General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '07 II => Topic started by: loril54 on August 29, 2007, 01:17:37 AM

Title: Something Fun to read just saw.
Post by: loril54 on August 29, 2007, 01:17:37 AM
The Lost Signal: Living La Vida Shadows (http://www.popmatters.com/pm/columns/article/47490/living-la-vida-shadows/)

Here is a great piece that you might want to read.
Title: Re: Something Fun to read just saw.
Post by: Mark Rainey on August 29, 2007, 03:17:58 PM
Always nice to see such a piece from someone who gets it.
Title: Re: Something Fun to read just saw.
Post by: BuzzH on August 29, 2007, 04:17:44 PM
Here is a great piece that you might want to read.

Nice article but alas, filled w/inaccuracies.  I wish to god these ppl would RESEARCH the show and it's plotlines before penning articles about it!   ::)
Title: Re: Something Fun to read just saw.
Post by: Janet the Wicked on August 29, 2007, 05:36:38 PM
A bit heavy on the adjectives. My god, Jim!
Title: Re: Something Fun to read just saw.
Post by: Midnite on August 29, 2007, 07:09:52 PM
A bit heavy on the adjectives. My god, Jim!

LOL!  "Vile oil paintings of hate" and "female witch" do seem to have come out of the School of Redundancy College.

Buzz, I thought the author sounded like a fan who is intimate with the entire series.  I especially liked the comment that no one goes to bed before 3 or 4 in the morning.  :D
Title: Re: Something Fun to read just saw.
Post by: Nancy on August 29, 2007, 08:45:20 PM
A bit heavy on the adjectives. My god, Jim!

I'm a doctor not an English major! >:(
Title: Re: Something Fun to read just saw.
Post by: BuzzH on August 30, 2007, 04:15:30 PM
Buzz, I thought the author sounded like a fan who is intimate with the entire series. 

Ah, you've challenged me Midnite!   >:D  Okay, here's what I found incorrect:


1. DS did not start in 1967 as he claims at the beginning of the article.
2. He claims that there are 1225 episodes LEFT from the intro. of Barnabas on, not 1225 total.
3. He claims Petofi had a brogue, gee, didn't realize he was Irish.  I don't recall him having ANY accent, let alone a brogue.
4. He claims Judith feared being buried alive when it was Liz that feared this.  Then says she shot her husband and buried him in the basement, again this was Liz.  And Liz didn't shoot Paul, she clocked him w/a fire poker.

5. No one's husband was walled up in a basement alcove, if he's talking about Rev. Trask, who's husband was he?
6. There were no shapeshifters that I recall unless he's talking about the Leviathans, and none of them had brothers who were walled up in the West Wing.

7. Angelique was not left at the alter, Barnabas married her.

Title: Re: Something Fun to read just saw.
Post by: Midnite on August 30, 2007, 05:42:37 PM
Ah, you've challenged me Midnite!   >:D  Okay, here's what I found incorrect:


1. DS did not start in 1967 as he claims at the beginning of the article.
2. He claims that there are 1225 episodes LEFT from the intro. of Barnabas on, not 1225 total.
3. He claims Petofi had a brogue, gee, didn't realize he was Irish.  I don't recall him having ANY accent, let alone a brogue.
4. He claims Judith feared being buried alive when it was Liz that feared this.  Then says she shot her husband and buried him in the basement, again this was Liz.  And Liz didn't shoot Paul, she clocked him w/a fire poker.

5. No one's husband was walled up in a basement alcove, if he's talking about Rev. Trask, who's husband was he?
6. There were no shapeshifters that I recall unless he's talking about the Leviathans, and none of them had brothers who were walled up in the West Wing.

You're right here, Buzz, a few details aren't perfect and he was off by about half a year and a couple of hundred episodes, though I don't agree with your original comment that the article was "filled with inaccuracies."  And since it was written as his tongue-in-cheek interpretation of the series and not as a timeline, I think it was generally right on the mark.  The author is obviously a fan who has seen the series more than once but confuses a few of the events as most fans often do.  After all, the DS Program Guide tells us that Lamar Trask was shot, and I won't even get into the errors in KLS' books.  So I can't say I'm surprised that this guy would think Liz shot Paul, or that he mixed Gregory Trask's fate up with his great-great-grandfather's (or great-grandfather's, depending on which DS scene you choose to believe; even the show's writers got tripped up on their own details).

But I am thrilled to have offered you a challenge and honored that you took me up on it!

I'm pretty sure the author didn't say that Judith feared being buried alive.  It was a paragraph about the head of household, and while he never mentioned any names he seemed to go back and forth between Judith and Liz.

As for Petofi, he described him as a "Hungarian diplomat with a Carnaby Street fashion sense and thick-tongued brogue," an interpretation I found hilarious.  But then again I'm easily entertained.  :D

Werewolves are shapeshifters, btw.

7. Angelique was not left at the alter, Barnabas married her.

That one drove me nuts.  Yes, Barnabas did marry her before dumping her.  But the line reminded me of an experience at a wedding shower years ago where I played one of those lame party games, and in this case it was a word scramble of terms relating to a wedding in which the letters in one entry were something like TALRE, and I could NOT get that the answer was ALTER, nor did the bride realize that weddings take place at an ALTAR.  ;)

Getting back to the article, one thing that stumped me was "closets containing entry to hidden horrors."  Unless he's thinking of the Narnia books ::), was he perhaps interpreting the I-Ching door in the basement to be a closet?  Or the dream curse doors?  Am I forgetting something?

But anyway, it was refreshing to read a new take on the series as well as an article that doesn't refer to a rabid fan base or use that blasted c-word!  (Camp, that is.)
Title: Re: Something Fun to read just saw.
Post by: BuzzH on August 30, 2007, 05:57:36 PM
I won't even get into the errors in KLS' books...even the show's writers got tripped up on their own details).

No joke!  To this day she insists that when Sam died he said, "Where is it! Where is it!" and he didn't.  Quite obviously she's confused about what probably happened in Dress Rehersal and NOT the actual taping.  But who's gonna argue w/the Queen Bee of DS?   ::)  I also agree about the writers.  One of my favorite 'behind the scenes' stories is the time they were doing a read through of the next day's scripts and got hung up on a continuity question and Frid saying, "This is ridiculous, someone just go ask the kids outside!"   ^-^

Werewolves are shapeshifters, btw.

Hmm, did not know that... ???

Getting back to the article, one thing that stumped me was "closets containing entry to hidden horrors." 

I just figured he was talking about the upstairs closet that turned into 1. The playroom in 1840 and/or the Staircase Through Time.   8)
Title: Re: Something Fun to read just saw.
Post by: Midnite on August 30, 2007, 05:57:51 PM
Quote from: Midnite
Werewolves are shapeshifters, btw.

Oops, I forgot to add that I assumed the shapeshifting brother walled up in the West Wing referred to Quentin.
Title: Re: Something Fun to read just saw.
Post by: MsCriseyde on August 30, 2007, 05:58:43 PM
Getting back to the article, one thing that stumped me was "closets containing entry to hidden horrors."  Unless he's thinking of the Narnia books ::), was he perhaps interpreting the I-Ching door in the basement to be a closet?  Or the dream curse doors?  Am I forgetting something?
Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. I can't believe I am having to explain this to you of all people. Clearly, it is a reference to the show's fashion horrors.  [jester]
Title: Re: Something Fun to read just saw.
Post by: Midnite on August 30, 2007, 06:01:16 PM
I just figured he was talking about the upstairs closet that turned into 1. The playroom in 1840 and/or the Staircase Through Time.   8)

Oh, duh!  Thanks!!

Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. I can't believe I am having to explain this to you of all people. Clearly, it is a reference to the show's fashion horrors.  [jester]

Title: Re: Something Fun to read just saw.
Post by: BuzzH on August 30, 2007, 06:31:03 PM
Getting back to the article, one thing that stumped me was "closets containing entry to hidden horrors." 
Clearly, it is a reference to the show's fashion horrors. 

Or could he have been talking about some of the closeted actors?  Or characters?  (Brokeback Shadows comes immediately to mind! >:D  (kidding ppl!  ;))
Title: Re: Something Fun to read just saw.
Post by: Nancy on August 30, 2007, 07:19:14 PM
That was a very funny bit - Brokeback Shadows.

Or could he have been talking about some of the closeted actors?  Or characters?  (Brokeback Shadows comes immediately to mind! >:D  (kidding ppl!  ;))
Title: Re: Something Fun to read just saw.
Post by: BuzzH on August 30, 2007, 07:40:42 PM
That was a very funny bit - Brokeback Shadows.

The timing of the thing was just hysterical!  The audio of the wife saying, "You don't go up there to go fishing!" PERFECTLY timed to the visual of Angelique cursing Barnabas just about put me on the floor!  Then there was the Photoshopped movie poster w/Barnabas & Willie.  The whole thing brought back memories of those old Jean Graham fan fics about Barnabas & Jeremiah, LOL!    >:D
Title: Re: Something Fun to read just saw.
Post by: Nelson Collins on August 31, 2007, 02:52:16 PM
No joke!  To this day she insists that when Sam died he said, "Where is it! Where is it!" and he didn't.  Quite obviously she's confused about what probably happened in Dress Rehersal and NOT the actual taping. 

Perhaps Ford was referring to the TelePrompter?   >:D
Title: Re: Something Fun to read just saw.
Post by: Midnite on August 31, 2007, 04:16:21 PM
Perhaps Ford was referring to the TelePrompter?   >:D

Actually, that's exactly what he was referring to.  And in a slightly earlier hospital room scene you can hear a loud noise, but what Ford actually says in that episode is "Where is she?" after Vicki has left the room, not "Where is it?," though IIRC he does seem to gesture to someone off camera and be looking for something.