General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '07 II => Topic started by: Willie Loomis on November 19, 2007, 07:27:39 PM

Title: things that should have happened but didn't:
Post by: Willie Loomis on November 19, 2007, 07:27:39 PM
some things that should have happened on the show, but for some stoopid reason didn't:

first and foremost:

1)  MAGGIE AND WILLIE HOOKING UP.  i mean really  could this have been the BIGGEST disappointment?   and she is paired with SEBASTIAN?   oh, please.
(okay, my serious rant is over with)
2)  Barnabas should have married Julia.   he never told this woman how he truly felt, and i'm sure he was in love with her but just didn't realize it.
3)  David's story was left unresolved.   and what the hell happned to this kid anyways.
3)  just ONCE JUST ONCE i would love to have seen Willie clock Miss Barnabas.   oh.   would i have paid to see that! 
4)  Someone should have just told VICTORIA to stop WHINING AND WINGING, pointing out she was a governess and her behavior was not all that flattering for her
     image.   And also, STOP ASKING THE STUPID QUESTION, "what does it mean? " don't you think by now if we knew it we'd of told you??????

feel free to add morel