11:09:02 PM
Robservations #594
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0594
Post by: Lydia on July 25, 2008, 09:17:57 AM
What a pity that Harry Johnson wasn't available to help Nicholas with the ceremony to page Danielle Roget!  Nicholas could have allowed Danielle to kill Harry with no fear of consequences to himself, and I'm sure that both Nicholas and the viewers would have enjoyed the show.  As it was, I suppose that Adam would have kicked up a fuss if Carolyn had been killed, and at the moment Nicholas needs to keep Adam eating out of his hand.

Danielle Roget is more interesting than I remembered.  I get the impression that she's Nicholas's hit woman, though I'm not sure why he needs one.  And why is it that he could bring Angelique to longterm life as Cassandra, but apparently couldn't work the same trick with Danielle?

I like the idea of Danielle getting the French government to execute her chosen victims publicly so she could have the pleasure of sitting and watching.  It's always pleasing to see one's tax dollars put to good use.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0594
Post by: MagnusTrask on July 25, 2008, 09:55:39 AM
That's called lobbying with extreme prejudice.

I'd like to see Harry killed during every episode.   OMG, they killed Harry!   You bastards!
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0594
Post by: IluvBarnabas on July 26, 2008, 02:25:26 PM
Hey, Lydia, I love your suggestion about Harry Johnson being the sacrificial lamb for Danielle Roget! I wonder why Nicholas would even contemplate using Carolyn to bring her back, seeing as he probably knew the first thing Danielle would want to do when being brought back from the dead would be to kill someone, and as you say, Carolyn's death would not have gone well with Adam, to say the least.

I loved the shocked expression on Barnabas' face when he saw Carolyn was alive. But why should he be so surprised? People coming back from the dead is usually the norm in Collinsport. He should be used to it by now.

I loved the farewell scene between Adam and Carolyn. It was really sweet and touching. It's really great to be feeling something for Adam other than contempt. Carolyn brings out the best in him, I think.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0594
Post by: loril54 on August 10, 2008, 07:59:06 AM
Hey how about Jeff Clark? Would people miss him. This was a very strange show.

I liked the way that Carolyn casually ran up the stairs as if she didn't have a care in the world.

Not one of my favorite shows.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0594
Post by: EmeraldRose on August 11, 2008, 09:24:21 AM
I also loved the shocked expression on Barnabas' face when he discovered Carolyn was alive. [cheer] Yes, indeed, the "goodbye" scene between Adam and Carolyn was very sweet and touching. [love3] Too bad Carolyn was in denial about her feelings for Adam.  [ghost_nowink]

That was very scary when Nicholas made Carolyn summon Danielle Roget. [shkdg] One step out of the circle, and Carolyn would hove been a goner. Perhaps Nicholas would have been, too, because I noticed he didn't step outside of the circle, either! [ghost_shocked]

----- Sally -----
[coolg] [hippy2]

Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0594
Post by: JWGucciEnvy on October 14, 2008, 03:12:24 AM
i was very much into this one due to Danielle Roget plot. I have a great deal of love for Nicholas and any scene with him makes me excited. It was nice for me as a viewer because I was totally unaware of this plot twist.

good job!  [8_1_210]

If Adam could have been redeem at this point, i think I would have liked Adam and Carolyn together....speaking of which whatever happen to Tony. ???