Members' Mausoleum => Calendar Events / Announcements Archive => Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I => Calendar Events / Announcements '08 II => Topic started by: nightshadows342 on July 24, 2008, 05:43:38 AM

Title: DS fest 2008- This is Sara (I got an account on here)
Post by: nightshadows342 on July 24, 2008, 05:43:38 AM
Hey guys and girls,

I was at the ds fest in Burbank this last weekend and my girl Angela told me to get on here and lo-and-behold I happened to already have an account!  I suppose the easiest way for me to identify myself to those who were at the fest is that I did the skit thing on Saturday that had a lot of technical difficulties in which I was playing Carolyn with a blond wig on. I don't know anyone's user-name so let me know who you are!

Anyway, the fest was fun- I mostly was hanging around Johnnie Karlen, and hung out with friends (Angela!) in the lobby area dancing around and doing ballet. LOL!  I didn't get to meet Robert Rodan, Or Robert Colbert- whom by the way was HILARIOUS when he was talking onstage.
I didn't manage to catch David Selby either, but I got KLS, Lara Parker(who acted snobby and rude), and Jerry Lacy-who I like a lot.  It's funny to get a picture with him because he does look a lot like Bogart-who is our relative! LOL, so we look almost like family. I saw Roger Davies who seemed really out of it. He said that it was the first fest that he had been invited to for quite awhile-poor guy- I feel kind of bad for him, though John Karlen was mad at him because of comments he made about Don Briscoe's drug habit.

Johnnie seemed rather depressed. He said he hated LA and that his best friend had just died. He left the banquet early too as he described
the food as mush and went to go order himself a steak.

Anyway, it's hard trying to type on this Ipod (it is so slow and difficult to get it move up to edit some of this jargon. So I'll just post this thing. I'm in Palm Springs right now and it's super hot!  I'll be going home to Tennessee on Monday from the LAX airport, so it should be interesting!

Title: Re: DS fest 2008- This is Sara (I got an account on here)
Post by: KajunDC on July 24, 2008, 06:30:35 AM
Johnnie seemed rather depressed. He said he hated LA and that his best friend had just died.

Guess that explains why he seemed so pre-occupied with death during his time Friday night.
Title: Re: DS fest 2008- This is Sara (I got an account on here)
Post by: ProfStokes on July 24, 2008, 06:44:10 AM
Hi, Sara [wavey]

I think we met briefly during your ballet practice on Sunday (I had the white dress with rose embroidery). I was also in the costume gala ("Needles and Pins" Angelique) and thought you were excellent as Carolyn.

Johnnie seemed rather depressed. He said he hated LA and that his best friend had just died. 

That surprises me.  Karlen actually struck me as being more cheerful than usual this year.  Although usually a wisecracker, in recent years he's tended to be a bit morose and leaned more toward dark humor.  I'm sorry to hear about his friend dying. :(

Title: Re: DS fest 2008- This is Sara (I got an account on here)
Post by: MagnusTrask on July 24, 2008, 07:33:38 AM
I'm glad Karlen has the black humor to lean on.  It certainly helps me.

Maybe Lara has to be snooty to carry off that character.   Maybe it takes big personalities to do classic, forceful characters, and we should be grateful and appreciative that they're not always "nice" in the traditional sense.
Title: Re: DS fest 2008- This is Sara (I got an account on here)
Post by: Midnite on July 24, 2008, 08:59:10 AM
Welcome back, nightshadows342!
Title: Re: DS fest 2008- This is Sara (I got an account on here)
Post by: nightshadows342 on July 24, 2008, 08:22:24 PM
ah yes, Profstokes, I know exactly who you are!  Your skit was hilarious. You make those songs up every year-kudos! They have all been very entertaining.

Oh by no means did I expect any of the actors to be friendly. I work in a rich area so I know very well the snooty ways of certain people, though as far as "big personaility" I don't really think she seemed to have any. But hey, It's fine though, she's at least been consistent every year. She has done absolutely nothing to show me a side beside from that I have seen and I am hardly saying that she is like that to everyone.  However, I don't think you need a certain personaility to pull off a certain character-why, that's an insult to her acting.   

Thanks for the welcome back,  I appreciate it!
Title: Re: DS fest 2008- This is Sara (I got an account on here)
Post by: CrazyJenny on July 25, 2008, 02:02:55 AM
That surprises me.  Karlen actually struck me as being more cheerful than usual this year.  Although usually a wisecracker, in recent years he's tended to be a bit morose and leaned more toward dark humor.  I'm sorry to hear about his friend dying. :(

I agree.  I spoke to John on Saturday and sat with him during autographs on Sunday.  He seemed in great spirits for most of the weekend.  Until things were winding down Sunday night.  People were already heading into the banquet and he saw that there were still people waiting for autographs.  He finished signing but was grumpy about it.  He also refused to sit at his table during the banquet.  The last fest he was at 2 years ago, he also spent zero time at his table.  I haven't heard any reaction from this year, but two years ago people were very unhappy with him for not sitting at his table.
Title: Re: DS fest 2008- This is Sara (I got an account on here)
Post by: bananabry on July 25, 2008, 08:57:46 AM
Hey, Sara,

I just joined myself.  It's good to see you here and I'm glad you recall ProfStokes.  Se really was great in the skit and Gala.  And, how about her Banquet dress.  You guys are fabulous dancers (I'm finally walking again after our ballet practice).

You guys were great in the Gala, and I saw your 2006 show on YouTube.

Have a great vacation and I hope to see you again here soon.

 [ghost_smiley]  These emoticons are great.
Title: Re: DS fest 2008- This is Sara (I got an account on here)
Post by: nightshadows342 on July 25, 2008, 09:30:16 AM
I spoke to John on Saturday and sat with him during autographs on Sunday.  He seemed in great spirits for most of the weekend.  Until things were winding down Sunday night.  People were already heading into the banquet and he saw that there were still people waiting for autographs.  He finished signing but was grumpy about it.  He also refused to sit at his table during the banquet.  The last fest he was at 2 years ago, he also spent zero time at his table.  I haven't heard any reaction from this year, but two years ago people were very unhappy with him for not sitting at his table.

Oh really? What did he say? Tell me more! I saw him signing autographs on Saturday night and he threw a bit of a tantrum down there as I was passing by. "no more! I'm done! Finished!" he was shouting at his long line. then he stormed off.

Hey Bryan! Great to see you on here!
Title: Re: DS fest 2008- This is Sara (I got an account on here)
Post by: bananabry on July 25, 2008, 09:43:15 AM
Hey, you.

As I just said in my email, the celebs with whom I have worked are all pretty nice people.  No name dropping, but they aren't all bad.  Some are actually pretty great.

Can anyone say "Jack Sparrow?"
Title: Re: DS fest 2008- This is Sara (I got an account on here)
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on July 25, 2008, 03:55:42 PM
Welcome to the forum, bananabry. And welcome back, nightshadows342.  [ghost_smiley]
Title: Re: DS fest 2008- This is Sara (I got an account on here)
Post by: CrazyJenny on July 25, 2008, 04:24:25 PM
Oh really? What did he say? Tell me more! I saw him signing autographs on Saturday night and he threw a bit of a tantrum down there as I was passing by. "no more! I'm done! Finished!" he was shouting at his long line. then he stormed off.

Yeah I was still sitting with him when he did that.  I took that as him just being dramatic and silly.  He did finish signing for everyone and went upstairs to get ready for the banquet.  He never stormed. 
Title: Re: DS fest 2008- This is Sara (I got an account on here)
Post by: ProfStokes on July 26, 2008, 01:28:46 AM
I guess the sham rage must be his schtick.  I accidentally walked in front of him at the banquet.  While trying to take a photo of some friends at their table, I heard a voice to my right growl, "Get out of my way."  It was John Karlen.  I grinned sheepishly, said, "Sorry, Johnny," and stepped aside.  Then he winked and told me he was just kidding.   [ghost_nowink]

Title: Re: DS fest 2008- This is Sara (I got an account on here)
Post by: Breebell on July 26, 2008, 01:32:47 AM
That storming off John Karlen did Saturday night was just him joking around.
I was in that line, about five back, so I was disappointed at first that I wouldn't get an autograph,
but he assured each of us that we could take cuts the next day to get our pics signed.

And he was so cute and over the top "I'm about to stroke!  My arm is numb!", that I thought that was more fun than the autograph.
He was making eye contact and I know as he passed my friend he touched her gently on the arm as he went by, so he was most
definitely not storming off, but I can see that it might have looked like it to someone just passing through.

He was tired.  He was only supposed to stay till 9:00, and he left at about 10:30.
Title: Re: DS fest 2008- This is Sara (I got an account on here)
Post by: Teresa on July 26, 2008, 01:47:02 AM
Yeah I think he just like to be a bit of a trickster and joke around. A few years back at an East coast fest I was in the gift shop with about 6 other people just browsing and he walked in and said very loudly " No autographs, I can't sign another damn autograph" and then he laughed because the woman closest to him kind of ran out fast. Then everyone laughed. It was funny and he said he felt bad for giving her a scare. [ghost_wink]
Title: Re: DS fest 2008- This is Sara (I got an account on here)
Post by: nightshadows342 on July 26, 2008, 08:50:56 PM
Oh yeah, I know he was kidding. He's a joker. He told me that he was signing autographs on friday and someone asked him,"where's Jerry Lacy at?" He replied, "Oh he passed away yesterday. There was this old lady who had broken down on the side of the roadand he pulled over to help her-unfortunately he was hit by an oncoming car." apparently the person bought it, not expecting that he would joke about that sort of thing. But He loves leading people on. It's one of his hobbies I think.
Title: Re: DS fest 2008- This is Sara (I got an account on here)
Post by: Minja on July 27, 2008, 05:01:54 AM
Hi Sara!

I remember you!  We were sitting at the same table in the bar on the last night of the fest!  It was us, your sister, your Mom, Frank, Angela and Valerie!  It was very nice meeting you!  Welcome toThe Forum!

Always, Minja [vryevl]
Title: Re: DS fest 2008- This is Sara (I got an account on here)
Post by: nightshadows342 on July 27, 2008, 07:51:03 AM
Hey!! Yeah, that was a fun night!! You're probably in one of the many goofy pictures I took that night!  :D
I will probably post all of the pictures I managed to take on my myspace when I get home to TN-- Monday or Tuesday.

Title: Re: DS fest 2008- This is Sara (I got an account on here)
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on July 27, 2008, 05:31:48 PM
someone asked him,"where's Jerry Lacy at?" He replied, "Oh he passed away yesterday. There was this old lady who had broken down on the side of the roadand he pulled over to help her-unfortunately he was hit by an oncoming car." apparently the person bought it, not expecting that he would joke about that sort of thing. But He loves leading people on.

OMG, that's terrible - but I love it!  [lghy]
Title: Re: DS fest 2008- This is Sara (I got an account on here)
Post by: D_Friedlander on July 27, 2008, 11:25:03 PM
Really?  Imagine for a moment that you were a dedicated Jerry Lacy fan and this was the first thing you heard, being a newbie at conventions and figuring, not unreasonably, that a DS actor would never impart such a traumatic "whopper."  Or would never act rudely when he or she  didn't actually mean it.  What is the point of this, after all?

I used to be charmed by some of JK's remarks and stories, having enough knowledge by then, to pick the grain of truth from the chaff.  Now I find a lot of them cringe-worthy, far more so than the much-discussed political talk by an actor I at least respect as pretty honest about his beliefs and convictions.

 JK had his good moments this year in the re-resurrection of Barnabas scene, and I sympathize with the griefs of any older person as I am having more and more myself as time goes on.  But that's really the limit.  Indeed, I pretty much only spoke to him once the whole weekend, and that was not my choice, when at one time it was a pleasure.
Title: Re: DS fest 2008- This is Sara (I got an account on here)
Post by: Teresa on July 28, 2008, 01:17:56 AM
It kind of reminds me of that old joke about Willie Nelson. My aunt called me to tell me Willie Nelson died and I of course was " Oh my God that is terrible, how did it happen" Aunt Shirley replies " He got hit by a car playing on the road again"  I completely bought into the whole joke thinking it was real. Afterwards I did have a chuckle on myself. [ghost_rolleyes]