General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '08 I => Topic started by: David on May 14, 2008, 07:15:19 PM

Title: Who Would the Collins Family Vote For?
Post by: David on May 14, 2008, 07:15:19 PM
Watching the very entertaining Hillary & Barack Show
got me wondering~~
who would residents of Collinwood/Collinsport vote for?

Cast your ballots, please!
(but no political arguing~~this is for fun.
It's about the political leanings of the DS characters)

Title: Re: Who Would the Collins Family Vote For?
Post by: retzev on May 15, 2008, 08:01:28 AM
It's a pretty deep shade of blue up there in New England, I don't see McCain getting their vote.
Title: Re: Who Would the Collins Family Vote For?
Post by: Lydia on May 15, 2008, 10:11:25 AM
Umm...blue is Democrat and red is Republican, right?  I always have trouble with this because something inside my head says it should be the other way around, so I always have to think: "Counterintuitive, counterintuitive," and someday I'm going to get it straightened out in my head, and then I'll always have to think: "Intuitive, intuitive."

Anyway: there are pockets of redness (if I have this right) in New England, so I don't think McCain can be counted out among the Collinses.  My first thought was, "Of course Elizabeth would go for Hillary," but then I decided that Liz doesn't necessarily generalize from her own situation to the rest of the world, so I changed my mind.

Just now I suddenly thought of "that place in Brazil", and imagined Liz trying to think of the name Barack and coming up with "that man in the election."
Title: Re: Who Would the Collins Family Vote For?
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on May 16, 2008, 12:05:12 AM
When it comes to presidential elections, Maine has often swung Republican.  [ghost_wink]

I don't know about most of the DS characters, but I definitely see Roger as a life-long Republican. And considering his sexist attitudes when it comes to women in a position of power, I strongly suspect the idea of Hillary Clinton in the White House would horrify him to his very core.
Title: Re: Who Would the Collins Family Vote For?
Post by: Bob_the_Bartender on May 16, 2008, 01:43:30 AM
The presidential/political preferences of the members of the Collins family and of the residents of Collinsport have been discussed here before.

Are the Collinses traditional, monied Country Club Republicans or are they affluent/activist Limousine Liberals?   (Quein sabe?  It's hard to tell.)

And, what of Burke Devlin, a poor, local boy, who left town (albeit, unhappily) to eventually become an extremely wealthy and successful businessman?  Was Burke a working class, early life Democrat (or Reagan Democrat?), who, once he acquired great wealth in his thirties, became a fiscal conservative?  It's difficult to say.   
Title: Re: Who Would the Collins Family Vote For?
Post by: David on May 17, 2008, 03:47:36 PM

You are right on RE: Roger, MB. I'd suspect the old boy is a tad racist too.
Ditto Barnabas & Prof. Stokes.
I see  them all going with McCain.

I can see strong women like Liz, Julia, Carolyn Angelique, & Mrs. Johnson going with Hilary.
Same with blue collar dudes Joe & Willie.

Maggie, being the daughter of an artist, no doubt fancies herself quite the progressive liberal. She's with Obama.
I'd imagine that, had Megan & Philip Todd lived, they'd be with Obama as well.


Title: Re: Who Would the Collins Family Vote For?
Post by: loril54 on May 17, 2008, 10:53:41 PM
Barnabas I would think would be for McCain. Julia would probobly be for Hillary.

But Barnabas would find it hard to vote. Just think that he would think that people
today are not like Jefferson, Washington, and Adams. Who he might have actually met.
Title: Re: Who Would the Collins Family Vote For?
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on May 18, 2008, 03:11:02 AM
Barnabas wouldn't actually be able to vote because he's not a citizen.  [ghost_wink]

Come to think of it, why didn't the Immigration Services ever come after him? Unless he was paying someone off, it's not like he had any way of proving where he supposedly lived in England so that he could get a visa, much less keep extending one.  [ghost_huh]

I know, we're not supposed to think about any of that, but it all suddenly struck me when I realized he's not a citizen...

As for Stokes, I can't say I see him as racist. He's always seemed pretty progressive to me. I mean, how many other people would take a man-made monster into their homes?  [ghost_grin]
Title: Re: Who Would the Collins Family Vote For?
Post by: David on May 18, 2008, 05:41:45 AM

And Vicki, BTW, is not eligible to vote this year, having been bumped off in 1796!

Title: Re: Who Would the Collins Family Vote For?
Post by: Lydia on May 18, 2008, 10:47:05 AM
Oh, come on, surely they don't discriminate against the dead in Collinsport, of all places!
Title: Re: Who Would the Collins Family Vote For?
Post by: Miss_Winthrop on May 21, 2008, 08:34:45 PM
I can see Willie going for Hillary Clinton. I don't know why but I think of the commercial by Jack Nicholson and the movie a Few Good Men saying something about there is something sexy about saluting a woman.
Title: Re: Who Would the Collins Family Vote For?
Post by: Gerard on May 21, 2008, 08:52:38 PM
Considering the problems the family had with the various Trasks through several generations, if Pat Robertson ran again I don't think they'd vote for him.

Title: Re: Who Would the Collins Family Vote For?
Post by: Patti Feinberg on May 22, 2008, 12:50:08 AM
Oh, come on, surely they don't discriminate against the dead in Collinsport, of all places!

Oh Lydia....thank you so much for this chortle:)

Stokes I think would vote Obama.

Good call David about the Todd's; I can see a big sign on their store-front window!

I think Elizabeth would vote for Hillary and Roger for McCain.

Hmm...just wondering about Mrs. Johnson.....
Title: Re: Who Would the Collins Family Vote For?
Post by: GooberCollins on May 23, 2008, 02:43:46 AM
I can see a clean split: Elizabeth voting for McCain, Roger for Hillary, and Carolyn for Obama. Don't know why. I also think, if he was old enough, David would vote for whoever he thought was the weakest candidate so he could overthrow them and take over the world.
Title: Re: Who Would the Collins Family Vote For?
Post by: IluvBarnabas on June 06, 2008, 10:49:02 PM
Roger would vote for McCain, I have no doubt of that. As MB pointed out, Roger had problems with women being in positions of authority. And I think Barnabas would too, him having a 18th-century mindset.

Elizabeth, Carolyn and Julia I think would vote for Hilary. Vicki I'm not so sure about.

I can see Professor Stokes on Obama's side. He does strike me as a man open to process too.

Title: Re: Who Would the Collins Family Vote For?
Post by: Garth Blackwood on June 06, 2008, 11:56:32 PM
it's difficult to say whether any given person would prefer Clinton vs. Obama since they are really pretty similar idiologically, but I can say with some level of confidence:

conservative: ROGER, Miss Winters (seems to graciously accept a subservient role in a relationship). Other possibilities include: Barnabas, Joe Haskell, Sky Rumson.

liberal: Angelique (sometimes; she confuses me a little bit), Julia, Elizabeth, and Prof Stokes. Possibly: Nicholas Blair, Carolyn

apathetic: Willie, Adam, Harry Johnson   
Title: Re: Who Would the Collins Family Vote For?
Post by: GooberCollins on June 08, 2008, 04:38:39 AM
Going back to my previous statements now, the reason I see Elizabeth as a McCain backer is that she seems to be something of a traditionalist in many regards. Roger, at least in my opinion, might have sucked up his annoyance about his country being led by a woman due to the fact that he simply strikes me as a liberal for some reason. But not an Obama liberal; he seems more like someone who'd agree with Clinton's slightly less liberal liberal-ness. Wait, what did I just say? Anyway, Carolyn is young and hip, and seeing as how the young hepcats these days seem to be mostly backing Obama, that's where she'd go.

Since Clinton is out of the race now, I can pretty clearly see Roger sullenly claiming to refuse to choose between Obama and McCain, but eventually breaking down and voting Obama.

Just my opinion, though.
Title: Re: Who Would the Collins Family Vote For?
Post by: IluvBarnabas on June 08, 2008, 02:46:06 PM
I just can't see Roger backing Hilary for any reason, even if it was just to suck up. Liberal he was not, at least as far as women went.

[spoiler] He absolutely HATED it when Carolyn took charge of Collinwood when Elizabeth was sent away to the hospital in Boston after Laura put her in a trance....and Carolyn was his niece too, after all, his 'kitten'. [/spoiler]

Title: Re: Who Would the Collins Family Vote For?
Post by: Josette on June 09, 2008, 06:39:58 AM
That reasoning doesn't fit.  After all, Elizabeth was a woman and she was the one who had been in charge all along.  I think he just felt that Carolyn hadn't been trained for it and wasn't prepared for that kind of responsibility.
Title: Re: Who Would the Collins Family Vote For?
Post by: adamsgirl on June 09, 2008, 04:43:02 PM
This is fascinating with some very thoughtful responses. Personally, I believe both Liz and Roger would vote McCain simply because they are the "ruling" class in Collinsport. Maggie and Carolyn would have gone for Hillary, but since Hillary's no longer in the running, they'd go Obama. He does have his appeal with young voters. Burke -- Republican, I'd guess. Julia would most likely have been a Hillary supporter, but I believe Stokes would go Obama. In his own way, Stokes struck me as being a liberal. Barnabas would go McCain because of the military connection and the fact his family fought in the Revolutionary War. Come to think of it, doesn't that make him a citizen? He may have claimed to have been from England, but we all know that wasn't true. He was American.
Title: Re: Who Would the Collins Family Vote For?
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on June 09, 2008, 06:14:46 PM
Barnabas would go McCain because of the military connection and the fact his family fought in the Revolutionary War. Come to think of it, doesn't that make him a citizen? He may have claimed to have been from England, but we all know that wasn't true. He was American.

Very true that Barnabas really is a citizen. BUT he can't claim that because of his cover story of having come from England, so he can't vote. And it would be virtually impossible (unless he pays someone or even several someones off) for Barnabas to go through the process to be naturalized because that would raise far too many questions about his background - questions that can't be adequately answered from a governmental standpoint. And at any rate, one can't apply for citizenship until after spending at least five years in the US, so if we're applying today's events on the timeframe of the show, Barnabas hasn't been in Collinsport for five years. (And if we're updating the timeframe to today, well, some of the characters we're talking about could easily be dead, so they wouldn't be voting for anyone.  [b003])
Title: Re: Who Would the Collins Family Vote For?
Post by: adamsgirl on June 09, 2008, 07:08:04 PM
I see what you're saying, MB. Good points all.
Title: Re: Who Would the Collins Family Vote For?
Post by: IluvBarnabas on June 09, 2008, 07:14:57 PM
That reasoning doesn't fit.  After all, Elizabeth was a woman and she was the one who had been in charge all along. 

Yes, Elizabeth was the mistress of the house, she was in charge of the family fortune, she made the rules, held all the cards. And from what I've seen Roger resented it, but he really didn't have much choice but to live with it if he expected Elizabeth to allow him to continue living there.

[spoiler] As Elizabeth once said, Roger loved money more than anything, even David. [/spoiler]

Of course Roger did mellow out in time, so who knows? Maybe his rather sexist beliefs did disappear in time and he developed more modern views.
Title: Re: Who Would the Collins Family Vote For?
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on June 09, 2008, 07:25:20 PM
Of course Roger did mellow out in time, so who knows? Maybe his rather sexist beliefs did disappear in time and he developed more modern views.

Roger may have mellowed so far as his belief in supernatural events was concerned (though he often flip-flopped in that respect  :-\), but if my observations of friends and relatives is any indication, sibling rivalries and resentments rarely mellow over time (sometimes they even intensify), and chances are Roger was always going to be under Liz' thumb, so I'm thinking you can pretty much hold onto your original belief when it comes to good ole Rog.  [wink2]
Title: Re: Who Would the Collins Family Vote For?
Post by: Doug on June 10, 2008, 12:50:45 AM
It is hard for me to say which candidate the Collins would vote for. But I'm glad politics was not part
of the show during the turbulent 60's.