General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '07 I => Topic started by: loril54 on February 06, 2007, 09:17:29 AM

Title: What did people think that Barnabas and Julia were doing? When not there ??
Post by: loril54 on February 06, 2007, 09:17:29 AM
I really wondered if everyone thought that Julia and Barnabas were having a wild affair.  Just great friends or were people just only in their own space.  I know that there were comments.   [shockeyes]
Title: Re: What did people think that Barnabas and Julia were doing? When not there ??
Post by: IluvBarnabas on February 06, 2007, 02:53:05 PM
Well it was hardly a secret Barnabas and Julia were really good friends....plus a lot of the time they spent their evenings together, heck at times Julia spent all day or some days there....they were even together wee late into the night at times....I always wondered if that didn't send a few tongues wagging.
Title: Re: What did people think that Barnabas and Julia were doing? When not there ??
Post by: BuzzH on February 06, 2007, 03:37:32 PM
Who knows what the local town gossips or the family thought.  But I feel that had they become a couple and announced an impending marriage, the whole family would have been thrilled.  Liz of course would have thrown them the hugest wedding/reception at Collinwood ever too.  ;)  Hell, let's face it, as long as Julia lived at CW, she was probably considered family anyway not to mention that she'd definately earned squatters rights!   ;D
Title: Re: What did people think that Barnabas and Julia were doing? When not there ??
Post by: Jackie on February 06, 2007, 05:16:35 PM
I would love to think there were long intimite nights but I doubt it.  Barnabas' comment keeps coming back that they are just good friends and nothing more.  So I'd say they talked a great deal, had quiet time reading and then sharing what they read, studied the upcoming family disaster that was waiting for their attention before traveling back in time.  Maybe Barnabas sat staring at Julia while she worked, thinking of changing his mind about their relationship but never following through.  That is a possibility.  ;D
Title: Re: What did people think that Barnabas and Julia were doing? When not there ??
Post by: Brandon Collins on February 06, 2007, 05:42:49 PM
Have you all gone completely bonkers?!!! Julia was interviewing Barnabas for her novel about the Collinses history of course! I mean, what else would they be doing?   ;D
Title: Re: What did people think that Barnabas and Julia were doing? When not there ??
Post by: MagnusTrask on February 06, 2007, 05:55:14 PM
No, it was a biography of Eric Lang.
Title: Re: What did people think that Barnabas and Julia were doing? When not there ??
Post by: Raineypark on February 06, 2007, 06:02:11 PM
No, it was a biography of Eric Lang.

OH!!!......the HORROR!!!!

Title: Re: What did people think that Barnabas and Julia were doing? When not there ??
Post by: Alondra on February 06, 2007, 06:02:50 PM
There are different answers for this depending on where in the story we are. At first they probably thought Julia was interviewing Barnabas about the family history since he had so much knowledge concerning this. This was during the time when [spoiler]they didn't yet know she was a doctor and while she was giving him injections and he was threatening her life every five seconds[/spoiler]

Then after they learned she was a doctor, there would be a difference in their perception of what they were doing with the time they were together at the Old House. Julia was often spending the night, or since no one ever sleeps at night on this show, they were busy dealing with whatever the present danger was. They realized Barnabas and Julia were working together on something, and based on what each character knew about the present danger, they'd either think they're working together to find answers or they were just spending time together as friends. If they thought there was a romance going on, they'd start to watch them while they were together. Since there were no looks of love or romance (at least on Barn's part) maybe if they were astute, they'd realize that Julia loved Barnabas but he did not return her affection. It seems that no one decided to step in and help matters along though, like maybe suggesting that Barnabas take Julia out to dinner or even plotting such a thing themselves. They were always too busy with the present danger to think of such things as this.

Title: Re: What did people think that Barnabas and Julia were doing? When not there ??
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on February 06, 2007, 06:11:08 PM
No, it was a biography of Eric Lang.

OH!!!......the HORROR!!!!

Thankfully that was just a cover story Julia gave [spoiler]Jeff to supposedly explain away why they had Lang's papers. And, of course, that cover went out the window as soon as Jeff figured out the truth.[/spoiler] So, I suspect no one else really believed that or were even told it in the first place.  ;)

What is amusing, though, is that even after Julia admitted she was a doctor, she claimed to Liz that she really was writing a book. Funny how that book seems to have never shown up. Something tells me that even Liz figured out eventually that it was all just a bunch of BS.  :D
Title: Re: What did people think that Barnabas and Julia were doing? When not there ??
Post by: BuzzH on February 06, 2007, 06:15:46 PM
What is amusing, though, is that even after Julia admitted she was a doctor, she claimed to Liz that she really was writing a book. Funny how that book seems to have never shown up.

Not to mention the fact that a book of that nature had very recently been written, by whom we never learn, but wasn't the Family History Book that Vickie took to 1795 published in like 1960 or something?  Why on earth wouldn't Liz tell Julia, "No thanks, but we've just had a book done and don't need another one so soon."   [hdscrt]
Title: Re: What did people think that Barnabas and Julia were doing? When not there ??
Post by: Alondra on February 06, 2007, 06:31:13 PM
The book wasn't only to be about the Collinses, it was supposed to include other New England families. Remember [spoiler]Burke questioned her about what other families she was planning to write about and she side stepped the question.[/spoiler] That may explain why Liz allowed her to stay and get notes to write the book, though you'd think she might just refer her to the latest edition of the history book. I'm sure that when Liz invited her to stay she didn't plan on four years though lol!

Title: Re: What did people think that Barnabas and Julia were doing? When not there ??
Post by: BuzzH on February 06, 2007, 06:36:44 PM
I'm sure that when Liz invited her to stay she didn't plan on four years though lol!

No shit!  She was the house guest who wouldn't leave!  LOL!   ;D
Title: Re: What did people think that Barnabas and Julia were doing? When not there ??
Post by: loril54 on February 06, 2007, 06:45:28 PM
But they had a DR that made house calls, and always had something to help the situation. I wonder how much time and money got spent sending for the DR's. Julia had so many specialties.  [cheer]
Title: Re: What did people think that Barnabas and Julia were doing? When not there ??
Post by: BuzzH on February 06, 2007, 06:51:58 PM
But they had a DR that made house calls, and always had something to help the situation.

Ah yes, she WAS Dr. Feelgood, what w/her steady supply of sedatives and all.  I'd call her about EVERY day, LOL!  ;)  Yeah Julia, you can live in my house for as long as you desire, just keep the 'candy' flowing.   >:D
Title: Re: What did people think that Barnabas and Julia were doing? When not there ??
Post by: Nelson Collins on February 06, 2007, 07:58:45 PM
What did people think they were doing?

um, the Montster Mash?

*runs and hides*

Title: Re: What did people think that Barnabas and Julia were doing? When not there ??
Post by: MagnusTrask on February 06, 2007, 09:39:59 PM
What did people think they were doing?

um, the Monster Mash?

Maybe the "horizontal monster mash" as Fry once called it on Futurama, when the alien king and queen of Omicron Persei 8 discussed the doing of the nasty!   Yes, that SF TV trivia was pulled straight out of my butt, for your enjoyment!
Title: Re: What did people think that Barnabas and Julia were doing? When not there ??
Post by: Janet the Wicked on February 07, 2007, 12:19:43 AM
Julia was researching Barn's curse, attempting to formulate a cure. Remember when she told him how his curse fascinated her? She is a scientist, a researcher.
Barnabas on the other hand uses and abuses her.
Throughout the series, they went through quite a rollercoaster ride. We all know how Julia felt about Barnabas and that he didn't return her affection. My personal opinion is that "nothing" happend by way of romantic interludes. I think towards the end of the series, Barnabas found that he had indeed romantic feelings, but was hesitant for one reason or another to act upon them. His only love as far as he is concerned is Josette and Julia didn't fit the bill. She is simply too much a "today's woman".
Title: Re: What did people think that Barnabas and Julia were doing? When not there ??
Post by: IluvBarnabas on February 07, 2007, 01:26:08 AM
Yeah, in the very beginning Barnabas did seem to have a problem with Julia being too much of a "modern woman", strong-willed, outspoken.....definitely what he was NOT looking for in a woman at that time.

Oddly enough though [spoiler]it's these very qualities that kept him from accepting her offer of letting him bite her and restore his youth after he aged to his true years. He didn't want to take away her free will or her modern day thinking, however much it irritated him at times.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: What did people think that Barnabas and Julia were doing? When not there ??
Post by: Janet the Wicked on February 07, 2007, 03:03:50 AM
Yeah, in the very beginning Barnabas did seem to have a problem with Julia being too much of a "modern woman", strong-willed, outspoken.....definitely what he was NOT looking for in a woman at that time.

Oddly enough though [spoiler]it's these very qualities that kept him from accepting her offer of letting him bite her and restore his youth after he aged to his true years. He didn't want to take away her free will or her modern day thinking, however much it irritated him at times.[/spoiler]

Okay. We talking HofDS here?
Title: Re: What did people think that Barnabas and Julia were doing? When not there ??
Post by: Barnabas'sBride on February 07, 2007, 03:10:36 AM
Yeah, in the very beginning Barnabas did seem to have a problem with Julia being too much of a "modern woman", strong-willed, outspoken.....definitely what he was NOT looking for in a woman at that time.

If I didn't know that the writer's hadn't thought of Angelique at that point in the show, I would've just assumed that it's not so much that she's a "modern woman" that bothers him, it's the fact that she tries to take control of him. From a character perspective, it would make sense that Barnabas doesn't like a controlling woman, even if you factor in the time period he was born in...I would imagine that trait reminds of Angelique.
Title: Re: What did people think that Barnabas and Julia were doing? When not there ??
Post by: IluvBarnabas on February 07, 2007, 03:42:05 AM
Okay. We talking HofDS here?

No, this happened on the show. In House of Dark Shadows [spoiler]Julia deliberately overinjected Barnabas to make him revert to being a vampire (though I don't think she counted on him aging), he realizes what she had done to him and kills her. In the show, the aging of Barnabas was purely an accident, and it's on the show not the movie that she offered to be his victim so he could restore his youth.[/spoiler]

And you're right Barnabas' Bride, Julia's attempts to control him did annoy Barnabas more than anything else....he definitely had enough of that from Angelique!
Title: Re: What did people think that Barnabas and Julia were doing? When not there ??
Post by: Janet the Wicked on February 07, 2007, 03:43:22 AM
Well Barnabas and Angeligue are another story....
Title: Re: What did people think that Barnabas and Julia were doing? When not there ??
Post by: Jackie on February 07, 2007, 03:58:52 AM
It is my opinion that Barnabas didn't bite Julia during his "transformation" as an OLD vampire because he needed her as his doctor and complete with her facilities.  As his victim, she would be useless as a doctor.  Remember Tom? [vampy]
Title: Re: What did people think that Barnabas and Julia were doing? When not there ??
Post by: loril54 on February 07, 2007, 09:18:52 AM
Barnabas cared about Jullia, more than he wanted too !!  :D  The last people that he cared for Died [spoiler]Naomi, Sarah, Josette, he depended on Julia to much have her die. Look at all the times he would be lost without her advise. 1897,1840, and PT 1970 He made some bad mistakes. When he went off on his own, he would mess up, Julia would help him clean things up. Or should I say they would rescue each other.  [hello][/spoiler]
They never got a chance to see things out, except in Fan Fiction.
Title: Re: What did people think that Barnabas and Julia were doing? When not there ??
Post by: Lydia on February 07, 2007, 09:45:43 AM
It is my opinion that Barnabas didn't bite Julia during his "transformation" as an OLD vampire because he needed her as his doctor and complete with her facilities.  As his victim, she would be useless as a doctor.  Remember Tom? [vampy]
I don't think you can assume that Julia would be useless as a doctor if she were Barnabas's victim.  I think she'd retain her medical knowledge and skill.
[spoiler]The fact that she went haywire when she was Tom's victim says more about Tom than it does about her; she responded to Tom's need for her as a simple source of blood and of nothing more.  If Barnabas had bitten her and had still wanted to use her medical skill, that would have been available to him.[/spoiler]
But I'm wondering if, as Barnabas's victim, she might have been unable to continue with the treatments to cure Barnabas of his vampirism.  If he was no longer a vampire, he would no longer control her, and perhaps for that reason she would have been as unable to proceed with the cure as she would have been to stake him.
Title: Re: What did people think that Barnabas and Julia were doing? When not there ??
Post by: Maybellique on February 07, 2007, 12:38:29 PM
Have you all gone completely bonkers?!!! Julia was interviewing Barnabas for her novel about the Collinses history of course! I mean, what else would they be doing?   ;D

I could give you a list, but it would get kind of graphic.  >:D

I've always been pretty indifferent towards the possibillity of a Barnabas-Julia pairing, actually. I think I'll take the boring
route and say that they either went their separate ways (when not there) and did their own thing, or they were
working on whatever it was they were working on at the time. :shrug: Who knows. Thought provoking question, btw. ;) ~DJ
Title: Re: What did people think that Barnabas and Julia were doing? When not there ??
Post by: Julia99 on February 08, 2007, 02:10:32 AM
I don't think you can assume that Julia would be useless as a doctor if she were Barnabas's victim.  I think she'd retain her medical knowledge and skill.
[spoiler]The fact that she went haywire when she was Tom's victim says more about Tom than it does about her; she responded to Tom's need for her as a simple source of blood and of nothing more.  If Barnabas had bitten her and had still wanted to use her medical skill, that would have been available to him.[/spoiler]
But I'm wondering if, as Barnabas's victim, she might have been unable to continue with the treatments to cure Barnabas of his vampirism.  If he was no longer a vampire, he would no longer control her, and perhaps for that reason she would have been as unable to proceed with the cure as she would have been to stake him.

Or she might like it (being a vampiress) and tell him to take his sad sob story somewhere else. . she needed to fly to Paris. . (via her new batwings)  [blob10] [blob10]