Members' Mausoleum => Calendar Events / Announcements Archive => Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I => Calendar Events / Announcements '07 II => Topic started by: Ronny G on July 29, 2007, 05:43:06 AM

Title: Great Price on DS: The Beginning Ep. 1-35 DVD
Post by: Ronny G on July 29, 2007, 05:43:06 AM
I couldn't pass on this:

At Walmart.com the preorder price is $29.98 + $ 2.47 =$ 32.35

http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=6457968&sourceid=02359886223428579391 (http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=6457968&sourceid=02359886223428579391)
Title: Re: Great Price on DS: The Beginning Ep. 1-35 DVD
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on July 29, 2007, 05:50:33 AM
Whoa!!  :o

But as a cousin recently said, "Patience IS a virture" - and anyone who has remained patient enough to refrain from joining the DVD club or even already preordering at any other Web sites would certainly have their patience pay off by taking advantage of this great offer.  ;)
Title: Re: Great Price on DS: The Beginning Ep. 1-35 DVD
Post by: Miranda on July 29, 2007, 06:08:23 AM
Please, I mean no disrespect by this, and I agree this is a great price but why would ANYONE want to pay 700-800 dollars for the pre-Barnabas episodes?? I think I saw these once on SciFi and found them terribly boring, as an alternative you can rent them first from Netflix once they get them and maybe see if any of the volumes are worth purchasing....JMHO
Title: Re: Great Price on DS: The Beginning Ep. 1-35 DVD
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on July 29, 2007, 06:14:40 AM
I think I saw these once on SciFi and found them terribly boring ... JMHO

Which you're entirely entitled to.  :)  But many of us would heartily disagree.  ;)

Also, the pre-Barn DVD sets wouldn't cost anything like $700-$800. Not even half that, in fact. And not even if someone were to buy them via the DVD club.

For example, even forgetting about this topic's offer, one will probably be able to get the entire set from DeepDiscount.com ($41.89-$43.53 per set w/ free shipping) or Amazon.com ($41.99-$44.99 per set w/ free shipping) for under $270.
Title: Re: Great Price on DS: The Beginning Ep. 1-35 DVD
Post by: Miranda on July 29, 2007, 09:31:27 PM
My mistake, MB, I need to read the heading better, I saw it as VOLUMES 1-35, rather than EPISODES 1-35, silly me!!
Title: Re: Great Price on DS: The Beginning Ep. 1-35 DVD
Post by: Gothick on July 30, 2007, 04:03:48 PM
I love the early 1966 episodes.  The brooding monochrome camerawork, the atmospheric lighting, the spot-on performances from all involved--granted, Art Wallace's writing does have its banal moments (I still shake my head at that "container of coffee"), but there are some really exquisite moments in there.

And, if you don't grok just how special DS was from episode 1, check out the week from Days of our lives in 1966 and see just what a WORLD of difference there was between standard soap writing and DS!

Title: Re: Great Price on DS: The Beginning Ep. 1-35 DVD
Post by: BuzzH on July 30, 2007, 07:24:27 PM
I can't disagree more w/you Miranda!  The first 209 episodes are gems to be cherished just like the rest of the series!  The writing, acting, suspenseful stories, it all gelled.  All DS fans should have all eps if possible, if nothing else to complete the series.  And let's face it...


...that scene where Josette first descends down from her portrait in the broken down Old House drawing room and proceeds outside where she glides and sort of dances around in the front yard sent goose pimples down my spine, and I was pushing 40 when I first viewed it!

The only issue I have w/these eps is how they end, and I won't go into that lest I create another spoiler
Title: Re: Great Price on DS: The Beginning Ep. 1-35 DVD
Post by: Lydia on August 02, 2007, 08:51:53 AM
I've seen episodes 1-34 so far.  I'm enjoying the beginning episodes hugely, but a lot of my enjoyment derives from comparisons with what comes later.   My general feeling is that if episodes 1-209 were a stand-alone series, it wouldn't keep me watching, even though there are parts, like the resolution of the bleeder valve business, that really had me interested.  I may change my mind as I watch episodes 35-209.  At any rate, I have no regrets about buying the DVDs.
Title: Re: Great Price on DS: The Beginning Ep. 1-35 DVD
Post by: Nelson Collins on August 07, 2007, 12:50:08 PM
With the greatest of respect, I must say that DS could be offered for free with any purchase at WalMart (even a 99 cent candy bar) and I would not shop there.  Most of their employees are treated little better than slaves and most of their merchandise is made by overseas sweat shops.
Title: Re: Great Price on DS: The Beginning Ep. 1-35 DVD
Post by: Nelson Collins on August 07, 2007, 01:11:39 PM
Any word yet on the replacement disc in set 1?
Title: Re: Great Price on DS: The Beginning Ep. 1-35 DVD
Post by: michael c on August 09, 2007, 02:21:08 AM
after catching random episodes on the sci-fi channel over the years when i decided to really "do" this thing and watch from begining to end i started the only place i saw fit...episode one.

in some ways episodes 1-209 do function as a stand alone series even though they include many of the actors,sets,musical cues,etc. that will remain with the show during the full onset of the supernatural years and throughout it's entire run.the general tone of the show shifts so dramatically once the barnabas character is introduced.

still there is a spiritual connection between the two that cannot be ignored.

so as much as i love what comes later the early episodes will always have a very special place in my heart and i think i would have enjoyed episodes 1-209 tremendously even if it had just been a short-lived,stand alone series.
Title: Re: Great Price on DS: The Beginning Ep. 1-35 DVD
Post by: Devlin66 on September 02, 2007, 01:20:03 PM
some of the best Roger/Liz scenes are in the pre barn series and carolyn has her best hair during this time.

i am sorry to see the new DVD did NOT include the original ABC commercials on the first episode, but at least they are putting in the production slates. :o(http://)
Title: Re: Great Price on DS: The Beginning Ep. 1-35 DVD
Post by: BuzzH on September 02, 2007, 03:09:46 PM
i am sorry to see the new DVD did NOT include the original ABC commercials on the first episode

Yes, they do.  Disc 4, in the Special Features.   ;)
Title: Re: Great Price on DS: The Beginning Ep. 1-35 DVD
Post by: Ronny G on September 02, 2007, 04:05:37 PM
Yes, Buzz is right. It's on Disc 4. I watched it the other night, but the only commercial that sticks in my mind is the promo for F-Troop, which I thought was cool.
Title: Re: Great Price on DS: The Beginning Ep. 1-35 DVD
Post by: Devlin66 on September 02, 2007, 07:31:21 PM
well they (MPI) should of ran the spots between the episode 1 scenes like the original....so i understand its a special feature section where you just click and the commercials run back to back without any episode transitions? :-X
Title: Re: Great Price on DS: The Beginning Ep. 1-35 DVD
Post by: BuzzH on September 02, 2007, 11:17:03 PM
well they (MPI) should of ran the spots between the episode 1 scenes like the original....

I'm actually glad they DIDN'T do it that way, I find the commercials semi to completely annoying, but that's just me.   ;D

so i understand its a special feature section where you just click and the commercials run back to back without any episode transitions?

You don't have to do anything other than highlight the ep on Disc 4 in the Special Features section and hit PLAY.   ;)
Title: Re: Great Price on DS: The Beginning Ep. 1-35 DVD
Post by: barnabasjr on September 03, 2007, 02:12:17 AM
Yes, Buzz is right. It's on Disc 4. I watched it the other night, but the only commercial that sticks in my mind is the promo for F-Troop, which I thought was cool.
The commercial for Bravo Floor Wax seemed strangely familiar to me.