Members' Mausoleum => Calendar Events / Announcements Archive => Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I => Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I => Topic started by: D_Friedlander on May 15, 2007, 01:30:25 AM

Title: Got my DSWE '07 official form today...
Post by: D_Friedlander on May 15, 2007, 01:30:25 AM
... So I guess those who already sent their SASE's have or will soon be receiving them... However, there are no new forms on the official website as yet (Monday, May 14.)

The only  guests listed so far are Mr. Frid, Lara Parker, Kathryn Leigh Scott, and Marie Wallace, with others "to be announced."  Goodness, I certainly HOPE John Karlen can come-- it wouldn't seem right to commemorate JF's 40th DS anniversary without him, and I don't know when they saw each other last.... It would be VERY nice (and probably a bit teary for some of us) if they were reunited for the occasion.  Heck, if that happens, I'm bringing a whole box of Kleenex (or suitable generic substitute)!!!

Oh, well, whatever...  I know everyone wants to see the $$$ breakdown.  No real surprises here:

"Celebration Rate" (Friday August 17, Saturday Aug. 18)   $ 30  p/ Adult
"Celebration Rate" Friday (6 PM-- Midnight)  $ 15  p/ Adult
"Celebration Rate" Saturday (11 AM-- 7 PM)  $ 20 p/ Adult
Banquet with the Stars (Saturday,  7 PM-- 10 PM)  $ 60  p/ person
Lyndhurst Trip (Friday, 11 AM-- 4 PM)  $ 20 p/ person (includes shuttle transportation & admission to grounds & mansion)

Children ages 6--12, half price

"Above Festival membership payment must be received by mail by August 10, thereafter at the door only.  Please include 2 self-addressed, stamped envelopes with payment. (etc.)  Please include aname and address of each person for whom you are paying. (etc.)"   (You probably know the rest.)

(P.S., D.F. reminds you that postage is now 41 cents, as of today.  Grrrrrrrrr.....)

The rest is the usual list of DS products.

That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.... Hoping to see as many of you all there as can come, in spite of some of the reduced con-time.
Title: Re: Got my DSWE '07 official form today...
Post by: D_Friedlander on May 15, 2007, 01:42:30 AM
I need to clarify one item, as the time to edit passed before I could finish one last correction.  (I have to wear different glasses to use the computer, without the bifocals, and sometimes it's hard to read things I'm transcribing.  However, everything else I copied is fine and in its place.)

 "Children aged 6--12,  half price" refers to admission to the Festival itself, not the daytrip or the banquet, according to the membership form
Title: Re: Got my DSWE '07 official form today...
Post by: Miranda on May 21, 2007, 01:41:12 AM
Thanks for posting this Donna, so those of us who are not sure they can go to the Fest will only be out 30 dollars if you preregister..notice the banquet costs twice as much as the Fest registration for the whole weekend, so I suggest plan carefully, if one is not that sure you want to go to the banquet, perhaps wait, sounds like there will be plenty of chances to see JF during the Fest proper---as I said on another post, I hope John Karlen decides to come,too, maybe he will so he can see the "other" Johnny again....but I am just so glad Lara has been confirmed as coming....I think her daughter goes to college on the East Coast, did I read that in Shadowgram??

BTW, I checked the Marriott website last week and there were still rooms available, but only at a rate of around 200 a night unless you prepaid for 120 a night with no cancellation allowed.....i am glad I got mine reserved at the Fest rate...
Title: Re: Got my DSWE '07 official form today...
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on May 21, 2007, 01:53:14 AM
I hope John Karlen decides to come,too

I honestly don't know what the situation is with JK - but this year, most probably because the gathering is much smaller, it's not simply up to the stars to decide to come. Some had wanted to attend but were politely told their services were not needed...
Title: Re: Got my DSWE '07 official form today...
Post by: Nancy on May 21, 2007, 04:00:24 AM
This weekend is deliberately being kept small guest list wise as it is more of a weekend event than a full-blooded (no pun intended) festival.  My understanding is that KLS and Lara had plans to be on the east coast during that time hence they were invited. No other actors from the west coast will be attending to my knowledge.  The typical weekend event features about 6 actors or so.  Unfortunately, this means John Karlen isn't expected to be a guest.


The only  guests listed so far are Mr. Frid, Lara Parker, Kathryn Leigh Scott, and Marie Wallace, with others "to be announced."  Goodness, I certainly HOPE John Karlen can come-- it wouldn't seem right to commemorate JF's 40th DS anniversary without him, and I don't know when they saw each other last.... It would be VERY nice (and probably a bit teary for some of us) if they were reunited for the occasion.  Heck, if that happens, I'm bringing a whole box of Kleenex (or suitable generic substitute)!!!
Title: Re: Got my DSWE '07 official form today...
Post by: arashi on May 21, 2007, 04:33:27 AM
What a travesty it would be for JF to be there without JK!
Title: Re: Got my DSWE '07 official form today...
Post by: michael c on May 21, 2007, 04:33:51 AM
john karlen not "invited" with jonathan frid on board?

i find this development to be quite shocking. :o

do the organizers of this event not understand that it's the actors from the show that are the primary draw for fans?we don't come for the mpi table.

for the actors from a forty year old soap opera willing to attend it's fan gathering to be told that their "services were not needed" is the crudest slap in the face i think i've ever heard of.
Title: Re: Got my DSWE '07 official form today...
Post by: ProfStokes on May 21, 2007, 06:17:34 AM
for the actors from a forty year old soap opera willing to attend it's fan gathering to be told that their "services were not needed" is the crudest slap in the face i think i've ever heard of.

Indeed!  I wonder how such inconsiderate treatment might affect the actors' willingness to participate in future Festivals (I'm hoping there will be Fests in the future...)  [woryy]

Title: Re: Got my DSWE '07 official form today...
Post by: Nancy on May 21, 2007, 06:27:53 AM
My understanding is that DS actors are always invited to a DS event but not everyone gets their airfare and accommodations covered by the festival, just those who have been asked to attend.  It is not at all unusual for non-Festival events to be very abbreviated in terms of scheduling and the cast list.  Jonathan Frid's presence does not make this event a DS Festival.  He was willing to attend a very scaled back DS event and that's what this August event is: a DS celebation.  Frid's attendance doesn't make the event anymore than what it is: a fan gathering with mostly local attendance in attendance.  These weekends or day long events are commonplace and the norm has been to have mostly east coast, local performers attend.

I know from speaking with Jim that he said he could not afford to have any east coast event flying in actors from the opposite coast anyway.

Title: Re: Got my DSWE '07 official form today...
Post by: LdyAnne on May 22, 2007, 04:21:11 AM
Since I got my flyer today I scanned it asa PDF file and have it on
http://www.cfdsfanclub.com (http://www.cfdsfanclub.com) , the Central Florida Dark Shadows Fan Club
 web site

Title: Re: Got my DSWE '07 official form today...
Post by: Miranda on May 22, 2007, 06:24:48 AM
Prof Stokes, you are absolutely right, how annoying if some of the DS actors wanted to come and were told "their presence was not required or some such."  I have always thought Jim Pierson had something of the meglomaniac about him, I am sure if they had wanted to have JK or some of the other actors to come they could have "found" the money.  Well, I guess it does make it easier for the David Selby fans to decide not to come.  As I said before, I am just very glad that Lara is going to be there, so us Jonathan and Lara fans will be in for a great treat!!

BTW, I got my DS Fest mailing today, too, and that was before I had sent an SASE, so hopefully anyone on the Fest mailing list will still get one.
Title: Re: Got my DSWE '07 official form today...
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on May 22, 2007, 07:06:53 PM
for the actors from a forty year old soap opera willing to attend it's fan gathering to be told that their "services were not needed" is the crudest slap in the face i think i've ever heard of.

That's really more the end of the story than the whole story. The actual organizers of the Frid fan weekend may be totally unaware of it, but, according to multiple and very reputable sources, some stars who inquired as to whether there was going to be an event this year were told that there wasn't - this despite the fact that negotiations for the Frid event had been in progress for months at the time and were nearing completion, and if the Frid event fell through, there was a backup plan to have an event in Brooklyn again. It wasn't until those same stars got wind that something was actually in the works (and after it was looking pretty good that the Frid event was going to gel) that they were then told this year is simply a "fan event," not a Fest, and then politely told thanks but no thanks this year.

Now, certain people may choose to deny all this - but one seriously doubts they would ever attempt to deny it in the presence of the actors who were given that story...

However, as has been mentioned elsewhere on the forum, it's mostly because this year is being billed as a "fan weekend" that there will be no fan run tables in the dealers' room, no costume gala, and there's an all-around abbreviated schedule of events. It's also possible much of the way this year is being organized will be the way most if not all future events will be done, with only certain guests being invited to certain events - and with everything (length, schedule, etc.) being based on which coast the events will be taking place. But that remains to be seen...
Title: Re: Got my DSWE '07 official form today...
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on May 22, 2007, 07:42:26 PM
Well, I guess it does make it easier for the David Selby fans to decide not to come.

Unlike certain Frid fans, I can't say I've seen many if any Selby fans say they wouldn't be attending a Fest/fan event simply because Selby wasn't going to be there.  [b003]  But maybe I just haven't been paying as much attention as I should...
Title: Re: Got my DSWE '07 official form today...
Post by: Miranda on May 22, 2007, 08:13:08 PM
Thanks for clarifying things, MB, though it does not make how thngs were handled this year any better for the other stars that wanted to attend.  The ironic thing is that I bet Jonathan would have LOVED to have seen John Karlen again, no secret has been made over the years that JF and JK were quite close friends, as were JF and Louis Edmonds...

Another interesting thing is no matter how the August weekend is billed, it is still under the auspices of the DS Festival.

The more streamlined weekend is fine for me, I was never that big on the costume gala, though I am sorry there will be no fan dealer tables, you can get some interesing fanzines, photos and many other things from those...

I am of course one of those who said they really did not want to go to a Fest again unless Jonathan was there, but that is because seeing him and Lara at the 1993 Fest made everything else pale in comparison to me--I am very excited at this fan weekend, and do hope I will be able to go, but I am sad at how some of the other stars were excluded, makes one sorry that there really is not a Festival Commitee made up of a number of people any more, but then, trying to put on these events has to be a task that only a minority of people would have the stamina to do...
Title: Re: Got my DSWE '07 official form today...
Post by: michael c on May 22, 2007, 08:50:13 PM
i'm sorry but this whole thing seems like a cocktail of snubs,ingratitiude and hurt feelings.

it's left a sour taste in my mouth and the darn thing hasn't even happened yet.

b.t.w. according to the festival mailing there is to be a costume party and other guests are "to be announced" whatever that means.
Title: Re: Got my DSWE '07 official form today...
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on May 22, 2007, 09:00:23 PM
b.t.w. according to the festival mailing there is to be a costume party

Check out:
ShadowGram Online Dark Shadows News Updates List
The Costume Party/Gala noted on the printed Fest flyer will not be held...

Though it's by no means the first time the flyers have said something was going to take place that ultimately would not.  ::)

Also note how SG refers to it as the "Fest flyer" and not the "fan weekend flyer" or even the "fan event flyer."  :-
Title: Re: Got my DSWE '07 official form today...
Post by: Nancy on May 22, 2007, 09:07:23 PM
Whose feelings were hurt? Who was snubbed?  I am involved in this particular event because of Jonathan's participation and I do not know of any actor whose feelings are "hurt."  Who is ungrateful? And ungrateful for what?  Who was snubbed?  I honestly do not know and would like to know.


i'm sorry but this whole thing seems like a cocktail of snubs,ingratitiude and hurt feelings.

it's left a sour taste in my mouth and the darn thing hasn't even happened yet.

b.t.w. according to the festival mailing there is to be a costume party and other guests are "to be announced" whatever that means.
Title: Re: Got my DSWE '07 official form today...
Post by: Nancy on May 22, 2007, 09:18:20 PM
Thanks for clarifying things, MB, though it does not make how thngs were handled this year any better for the other stars that wanted to attend. 

I know for a fact that all the actors are welcome at any DS event.  Nothing is stopping actor from attending.  If an actor wants to attend on his or her own, so attend.  The issue is whether or not Jim is paying to fly that person in.  He isn't paying anyone to fly in except for Jonathan Frid who is driving down from Canada.  Jeez, the one day events in the past have never been so complicated as what this event is being made out to be.  The event was extended to be basically a day and a half and those events never have featured actors being flown in from the other coast to attend so why would this event be any different?  There is only so much time in a day and a half.  This is the 40th anniversary of barnabas' introduction and it makes perfect sensed to have Frid at the event.  Actually, it's easier for him to get to the event than the actors who live in California.

The ironic thing is that I bet Jonathan would have LOVED to have seen John Karlen again, no secret has been made over the years that JF and JK were quite close friends, as were JF and Louis Edmonds...

Jonathan's main focus on this event is getting used to the type of event it is.  He is less concerned about who he will see again and who he will not.  He has not been to anything like this since 1993 and now in his 80s, doesn't have the stamina he did back then.  He needs to get used to the kind of fanfare even a day and a half event will have.  If it is a positive experience for him, maybe he will consider a full-fledge festival on the east coast where there are more actors in attendance.

Another interesting thing is no matter how the August weekend is billed, it is still under the auspices of the DS Festival.

DS Festival is an entity - a brand name if you will and fans will recognize it.  The festival has sponsored many day events in New York over the past few decades so this is nothing new.

The more streamlined weekend is fine for me, I was never that big on the costume gala, though I am sorry there will be no fan dealer tables, you can get some interesing fanzines, photos and many other things from those...

If I recall, most of these abbreviated DS events have not ever featured a costume contest and the dealer tables were pretty limited to festival and actor stuff for sale so, again, how things are being organized isn't any different than it has been for years.

I am of course one of those who said they really did not want to go to a Fest again unless Jonathan was there, but that is because seeing him and Lara at the 1993 Fest made everything else pale in comparison to me--I am very excited at this fan weekend, and do hope I will be able to go, but I am sad at how some of the other stars were excluded, makes one sorry that there really is not a Festival Commitee made up of a number of people any more, but then, trying to put on these events has to be a task that only a minority of people would have the stamina to do...

I keep hearing stars were "excluded."  Who?

Title: Re: Got my DSWE '07 official form today...
Post by: michael c on May 22, 2007, 09:21:27 PM

my feelings are just that any actor who wanted to participate in this event and were told not to probably felt hurt by that.

i obviously do not have the "inside scoop" that you do but that's my impression.
Title: Re: Got my DSWE '07 official form today...
Post by: Nancy on May 22, 2007, 09:31:48 PM
I don't know of a single actor who asked to participate and was told he/she could not. If they were looking to have their way paid to the event, that wouldn't happen but then nobody is being flown in for the event that I know of.  For Frid it's a day's drive.  If that actor didn't want to pay his or her way, obviously the event isn't important enough to that actor to be there.

What's Jim going to do if a DS actor shows up unannounced at the event? Tackle them and shuffle them off to the West Wing? >:D



my feelings are just that any actor who wanted to participate in this event and were told not to probably felt hurt by that.

i obviously do not have the "inside scoop" that you do but that's my impression.
Title: Re: Got my DSWE '07 official form today...
Post by: michael c on May 22, 2007, 09:42:36 PM
other posts in this thread indicate(#3 and #11)that certain actors who wanted to be involved were told that there "services were not needed".

i don't know any of the participants i'm just basing my observation on what i've read here.
Title: Re: Got my DSWE '07 official form today...
Post by: Nancy on May 22, 2007, 09:47:06 PM
I didn't see that post.


other posts in this thread indicate(#3 and #11)that certain actors who wanted to be involved were told that there "services were not needed".

i don't know any of the participants i'm just basing my observation on what i've read here.
Title: Re: Got my DSWE '07 official form today...
Post by: MsCriseyde on May 22, 2007, 10:02:52 PM
If that actor didn't want to pay his or her way, obviously the event isn't important enough to that actor to be there.
I'm not particularly comfortable with boiling this down to a simple issue of actors' refusing to come because their way isn't paid. What you're implying here, probably unintentionally, is that the cast members won't set foot out their front door without someone else footing the bill, and that's simply not the case.

For some of the actors, simply being told that it was a smaller East Coast event featuring East Coast actors was enough for them not to pursue the matter further. It did not come down to a matter of the actor refusing to attend because the Fest didn't cough up the cash.

It was presented as and accepted as a format change. Period. End of story.
Title: Re: Got my DSWE '07 official form today...
Post by: Nancy on May 22, 2007, 10:07:04 PM
You're correct: I was not implying that to mean all actors but I do know at least two having their way paid would be the deciding factor of their attending.  Traditionally when there is a small event on either coast most of the DS actors living on the opposite coast don't pursue attending.  Thanks for pointing that out.


If that actor didn't want to pay his or her way, obviously the event isn't important enough to that actor to be there.
I'm not particularly comfortable with boiling this down to a simple issue of actors' refusing to come because their way isn't paid. What you're implying here, probably unintentionally, is that the cast members won't set foot out their front door without someone else footing the bill, and that's simply not the case.

For some of the actors, simply being told that it was a smaller East Coast event featuring East Coast actors was enough for them not to pursue the matter further. It did not come down to a matter of the actor refusing to attend because the Fest didn't cough up the cash.

It was presented as and accepted as a format change. Period. End of story.
Title: Re: Got my DSWE '07 official form today...
Post by: MsCriseyde on May 23, 2007, 04:55:04 AM
The registration form is now posted on the Dark Shadows Festival web site:

Title: Re: Got my DSWE '07 official form today...
Post by: Brandon Collins on May 23, 2007, 06:38:24 PM
If I were one of the actors who was to attend, having the bill paid for me would certainly be something that I wouldn't mind having. But, if one year it wasn't paid for me, and I still wanted to go, I'd go anyway. I agree with Nancy--if John Karlen shows up, I hardly think that Pierson would instruct security (if there is any) to escort him off the premieses.

It's entirely possible that the actors have something else going on. Anyone remember David Selby has a new series on HBO? Maybe he's filming over the weekend and cannot work it out. Perhaps the actors have something going on in their family life, they're taking a vacation, whatever.

And besides, even if Pierson did tell everyone else who is not going to be there that their services weren't needed, if they wanted to come, they'd come anyway. I can't imagine that they would have a problem getting in--the fan revolt would take care of that. :D
Title: Re: Got my DSWE '07 official form today...
Post by: MsCriseyde on May 23, 2007, 07:19:57 PM
Anyone remember David Selby has a new series on HBO? Maybe he's filming over the weekend and cannot work it out.
I'm pretty sure all episodes of tell me you love me are in the can. HBO initially ordered ten or eleven, and I doubt they're going to order more until they see how the show does when it premieres in September. Selby filmed some publicity stuff for the series about a month ago, but HBO hasn't rolled any of it out yet.
Title: Re: Got my DSWE '07 official form today...
Post by: adamsgirl on May 23, 2007, 08:19:02 PM
Personally, I'm hearing lots of grumbling about the shorter schedule and the elimination of the costume gala. Still, the general consensus seems to be that it's a great opportunity to see Jonathan Frid. Many of us never had that opportunity. That said, were it not for Frid's attendance, I wouldn't even have bothered this year. I'm hearing the same sentiment expressed by others.
Title: Re: Got my DSWE '07 official form today...
Post by: Brandon Collins on May 24, 2007, 03:37:17 AM
I was thinking about going even before it was announced that Frid was going to be in attendance. Of course, once that was announced it solidified my choice to go, but I probably still would've went even if he weren't coming. This will only be my 2nd fest, and I've never had the pleasure of going through Lyndhurst before, so that was a draw for me too since I love old house and history.

Now, if there is one next year, I just might adopt the "been there, done that" mentatlity and heavily consider whether or not I'm going to go. But that's IF there is one next year.
Title: Re: Got my DSWE '07 official form today...
Post by: jennifer on May 25, 2007, 05:43:58 AM
can i just ask a ? has there been a fest or convention every year?
it seems to me that things seem to be pointing to the end of the fests
i'm glad JF is going this year and i just wish i could be there but the summer
months never seem to work for me i'll just pull out the dvds and watch
the arrival of Barnabas i have to say i fall into both groups i love  Barnabas(Bramwell
never worked welll for me mainly because i thought he should have ditched catherine)
and i love the whole package that is DS no other show has ever provided that same magic
for me it is like a first love ;)

i'll be sunning on old cape cod aug 16-17 8)
Title: Re: Got my DSWE '07 official form today...
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on May 25, 2007, 04:01:13 PM
can i just ask a ? has there been a fest or convention every year?

Yes, since 1983 there had been at least one Festival every year. So, this year is indeed an end of an era.  :(