General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '07 II => Topic started by: Watching Project on July 26, 2007, 05:58:52 PM

Title: Discuss - Ep #0349
Post by: Watching Project on July 26, 2007, 05:58:52 PM
Robservations - #349
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0349
Post by: loril54 on July 27, 2007, 05:49:27 AM
This was a great show. I loved the Barnabas and Julia fighting with the sabers so to speak. I wonder what would have happened if carolyn had taken the soldier, keep it with her in her travels.

I wonder if it is the soldier that protected David somewhat when he went into the basement. I was wondering also what Vickie was thinking.  Julia dressed the way she was at the Old House, not historian garb. I hope that it wasn't that I don't understand. She does have a blind spot when it come to Barnabas.

Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0349
Post by: IluvBarnabas on July 27, 2007, 04:11:26 PM
Well, Vicki has only seen the charming side of Barnabas thus far. I agree she does seem to have a blind spot where he's concerned, but he shows her only the side he wants her to see. Boy, if only she could have seen him as he was at that moment, her eyes would have been wide open....with terror! LOL  ;D

Carolyn really should have kept that soldier. I don't know if it really would have kept her safe, but it did seem to do the trick for David.  Or maybe David just got lucky when Julia showed up when she did...who knows?  ^-^

I thought Barnabas had some nerve to blame Julia for what happened to him. He need only look in a mirror to see whose at fault here (oops, I forgot he CAN'T see himself in the mirror!) ;D

Another cool episode.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0349
Post by: Lydia on July 27, 2007, 05:35:38 PM
This episode surprised me.  My memory of it was: "They went for the special effects in makeup, and special effects have never excited me much."  This time around, I enjoyed comparing 200-year old Barnabas to 82-year-old Jonathan, and I loved watching Julia goading Barnabas to bite Vicky, even while I wondered why Julia was doing it.  At this point, the relationship between Barnabas and Julia is so twisted that it's hard to believe they're not married.

I didn't expect Carolyn to turn to Joe to for help, but who else is left who might help her?  Hmm, it would have been interesting to see Carolyn join forces with Jason McGuire against Barnabas.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0349
Post by: loril54 on July 27, 2007, 05:45:06 PM
At this point, the relationship between Barnabas and Julia is so twisted that it's hard to believe they're not married.

I didn't expect Carolyn to turn to Joe to for help, but who else is left who might help her?  Hmm, it would have been interesting to see Carolyn join forces with Jason McGuire against Barnabas.

Julia and Barnabas, in some ways after the murder of  Woodard are joined at the hip. :o Pun intended.  The next show is even more amazing in many ways.  Barnabas and Julia did depend on one another in many ways.

Who else could Carolyn talk to  Burke and Woodard are gone. There is always Buzz, but what could he have done.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0349
Post by: MagnusTrask on July 27, 2007, 07:31:31 PM
That's the best old age makeup/mask I've ever seen in my life.  It was so good they seem to have based a whole DS movie around it (I haven't seen the films).    It may be the ONLY good aging I've ever seen... usually they smear bluish stuff into their hair.... many shows just glue lumpy stuff to faces to age them, and it looks like nothing except lumps and glue.    They don't look old, they just seem to have stung by a hundred bees.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0349
Post by: loril54 on July 27, 2007, 08:18:16 PM
If you listen to the interview with the make up artist Dick Smith? He used what he learned with Barnabas and Jonathan.  He used with Dustin Hoffman and Little Big Man.  Just a piece of trivia.

Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0349
Post by: IluvBarnabas on July 27, 2007, 08:32:23 PM
I didn't expect Carolyn to turn to Joe to for help, but who else is left who might help her?  Hmm, it would have been interesting to see Carolyn join forces with Jason McGuire against Barnabas.

After what Jason put her mother through, hell would have had to freeze over before Carolyn ever teamed up with that sleazebag. Even then, I don't think Carolyn would have had anything to do with Jason over anything EVER.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0349
Post by: MagnusTrask on July 28, 2007, 01:28:55 AM
If you listen to the interview with the make up artist Dick Smith? He used what he learned with Barnabas and Jonathan.  He used with Dustin Hoffman and Little Big Man.  Just a piece of trivia.

Thanks!   One of my favorite films!


I think when someone like Jason turns up, you suddenly realize how nice it is to have a vampire in the family.     Jason's the worse bloodsucker.     The Collins family would have overlooked BC's little blood disorder for services rendered.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0349
Post by: EmeraldRose on September 06, 2007, 03:55:10 AM
Saw Dick Smith's fantastic makeup work on the ancient Barnabas today. The man definitely has/had a great talent (I don't know if he's still alive).
I just checked IMDb, and Dick Smith is still alive - he's 85 years old. I agree, Dick Smith does have a great talent! [cheerleader]

I love the makeup on Barnabas/Jonathan! I finally met Jonathan Frid at the recent DS Fest, and he looks much better now than he did with all that old-age makeup on in 1967! He looks very good for 82 - very handsome! It will take a looong time for JF to look as old as he did on DS! [winkg]

I loved it when Julia was baiting Barnabas to bite Vicki! [cheesyg] Her jealousy was coming out in spades! It was wonderful to see Julia berating Barnabas for a change! Their sparring was great! [cheer]

----- Sally -----
[coolg] [hippy2]
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0349
Post by: Roland on October 27, 2007, 02:36:38 AM
One thing I don't get is why Vicky doesn't seem freaked out by Barnabas anymore.  Did Julia's post-hypnotic suggestion from a mere two episodes ago wear off or something?  In this episode, Vicky seems once again very sympathetic towards Barnabas, wanting to spend time with him and saying what a comfort he is to her.  It's almost like the writers pick up and drop certain plot points at their convenience.  For this episode, they needed Vicky to want to see Barnabas in order to provide tension in that one scene and they also needed someone to be a foil for the increasingly supsicion Caroline, so they seem to have simply decided to forget what they had done to Vicky two days earlier.

One quick question:  what happens to Barnabas' clothes when he transforms himself into a bat?