General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '07 II => Topic started by: Bob_the_Bartender on August 22, 2007, 04:49:31 PM

Title: Willie Loomis: DS' Favorite Punching Bag Par Excellence?
Post by: Bob_the_Bartender on August 22, 2007, 04:49:31 PM
Hey gang,

Did you ever notice how poor Willie is the recipient of so many thrashings on the show?  I mean, after appearing in only a few episodes, Willie gets his lights punched out by alpha-male Burke Devlin in the Blue Whale (much to proprietor Bob the Bartender's "great" chagrin).  [boxing]

Of course, Willie really got the stuffing beaten out of him, when an enraged Barnabas took his cane to Willie's carcass one night.  Oh, the pain and those seemingly permanent black-and-blue marks! [90d1] [5363] [twak]

And in an example of "With Friends Like These...." how despicable was it, when Willie's former "buddy," Jason McGuire, punk-slapped woeful Willie only a few days after Mr. B. had cudgeled his maladroit manservant within an inch of his life?  [a395]

Oh, poor Willie's shellackings seemed to go on and on as the jealous Joe Haskell once pummeled Maggie Evans' unrequited love, and the assertive man/child Adam almost crushed Willie's cranium as badly as the late, "lamented" Phil Leotardo had his cocoanut crushed by that errant SUV! [help]

I do hope that Barnabas kept up with Willie's Blus Cross/Blue Shield payments. [angel7]

Bob the Bartender, who believes, like the ethereally beautiful Bathis Mapes was wont to say: "Make love, not war." [luv] [love3] [love7]
Title: Re: Willie Loomis: DS' Favorite Punching Bag Par Excellence?
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on August 22, 2007, 07:20:26 PM
I do hope that Barnabas kept up with Willie's Blus Cross/Blue Shield payments. [angel7]

It was really Willie's lucky day when Julia happened on the scene and stuck around permanently because then he had a doctor around 24/7 to tend to his every wound.  [wink2]  (Well, except for whenever she disappeared for a few months here and there into other times. Though in those instances one would hope Willie would have sense enough to behave.  :D)
Title: Re: Willie Loomis: DS' Favorite Punching Bag Par Excellence?
Post by: Bob_the_Bartender on August 22, 2007, 07:28:42 PM
I do hope that Barnabas kept up with Willie's Blus Cross/Blue Shield payments. [angel7]

It was really Willie's lucky day when Julia happened on the scene and stuck around permanently because then he had a doctor around 24/7 to tend to his every wound.  [wink2]

I shudder to think what might have happened if the good Dr. Hoffman had not been on Willie's HMO plan! :o
Title: Re: Willie Loomis: DS' Favorite Punching Bag Par Excellence?
Post by: David on August 22, 2007, 08:34:40 PM

all of Willie's beatings are further proof of how ahead of it's time DS was~~it's the first soap to accurately show a graphic S & M relationship.

Bad boy, Willie!
On your knees, boy!!!

Title: Re: Willie Loomis: DS' Favorite Punching Bag Par Excellence?
Post by: Bob_the_Bartender on August 22, 2007, 10:58:49 PM

all of Willie's beatings are further proof of how ahead of it's time DS was~~it's the first soap to accurately show a graphic S & M relationship.

Bad boy, Willie!
On your knees, boy!!!

Yes, seeing Willie get the bejesus beaten out of him by Barnabas, Burke, Jason, Joe, et al, I'm almost reminded of the comely Gretchen Mol and that other actress in that "heated"  S & M photo-shoot sequence from "The Notorious Bettie Page"! [diablo] [violent1] [angel4] [love10]
Title: Re: Willie Loomis: DS' Favorite Punching Bag Par Excellence?
Post by: Phil on August 23, 2007, 03:32:09 AM
In the lobby of the Marriott at 3am? Absolutely.
Title: Re: Willie Loomis: DS' Favorite Punching Bag Par Excellence?
Post by: Willie Loomis on September 20, 2007, 07:02:44 PM
wasn't julia always being throttled by the big b and quentin and well, really any one who felt like it? 

Title: Re: Willie Loomis: DS' Favorite Punching Bag Par Excellence?
Post by: Janet the Wicked on September 21, 2007, 03:00:22 AM
It was really Willie's lucky day when Julia happened on the scene and stuck around permanently because then he had a doctor around 24/7 to tend to his every wound.  [wink2]  (Well, except for whenever she disappeared for a few months here and there into other times. Though in those instances one would hope Willie would have sense enough to behave.  :D)

Willie's lucky day? Dr. Hoffman beleaguered, belittled, and badgered that boy.
Fix me a laboratory, Willie. Stake this vampire for us, Willie. Dig this grave, find us a body, dream this curse, but don't tell. You will take the blame for stalking Maggie Evans, and stay at Wyndecliff, for you are quite mad. You can't have happiness with Roxanne, because you must carry out our plans.
Did I leave anything out? Wait. Didn't she light up a cigarette while Wille was in an oxygen tent?
Title: Re: Willie Loomis: DS' Favorite Punching Bag Par Excellence?
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on September 21, 2007, 03:51:55 PM
Well, I was only speaking in terms of Willie having nearly constant access to a doctor to tend to his physical wounds. As you rightly point out, the effect Julia often had on Willie's psychological health is another story entirely!  [b003]