General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '08 I => Topic started by: Gerard on April 23, 2008, 01:49:03 AM

Title: Dameon Who?
Post by: Gerard on April 23, 2008, 01:49:03 AM
Okay, I've always enjoyed the PT1970 plot (well, not the Cyrus/Yeager thing so much), and I've seen it a million times over, from when I first watched it originally airing to the many repeats on the Sci-Fi Channel.  But the one thing I can't figure out is exactly who is this Dameon guy, why is he haunting everyone, what's he got to do with anything.  It seems to me they brought him in, had him spook around, and then dumped him like a flat episode of Ghost Hunters.  So, can someone fill me in about him?  What am I constantly missing?

Title: Re: Dameon Who?
Post by: IluvBarnabas on April 23, 2008, 04:15:16 AM
[spoiler] Dameon was apparently another of Angelique's lovers (or at least another admirer) and he kept bothering her to the point that she had him murdered. She had Bruno kill him and then had him and Trask dispose of Dameon's body. That's why Dameon was haunting Bruno and Trask. Evidentally Dameon knew that Angelique had switched places with Alexis and when Angelique summoned up his ghost, he admitted he intended to let Quentin know the truth about her, but Angelique prevented this by sending his spirit back to his grave for good.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: Dameon Who?
Post by: MagnusTrask on April 23, 2008, 07:24:27 AM
His Leisure-Suitedness confused the crap out of me too, for a considerable time.    I think ILB hit it on the head.
Title: Re: Dameon Who?
Post by: Lydia on April 23, 2008, 07:36:32 AM
...apparently...or at least...Evidentally...
That's the problem: we are never exactly told.  (No disrespect intended, IluvBarnabas!)

Our esteemed MB said:
It's most probably true that there's no one scene where someone lays out the entire Dameon Edwards story, BUT everything about how/why his death occurred is indeed explained. The writer's provided all the details. And personally when it comes to a lot of the shows that I watch I'm often happier not to have the writers spoon feed me and/or tie things up with a nice neat bow because it means the writers trust the intelligence of their audience.  :)

 I disagreed with him on the desirability of spoon feeding, but kept my mouth shut on the extent to which the how and why of his death were explained.  I figured maybe I had forgotten some explanatory scene.  It's nice to know that, even if I did, I'm in good company.

[spoiler]I don't remember Dameon saying he was going to tell Quentin about Angelique.  I don't remember him saying anything at all.  I think at that point Angelique just wanted him out of hair.  As for the how of his death, I was never 100% convinced that Angelique had anything to do with it before the fact.  Did I miss something on that?  And as for the why, well, I don't know.  IluvBarnabas's suggestion that he was bothering Angelique to the point of murder seems unlikely, even for Angelique.  Surely a lovely lady like that knew ways of getting rid of an unwanted suitor without resorting to homicide.  Maybe he was blackmailing her?  (In that case I would immediately become 100% convinced that Angelique did instigate the murder.)[/spoiler]

I'm not sure why I added the spoiler warning, since this is all so speculative, but I figure I'll follow the crowd.
Title: Re: Dameon Who?
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on April 23, 2008, 08:00:58 AM
The fascinating thing that I find about this issue is that seemingly every year a topic or two or three references confusion over Dameon and we go over it all over again (do a search, you'll see :)). Though seemingly a lot of people have been missing out on reading those topics.  :(

Honestly, I've always thought the Dameon subplot was handled pretty straightforwardly and completely - but perhaps those of us who believe that are in the minority.  [idontknow]
Title: Re: Dameon Who?
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on April 23, 2008, 08:13:37 AM
[spoiler]IluvBarnabas's suggestion that he was bothering Angelique to the point of murder seems unlikely, even for Angelique.  Surely a lovely lady like that knew ways of getting rid of an unwanted suitor without resorting to homicide.  Maybe he was blackmailing her?  (In that case I would immediately become 100% convinced that Angelique did instigate the murder.)[/spoiler]

Well, before you say that ever again, you just may want to watch Ep #1006, as I suggested people might do in this topic from last year ([wink2]):

Dameon Edwards was an affair that Angelique had, one of her many apparently. ... This is all just pure speculation on my part.

Actually, it's more than just speculation that Dameon and Ang had had an affair. Ang admits as much in Ep #1006 and it's explained that [spoiler]she got Trask and Bruno to take care of him for her because he was becoming too persistent in his, uh, affections.[/spoiler]

Although, people can also just read this excerpt from Robservations (an excellent and often overlooked resource on the forum  ;)) - it will also settle the question of whether [spoiler]Dameon threatened to tell Quentin.  :)[/spoiler]

[spoiler]Dameon, says Angelique, I gave you every opportunity to go away and leave me alone, but you refused--I did what had to be done. You mean you got Bruno and Trask to do it for you? he accuses (I definitely get the idea there was dialogue before this, but they cut it out).  Bruno loved me the way I wanted to be loved, she says. No man loved you like I did! says Dameon. She holds up her hand and orders, stay where you are, don't come any closer--keep looking into my eyes. I know you want your death revenge, I cannot blame you for that, but I cannot allow it--I have laid many plans here, and I won't have them upset by you or anyone else. And I won't rest until Quentin knows the truth about you, promises Dameon.  You will rest, Angelique assures him--I summoned you here and I can send you away again--you had to appear because I used the candle of the seven secrets, they can bring you here because they have control over life, and they can send you away again because they control death--they can send you back to your grave forever. He assures her, the candles have no power over me. Try to move, she suggests, to lift your hand and snuff out the candles. I can't move! cries Dameon.  I have a hold over you in death, too, she says--you see, and when the seventh candle appears, you appeared, when the seventh is snuffed out, you will return to your tomb and never appear again. NO! shouts Dameon, you can't do it!  Poor Dameon, croons Ang, putting out the candles, just as handsome and charming in death as you were in life--and every bit as meddlesome!--but not for much longer--goodbye, Dameon.  She snuffs out the final candle as Dameon begs for his--er--existence. He cries out and disappears, leaving only the skeleton hanging there. Angelique bursts into evil laughter, "Now nothing stands in my way, the house will be mine again, Dameon--Quentin will be mine again, and nothing can stop me--nothing!"[/spoiler]
Title: Re: Dameon Who?
Post by: Lydia on April 23, 2008, 08:20:24 AM
Yup, I had forgotten that.  I keep confusing Dameon Edwards with the nameless guy that Charles Delaware Tate created.
Title: Re: Dameon Who?
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on April 23, 2008, 08:29:09 AM
Well, confusing characters is a bigger problem than the DS writers could have ever hoped to solve.  [b003]  But then, I suppose that just comes with aging. Getting older is a bitch sometimes!  :D  :'(
Title: Re: Dameon Who?
Post by: MagnusTrask on April 23, 2008, 10:57:14 AM
Well, confusing characters is a bigger problem than the DS writers could have ever hoped to solve.  [b003]  But then, I suppose that just comes with aging. Getting older is a bitch sometimes!  :D  :'(

Personally, I find the gradual approach of death invigorating.
Title: Re: Dameon Who?
Post by: Gerard on April 23, 2008, 01:11:32 PM
Thanks, everyone, for the explanations!  Now I'm getting it.  I don't know why I had such a block about the whole thing, why, after watching the episodes for umpteenth million times and there being numerous posts here about the Dameon "mystery," I just could not figure it out or understand it.  Maybe there was something annoying about the guy (especially those clothes) that made me suppress it in my mind.

Title: Re: Dameon Who?
Post by: adamsgirl on April 23, 2008, 03:13:06 PM
Thank you, MB, for clearing this up so completely! I, too, couldn't remember what the heck the whole Dameon haunting was about. It seemed so disjointed and incomplete, but that's really not the case. It's nice to finally have it set right in this aging brain.  [ghost_grin]
Title: Re: Dameon Who?
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on April 23, 2008, 07:14:03 PM
Maybe there was something annoying about the guy (especially those clothes) that made me suppress it in my mind.

That could definitely be it because I seem to recall you taking part in this topic from last year:

Bruno Is Horrified... and For Good Reason!

And to answer your question more than a bit belatedly: yes, people really did dress like that and think it was groovy.  [lghy]

(And that was also yet another topic where aspersions were cast against ascots. They can't seem to catch a break.  ;))
Title: Re: Dameon Who?
Post by: Gerard on April 24, 2008, 12:37:45 AM
MB, you've got an incredible memory!  I can't recall what I had for breakfast, but you can always pull it all together!

Title: Re: Dameon Who?
Post by: Lydia on April 24, 2008, 09:04:23 AM
Interesting that several people have trouble remembering how Dameon's story went.  He hung around Collinwood making threats for quite while, it seemed - and then he was gone in the wink of an eye.
Title: Re: Dameon Who?
Post by: IluvBarnabas on April 24, 2008, 02:15:37 PM
I'm surprised that I even remember anything about the Dameon Edwards story. The 1970 Parallel Time storyline has never been one of my favorites.

Go figure.
Title: Re: Dameon Who?
Post by: michael c on April 24, 2008, 04:17:02 PM
i believe it was magnus who said it best about demeon edwards..."to me he's just that ghost in a leisure suit".

that sort of summed it up for me with this little subplot.it seemed like filler to me while most of the "majors" were off shooting the movie during parallel-time.i watched it and then forgot it instantly.to this minute i cannot recall a single detail of it.

and in general the wardrobing in parallel-time was extremely weird.

a ghost in an orange leisure suit...only on d.s.. [ghost_wacko]
Title: Re: Dameon Who?
Post by: sallycollins on April 24, 2008, 05:02:47 PM
Dameon always reminded me of Mr. Best in that I was never quite sure why he was needed.

Title: Re: Dameon Who?
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on April 24, 2008, 07:11:15 PM
I'm surprised that I even remember anything about the Dameon Edwards story. The 1970 Parallel Time storyline has never been one of my favorites.

Go figure.

It just goes to show that you pay attention well. And even when the storyline isn't a favorite. What more devoted DS fan can there be?  [ghost_wink]

and in general the wardrobing in parallel-time was extremely weird.

a ghost in an orange leisure suit...only on d.s.. [ghost_wacko]

One of the major aspects of 1970PT is that the color scheme is so radically different than Real Time (it's the same in 1841PT). The bright, vibrant, bold colors (and the often wild patterns) are a false facade that attempts to mask the darkness at the heart of everything that's happening there.  [ghost_smiley]  As we ultimately learn, the myths we're presented with at the outset are all lies designed to cover horrible and often ugly truths.

But one thing - Dameon's suit wasn't orange:


It was gray. Now, his shirt's color, on the other hand, has been a point of some debate.  [b003]
Title: Re: Dameon Who?
Post by: Gothick on April 24, 2008, 08:23:32 PM
Oh, I loved Emory Bass' portrayal of Mr. Best!  I re-watched some of his scenes last month when my second Leviathan DVD set came in.  Really superb work.  Bass was so cold and calculating--glacial even as he purred over how "lovely" dear Amanda was.  Exquisite!

I think Bass came back for another role in 1840 or 1841 PT, but I'm not remembering the details now.

One character I wish they had done more with during this time period was Claude North.  He got a tremendous buildup, was portrayed very intriguingly by Brian Sturdivant, then he was just GONE after only four episodes or so.  I saw signs during that period of the writers struggling to keep up with DC's "sparkle, Neely, sparkle!" approach to plotting.

Title: Re: Dameon Who?
Post by: MagnusTrask on April 24, 2008, 10:24:39 PM
DC's "sparkle, Neely, sparkle!" approach to plotting.

What do you mean?

Claude North was confusing.  They seemed to interject his name at every opportunity, as if something about him would turn out to be earth-shattering.    I wonder if he was thrown in because of his strange voice and presence, with the idea that either he'd be magnetic and catch on, just on the strength of that presence, or not, and if he didn't, they could choose not to develop the character.
Title: Re: Dameon Who?
Post by: Gerard on April 25, 2008, 01:06:49 AM
Claude North was another character whose reason d'etre I could never figure out, just like ectopoleyester Dameon.  (Although I now know what the big deal about Dameon was.)  I do know - and correct me if I'm wrong - that Claude was you-know-who's boyfriend, and that he apparently "lent her out" to you-know-who to use to bring back Angelique, and then figured maybe that wasn't the best thing to do.  Okay, fine.  But - once again - they made such an initial big deal about it and then he's gone.  Actually, I'm glad he did vanish rather quickly.  I didn't like him.  He came off as a snooty, snotty, self-centered, arrogant critter, the kind of person who patronizes the Splash Bar in New York City. 

Title: Re: Dameon Who?
Post by: Bob_the_Bartender on April 25, 2008, 03:44:46 AM
Claude North was another character whose reason d'etre I could never figure out, just like ectopoleyester Dameon.  (Although I now know what the big deal about Dameon was.)  I do know - and correct me if I'm wrong - that Claude was you-know-who's boyfriend, and that he apparently "lent her out" to you-know-who to use to bring back Angelique, and then figured maybe that wasn't the best thing to do.  Okay, fine.  But - once again - they made such an initial big deal about it and then he's gone.  Actually, I'm glad he did vanish rather quickly.  I didn't like him.  He came off as a snooty, snotty, self-centered, arrogant critter, the kind of person who patronizes the Splash Bar in New York City.


The enigmatic Claude North couldn't have made that good a deal with you-know-who when Claude lent out you-know-who to that nasty PT 1970 Herbert Marshall-lookalike. ( I mean, Claude was chilling-out in the Collins mausoleum and Claude looked like an underpaid undertaker in that cheezy black raincoat of his!)

As to your right-on description of Claude as that "snooty, snobby, self-centered, arrogant critter," Claude could almost be a contestant on "The Apprentice" or even the show's "gracious" host, the smug and arrogant Donald Trump, imho.    [ghost_rolleyes]

Bob the Bartender, President of the Alec Baldwin Fan Club  [ghost_wacko] [ghost_nowink]
Title: Re: Dameon Who?
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on April 25, 2008, 04:16:55 AM
Bob the Bartender, President of the Alec Baldwin Fan Club  [ghost_wacko] [ghost_nowink]

BtB, I've so missed your President of... sign offs. I'm really glad to see one after such a long time!  [ghost_grin]
Title: Re: Dameon Who?
Post by: arashi on April 25, 2008, 01:50:51 PM
Oh, I loved Emory Bass' portrayal of Mr. Best!  I re-watched some of his scenes last month when my second Leviathan DVD set came in.  Really superb work.  Bass was so cold and calculating--glacial even as he purred over how "lovely" dear Amanda was.  Exquisite!

I was just watching those episodes on Tuesday! Mr. Best is one of my favorite few episode characters from the show. [spoiler]Being Death you'd think he would have popped up more often (I wish he had!)[/spoiler]
Title: Re: Dameon Who?
Post by: MagnusTrask on April 25, 2008, 02:36:46 PM

I'm out to make that a word now.   Maybe if I put it on Wikipedia...

The actor playing Claude North struck me as being too young to be playing this timeless ancient being.   It seemed forced.   I may remember wondering whether this was his first job.     And yes, he doesn't seem to have profited much from this irresistable deal with always-drunk PT Stokes.

Death Incarnate seemed like a bureaucrat.  Maybe he was.   Anyway, you'd think the fact that Amanda was already immortal thanks to the Tate painting would have come up at some point, even if that got cancelled out by the suicide.   Come to think, shouldn't the painting still affect her after she's alive again?  I know, it's all magic so don't get all technical.    Anyway, she gets multiple extreme longevity options and I'm still waiting for mine....
Title: Re: Dameon Who?
Post by: michael c on April 25, 2008, 07:04:43 PM
i didn't really get 'claude north' either.

but from what i recall(and it's been some time since i watched this storyline)he was introduced very late in the parallel-time story.shortly before the story shifted to 1995 and then back to the 'present'.

since parallel-time was a completely self-contained story without any threads that picked up in real time(apart from perhaps roxanne's resemblance to her p.t. counterpart)there wasn't really anywhere to go with claude.

but,yeah,he seemed like one of those things/characters on d.s. that gets alot of build up without any real payoff.
Title: Re: Dameon Who?
Post by: MagnusTrask on April 25, 2008, 07:38:33 PM
They might have been ready to rearrange everything in favor of a popular CN, extending the storyline, or maybe having a RT Claude.
Title: Re: Dameon Who?
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on April 25, 2008, 08:29:00 PM
DS doesn't seem to me to be any more guilty of building up a character one way only to find out that the reality is quite different. Such devices are used over and over again in writing, I mean, a classic example would be the wizard in The Wizard of Oz. No one could say his reality matches the build-up. And, yes, one can say that even though he was ultimately very different, he served an intricate/essential part of the story by giving the scarecrow et al. what they needed, but the same is also true of Claude as [spoiler]he got Roxanne to speak, which destroyed Angelique,[/spoiler]which was most certainly an intricate/essential part of 1970PT. It just also happened that after he served his main purpose, he was killed off - but that's hardly surprising in the DS universe, no matter the time period or time band.  [ghost_wink]

The actor playing Claude North struck me as being too young to be playing this timeless ancient being.

I don't believe the Claude we see in 1970PT was meant to be timeless and ancient. In Ep #1047 they did show the gravestone of a Claude North who died in 1866 - however, later on in Ep #1055 that man was explained as having been the present Claude's grandfather - and I don't think we have any reason to doubt that.
Title: Re: Dameon Who?
Post by: MagnusTrask on April 25, 2008, 09:26:07 PM
A red herring, maybe. 

When I hear someone has the same name as an ancestor, my skepticism works differently from most people's, after years of DS.    I say, "Hah!  Right!  Just an ancestor?  That's the same guy!   How naive do you think we all are?!"    That wasn't good preparation for the real world, was it...?
Title: Re: Dameon Who?
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on April 25, 2008, 10:10:19 PM
A red herring, maybe.

Even though people on DS tend to lie - and lie a lot - when there's really no reason within the storyline to assume otherwise, it's probably best to go with the explanation given as the real story.  [ghost_wink]

That wasn't good preparation for the real world, was it...?

Probably not.  [ghost_cheesy]
Title: Re: Dameon Who?
Post by: Lydia on April 26, 2008, 07:04:03 AM
I mean, a classic example would be the wizard in The Wizard of Oz. No one could say his reality matches the build-up. And, yes, one can say that even though he was ultimately very different, he served an intricate/essential part of the story

The comparison to The Wizard of Oz doesn't work for me, because although the Wizard turned out not to match his build-up, it made for an interesting plot twist when he didn't.  (Note: I'm talking about the movie.  I can't remember the wizard in the book.)  Dameon Edwards and Claude North didn't deliver interesting plot twists.  They just fizzled.  Or have I forgotten something else?
Title: Re: Dameon Who?
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on April 26, 2008, 07:12:57 AM
I guess I'm confused.  [ghost_huh]  How can a character who helped bring about the destruction of the central character in a story be considered to have been a character who just fizzled?  [ghost_undecided]  That would certainly seem to be a character who served a major purpose.  [ghost_wink]
Title: Re: Dameon Who?
Post by: Lydia on April 26, 2008, 07:39:53 AM
Imagine, if you will: a nameless character turns up and stumbles upon Barnabas's coffin during the day.  Without fuss or fanfare, he stakes Barnabas, notifies the authorities, and leaves, never to be seen again.  All in one episode.  Would you or would you not say that that character had fizzled?
Title: Re: Dameon Who?
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on April 26, 2008, 07:42:31 AM
I wouldn't. The length of their stay is far less significant compared to what that character accomplished. And if they killed off Barnabas, their involvement, no matter how short, would be a hugely significant contribution to the storyline.
Title: Re: Dameon Who?
Post by: Lydia on April 26, 2008, 07:55:19 AM
OK, so we're looking at the same thing, and each of us sees something different.  Cool!
Title: Re: Dameon Who?
Post by: MagnusTrask on April 26, 2008, 05:06:46 PM
I think a character can perform some significant and pivotal act, but still be disappointing in that his/her personality isn't developed, or developed in a satisfying way.   Plot isn't everything.
Title: Re: Dameon Who?
Post by: Joeytrom on April 27, 2008, 02:09:51 PM
Back in 1981, on General Hospital, Helena Cassidine (played by Elizabeth Taylor) aooeared in about three episodes and her presence was felt for a few years as she put a curse on Luke & Laura causing them a lot of heartache for a long time.

In the book Wizard of Oz, the Wizard is gone about a little more then half the way through and is never mentioned again.  Though his part is similar to the movie version.  The movie omitted the last 1/3 of the original story.
Title: Re: Dameon Who?
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on April 27, 2008, 09:09:39 PM
I think a character can perform some significant and pivotal act, but still be disappointing in that his/her personality isn't developed, or developed in a satisfying way.   Plot isn't everything.

That's very true - especially if one is speaking in terms of long term or even significantly recurring characters (meaning ones that appear in a goodly amount of episodes but aren't necessarily in for the long haul or meant to be the prime focus (like a Jenny Collins, Flora Collins, Mrs. Johnson, etc.) - characters that generally serve a purpose beyond forwarding/illuminating the story). But when it comes to minor characters (meaning those who by most soap definitions have been solely designed to appear in five or less episodes) that becomes much harder for writers to accomplish - and almost by virtue of their extremely short existences, they're there simply to advance the plot or shine a spotlight on some aspect of the plot or of another character.

When it comes to Claude, along with falling into the minor character category, he was meant to be a man of mystery, so it's not all that surprising that everything about him wasn't spelled out. Claude was a character who held the potential to answer questions about Roxanne and her relationship to Angelique and Tim Stokes - and in that respect he totally served his purpose. That he was instrumental in destroying Angelique was simply icing on the cake in terms of plot, but also very satisfying in terms of his character's albeit short personal journey, given his deep regret for what he allowed to happen to Roxanne. Maybe one might have wished to have seen and learned more about him, but the fact that we didn't doesn't in any way mean that he fizzled. Fizzled carries the connotation that a character appeared, had little impact, made little impression, and/or offered little information, and then disappeared, especially failing to manage anything of any significance. Claude was definitely not that type of character. And in fact, if one was intrigued by Claude enough to want to know more about him, apparently some part of him was quite captivating.

As for Dameon, one of his purposes was to be the first to tarnish the Great Myth of Angelique - the notion that seemingly every character up to that point had voiced that she was perfection personified as everything from Mistress of Collinwood to wife. But that facade cracked under the weight of the reality Dameon's appearance illuminated that Angelique had multiple affairs and wasn't even above instigating murder to dispose of admirers of whom she grew weary. And a second purpose of Dameon was to create suspense that he just might have possibly gotten through to Quentin that 1) Angelique was indeed back at Collinwood, and that 2) his life was in jeopardy (as one might recall that Angelique initially wanted Quentin destroyed because she blamed him for her death). Dameon follows through on both those purposes quite successfully - and particularly when it comes to the first purpose I cited, no one can say he had little impact. In fact, his involvement radically shifted the audience's impression of Angelique from that point onward.

Claude and Dameon are but two in a list of minor characters (i.e. Suki Forbes, Julianka, Garth Blackwood, etc.) who served their purposes, and served their purposes well...

Now, if anyone wants to talk about a character who may not have served much purpose - one who is quite possibly the ultimate DS fizzled character completely irrespective to length of stay because he had little impact, made little impression, offered little information, and then disappeared, especially failing to manage anything of any significance - then one should look no further than starting a discussion about Harry Johnson.  [ghost_cheesy]  But then, we can thank Norma Curtis' infatuation with Craig Slocum for him.  [ghost_azn]  (Apparently the Curtises had questionable taste when it came to the sort of actors who appealed to them enough to want to see characters created for them.  [ghost_rolleyes])
Title: Re: Dameon Who?
Post by: MagnusTrask on April 27, 2008, 09:30:21 PM
Well, okay.   "Fizzled" is vague and hard to rebut.   It could mean anything.    Everything you say makes sense, though.    As for me, I didn't know he was going to turn out to be a minor character, because they kept building up our expectations.     And when men of mystery appear on TV shows, or in books, etc., eventually the mysteries are solved by the end, usually anyway.   That's why we stay tuned.    Plot mysteries were solved, but as for CN's personal backstory, he disappears in a puff of smoke (not literally... I forget his end) and that's it.

If he'd just been some guy, it wouldn't have mattered, but they drew us in with the frequent mantions of the name with that air of importance, and he had this "presence" and delivery...
Title: Re: Dameon Who?
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on April 27, 2008, 10:02:17 PM
I didn't know he was going to turn out to be a minor character

It's certainly true that we didn't know exactly when it was going to happen, but as the body count of major characters began to pile up during Claude's time, it was increasingly apparent to those familiar with the way DS operated that 1970PT was racing toward its conclusion.  [ghost_wink]

And when men of mystery appear on TV shows, or in books, etc., eventually the mysteries are solved by the end, usually anyway.   That's why we stay tuned.

Well, Claude's history is revealed reasonably enough, at least as far as it pertains to the events of 1970PT:

[spoiler]He apparently knew enough about the Occult to harness some of its powers, he apparently thought nothing of using them on and/or in conjuction with his psychic girlfriend Roxanne, but at the same time he was willing to hand her over to Stokes in exchange for money. On that last point all I have to say is, "What a winner!"  [ghost_rolleyes][/spoiler]

CN's personal backstory

Sadly there wasn't enough time for that. What might have been really interesting may have been if he'd arrived sooner, like, say, shortly after Roxanne was discovered. But alas...

he disappears in a puff of smoke (not literally... I forget his end) and that's it.

[spoiler]Tim Stokes killed Claude for his betrayal of making Roxanne speak and thus destroying Angelique.[/spoiler]

If he'd just been some guy, it wouldn't have mattered, but they drew us in with the frequent mantions of the name with that air of importance, and he had this "presence" and delivery...

Sometimes short term characters are built up specifically so that their deaths are that much more shocking - especially when there's no clue whatsoever within the story that they're going to be short term. It's a common writing device.
(And quite honestly, I still have yet to get over the death of Neal Keller Alcott (played by the beautiful and talented Mary Kay Adams) on ATWT all the way back in '93.  [ghost_wink]  Longtime ATWT fans will know what I'm talking about...)
Title: Re: Dameon Who?
Post by: michael c on April 28, 2008, 01:40:25 AM
there are lots of very interesting and valid points and counterpoints being made here but i'll add this if i may.

suki forbes and julianka were indeed minor characters but for me they created something memorable and unique during their brief stays on the show.

claude and demeon not so much...

true were both pivotal to the plot of the parallel-time storyline but for they they didn't create a lasting impression given the big buildup they both got(again all i can recall about demeon is that leisure suit).

for such a short storyline most of the actors involved really created something unique with the parts they were given...hoffman,angelique/alexis,carolyn,willie,roger,buffie,stokes and even the silent,slab-bound roxanne were all much more successful as characters for me.
Title: Re: Dameon Who?
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on April 28, 2008, 02:49:07 AM
suki forbes and julianka were indeed minor characters but for me they created something memorable and unique during their brief stays on the show.

claude and demeon not so much...

true were both pivotal to the plot of the parallel-time storyline but for they they didn't create a lasting impression given the big buildup they both got(again all i can recall about demeon is that leisure suit).

Oh, even though the importance that Claude and Dameon played in terms of the 1970PT storyline is irrefutable, I completely agree Suki and Julianka were more memorable. Both were lucky enough to be featured in some of DS most classic moments. Though, interestingly enough, their portrayers have their many detractors in fandom (Diana Divila in particular). Go Figure. And as far as Claude North's Brian Sturdivant, there's a whole cult in DS fandom that practically worships him almost purely based on Claude and to a lesser degree the bellboy in Leviathans. Fandom is truly a diverse group, and apparently the show provided something for everyone.  [ghost_smiley]

However, how about Claude and Dameon up against Constable Carter - or Richard Garner - or Laszlo?  [ghost_cheesy]

Or how about the all important question: How about Claude and Dameon up against Harry Johnson (who, almost too hard to be believed, was in more than double the episodes of Claude and Dameon added together)? Save for one moment [spoiler]pouring the poison in Joe's medicine[/spoiler] to my mind he could be edited out of every episode he appeared in and it wouldn't change the storylines one iota. [spoiler]Though with some creative editing the fact that Joe's medicine had been poisoned could probably be conveyed quite clearly without ever referring to how it actually got there.[/spoiler]However, again, some certainly see something in Harry because Craig Slocum is also someone who has a DS cult that practically worships him - and worships him based mostly on Harry - not Noah, who might be more understandable given his place in the 1795/96 storyline. But again, there's obviously something for everyone...
Title: Re: Dameon Who?
Post by: Gerard on April 28, 2008, 03:29:35 AM
I wonder just what causes the characters of Dameon and Claude to be so forgettable - meaning forgetting their whole purposes.  Obviously, most everyone knows who they were, but several of us just could not recall, even after seeing the storylines several times (and the reasons for their existences discussed here previously but even that was forgotten), what they were all about.  In my case, I think it has to do with - at least to me - both of them being so unlikeable.  Many of the other minor characters, from Suki to Julianka to Garth, et. al., had something about them that made them likeable to some degree.  Even annoying Harry Johnson came off as a misplaced Gilligan which can be rather enjoyable.  Dameon simply bugged me and as for Claude - well, I'm surprised that his girlfriend didn't take care of his business before you-know-who did - he was just so gull darn aggravating.  It would've been wonderful if some character had brusquely told him to shut up.

Title: Re: Dameon Who?
Post by: MagnusTrask on April 28, 2008, 05:42:44 PM
CN's name sounded too strange and awkward coming out of Barnabas's mouth, and he said it a lot.   Maybe I, like WC Fields, just dislike the name "Claude".   Death's bellboy eh?  Have to watch for that.   

I like hearing about these improbable cults within the DS cult, for individual actors.    I want there to be one for the guy Tate sketched into being who never spoke and lasted a few hours only, I think.    Or maybe the ghost whose hand was used as the counterfeit Petofi hand to fool the gypsies.   Or PT Gerard.    I have it-- Gordon Russell as the second coachman in the last episode!

Julianka I like, but I'm in the minority.
Title: Re: Dameon Who?
Post by: Uncle Roger on May 16, 2012, 01:35:30 AM
Dameon Edwards is a character who almost seems to be a placeholder, there simply to keep the show going while the A team is off doing the movie. It would have been interesting to see how his relationship with Angelique evolved and why she felt it necessary to have him killed.

Claude North is given a major buildup. We're led to believe that this character is a powerful magus, much like Nicholas Blair or Count Petofi. Which is not what we saw on screen. Sturdivant is miscast and does not come across as an antagonist worthy of Barnabas or Stokes. Roxanne should have been able to take him on!

It's probably for the best that the story was ended so quickly.