General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '08 I => Topic started by: Bob_the_Bartender on June 05, 2008, 11:28:55 PM

Title: Is There a U.S. Window Factory Store in Collinsport?
Post by: Bob_the_Bartender on June 05, 2008, 11:28:55 PM
Hey gang,

Watching some of the wild and frenetic 1968 Dark Shadows episodes the other day, I wondered if the local glass repair guys could keep up with the unexpected increase in business that apparently occurred at that time.

I mean, first, Chris Jennings (in his lycanthropic "state") smashed though the large Blue Whale Tavern glass window just before he tragically "offed" that poor, unnamed waitress, who was in the process of closing-up for the night.

Next, "Chris" crashed through that magnicent, large slanted window overlooking Sam Evans' art studio in the Evans cottage (much to Joe Haskell's great surprise and chagrin!).  [ghost_shocked]

Of course, both the Blue Whale and the Evans cottage were crime scenes, meaning that it would take months for Sheriff Patterson and his "crack" band of police officers to fully investigate those two crime scenes. [ghost_huh]  (Maybe the local repair guys had to wait interminably for Collinsport's "answer" to CSI Miami to complete their criminal inquiries?)  [hdscrt]

However, what about the third time, when "Chris" bashed through Barnabas' front window at the Old House in pursuit of Jeb Hawkes?  Do you think that Barnabas schlepped over to Collinwood to use the telephone and called the local glass repair guys to fix his window?  (Remember, Willie Loomis, Barnabas' handyman extraordinaire, was not yet around to fix Mr. B's widow.  Willie showed up at Collinwood later, after Jeb had sicced that bat on Barnabas.)  [Bat]

So, just how did Barnabas explain the "mundane" nature of his broken window to the repair guys?  Did Barnabas possibly tell them that his irrepressible, young nephew, David, had accidentally thrown a baseball or kicked a soccer ball through the Old House drawing room window, hoping that they woudn't inform Sheriff Patterson of, yet, another smashed window incident in Collinsport?

Bob the Bartender 

PS It's too bad that "Chris"never crashed through those two long glass windows in the drawing room of Collinwood just as Roger was enjoying his fifth fine snifter of brandy!    [drunk22] [yikes]   

Title: Re: Is There a U.S. Window Factory Store in Collinsport?
Post by: Lydia on June 06, 2008, 09:42:08 AM
Remember, Willie Loomis, Barnabas' handyman extraordinaire, was not yet around to fix Mr. B's widow. 
Heaven help the man who tries to fix Mr. B's widow!

So, just how did Barnabas explain the "mundane" nature of his broken window to the repair guys?
Maybe he copied the apple-cheeked little old lady in the original and glorious (1955) version of The Ladykillers and said: "Subsidence."
Title: Re: Is There a U.S. Window Factory Store in Collinsport?
Post by: Bob_the_Bartender on June 06, 2008, 11:26:32 AM
Hey, what can I say, but with the passage of lo, these many years, my formerly 20/15 eyesight is now about as "sharp" as Count Petofi's vision was/is, and, that's WITH reading glasses! [book2] [confused5a]  [lghy]

Oh, yeah, David is Barnabas' precocious cousin, and not his nephew.  (Although, like the strange, if not perplexing time-gap between the middle-aged Barnabas and his little sister Sarah, Barnabas seems much more like David's forty-something uncle rather than David's slightly older cousin.)  [hdscrt]
Title: Re: Is There a U.S. Window Factory Store in Collinsport?
Post by: Doug on June 09, 2008, 05:35:35 AM
Come to think of it, Bob is right. There were a lot of shattered windows happening. But some window
company in Collinsport had to be busy.