Members' Mausoleum => Calendar Events / Announcements Archive => Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I => Calendar Events / Announcements '08 II => Topic started by: Brian on July 22, 2008, 03:29:53 AM

Title: OLTL does DS
Post by: Brian on July 22, 2008, 03:29:53 AM
 [ghost_wink]    This is somewhat off-topic, except for two common denominators:  ABC and Sam Hall.  The daytime soap One Life to Live (OLTL), which debuted on ABC in July 1968 is celebrating 40 years on the air with a couple of special episodes, the first aired today, and the second tomorrow.  In short, as one of three salutes to the show's history, OLTL is revisiting a time travel-type concept, which first played out in the late 1980s, when Sam Hall was head-writing the show, by having two 2008 characters going back to 1968 (after being struck by lightning).  Both characters see and recognize characters from their present as different characters from the past, e.g. as on DS when Vicki confused Josette with Maggie, Naomi with Liz, etc.  In another salute, Vicki Lord Buchanan ... (more husbands' names) ... Davidson has died and is reuniting in Heaven with characters from her past, including the actor (who left the show a few years ago) who originally played her daughter Jessica now appearing as her daughter's now-grown daughter who had died at birth--at least in Heaven.

I don't know that any of this was planned with regards to DS, but the show is clearly honoring its own history as well as ABC's history with doing things that no other network did back then (not until Passions, on NBC, anyway.)

Just thought I'd share... 

Title: Re: OLTL does DS
Post by: Taeylor Collins on July 22, 2008, 03:36:15 AM
I wanted to catch the time travel thing.  I will try to watch tomorrow!!
Title: Re: OLTL does DS
Post by: Brian on July 22, 2008, 04:00:32 AM
One thing that was fun was seeing the wonderful actor Peter Bartlett, for as long as I can recall known as Asa's long-time "personal assistant," the very loyal, fey and quasi-British Nigel playing a very butch--and loyal--family servant in Texas from 1968.  LOL.

Title: Re: OLTL does DS
Post by: Lydia on July 22, 2008, 07:39:21 AM
Does anybody get hanged?
Title: Re: OLTL does DS
Post by: Patti Feinberg on July 22, 2008, 01:11:38 PM
[ghost_wink]    In short, as one of three salutes to the show's history, OLTL is revisiting a time travel-type concept, which first played out in the late 1980s, when Sam Hall was head-writing the show,

Brian...can you refresh my memory as to the story arc from late 80s on OLTL about time travel?

I too was going to post on here...Monday they showed (at least I assume it was her) Agnes Nixon, creator of OLTL. Did Clarice Blackburn work with Ms. Nixon? Anyone have any photos they can post?

(PS, Brian, if nothing else, it's Victoria Lord Riley.)

Title: Re: OLTL does DS
Post by: Brian on July 23, 2008, 02:58:43 AM
Here's what I found in the ONE LIFE TO LIVE: THIRTY YEARS OF MEMORIES book (since I wasn't watching the show in 1988--I started in 1992):

(In 1988), a drugged horse threw a blind Clint Buchanan, who hit his head on a rock and lost consciousness.  When he awoke, Clint realized that his vision had returned: he could see!  But what he saw caused him to blink in amazement.  He had been inexplicably transported back 100 years in time to an Old West town called Buchanan City.  As he hobbled into town, Clint happened upon a showdown between two bitter rivals - the ranchers and the farmers.  To Clint's amazement, the head rancher, Buck, looked remarkably like his own pa, Asa.  It dawned upon Clint that he had somehow slipped back in time and landed in the home of his Wild West ancestors!  Clint was astounded by the sight of Buck Buchanan's right-hand man, Cody Vasquez, who looked exactly like Clint's own son, Cord!  Equally amazing was Ginny Fletcher, the town's uptight schoolmarm, who was the spitting image of Viki!  Clint realized that Ginny was Viki's own great-grandmother.  Before long, Clint learned why destiny had hurled him 100 years back in time.  An old Native American clairvoyant, Clear Eyes, explained to Clint that he had been called into the past to bring Farmer McGillis' clan and Rancher Buchanan's family together to mend their fences.  Clint eventually accomplished the mission and watched with deep satisfaction as the two families celebrated their newfound friendship with the marriage of Cody Vasquez to his true love, sweet May McGillis.  Clint’s next mission was to reunite Ginny Fletcher with her estranged paramour, Randolph Lord.  It dawned on Clint that if he did not accomplish his goal, then Viki would never be born.

And for the record, as of now, Viki’s name is Victoria Lord Riley Burke Riley Buchanan Buchanan Carpenter Davidson, with Banks soon to be added, I suspect.  LOL.  Erika Slezak even poked fun at Viki's many marriages in her appearance on THE VIEW last week.

Title: Re: OLTL does DS
Post by: MagnusTrask on July 23, 2008, 09:32:10 AM
Does anybody get hanged?

Literal LOL...
Title: Re: OLTL does DS
Post by: Willie Loomis on July 23, 2008, 05:09:46 PM
Vicki Lord Buchanan ... (more husbands' names) ==  as Dorian would call her, Victoria Lord, etc.