General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '02 I => Topic started by: Lindsey on May 23, 2002, 12:33:13 AM

Title: Whose Hair...?
Post by: Lindsey on May 23, 2002, 12:33:13 AM
Hey everyone! I'd thought I would take the time and post a survey-type question: If you could have anyone's hair on the show, whose would it be and why? If you're a guy, chose one of the actors' hair and if you're a girl, chose an actresses' hair.

As for myself, I would love to have Angelique's hair. It is a very pretty shade of blond and always looks good. Also, I have always loved Maggie's hair as well. My real hair is a dirty-blond and very thick and wavy, which never does anything right. I would LOVE to trade hair with any one of these two girls!  :D

Title: Re: Whose Hair...?
Post by: Gothick on May 23, 2002, 12:56:02 AM
Well, I'm a guy, but I'd love to have Cassandra's hair.

Instead of wearing it, though, I'd keep it on a stand and use it to frighten religious canvasers and others attempting to make a nuisance of themselves around the house.

I wonder whether that hair can shoot quills, like a greasy, shiny black porcupine?

Cackling maniacally,

Title: Re: Whose Hair...?
Post by: Dr. Eric Lang on May 23, 2002, 01:17:56 AM
Hmmm - none of the MODS (Men of Dark Shadows) had enviable hair. Barnabas and his weird bangs? No way! Roger Collins? Uh, don't think so. Actually my hair is sort of like Joe's or Quentin's - very wavy/curly  . . . and a big mess. Did any of the guys on this show have thick, straight, nice looking hair? I can't think of any.
Title: Re: Whose Hair...?
Post by: Midnite on May 23, 2002, 01:38:34 AM
Did any of the guys on this show have thick, straight, nice looking hair? I can't think of any.

Hmm, Keith Prentice comes to mind.

I always thought Alexandra Moltke and Nancy Barrett had the most gorgeous hair of any of the women.

Gothick, you're so wicked!!!  :-*
Title: Re: Whose Hair...?
Post by: kuanyin on May 23, 2002, 02:18:33 AM
Since I am of the female persuasion, this is a toughie. Keep in mind that in real life I have had an almost exact copy of Grayson's current do. (Didn't go over very well, I am currently brunette and a little longer).

I am going to say -----  Daphne! It is tough, really it is. I love Caroline's and Angie's too. I think Vicky's is pretty, but I don't want it. Same with Maggie.

Title: Re: Whose Hair...?
Post by: Craig_Slocum on May 23, 2002, 02:18:57 AM

Which one of the women had the brightest red hair? I think Roxanne. My natural color is reddish brown, but I like bright red hair. I would love her hair so I don't have to go to the salon every 5 weeks! $$$
Title: Re: Whose Hair...?
Post by: Carol on May 23, 2002, 02:25:40 AM
I always wanted dark thick hair like Alexandra Moltke's. My hair has always been fine, dishwater blond that I have been accenting with color for years.
Title: Re: Whose Hair...?
Post by: Daphne on May 23, 2002, 02:47:23 AM
Although I positively ADORE Daphne's hair, I must say if I could choose anyone's, I'd choose Nancy Barrett's, becaues it can do anything!!!! OMG It curls and it's straight and it's wavy and it's up and it's down and it's short and it's long and it ALWAYS look sooooo perfect!!! Just *not fair*!!! But I wouldn't want 2 b blonde, I'd want dark raven hair like DAPHNE  ;D  ;)
Title: Re: Whose Hair...?
Post by: Raineypark on May 23, 2002, 02:52:40 AM
When I was in my 20's my hair was very much like Alexandra Moltke's...thick, very dark, long and wavy. I thought of it as my best feature.

By the time I was 35 my hair was almost completely white and I wear it short.  

Don't ask me why, but I get more compliments on THIS than I ever got when it was like THAT....???!!! ?!?

Title: Re: Whose Hair...?
Post by: Maria_Merriweather on May 23, 2002, 03:22:52 AM
I like Alexandra Molke's hair.  Mine is brown like hers(salt and pepper now) but not as thick in texture. :)
Title: Re: Whose Hair...?
Post by: Luciaphile on May 23, 2002, 03:46:20 AM
Alexandra Moltke's.  It looked gorgeous.  There were others with nice hair, but I liked hers the best.

Title: Re: Whose Hair...?
Post by: Cassandra on May 23, 2002, 08:43:19 AM
Hmmm - none of the MODS (Men of Dark Shadows)  Did any of the guys on this show have thick, straight, nice looking hair? I can't think of any.

hmmm. How about Aristede? Now that was some head of hair! [kaiokn]          Seriously though, I always thought most of the guys on DS had a pretty nice head of hair, Jerry Lacy, Keith Prentice, Joel Crothers,Geoffrey Scott, David Selby, and Humbert Allen Astredo just to name a few.

As for the women:  My own hair is very long and black and I've always loved black hair, so I guess I would have to say Vicky. Although I really love Angelique's hair (1795) with those beautiful blonde curls, but not for me though. Carolyn also had lovely long hair, and I really adored little Sarah's very long hair too! :)
Title: Re: Whose Hair...?
Post by: Josette on May 23, 2002, 09:22:01 AM
I don't know if I'd want it for myself, but I always love Nancy Barrett's hair.  Even when she just has it straight, as she sometimes does as Carolyn, it just seems so shiny and silky and glowing!  Then it's in all sorts of interesting styles as she plays the various characters, and most of them are wonderful.  There have been lots of scenes where I've just loved looking at it.
Title: Re: Whose Hair...?
Post by: TERRY308 on May 23, 2002, 02:19:06 PM
Nancy Barrett.  I had hair like that when I was younger.   Now my hair is short, still blonde (thanks to Clairol).  But, her hair was beautiful.  She could do anything with it.
Title: Re: Whose Hair...?
Post by: jennifer on May 23, 2002, 02:47:22 PM
I like Alexandra's hair too the best! 8)
Nancy's was nice but i never wanted to be a blonde. :o

Steve i'm with you Cassandra needed one of those
Raquel wigs Hers was so BAD!! :o :o
Title: Re: Whose Hair...?
Post by: Happybat on May 23, 2002, 06:35:26 PM
Nancy's was nice but i never wanted to be a blonde. :o

Carolyn's hair was very thick and lovely, but a little too straight for my taste.  A natural blonde myself, I have always been happy with my hair color but have longed for it to grow a wave or two.  So, I'll have to say Vicky's thick wavy hair and Carolyn's tresses both win my vote.  

I think many of the DS men had nice hair; Quentin's was wavy and lush and Morgan's looked thick and healthy, too.  In fact, one of the few attractive fashions of the late 60s/early 70s were the longer men's hairstyles, which often looked very nice as long as they of the well-groomed, clean variety.  All IMO, of course.

Maybe one of the reasons that so many of the men's hairstyles in the 1840 DS stories looked very authentic was that at least length-wise they were very close to those of the 1970s.
Title: Re: Whose Hair...?
Post by: Craig_Slocum on May 23, 2002, 07:25:33 PM

Regarding the men of Dark Shadows, you know I'm going to say Craig Slocum had the best hair. I love his red hair, and it looks so soft and shiny, makes me just wanna touch it! Cassandra, I notice your very long hair in your avatar photo. Mine was always like that in my 20's. I cut it all off when I was 30, women were wearing real short hair, I mean like short as Craig's in my avatar! Some even shorter. I've been letting it grow again for the last 7 years, with my regular half inch trims to keep the split ends away, so now it's down to the middle of my back and growing again.  :)
Title: Re: Whose Hair...?
Post by: Dr. Eric Lang on May 23, 2002, 11:40:58 PM

hmmm. How about Aristede? Now that was some head of hair! [kaiokn]          Seriously though, I always thought most of the guys on DS had a pretty nice head of hair, Jerry Lacy, Keith Prentice, Joel Crothers,Geoffrey Scott, David Selby, and Humbert Allen Astredo just to name a few.

ARISTEDE? ACK! Does it have to be all poofy like that?

Most of the guys you mention: Crothers, Scott, Selby - all have very wavy hair, like it's really curly and they work hard to straighten it out. That's what mine is already like and it's a big freaking pain in the you know what. Jerry Lacy's and Keith Prentice's hair always struck me as a little oily looking, and I think HAA was on the verge of thinning hair during DS.

Like I say, I'm not too envious of any of the men's hair on DS. Now, Alexandra Moltke, with that impossibly thick hair  . . . THAT'S something to envy!
Title: Re: Whose Hair...?
Post by: HobbiesDS on May 24, 2002, 03:07:37 AM
8)I always thought both Katherine Leigh Scott's and Alenandra Molke's hair was pretty.  I like KLS hair color.  It was a nice shade of red.  My hair is brown and not too thin or too thick but it never looks as beautiful as theirs did!  

Title: Re: Whose Hair...?
Post by: elizabeth on May 24, 2002, 09:46:43 PM
This is a tough one ?!?  ?!?  ?!?  Vickys hair is to thick.  I have very thick hair and it is a bother.   Caroline...To dippy-do, with that dead swoop across her forehead.   :-/  I liked how Maggys looked when it was long with bangs, around the time she was Barnabas capture.  :-*  I really really like Elizabeths hair line.  I have a awful hair line and would love to have hers and wear my hair pulled back.    So Elizabeths hair line, Carolines color.    Style well...........actually I really like Julias when she first got it cut.   :D  Also Nancy Barettes current hair,  (from what I have seen in photos).  Is especially nice, color and style.
Title: Re: Whose Hair...?
Post by: VictoriaWintersRox on May 25, 2002, 01:56:57 AM
Being a guy, I didn't find anything really special about any of the men of "Dark Shadows"' hair doos. Alexandra and Nancy had pretty hair on the show, especially in the first few months of the show.
Title: Re: Whose Hair...?
Post by: Julianka7 on June 07, 2002, 08:24:32 PM
My hair was dark brown like Vicki's,
now it salt and pepper. So I like to
have Vicki's hair  ;)
Title: Re: Whose Hair...?
Post by: Taeylor Collins on August 25, 2008, 06:32:15 AM
I would like to have David Selby's gorgeous head of thick hair during the show.  I have red hair which I used to hate, but now embrace because "RED" is so in now.  I think it had more to do with being teased for having red hair and on top of that being teased for being gay. I think that is what really made me not like it when I was young.  My biggest qualm now is since I have had to take pain medication for a back injury it has caused my hair to fall out.   I am not bald thankfully, but it isn't as thick as when I was healthier 20 year old. 

As for the gals I loved Alexandras gorgeous hair especially right[spoiler] before she leaves the show![/spoiler]
Title: Re: Whose Hair...?
Post by: MagnusTrask on August 25, 2008, 11:08:12 AM
When I was a teenager a barber tried to sell me on the idea of using some tonic he'd invented that made one's hair fall out.   He thought I had too much, you see.   It was very thick.   I was a sensible kid though, and knew I was going to need that hair some day.   So now even though I'm middle-aged and it's very gray (went gray in 30s), I'm still fine in the hair department, in fact it's long.

I don't envy anyone else's hair.  I only regret that I'm the position of having to cut it myself, and I don't know what the hell I'm doing.   
Title: Re: Whose Hair...?
Post by: borgosi on August 25, 2008, 04:21:18 PM
I'm a guy but I have long hair most of the time. My wife and I give to "Locks Of Love" every few years or so. So I'm picking Vickie when her hair was at it's longest.

Here's a picture taken about six months before my last hair cut.
Title: Re: Whose Hair...?
Post by: Taeylor Collins on August 25, 2008, 04:38:51 PM
Well your hair is absolutely goregous and I am jealous!  [ghost_tongue] Naw, man I am glad you have such goregous hair.  IF I can get off the meds eventually I hope it will come back in as thick as it used to be. 
Title: Re: Whose Hair...?
Post by: borgosi on August 25, 2008, 04:48:18 PM
My prayers are with you my friend, about getting off the meds anyway. You get off of those and everything else will be a bonus.
Title: Re: Whose Hair...?
Post by: Taeylor Collins on August 25, 2008, 04:52:04 PM
BTW..it is great that you and your wifey do that for LOCKS OF LOVE.  IF my hair was healthier I would.  My hair has been long since I got out of High School.  I went to "CHRISTIAN" school and we were very repressed.  So having long hair has been my ultimate rebellion for years. I have another friend here on the boards who donates to the same charity.  You and your wife seem like "GOOD PEOPLE" too me.  Thanks for the prayers.  I CERTAINLY beleive in the POWER of PRAYER!!!
Title: Re: Whose Hair...?
Post by: borgosi on August 25, 2008, 04:58:15 PM
Thank you, I talk about Locks Of Love whenever I can hoping other will give.

Now back on topic. [ghost_smiley]
Title: Re: Whose Hair...?
Post by: Taeylor Collins on August 25, 2008, 05:26:47 PM
Yes I have we have gotten way off.  I also loved Grayson Hall's short hair.  I thought she was striking though with her hair longer as the series was wrapping up.  Think 1995 and beyond.
Title: Re: Whose Hair...?
Post by: michael c on August 25, 2008, 11:43:48 PM
since maggie so often "went to pieces" i'm going to have to disqualify her in the 'best hair' category...

so i'll have to go with vicki.it's so lustrous.especially in the late 1968 episodes.it's the stuff of the classic "breck girl" shampoo ads.

but honorable mention needs to go to carolyn in the 1970 episodes.here her hair is at it's longest and prettiest.
Title: Re: Whose Hair...?
Post by: Devlin66 on August 26, 2008, 09:19:59 AM
At the risk of repeating a prior post

Carolyn Stoddard had the best hair in Collinwood circa 1966-68 and certainly was the best dancer. [ghost_mellow]