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Title: Daytime soaps are losing their luster
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on February 06, 2008, 09:18:49 PM
Here's an article that discusses DS while talking about the soap genre: Daytime soaps are losing their luster (http://www.fayobserver.com/article?id=284692). Though I think the author has a few oddly skewed if not outright condescending opinions about soaps - now as well as then, And chief among them so far as we're concerned is the notion that DS simply targeted/appealed to teenage girls and "not elementary school-age boys." I'm afraid I have to completely disagree because in my elementary school the boys were just as much into DS as the girls. And I know I'm not alone in that experience because I've talked with many fans through the years whose elementary school experience was the same. If I had to hazard a guess, I'd say the author's inability to get into DS and other soaps has a lot more to do with and says a lot more about him than it does the soap genre or DS itself.  [snow_undecided]
Title: Re: Daytime soaps are losing their luster
Post by: David on February 06, 2008, 10:14:17 PM
I'm going to read this essay later, but for now, I'd like to say that i think the soap audience is as big as ever.
So where are the ratings?

Five current soaps re-air 4 times per episode on Soap Net.
All current shows are available online.
None of those "alternate" viewers are counted by AC Neilsen.

I just did a piece on As The World Turn's gay storyine
for Bay Area Reporter.
That story is being archived at You Tube, where over a million people around the world are following it.

The networks simply cannot compete with all this technology.

RE: DS: when I was a kid, all my male friends watched it.
My Uncle, an Orthodox Rabbi, worked out a deal with his sons: he'd let them watch DS if they agreed to follow the show with 30 mins of Torah study!

DS' appeal trancended gender.
Where did that writer get his info?


Title: Re: Daytime soaps are losing their luster
Post by: Nancy on February 06, 2008, 10:45:09 PM
A friend of mine was an associate producer on The Guiding Light, got laid off there after a decade, went to One Life to Live as a producer.  She told me then that the interest in soaps was in steady decline and she was thinking of starting to look for other work at some point.  "The writing is on the wall" she told me.  She is a producer on General Hospital now but before that opportunity cropped up, she had already started looking for work outside the industry. 

The writing is still on the wall.  Occasionally if I am home and channel surfing I check out the soaps I know people on and I have yet to see any episodes where the storyline didn't strike me as being ridiculous or flat-out stupid.  All the factors involved in the decline of soaps would make an interesting study.

Title: Re: Daytime soaps are losing their luster
Post by: MagnusTrask on February 07, 2008, 02:35:39 AM
I really think many writers' ideas come from nowhere but their own assumptions.    People get lost in their own perceptions.    I hear it announced once in awhile, for example, that Star Trek fandom is some exclusively male thing, when I've had passing contact with several groups over the years, and female fandom has always been huge.

A show with vampires, werewolves, and magic severed body parts, an excusively female thing?
Title: Re: Daytime soaps are losing their luster
Post by: Philippe Cordier on February 07, 2008, 06:22:02 AM
The writer's comment that Dark Shadows' target audience was "teenage girls, not elementary school-age boys" is idiotic. All of the elementary school kids were excited about Dark Shadows, and when I've brought it up with other people my age in recent years, that spark of excitement is nearly always still there, across the board, male and female.

I almost didn't read the article since I had just seen an article on the same topic (the decline of soaps) in a newspaper about a week ago - but turns out, this wasn't the same article.  Funny that the same topic should surface in different newspapers in two different parts of the country, within a week of each other.  The one that I read earlier did not mention Dark Shadows.

Title: Re: Daytime soaps are losing their luster
Post by: David on February 07, 2008, 06:40:16 PM
Nancy, I'm curious as to what your friend would think of my comments.
Low Neilsens bring down ad revenues, which does put soap people out of work.

But doesn't it seem likely that half the audience could be at Soap Net/online?
If the networks could learn to make money from these technologies, the shows would do well again.

Title: Re: Daytime soaps are losing their luster
Post by: jennifer on February 10, 2008, 06:51:52 AM
well i have to say that i used to be a fan of soaps GH, OLTL, and AMC
but i have not been watching them for at least a few years now
the storylines are mostly  targeting the younger crowd  now while before
they tried for everyone i see AMC is bringing back Jesse and Angie to
try to bring back the viewers but i think with the increase of cable shows
(with better shows) the soaps look old and tired i also agree that back when we ran
home from school to watch DS (god i love Tivo) it wasn't just girls all my friends loved it
i just wish it would come back on i've rented some from netflex but its not the same
Title: Re: Daytime soaps are losing their luster
Post by: onyx_treasure on February 11, 2008, 07:42:32 PM
     I used to watch soaps when I was a teenager.  I would look in now and again but I don't even do that.  My late mother-in-law was a fan of  "Days of Our Lives" so I watched it with her.  My problem with soaps are the never ending agony of some plot lines.  "Days" had a woman buried alive for months.  I finally told my Mom to call me when "whats-her-name" was dead or dug up because it was too ridiculous to watch anymore.  At least, plots moved along in Dark Shadows.
Title: Re: Daytime soaps are losing their luster
Post by: adamsgirl on February 12, 2008, 12:18:55 AM
I'm in total agreement that DS appealed to females AND males. That write should go to a DS Festival to see how many Baby Boomer guys attend!

As for soaps in general, the storylines just keep repeating over and over and over again. With AMC bringing back Jesse, as has been mentioned, it's so completely over the top and stupid, I'm still shaking my head. We saw the man flatline in the hospital as his doctor-wife, Angie, sobbed over his body. Normally, when soaps want to resurrect someone, they make sure the body isn't found. This is just too dumb!
Title: Re: Daytime soaps are losing their luster
Post by: Patti Feinberg on February 13, 2008, 08:54:51 PM
Well, I noticed this topic a few days ago....how ironistic as my daughter would say....

A current (moronic) plot on OLTL is Tessica & Natalie have losed Allison from luny bin.

To get her to talk, they decided to HOLD HER UP IN THEIR MASOLEUM.

Guys...if you can watch this weekend on Soapnet or you have Tivo, you must watch....it looks ALOT like the old masoleum!!!! (Plus not a whole room, but a small 'hidden' compartment!!)

Title: Re: Daytime soaps are losing their luster
Post by: markyboo on February 14, 2008, 04:21:15 PM
After a "sabbatical" of several years, I started watching AS THE WORLD TURNS again (mostly due to the gay storyline) and I have been shocked by the program's deterioration in every department from the production values to the quality of the writing. The series has became plot driven rather than character driven, so you watch actors, some of whom have played their roles for decades, struggle with their performances as their characters do and say things that are, well, out of character. You are lucky if you see some of the seasoned veteran performers more than once a month while inexperienced newcomers, probably hired because of their pecs or tushes, are seen practically in every other episode. There are fewer sets - half the characters on the show live in the same farmhouse which must be bigger than Collinwood at this point! - and many scenes are obviously shot in the stairwell of the studio. As for the gay storyline - don't get me started. The straight characters are always tearing each others clothes off and tumbling into bed while the two gay young men have only been allowed one passionate kiss in six months - when they leaned into each other for a kiss during a holiday episode, the camera "discreetly" panned over to some mistletoe. Now the boys keep discussing their "first time" - no one can convince me that two young gay men, filled with hormones and horniness, haven't progressed from hugs and kisses! I am convinced that poor writing and skinflint producers will continue to drive viewers away and ratings will keep dropping. There needs to be some "thinking outside the box" in the soap genre today!
Title: Re: Daytime soaps are losing their luster
Post by: MagnusTrask on March 10, 2008, 09:11:01 AM
 At least, plots moved along in Dark Shadows.

Not necessarily... the plot slowed down, then sped up, then slowed again.... when they were sure everyone was watching they went faster I suppose, as with 1897.   It got ridiculous when Adam kept threatening Barnabas or Barnabas kept threatening Willie or Julia, and never carried the threats out for months on end seemingly.

I was never one for regular soap operas.   I used to watch Edge of Night just before DS, though... sometimes.     Maybe I don't know what I'm talking about, but soap operas seem to want people to be voyeurs.   I don't care who's going out with whom as long as they're happy.   That's their business.   That applies to celebrities too.   I've even decided that love stories are boring... not boring to those in love but boring to outside observers, to me anyway.    It takes something special to make them come alive in a story I think, and DS's love stories are bigger and more epic, and are worked into the larger story.   I don't feel as if I'm intruding.