General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '07 I => Topic started by: loril54 on June 15, 2007, 02:09:50 PM

Title: How many times do we see people in casual clothes?
Post by: loril54 on June 15, 2007, 02:09:50 PM
How often do we see the Collins Family in casual clothes?   Just watching as part of the watching project. Do we ever see jeans on  the parents. No sweatsuits, tennis shoes,  and no ties or ascots? I must admit it is hard  to remember back then.
Title: Re: How many times do we see people in casual clothes?
Post by: Brandon Collins on June 15, 2007, 03:31:29 PM
I don't think we ever see anyone in soaps wearing much casual stuff. I mean, in today's soaps, of course there are people who were it sometimes, but most of the time it's suits for the men, and some kind of business dress or at least semi-formal stuff for the women.

In DS, the only character I can even think of maybe having an inkling about wearing jeans, would be Buzz. And I'm not sure what you would consider casual or not, but Vicki and Carolyn wore casual dress clothes more of the time. But, I guess that's still considered "Dress" clothes.
Title: Re: How many times do we see people in casual clothes?
Post by: MagnusTrask on June 15, 2007, 06:00:35 PM
I just posted on this, I thought.  If I did it on another board by accident, that's going to be embarrassing.

Anyway, no one but kids would have been caught dead in jeans, which to the WW2 generation were farm wear.   They were, before the mid-60s.    Maybe the same for sneakers except they would have been for sports.   Sweatsuits too.    I heard recently that they started being worn in public in the 80s.    I missed that I guess.
Title: Re: How many times do we see people in casual clothes?
Post by: loril54 on June 15, 2007, 06:11:55 PM
But we were talking about being at home. Not out in the public. I do remember my mother dressing better to go to the store.   She did grow up in the farm, and she had to wear overall.  I wonder how much time they took to dress up at home. Did we ?
Title: Re: How many times do we see people in casual clothes?
Post by: adamsgirl on June 15, 2007, 07:04:36 PM
Carolyn definitely dressed casually when out with Buzz. I recall her wearing tight black jeans and some kind of sweater, along with black boots, but not sneakers. That was the only time, though. PT1970 Carolyn wore slacks, as I recall, which were brown.
Title: Re: How many times do we see people in casual clothes?
Post by: Gerard on June 15, 2007, 09:54:38 PM
Wasn't Carolyn wearing "Mary-Tyler-Moore" pants in, I believe, the second or third episode, where she was cuttin' a rug with all her cool cats and chicks friends to the juke box in the Blue Whale?

Title: Re: How many times do we see people in casual clothes?
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on June 15, 2007, 10:07:05 PM
Nope - she was wearing a dress:


And a Vicki-style sleeveless one at that.  :)

Just goes to show how the mind can sometimes play tricks.  ;)
Title: Re: How many times do we see people in casual clothes?
Post by: Gerard on June 15, 2007, 11:34:06 PM
Of course!  Once I again, I had suffered from FDSMS (Faulty Dark Shadows Memory Syndrome).  Maybe it was Joe who was wearing the Mary-Tyler-Moore pants.  That's why he was sometimes cranky when he went on dates with Carolyn.  It had nothing to do with her being sassy.

Title: Re: How many times do we see people in casual clothes?
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on June 15, 2007, 11:47:04 PM
Maybe it was Joe who was wearing the Mary-Tyler-Moore pants.

That's probably it!  ;D
Title: Re: How many times do we see people in casual clothes?
Post by: Brandon Collins on June 16, 2007, 04:10:41 AM
I think over the years the way we dress has been "dumbed down" so to speak. I mean, when I'm at home, on my days off, if I'm just going to be lazy, I don't change out of my bed clothes sometimes. If I'm going outside to do something, I wear a old t-shirt and some shorts. But if I do go out somewhere, like to the store, I usually make sure my shorts have no holes in them, or I wear jeans, and a nicer, newer t-shirt. There was a point when I was younger where I didn't give a hoot if I was caught dead in my underwear in the store, but now I'm more concerned about my appearance.

Back in the day (not my day, either ;) ), I'd expect that most wouldn't be caught dead going out without a casual suit on and some type of dress for the women.
Title: Re: How many times do we see people in casual clothes?
Post by: adamsgirl on June 16, 2007, 06:12:43 PM
You're right, Brandon. I always get a kick out of old TV series like "Leave It to Beaver" where June is always dolled up to the nines and Ward hangs around the house in the evenings in his suit. Too funny! I can assure you, though, that did not go on in my household. My 1950's mother was casual at home. However, if she went to the store or out to a restaurant or anything, she got dressed up (well, not so much for the store, but within reason).
Title: Re: How many times do we see people in casual clothes?
Post by: michael c on June 16, 2007, 07:03:06 PM
for starters i'm at the library right now.

my computer is deader than a doornail.i miss the forum!!!

anywho "working class" characters like joe haskell,tom jennings,sam evans and so on could arguably be seen as wearing "casual" clothes by the era's standards(ie.not a suit).

members of the collins family and other "upper class" characters generally were seen in a suit or at the very least a jacket(roger often paired one with a turtleneck).

carolyn did wear slacks during the buzz era and some later characters like megan todd did as well.

but from what i can recall elizabeth,julia,vicki and maggie never once wore slacks and in general seemed a bit "dressed up" around the house(which i adore!).

i miss you guys and hope to be back soon. :-*
Title: Re: How many times do we see people in casual clothes?
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on June 16, 2007, 07:30:48 PM
my computer is deader than a doornail.

I´m so sorry for you, mscbryk!  :(  We´ve probably all been there at one point or another - but I´m sure that´s little consolation right now. I really hope things work out as soon as possible and you can get your current computer repaired or in time you´ll hopefully be able to get another one...
Title: Re: How many times do we see people in casual clothes?
Post by: Angelique Wins on June 17, 2007, 06:07:33 PM
I can certainly relate to computer problems!  I had written a reply to this thread a few days ago, however my computer has an auto-shut down switch that it likes to activate indiscriminately.  So here's my reply yet again:

I had to laugh one time at Barnabas and his own brand of 'casual."  I forget the storyline, but there he was at the Old House, hanging out--maybe reading a book or something, and his ONLY nod to casual dress was that grey/black silky looking coat/dress sort of thing.  Like a fancy smoking jacket that was longer and more full--except he wasn't smoking.

It was like he had come in. and gone, "Whew!  I need to relax!"  So he took off his cape and suit coat and put on this coat/dress thing OVER what he was already wearing.  He didn't EVEN take off his TIE!!!!

Talk about CASUAL DRESS!  THAT Barnabas!  What a BOHEMIAN!!!!  LOL!!!!

Title: Re: How many times do we see people in casual clothes?
Post by: jennifer on June 18, 2007, 04:39:48 AM
we didn't wear "slacks" too school until high school always dresses
but it was part of the era to wear mini dresses and skirts also
maggie i do believe had the shortest but i was watching an episode
the other day with chris and carolyn and he has a suit jacket and tie on
on a casual date how funny ;D
Title: Re: How many times do we see people in casual clothes?
Post by: loril54 on June 18, 2007, 04:51:25 AM
In episodes 321 and 322  Sam is wearing a jacket around the house.  He went outside  but when he came back in, he didn't take it off.  Joe had his checkered square weave jacket. He never took it off. I think it would have been hot under the lights.
Title: Re: How many times do we see people in casual clothes?
Post by: arashi on June 18, 2007, 05:50:44 AM
On the subject of clothes.... SPOILERS ahead for the non 1840 crowd!

Anyhow, I'm watching boxset 23. Julia has just arrived in 1840 and is hiding in the playroom while Samantha and Carrie lament over Quentin and Tad. Shouldn't Samantha be wearing black? Didn't mourning customs at the time dictate that widows wear black for at least a year after their husband's deaths? I know there was little love lost between Q & S (from what I remember) but I'm kind of shocked to see her wearing a bright reddish/orange dress.
Title: Re: How many times do we see people in casual clothes?
Post by: Josette on June 18, 2007, 07:47:57 AM
On the subject of clothes.... SPOILERS ahead for the non 1840 crowd!

Anyhow, I'm watching boxset 23. Julia has just arrived in 1840 and is hiding in the playroom while Samantha and Carrie lament over Quentin and Tad. Shouldn't Samantha be wearing black? Didn't mourning customs at the time dictate that widows wear black for at least a year after their husband's deaths? I know there was little love lost between Q & S (from what I remember) but I'm kind of shocked to see her wearing a bright reddish/orange dress.


At that point Quentin and Tad were missing.  Later, when Gerard arrived, he told them that Quentin and Tad had died.
Title: Re: How many times do we see people in casual clothes?
Post by: arashi on June 18, 2007, 03:50:31 PM
Ah, ha! Thanks, apparently I jumped the gun.
Title: Re: How many times do we see people in casual clothes?
Post by: CastleBee on June 18, 2007, 05:18:50 PM
I can assure you, though, that did not go on in my household. My 1950's mother was casual at home. However, if she went to the store or out to a restaurant or anything, she got dressed up (well, not so much for the store, but within reason).

In the early 60's I can remember my mother wearing pedal pusher slacks (a lot like capris for those who are too young to recall them) sleeveless summer tops, and slip-on flats (shoes) and sandals.  My father went casual cotton or knit Tee (type) shirts and lighter cotton slacks.  Little kids (like my sister and I) wore shorts, striped and print tees, keds sandals, and occasionally cooled off in our snazzy sun-suits.  I don't remember dressing up to go to the store but, that may have been partly because the grocery store was in the neighborhood.  Church was a completely different look than you see today.  Dresses, dress shoes, (sometimes) white gloves and hats (or chapel scarves).  We always laughed at the lack of realisim on TV when it came to clothes, etc.  It was really funny also when someone was having a party and playing goofy music that you had never heard of.  I think they were pretty over-dressed on DS but, I figured it had more to do with the lifestyle of the rich and cursed than anything else.  ;)
Title: Re: How many times do we see people in casual clothes?
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on June 18, 2007, 05:47:50 PM
I think they were pretty over-dressed on DS but, I figured it had more to do with the lifestyle of the rich and cursed than anything else.  ;)

Indeed. As well as the fact that Ohrbachs was showcasing their clothes (which were considered "high fashion at low prices") on DS (and other soaps) in the hopes that viewers would see something they liked and go to the store to purchase it.  ;)
Title: Re: How many times do we see people in casual clothes?
Post by: CastleBee on June 18, 2007, 06:16:16 PM
As well as the fact that Ohrbachs was showcasing their clothes (which were considered "high fashion at low prices") on DS (and other soaps) in the hopes that viewers would see something they liked and go to the store to purchase it.  ;)
It probably did the trick too because years later I can remember watching the nighttime mega soaps like Dallas etc. just to see the fashions.
Title: Re: How many times do we see people in casual clothes?
Post by: MagnusTrask on June 19, 2007, 02:21:27 AM
My father was from the south where it's hot, so I think he always thought shorts in public were okay.    I never wear shorts in front of people.    My father, though, was one of the WW2 guys who complained about 'kids' with jeans, yet he went with jeans later, himself.   
Title: Re: How many times do we see people in casual clothes?
Post by: loril54 on June 19, 2007, 07:12:35 AM
Watching Barnabas in  the long Green Robe he still had pants on and shoes.


 I think even  think with the experiment he certainly wasn't in a hospital gown.  The closed thing is we see Barnabas casual is in his night shirt when he falls when he is dying.
Title: Re: How many times do we see people in casual clothes?
Post by: Elizabeth47 on June 21, 2007, 06:55:21 PM
I believe Nicholas Blair wore that same grey/black silky thing over his suit when he was relaxing at Blair House.  I wonder if Jonathan and Humbert shared the same lounging outfit!


I had to laugh one time at Barnabas and his own brand of 'casual."  I forget the storyline, but there he was at the Old House, hanging out--maybe reading a book or something, and his ONLY nod to casual dress was that grey/black silky looking coat/dress sort of thing.  Like a fancy smoking jacket that was longer and more full--except he wasn't smoking.

It was like he had come in. and gone, "Whew!  I need to relax!"  So he took off his cape and suit coat and put on this coat/dress thing OVER what he was already wearing.  He didn't EVEN take off his TIE!!!!

Talk about CASUAL DRESS!  THAT Barnabas!  What a BOHEMIAN!!!!  LOL!!!!
Title: Re: How many times do we see people in casual clothes?
Post by: adamsgirl on June 22, 2007, 02:00:42 PM
On the subject of Ohrbach's, I can recall in 1967 when my mother bought me a dress from there. I was thrilled speechless! The thing was plug ugly (in retrospect), but I was wearing a real "DS" dress -- LOL! Too funny!

As for Nicky's smoking jacket, it was different from Barnabas'. Nicky's was a grey silk thing (my, but he was fond of grey). Barn's was green and long, almost like a dress. Nicky's was short.
Title: Re: How many times do we see people in casual clothes?
Post by: loril54 on June 22, 2007, 03:19:09 PM
Barnabas had a purple  one that he had during the Julia and Tom, when she was zapped by him.
Title: Re: How many times do we see people in casual clothes?
Post by: michael c on June 22, 2007, 04:45:16 PM
at some point they decided to turn kathryn leigh scott into a fashion plate because starting in around 1970 she gets her own credit saying something like "miss scott's clothing by junior sophisticates".

before this she wears alot of the same clothes but during 1970 she gets lots and lots of new outfits.
Title: Re: How many times do we see people in casual clothes?
Post by: CastleBee on June 22, 2007, 07:11:47 PM
Barnabas had a purple  one that he had during the Julia and Tom, when she was zapped by him.
I think I'm suffering from a bit of that faulty DS memory...for some reason I am seeing Barnabas in a dark (dare I say blood  ::) ) red smoking jacket.  Maybe some of this happened during the B&W period and we're all working out of our own memory/imaginations.   ;D
Title: Re: How many times do we see people in casual clothes?
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on June 22, 2007, 07:23:24 PM
Barnabas definitely had a red one. In fact, there are many photos of Frid wearing it.  ;)  Though in the same episode in which he wears it during the Julia/Tom period, he also wears this robe:


It's sort of purply-red.  :)
Title: Re: How many times do we see people in casual clothes?
Post by: Midnite on June 22, 2007, 07:28:59 PM

And evil Leviathan Barn wears the red smoking jacket when he gives Philip and Megan the Naga box.
Title: Re: How many times do we see people in casual clothes?
Post by: Elizabeth47 on June 23, 2007, 04:38:25 PM
As for Nicky's smoking jacket, it was different from Barnabas'. Nicky's was a grey silk thing (my, but he was fond of grey). Barn's was green and long, almost like a dress. Nicky's was short.

I checked again, Barnabas's grey silk lounging thing had black lapels, Nicholas's had grey lapels, but the two were very similar.  Yes Indeed!  Nicholas did love grey.  I wonder who made that decision; that he would always dress in grey.  As I read these notes, it appears Barnabas had many different "smoking jackets", in different colors.   Nick only got one.

Title: Re: How many times do we see people in casual clothes?
Post by: Julia99 on June 23, 2007, 08:59:58 PM
With all today's software programs. . it would be sorta silly fun to take cut out clothes (like the paper dolls) and dress some of these folks down! I wonder what B would've done had Julia come traipsing into the Old House in slacks and boots (whip in purse of course).   >:D
Title: Re: How many times do we see people in casual clothes?
Post by: loril54 on June 24, 2007, 12:01:19 AM
Julia 99 you forgot,  she has to be wearing gloves.   The round neckless or pendent around her neck
