General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '02 I => Topic started by: Bob_the_Bartender on May 04, 2002, 02:04:41 AM

Title: Julia Hoffman, M.D. : That Prevaricating Psychiatrist!
Post by: Bob_the_Bartender on May 04, 2002, 02:04:41 AM
Dear Fellow Dark Shadows Fans,

I loved it when Vickie, standing in the Collins mausoleum, accused Julia of knowing all about the secret room there.  Of course, Dr. H. vehemently (and convincingly) denied any knowledge of the room.

You have to hand it to Julia.  She maintains a great poker face even when confronted with the truth.  They say that the eyes are the windows to the soul.  Yet, Julia, whose veins must be coursing with anti-freeze, remains as cool as cucumber, never betraying her emotions.

If I might paraphrase a famous, former politician who once made a comment about another famous, former politician, "That Julia Hoffman, she's an especially good liar."  John Lovitz's "Liar Man" would, no doubt, be  impressed  by the good doctor's ability to equivocate.

Bob the Bartender, who believes that Julia never heard George Washington's famous words, "I cannot tell a lie."
Title: Re: Julia Hoffman, M.D. : That Prevaricating Psychiatrist!
Post by: VAM on May 04, 2002, 02:23:10 AM
 Yet, Julia, whose veins must be coursing with anti-freeze, remains as cool as cucumber, never betraying her emotions.

Bob the Bartender, who believes that Julia never heard George Washington's famous words, "I cannot tell a lie."

Hey Bob,

    Great literary passage...Are you familiar with the term  plagiarize ? Just teasing you ;)
Title: Re: Julia Hoffman, M.D. : That Prevaricating Psychiatrist!
Post by: Bob_the_Bartender on May 04, 2002, 02:50:28 AM
To: Vam

From: Bob the Bartender

Re: To plagiarize or plagiarism - Is it permissible?

Date; May 3, 2002

I'll  have to check out the meaning of that word with my colleagues, Stephen Ambrose and Doris Kearns Goodwin.  Perhaps I'll also confer with Sen. Joe Biden of  the great state of Delaware.

And, if that doesn't answer my question, I'll check with the great Dan Curtis himself.  I believe that Mr. Curtis had his Dark Shadows writers "borrow" very liberally from the likes of Poe and his contemporaries.  You know, it's too bad that Steven King was NOT writing his novels back when Dark Shadows was on the air.  Long live Cliff Notes!!!
Title: Re: Julia Hoffman, M.D. : That Prevaricating Psychiatrist!
Post by: Julia99 on May 05, 2002, 03:43:00 AM
Interesting observation Bob. . .has a redheaded doctor been frequenting the Blue Whale and unloading?  It does seem to me that Julia was  obviously a pretty straight arrow and then after meeting Barnabas, falling inlove and all. .she adapted pretty quickly to her new life as the
Empress of Dishonesty  

One does wonder if Julia was honest with herself?  She continually denied anything other than "medical interest" in Barnabas to anyone who even alluded to her feelings. . .did she honestly confront them in the privacy of her Collinwood bedroom?
Title: Re: Julia Hoffman, M.D. : That Prevaricating Psychiatrist!
Post by: Bob_the_Bartender on May 12, 2002, 06:16:39 AM
Dear Julia99,

Perhaps the good DR. Hoffman confided her feelings about Mr. B. to her one close, confidante, Mrs. Sarah Johnson, the soul of discretion!

Bob the Bartender, who just doesn't know how we're all going to cope without the savant, Sally Jesse Raphael, to show us the way.
Title: Re: Julia Hoffman, M.D. : That Prevaricating Psychiatrist!
Post by: Blue_Whale_Barfly on May 12, 2002, 05:49:56 PM
Good one Bob!

Or as I call her Silly Messy Raphael.