Members' Mausoleum => Calendar Events / Announcements Archive => Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I => Calendar Events / Announcements '08 I => Topic started by: LdyAnne on March 29, 2008, 08:12:15 PM

Title: Dark shadows Resurrected 2008
Post by: LdyAnne on March 29, 2008, 08:12:15 PM
I just received my order form for the Fest
$30 for the weekend and $50 for the banquet
Frid's photo will be personalized with your first name from the order form.
Guests to include:
Lara Parker
Kathryn Leigh Scott
Marie Wallace
Lisa Richards
John Karlen
Chris Pennock
Robert Rodan
Jerry Lacy
Robert Cobert
AND Roger Davis!!!!!!
with other guests TBA
Title: Re: Dark shadows Resurrected 2008
Post by: Midnite on March 29, 2008, 09:00:22 PM
Wow, the return of Roger.
Title: Re: Dark shadows Resurrected 2008
Post by: CrazyJenny on March 29, 2008, 09:15:56 PM
Thats quite an impressive guest list considering a few more usually get added as the fest gets closer.  Sounds like we'll have quite a crowd.  I hope I'm able to make it.
Title: Re: Dark shadows Resurrected 2008
Post by: Garth Blackwood on March 29, 2008, 10:32:11 PM
Wow Jerry Lacy! I've never been to a DS festival but I might consider it this year. Anyone else ever been? Do you get to interact with the cast members, or just see them on stage? How long before the fest can you sign up to go?

Everyone from dsboards.com should wear a pin on their cuff or something so we all know each other, lol...
Title: Re: Dark shadows Resurrected 2008
Post by: LdyAnne on March 30, 2008, 12:48:05 AM
Wow Jerry Lacy! I've never been to a DS festival but I might consider it this year. Anyone else ever been? Do you get to interact with the cast members, or just see them on stage? How long before the fest can you sign up to go?

Everyone from dsboards.com should wear a pin on their cuff or something so we all know each other, lol...

To answer a few of your questions, yes I have attened, this will mark my 7th fest. The stars usually, when not on stage, are signing autographs at tables (expect long lines) A few have their own stuff they are selling books and the like so they are really accessable. Other stars like Frid will be closely guarded. I have been at fests where Roger Davis will walk down the line waiting to go in for the banquet and sign stuff or take pictures. For people who are the mailing list the sign up forms are out now. The Fest Web site should have the online form up soon.  Some of the DS Boards people add their screen name to their name badge so you can look for that. Hope to see you!

Title: Re: Dark shadows Resurrected 2008
Post by: mspeel007 on March 30, 2008, 02:30:51 AM
Woo-Hoo!!! Good times in Burbank July 18-20!!!!!! [band] [2Bats] [beer] [cheerleader] [clap2]
Title: Re: Dark shadows Resurrected 2008
Post by: borgosi on March 30, 2008, 02:26:39 PM
Last year the banquet sold out early. You may want to keep that in mind.

This will be my second fest, my first west coast fest. Maybe all of us board members can meet for lunch or a drink, or something. What do you think? Anybody arriving early? My flight will arrive in Burbank at 2:37 PM on the 17th. If others are going to be there then let me know and we could meet on the 17th.
Title: Re: Dark shadows Resurrected 2008
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on March 30, 2008, 07:11:07 PM
Congratulations on making it to "Collinwood" (as depicted in your new avatar), borgosi!  [thumb]
Title: Re: Dark shadows Resurrected 2008
Post by: mspeel007 on March 30, 2008, 07:12:29 PM
Sounds like a great idea to me!! [beer]! I will probably be arriving about the same time. I have a friend that lives a block from the hotel, so I'll be staying with her to save money! I made a hotel reservation last year, so if anyone is interested, let me know! I haven't cancelled it yet!
Title: Re: Dark shadows Resurrected 2008
Post by: borgosi on March 30, 2008, 07:44:31 PM
Congratulations on making it to "Collinwood" (as depicted in your new avatar), borgosi!  [thumb]

Being at "Collinwood" was great. I was there until 4 in the afternoon then left to drive home. All the way back to Georgia. It was a very long drive but well worth it.
Title: Re: Dark shadows Resurrected 2008
Post by: borgosi on March 30, 2008, 07:47:21 PM
Sounds like a great idea to me!! [beer]! I will probably be arriving about the same time.

If we arrive early enough we could split the price of a cab, or even walk, and see the sights. The Hollywood sign, maybe the Hollywood walk of fame, who knows but I sure we could come up with something.
Title: Re: Dark shadows Resurrected 2008
Post by: Angelique Wins on March 30, 2008, 07:51:30 PM
Everyone from dsboards.com should wear a pin on their cuff or something so we all know each other, lol...

I always tell everybody "you can't miss me!  I'm the rather large person wearing the Hawaiian shirt and a button which declares 'Angelique Wins.'"  Several people now have the same pin, so not EVERYBODY wearing one is me.  I'M the one with the sparkling personality and great sense of humor...oh, and EXTREME humbleness.  Yeah.  That's the ticket!  ("NO TICKET!!!"--Indiana Jones)

And if you still can't find me, I'm planning on being on stage Saturday Night at the GALA with a few of my closest friends (say 2-25) singing the DS Anthem I wrote for the 40th.   [sing2]

Hope to see you there!!!!

Title: Re: Dark shadows Resurrected 2008
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on March 30, 2008, 08:14:53 PM
I always tell everybody "you can't miss me!  I'm the rather large person wearing the Hawaiian shirt and a button which declares 'Angelique Wins.'"  Several people now have the same pin, so not EVERYBODY wearing one is me.  I'M the one with the sparkling personality and great sense of humor...oh, and EXTREME humbleness.  Yeah.  That's the ticket!

Yes, extremely humble.  [ghost_grin]

From your description, I'm pretty sure I've met and spoken to you at a few Fests - though you probably weren't aware you met/spoke to me - or at least that I'm MB.  [disguise]

If you haven't, you should hang out with Darren Gross some time because he's definitely fond of Hawaiian shirts.  [ghost_wink]

left to drive home. All the way back to Georgia.

I have two friends who drove to Georgia yesterday. Who knows - maybe you passed each other on the road.  [ghost_cool]
Title: Re: Dark shadows Resurrected 2008
Post by: KajunDC on March 30, 2008, 10:20:23 PM
My flight arrives at 11:50am.  I'm hoping to hit a couple of sites on Thu and maybe early Fri.  I went to the banquet last year (Tarrytown) and I enjoyed it but have not decided for sure if I'll attend it this year.

How many who are going to the fest will also be at the banquet?
Title: Re: Dark shadows Resurrected 2008
Post by: borgosi on March 30, 2008, 10:38:37 PM
I went to the banquet last year (Tarrytown) and I enjoyed it but have not decided for sure if I'll attend it this year.

How many who are going to the fest will also be at the banquet?

I'm not gonna fly across the country and not do it all, so I'll be at the banquet and everything else.
Title: Re: Dark shadows Resurrected 2008
Post by: adamsgirl on March 31, 2008, 04:50:21 PM
I'm getting into Burbank at around 6:30 p.m., Thursday the 17th. I'd love to meet up with everyone! AngeliqueWins and I are rooming together, so I'll hook up with her first and take it from there. Most likely, I'll be one of the 2 -25 people onstage with her at the gala, too!
Title: Re: Dark shadows Resurrected 2008
Post by: LdyAnne on April 01, 2008, 02:10:57 AM
I went to the banquet last year (Tarrytown) and I enjoyed it but have not decided for sure if I'll attend it this year.

How many who are going to the fest will also be at the banquet?

I never miss them rubber chicken and all!
Title: Re: Dark shadows Resurrected 2008
Post by: Miranda on April 02, 2008, 05:02:56 AM
Well, it looks like Jonathan will be personaliziing photos for banquet attendees BEFORE the Fest, so this makes so much more sense, and will hopefully save the poor man's strength, glad they learned a lesson from last summer.  I still say that if you have been to the banquet before, it may not be worth it for 50 dollars if you already have JF's autograph, since you will be able to see him at other times.  The banquet was INSANE last year, as others have noted, though I did have a good time.

I also hope JF will attend the cast reunion that is just before his dramatic readings on Saturday,  I know if I were there I would be disappointed to not see JF onstage with the other stars, like John Karlen, who I am sure will be glad to see his old friend JF again--I would guess that if JF paces himself, he could come out an hour before his readings are scheduled....I mean, why does he need all those technical rehearsals for material he has done many times before, or maybe I don't understand these things...
Title: Re: Dark shadows Resurrected 2008
Post by: Garth Blackwood on April 02, 2008, 05:55:35 AM
JF is going to be there again this year?? If so I'm afraid I will HAVE to come
Title: Re: Dark shadows Resurrected 2008
Post by: Garth Blackwood on April 02, 2008, 05:07:42 PM
How do I get an order form, etc?? I looked at darkshadowsfestival.com and googled it and couldn't find exactly what I was looking for ...
Title: Re: Dark shadows Resurrected 2008
Post by: Midnite on April 02, 2008, 05:43:01 PM
How do I get an order form, etc?? I looked at darkshadowsfestival.com and googled it and couldn't find exactly what I was looking for

I'm sure an order form with the Fest payment will be added to the site soon.  But it's probably a good idea to get on the mailing list (join the official fan club) to receive future mailings.  The info is on their home page.  Hope that helped, GB.
Title: Re: Dark shadows Resurrected 2008
Post by: mspeel007 on April 04, 2008, 11:45:48 PM
I WAS going to arrive on Friday, but I'm thinking maybe I'll make it Thursday instead! We need to plan a get-together! This will be my 2nd fest.....my first was last year.....A BLAST! [banana2] [banana] [cheers]
Title: Re: Dark shadows Resurrected 2008
Post by: Garth Blackwood on April 05, 2008, 12:46:16 AM
Hey thanks for the info above everybody. I'm seriously considering making my first appearance at a DS festival

I'm curious-- how may people usually attend these events? I'm having a hard time picturing exactly what goes on -- whether you get lost in the crowd or what. Also I'd like to know if its normal for people to attend the event while dressed up like one of the dark shadows characters (I know people do this at comic book and star trek conventions). Thanks in advance for anyone who responds to this :)
Title: Re: Dark shadows Resurrected 2008
Post by: D_Friedlander on April 05, 2008, 03:54:25 AM
Attendance has varied in the 11 years since I started coming to DSFs.  The first year I went, 1997 at the Marriott Marquis in NYC, was, I've heard, a record-breaking doorbuster, an estimated 3000 or more filtered in and out during the weekend.  (This in addition to the 1000s of other guests and events at the same hotel.  A crazy scene for sure !!)   Subsequent ones haven't achieved that highwater mark, but those in NYC were usually better attended and sometimes crowded. 

The last several years haven't been as  over-populated, but the return of Mr. Frid seems to have given things a boost, as well as the proposed Johnny Depp DS film.   So it can still be crowded but probably not so much that it should be intimidating.   

Plus there are  plenty of fine fellow fans to become acquainted with.  Just hanging around the lobby during a typical DSF weekend, taking a break from the events, you can meet scads of DS folks, many of whom are on this board.  And running into them at whatever restaurants, and maybe end up joining them for a meal or a drink.  Or just chatting them up in autograph lines, etc.

Numerous people do dress up in costumes, many on Saturday especially, even if they don't sign up for the onstage Costume Gala usually held that night.  And some, if they have lovely gowns or smart ties-and-tails, will wear them to the banquet the next evening as well.  (Though one doesn't HAVE to dress up for this, many do.)

Anyway, that's my P.o.V.  If you come I hope to meet you. GB.

Title: Re: Dark shadows Resurrected 2008
Post by: Nancy on April 05, 2008, 04:33:48 PM
For those coming to the festival in California and hoping to meet people from this board or another DS group, I suggest you put your screen name on the badge the Festival registration staff will give you when you arrive.  Make sure the letters in your name are large enough for others to read as they pass by.   For those who are long time attendees of the festival, you could do the same so others who are new can find you.

Title: Re: Dark shadows Resurrected 2008
Post by: MagnusTrask on April 05, 2008, 05:16:20 PM
I'd suggest using heavy black letters too, from a marker of some kind, using all of whatever white space you've been given.   Ballpoint disappears when you see it from a distance.

I can't go anyplace, I'm basically stuck inside this apartment, so I hope these fests are videotaped and made available.
Title: Re: Dark shadows Resurrected 2008
Post by: rainingwolf on April 07, 2008, 12:27:52 PM
I can't go anyplace, I'm basically stuck inside this apartment, so I hope these fests are videotaped and made available.

Me too. I wanted to come when it was held in CA, but this last year has seen an increase in my disability so that I am now mostly home-bound. So pics and videos will be sooo appreciated! Pretty please?
Title: Re: Dark shadows Resurrected 2008
Post by: borgosi on April 07, 2008, 02:37:29 PM
Maybe we can get together and go to Universal Studios friday morning.
Title: Re: Dark shadows Resurrected 2008
Post by: mspeel007 on April 07, 2008, 10:36:54 PM
Universal Studios is a BLAST!!!!! [banana2] [banana] [hello]
Title: Re: Dark shadows Resurrected 2008
Post by: MagnusTrask on April 08, 2008, 03:50:52 PM
Now I'm picturing Frankenstein's monster still prowling around, forlorn and forgotten, breaking into the studio's vending machines for food, and picking off the last person in the tour group...
Title: Re: Dark shadows Resurrected 2008
Post by: mspeel007 on April 08, 2008, 04:49:22 PM
Now I'm picturing Frankenstein's monster still prowling around, forlorn and forgotten, breaking into the studio's vending machines for food, and picking off the last person in the tour group...
[lghy] [lol3] [scrm]
Title: Re: Dark shadows Resurrected 2008
Post by: borgosi on April 08, 2008, 06:31:59 PM
I've never been. It sounds like a great way to kick off the weekend. I got my ticket/"reciept" in the mail the other day and it came with a letter that told how close Hollywood is to the Marriott. It would be a shame to be that close and not go. Do you guys that have been before the special ticket that allows you to go to the front of the lines?
Title: Re: Dark shadows Resurrected 2008
Post by: KajunDC on April 10, 2008, 06:56:21 PM
Well, I sent off my order form from the festival website in the mail today... and I did decide to go ahead and pay for the banquet again this year. 

I would definitely love to do a Universal tour, or anything else for that matter, before the festival begins Friday evening, if whoever goes doesn't mind me tagging along. 

I can't wait until July.  I also can't wait to put a few faces with the board names around here.

Title: Re: Dark shadows Resurrected 2008
Post by: adamsgirl on April 10, 2008, 07:30:36 PM
I've never been. It sounds like a great way to kick off the weekend. I got my ticket/"reciept" in the mail the other day and it came with a letter that told how close Hollywood is to the Marriott. It would be a shame to be that close and not go. Do you guys that have been before the special ticket that allows you to go to the front of the lines?

You can only go to the front of the line at registration if you're handicapped. The same holds true for getting into the banquet hall itself. If you're not handicapped, I'd suggest getting on the registration line a full hour before it starts at least. Last year, the line was incredible. It always is, but from my experience, last year was really horrendous. I heard people saying they spent over three hours waiting to register! As for getting into the banquet, it moves pretty quickly. Again, if you're not handicapped but plan on sitting with some handicapped friends, they can reserve seats for you at their table. Now, that said, they can only hold the seats for so long. Last year, there were people who had tickets for the banquet who couldn't get seats, so people with empty seats at their tables had to give them up, friends or no. Of course, it's a great way to meet fellow fans, though. We had some new faces at our table, and it was fun!
Title: Re: Dark shadows Resurrected 2008
Post by: Midnite on April 10, 2008, 07:48:31 PM
Well, I sent off my order form from the festival website in the mail today... and I did decide to go ahead and pay for the banquet again this year.

Congratulations, and thanks.  I didn't know the form had been updated.

I wonder if the Festival-sponsored day trip WILL be to Universal Studios since it's so close.  Or maybe to Greystone again, if it won't interfere with the summer camp on the grounds.

The hotel is also close to a few film and TV studios, including Warner Bros.  And Griffith Park if you're into hiking, riding, golf or biking.  Unfortunately, the Dodgers will be out of town that weekend.

There's a rail hub at the Burbank airport (on the south side; the hotel is east of the airport) with Amtrak service to San Diego on the Pacific Surfliner, which Bette tells me is quite nice.  Also to Solvang/Santa Barbara/Oxnard etc. in the other direction.
Title: Re: Dark shadows Resurrected 2008
Post by: borgosi on April 11, 2008, 02:12:55 AM
I would definitely love to do a Universal tour, or anything else for that matter, before the festival begins Friday evening, if whoever goes doesn't mind me tagging along.
I'll be attending by myself this year and would be glad to have you and as many others as we can get. Universal's web-site says they have a special ticket that allows you to go to the front of the line. That may be the best deal as it would allow us to see and do more in the time that we have.
Title: Re: Dark shadows Resurrected 2008
Post by: KajunDC on April 11, 2008, 02:53:56 AM
Sounds fantastic.  I've been to Universal Orlando but never been out west at all before.

Onc it gets a little closer, we'll have figure out where we want to meet up.  I am staying at the hotel where the festival is being held.

Title: Re: Dark shadows Resurrected 2008
Post by: Midnite on April 11, 2008, 03:52:13 AM
The front of lines pass is great as long as everyone in your group is able to get them (they sell out, so purchasing in advance may be best) and can afford the additional 40+ dollars.
Title: Re: Dark shadows Resurrected 2008
Post by: Angelique Wins on April 11, 2008, 05:34:40 AM
How many who are going to the fest will also be at the banquet?
I never miss them rubber chicken and all!

I'm with LdyAnne!  I NEVER miss the banquet!  I've only been to the last three Fests but it's a GREAT way to end the weekend.  You can get out your hankies for the big goodbye scenes on Monday, but Sunday night is BANQUET TIME!!!!  And for dessert, there's CHEESECAKE!  (Down, Adamsgirl!  You don't even know if Rodan is GOING to the banquet!) 

The last three years we've had CHEESECAKE!!!  And of course, there's also the obligatory Staking of the Cheesecake!!!


Oh!  Wait!  Maybe that was only at OUR table.  LOL!!!!!  Can't wait to see you there!!!!

Title: Re: Dark shadows Resurrected 2008
Post by: borgosi on April 11, 2008, 04:49:16 PM
Onc it gets a little closer, we'll have figure out where we want to meet up.  I am staying at the hotel where the festival is being held.

I'm staying at the Marriott as well.

I'll be wearing a "Blue Whale" t-shirt. It's homemade, the front says "The Blue Whale" above a cartoon picture of a blue whale with "Est. 1966 Collinsport Ma." below it. The back reads "Meet Me At The Blue Whale". The shirt is white with blue letters.
Title: Re: Dark shadows Resurrected 2008
Post by: borgosi on April 11, 2008, 05:00:37 PM
I was thinging about my last post and had an idea. Maybe the powers that be that run these boards could put together an official "Dark Shadows Forums" t-shirt? They could sell the shirts on line or just make up printable logos that we can put on shirts ourselves. Our just let us know that they wouldn't mind us going wild and making up our own.
Title: Re: Dark shadows Resurrected 2008
Post by: adamsgirl on April 11, 2008, 08:02:25 PM
The last three years we've had CHEESECAKE!!!  And of course, there's also the obligatory Staking of the Cheesecake!!!

Oh!  Wait!  Maybe that was only at OUR table.  LOL!!!!!

Ah yes! The staking of the cheesecake! That's a tradition, of course -- LOL!
Title: Re: Dark shadows Resurrected 2008
Post by: Uncle Roger on April 26, 2008, 05:41:51 PM
Wish that Nancy Barrett was attending
Title: Re: Dark shadows Resurrected 2008
Post by: mspeel007 on April 26, 2008, 11:17:33 PM
I'm staying with a friend in Burbank, but haven't canceled my reservation at the Marriott yet! If anyone is interested, let me know!!! I'm sure I can transfer the room! [ghost_grin]
Title: Re: Dark shadows Resurrected 2008
Post by: Mayfair98 on May 01, 2008, 03:33:22 AM
Quick question:  Do the stars charge for autographs at the Festival like they do at other cons, i.e. DragonCon?  This year will be my first and I need to start saving up the cash.
Title: Re: Dark shadows Resurrected 2008
Post by: Midnite on May 01, 2008, 03:56:10 AM
Do the stars charge for autographs at the Festival like they do at other cons, i.e. DragonCon?

No, unless you purchase the photo they're signing or buy other merchandise from them, i.e. a book or CD.  We're very lucky in that regard.  But the Dealer's Room and other tables (DS Reborn, MPI, Fetival, etc.) can be tempting too.
Title: Re: Dark shadows Resurrected 2008
Post by: Mayfair98 on May 01, 2008, 10:49:39 AM
That's brilliant.  Can you have a quick photo with them?  (Sorry, I'm full of so many questions.  Just trying to get things straight in my head.) 
Title: Re: Dark shadows Resurrected 2008
Post by: borgosi on May 01, 2008, 12:46:26 PM
That's brilliant.  Can you have a quick photo with them?  (Sorry, I'm full of so many questions.  Just trying to get things straight in my head.) 

Most, if not all, will allow you to take photos with them free of charge. They do get tired after awhile. These are some of the most understanding people you will ever meet.