General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '07 I => Topic started by: Watching Project on May 25, 2007, 07:46:54 PM

Title: Discuss - Ep #0305
Post by: Watching Project on May 25, 2007, 07:46:54 PM
Robservations - #305
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0305
Post by: loril54 on May 25, 2007, 08:06:27 PM
Things are really happening now. Barnabas is battleing with himself and his wanting to get cured and wanting to get Burke. Julia is being her normal self now.  She is being a bossey know it all. The thing that Barnabas doesn't like at all. The ladies were not like that when he was growing up. Look how his father treated his mother. That was a very bad example.

Julia's idea that Sarah is brought back by Barnabas is very interesting. Sarah is showing things to David that could get Barnabas in a lot ot trouble, and he knows it. It is likely that Barnabas and Sarah in some ways the same, knew what they wanted and got it, except maybe from Joshua and Abigail. They were raised with privilage and usually people wouldn't say no to them.

JF  did a good job in show a different demeanor today, very rarely right now do we see weakness in Barnabas to this point.  There is such good chemestry between JF and GH.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0305
Post by: Lydia on May 26, 2007, 03:18:23 AM
The ladies were not like that when he was growing up.
Oh, no?  What about Barnabas's Aunt Abigail?  And Abigail Adams, for that matter.

I come in from doing stuff in my yard, and sit down to watch Dark Shadows.  The first thing I see is a couple of dead bushes.  They've got to go.  And what can be planted in their place?  Azaleas.  Always azaleas.

Sharon Smyth had more lines than she could handle today, and they were written in ways that didn't come naturally to her.  "Oh, this isn't the secret" - that type of "Oh" just never works for her.  She might have done better with it if "Oh" had been changed to "But".  It's the sort of thing that makes me appreciate how well David Henesy does his lines.  Even when he muffs them, he's still OK.

What does Sarah know about what she is?  Before, I got the feeling that she was a ghost of the type one saw in The Sixth Sense: she didn't know she was dead.  Now she tells David that it's too complicated to explain to him where her home is, whereas previously she'd tell people her home was "over there" with a gesture towards the Old House.  And did she know about the coffin in the secret room in the mausoleum before?  The writers gave her a whole new dimension today - although, come to think of it, it was suggested in the "I know who's dead and who isn't" business.  And later on she develops a power that I never would have attributed to the little lost girl who appeared to Maggie in the basement of the Old House.  Eventually she's got to disappear from the scene because Sharon Smyth grows while Sarah doesn't, but I wonder if she developed any more abilities after she left.

So...Barnabas came to life this evening in his coffin as usual, and didn't feel up to snuff, and wanted to turn over and go back to to death again?  He really needs a blanket in that thing.  And a teddy bear.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0305
Post by: CT!_CTP/FITBs on May 26, 2007, 04:53:21 PM
Be sure to check out these (hopefully  ;)) humorous topics related to this episode:

From "Caption This!":

From "Complete This Phrase / Fill In The Blank(s)":
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0305
Post by: EmeraldRose on May 28, 2007, 09:46:51 PM
I like the scenes with David and Sarah.  SS did, indeed, have problems with her lines, and DH patiently waited while she spit the words out.  That was sweet.  [cheesyg] I think Sarah started out not knowing she was a ghost, but she seems to have known she was a ghost for quite a while now. [ideag] It kind of reminds me of how Adam was at the beginning.  She is maturing as a ghost - becoming more "ghostly".  It makes sense to me that she would choose to reveal this secret to David - he was a child like she was. [thumb]

I loved it when Julia told Barnabas to stop threating her all the time! [bigok]  I got the impresson that she was treating him like a spoiled kid!  [winkg]

----- Sally -----
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0305
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on May 28, 2007, 10:10:31 PM
I loved it when Julia told Barnabas to stop threating her all the time! [bigok]  I got the impresson that she was treating him like a spoiled kid!  [winkg]

Well, let's face it - that's how he acts.  :D
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0305
Post by: loril54 on May 28, 2007, 10:18:52 PM
Just think that now if this storyline happened people would be upset that Julia was trying to stop Barnabas. They would be making excuses for Barnabas and his behavior, somehow it would be Julia fault.  There would be no fault in Barnabas' behavior.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0305
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on May 28, 2007, 10:24:08 PM
Probably needless to say, I wouldn't be reacting that way. In fact, having been a kid back when these eps were originally on, I might have given him a bit more leeway then than I ever would now as an adult. But regardless of the times, Barn's behavior, especially during this period, is often completely unforgivable. Though that's not to say that it isn't fascinating to watch...