General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '07 I => Topic started by: Gothick on April 18, 2007, 11:26:18 PM

Title: Bruno Is Horrified... and For Good Reason!
Post by: Gothick on April 18, 2007, 11:26:18 PM
Greetings Cousins,

I am LOL at the final image on today's slide show... except that I would have changed the caption to this:

"Bruno is horrified when Damion Edwards appears ... and gloats that soon Bruno himself will be trapped in a tacky Ohrbach's "Go Gay for Spring 70!" leisure suit ... FOR ALL ETERNITY!!!"

I am coming to the horrifying revelation that Damion's leisure suit rivals that hideous orange jacket of PT Quentin for the award for "most unsightly garment ever to appear on Dark Shadows"--a title for which there has been FIERCE competition.


Title: Re: Bruno Is Horrified... and For Good Reason!
Post by: Gerard on April 19, 2007, 02:29:52 AM
Once again, I need to ask:  did we really dress like that back then?  And actually thought it was "groovy?"

Gerard (Remembering when he beamed with pride when he got his first pair of "wire-rim" glasses)
Title: Re: Bruno Is Horrified... and For Good Reason!
Post by: MagnusTrask on April 19, 2007, 03:15:38 AM
Once again, I need to ask:  did we really dress like that back then?  And actually thought it was "groovy?" 

Gerard (Remembering when he beamed with pride when he got his first pair of "wire-rim" glasses)

I didn't dress like that.   I did whatever the hell I wanted, and it was usually pretty unrelated top what was in fashion.   Then and now.    Besides, leisure suits as a fad lasted practically no time at all, amongst younger adults.   They became strange clothing that only the elderly, who thought they were being "hip", wore, almost immediately.

Wire rims I like.
Title: Re: Bruno Is Horrified... and For Good Reason!
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on April 19, 2007, 04:44:25 AM
And here's the latest capture in question so people will still understand what's being discussed:

Title: Re: Bruno Is Horrified... and For Good Reason!
Post by: adamsgirl on April 19, 2007, 03:05:10 PM
Well, besides Dameon's horrible outfit, complete with ascot, Bruno doesn't appear to be the essence of sartorial splendor himself. And get a load of that hairdo! I mean, from the back, you'd think he was a woman! Too funny!

I think the '70s were probably the most horrible years in terms of fashion! Just take a look at the reruns of "Good Times" as a prime example. And to think -- platform shoes are back? Puh-leeze! LOL!
Title: Re: Bruno Is Horrified... and For Good Reason!
Post by: MagnusTrask on April 19, 2007, 06:22:46 PM
Well, besides Dameon's horrible outfit, complete with ascot, Bruno doesn't appear to be the essence of sartorial splendor himself. And get a load of that hairdo! I mean, from the back, you'd think he was a woman! Too funny!

I think the '70s were probably the most horrible years in terms of fashion! Just take a look at the reruns of "Good Times" as a prime example. And to think -- platform shoes are back? Puh-leeze! LOL!

Fashions are always stupid.    People keep themselves from seeing the drawbacks of fashions of the time they're living in, because they want to fit in.    Anyway, the cool people then were abandoning the mainstream, so fashion was left to the clueless.     You can't really judge an era by what you see on television, especially in 1970, when TV was only starting to catch up a bit with the changes in the culture from a few years earlier.     In reality we had Derek and the Dominoes, on TV we had the Partridge Family in ruffled shirts.
Title: Re: Bruno Is Horrified... and For Good Reason!
Post by: arashi on April 19, 2007, 08:22:04 PM
LOL! That SUIT! Gah!

I just got through 70PT time myself, and for an episode I think

[spoiler]while Quentin is hiding out from the police after he karate chops his way to freedom, he's sporting a 2 day shadow and TOTALLY looks like a hobo. I'll screencap it if I can find a shot. Really, that orange coat is deplorable.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: Bruno Is Horrified... and For Good Reason!
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on April 19, 2007, 08:35:54 PM
[spoiler]... he's sporting a 2 day shadow and TOTALLY looks like a hobo. ...[/spoiler]

That look for PTQuentin has been immortalized in this capture from the Caption This boards (though it was more so for his hair :o than the beard shadow):


And check out this topic for some reactions to it:

Episode #1054
Title: Re: Bruno Is Horrified... and For Good Reason!
Post by: Gerard on April 20, 2007, 01:56:12 AM
Hey, Magnus!  Quite knockin' the ruffles!  I wore ruffles on my rented tux shirt to prom!  Two proms as a matter of fact.  The suit and shirt in powder-puff blue, the lapels of the tux in bright, blinding purple.  All the guys did; well, maybe different colors (lots of colors), but the ruffles were there.  And the girls wore the best "evening gowns" the Sears catalogue had to offer.  They would clip out their selections and bring them to school, sharing them in the cafeteria during lunch to make sure no one ordered the same dress.

Title: Re: Bruno Is Horrified... and For Good Reason!
Post by: MagnusTrask on April 21, 2007, 12:34:14 AM
You know, some guys wouldn't have been able to carry that off!    I'm sure you were, like, a Greek god or something, though!   Why am I talking like I'm after you for money?
Title: Re: Bruno Is Horrified... and For Good Reason!
Post by: arashi on April 22, 2007, 10:51:05 PM
LOL! Thanks MB!
Title: Re: Bruno Is Horrified... and For Good Reason!
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on May 30, 2007, 09:45:51 PM
While looking for something entirely different, today I came across this one from the 7/13 (Ep #1056) slideshow that might show Quentin off better (though "better" probably isn't exactly the right choice of words  :D):

Title: Re: Bruno Is Horrified... and For Good Reason!
Post by: jennifer on June 01, 2007, 02:55:55 AM
i liked Barnabas' coat classic it was weird though in 1897
when they were looking for him and accusing Magda of hiding him
there was the coat hanging on the coat rack that not one of them noticed
when they came to the old house LOL

did bruno only own tacky outfits? unlike my chris
who always looked "dreamy" [thumb]
Title: Re: Bruno Is Horrified... and For Good Reason!
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on June 01, 2007, 03:43:42 AM
I don't know how many people still remember this, but Michael Stroka actually wore quite a bit of his own clothes as the Brunos. If he was still alive, I think he would probably beg to differ that they were "tacky."  :D  And after you pass on, jennifer, you might want to avoid Michael in the great beyond.  ;D  Though knowing how his personality worked, he'd probably just laugh that comment off - but while still begging to differ.  [lghy]
Title: Re: Bruno Is Horrified... and For Good Reason!
Post by: jennifer on June 18, 2007, 04:52:23 AM
I don't know how many people still remember this, but Michael Stroka actually wore quite a bit of his own clothes as the Brunos. If he was still alive, I think he would probably beg to differ that they were "tacky."  :D  And after you pass on, jennifer, you might want to avoid Michael in the great beyond.  ;D  Though knowing how his personality worked, he'd probably just laugh that comment off - but while still begging to differ.  [lghy]
heehee very funny
i'll just greet him in my pink and green preppy wear(i still own a few
of my  Izod alligator polo shirts from 25 years ago always the classics )
and he'll run screaming ;D
Title: Re: Bruno Is Horrified... and For Good Reason!
Post by: arashi on June 18, 2007, 06:08:15 AM
While looking for something entirely different, today I came across this one from the 7/13 (Ep #1056) slideshow that might show Quentin off better (though "better" probably isn't exactly the right choice of words  :D)

LOL! Thanks MB!

I wish I could actually go back in time and burn that damn jacket, christ it's hideous.
Title: Re: Bruno Is Horrified... and For Good Reason!
Post by: Nelson Collins on June 19, 2007, 05:05:17 PM

Or melt?   ;D