RobinV's Crypt => Robservations => Topic started by: ROBINV on November 20, 2001, 07:49:55 PM

Title: #0255/0256: Robservations 11/21/01: Sarah and Maggie
Post by: ROBINV on November 20, 2001, 07:49:55 PM
Episode #255 - The warm night air wails around the walls of Collinwood, and, for all the world, sounds like a cry of anguish and despair. Imprisoned in the depths of a house on the great estate, there is one who knows despair, and yet still clings to a single frail hope--the hope that she will somehow be freed from the prison in which she is held captive--freed from the one who would destroy her.

Maggie lies on the bed in her cell, clutching the music box and rolling her head back and forth in despair. Willie brings fresh flowers into Josette's room and asks Barnabas if he's considering giving Maggie another chance--she might just go crazy in that cell. Barnabas says she deserves worse--after all, he wanted to make her his bride, to turn her into Josette and make her happy--and she tossed it all away! But he's considering giving her another chance anyway, and if she doesn't submit, she'll die.

At the Blue Whale, Sam drinks despondently. Joe comes in and asks if he wants to come see the sheriff with him. Sam says no, there's obviously no news, and he's going to the Old House to drop off the finished portrait of Barnabas Conrad (yes, he said Conrad, then corrected himself). He prefers to believe Maggie is still alive and he'll see her again someday; he can't give up hope.

Willie comes down into the cell and tells Maggie he's bringing her upstairs to Josette's room.
He advises her to pretend to be what he wants, but she can't bear the thought of being turned into what he is! She is desperate to get out of the room, though. Then make him believe! cries Willie.

When Willie brings Maggie upstairs, Barnabas orders Willie to leave them alone. She's thrilled to be out of the cell and begs the vampire to let her stay. He's annoyed--Josette was above petty begging, and she must be like Josette in every detail, and sincere. They admire the fresh flowers. She wants to see even a blade of grass so much, to be free and accept her destiny! At Barnabas' request, she opens the music box, and although you sense she despises that tune, listens to it as if it's angels themselves singing to her. Listen to it, he says, be happy, be mine, look in my eyes, be my bride. . .
Maggie seems eager to be what he wants, but once he kisses her hand, she draws it away from his icy lips. This angers him. When will she forsake that common creature, Maggie Evans? Hearing her true self thus insulted, Maggie slams the music box closed and says, through gritted teeth, "NEVER!" She's Maggie Evans, that's all there is to it, so he might as well just kill her. Barnabas is just about to give her what she wants when Willie bursts in--her father is heading for the Old House and will soon be at the door! Maggie becomes instantly agitated and Willie grabs her and puts a hand over her mouth. Barnabas gives him a handkerchief to gag her with, and orders him to take her to the top of the stairs so she can listen to what he has to say. If she cries out or does anything, not only will she die, but so will her father! (Barnabas has rarely been meaner, but worse is yet to come).

Sam, at the front door, hands Barnabas the finished portrait. Barnabas inquires after his daughter as Willie holds the gagged, miserable Maggie in a tight grip just a few feet above their heads. Sam says he still holds hope, and Barnabas comments that he's sure Maggie is alive and well. Joe comes in to report potentially bad news--they found a woman's body fitting Maggie's description about 50 miles up the coast. Sam tries to pretend that it's a mistake, but breaks down and admits that it must be Maggie.
They leave to go to the sheriff's office, and the despair on Maggie's face is palpable. Barnabas said he overheard what Joe said and offers his condolences. (SUCH AN SOB!)

Willie returns Maggie to Josette's room where Barnabas works on the poor girl, rubbing salt into the gaping wound of her psyche. See? Everyone is going to think she's dead now. Joe will find another girl, get married, raise a family, transfer all his love to her. Sam will drown his sorrows in drink, then get back to painting. Maggie will fade in the memories of even those she loves the most! Maggie protests his words, sobbing, as he says she should just become what he wants her to become, as long as her old life seems to be ending of it's own accord. NEVER! she asserts. He says the sight of her offends him and orders Willie to take her back to her cell. Willie does so, and Maggie begs him to stay and talk with her, just for a little while. Willie can't, he says sadly, and he leaves the depressed young woman alone in the cell.

Maggie lies on the bed, looking as if she's lost all hope. Suddenly, she hears the sound of a little girl singing "London Bridge."
She stares out through the bars in her cell window and, to her astonishment (or her madness?) sees a young girl, dressed in a white, frilly cap and a Josette-era dress, singing the song to her doll.

NOTES: Who is this young girl? Ghost or real? A figment of Maggie's imagination and growing madness?

Barnabas is rarely more nasty than he is in these episodes, yet he is so compelling and persuasive as he tries to make Maggie realize that even those who love her most will eventually forget her and live out their lives--so she might as well become Josette, since Maggie Evans' life is nothing. And threatening to kill her father is so cruel!

Now that Maggie has resolved who she chooses to be, what is going to happen to her?

Episode #256 - Hope of rescue is fading for a girl being held captive. And now she must struggle to retain her sanity. For soon she must make the decision for her own life or death. But, there is a presence that could affect her fate.

Maggie calls to the little girl standing outside her cell, throwing a ball up and down, singing London Bridge. She wonders how the child got in, and urges her to quiet down, lest someone hear her. Maggie begs her for help, and the little girl stops singing. She urges the girl to tell her parents she saw Maggie Evans. The little girl walks away. Moments later, Willie appears with food. He heard her calling to someone, he says, but she reminds him that if she'd been speaking with anyone, he'd surely have seen that person.
As Willie strongly suggests she listen to the music box, she begs him to help her escape. There's no escape for either of us, he sadly tells her--Barnabas has powers even during the day. Maggie is infuriated by her own helplessness. Willie leaves, locking the door behind him. The little girl silently tosses the ball up and down as Maggie retreats to her cot, in despair.

Collinwood, drawing room - Vicki and David work on lessons. Carolyn joins them, and David heads out to play. I'm going to marry Buzz,
Carolyn insists to Vicki--Buzz is a saint in comparison to Jason! Carolyn leaves the drawing room, but breaks into tears in the foyer, when she is alone.

David swings on a swing near the front door of the Old House. The little girl watches him for a while, then calls to him. David climbs off the swing and goes to her; she tells him she wants someone to play with. David asks her where she lives, and she tells him her name is Sarah--she already knows his name.
They play catch for a little while. Sing with me, she asks, explaining that everyone went away and she cried for a long time. She leaves to look for those she lost. Willie comes out and asks who David was talking to. A girl, says David, just some kid. Nobody is supposed to play near the house, Willie reminds him, and insists David leave. Willie watches to make sure he's really gone.

Foyer - David announces to Carolyn that Buzz is here, and he wants a ride on that motorcycle! Sure, agrees Carolyn, but will only say, with hesitation, that she and Buzz are "going steady." She leaves. As the bike peals away, David imitates the sound of the engine's roar, zooming into the drawing room where Vicki stands looking out the window. David tells her he thinks Buzz' bike is pretty cool--and playing ball is dumb. He describes the silly kid he met at the Old House--she was sad, her name was Sarah, and she had clothing and a hairstyle from a long time ago.

Old House basement cell - Maggie rests on the cot, and doesn't rise when Willie enters. She hasn't felt like eating, she says, and Willie takes away the tray of food and goes. Maggie listens to the music box, but shuts it when she hears Sarah singing outside her cell. The child is playing ball, and ignores Maggie as she repeatedly calls to her.
"If you see my big brother," says Sarah, finally speaking, "don't tell him you saw me. He doesn't like anybody to come down here." Sarah walks away slowly as Maggie gazes after her.

NOTES: That last comment from Sarah to Maggie sure is fascinating! Who is this child's big brother? Barnabas? Who else could it be? Is this the way they decided to keep Barnabas/Frid on the show--by introducing his kid sister to the audience? Maggie is probably thrilled, frustrated and baffled by this mysterious kid. David finds her annoying--she wants to play ball, sing a stupid song like London Bridge--and she's depressed, too! No wonder he didn't seem especially interested, but how many kids close to his age are there? Not too many!

Carolyn didn't tell David she's marrying Buzz, only Vicki. And her crying makes it seem like something she absolutely doesn't want to do, but is doing to mess up her mother's marriage plans.

How will this child's presence affect Barnabas?

Love, Robin