General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '07 I => Topic started by: loril54 on February 01, 2007, 06:07:47 PM

Title: Props moving around the set from room to room
Post by: loril54 on February 01, 2007, 06:07:47 PM
Besides the famous Afgans lets keep track or where they go.

There is the lamp with the squares on it that goes from the dinner to the study of Collinwood.  ::)
Title: Re: Props moving around the set from room to room
Post by: Nelson Collins on February 01, 2007, 06:18:30 PM
Has anyone actually tracked just where that crocheted afghan has turned up? So far I have seen it in the Evan's cottage, on Joe's bed, on Elizabeth's bed (:o Joe, you scamp!), and I think in Vicki's room in 1795  (which is possibly not as anachonistic as it sounds.  Crochet's origins are a bit vague but first became popular in Europe in the 1800s. It may have been invented and done before that prior to it's popularity.  Even so, there certainly would not have been the wide variety of colors used to make that afghan in 1795, any more than there were zippers!)
Title: Re: Props moving around the set from room to room
Post by: Alondra on February 01, 2007, 06:59:17 PM
I crochet and that afghan is in the granny square pattern. There are actually two afghans, one with a black background and that one with the hideous olive green and what looks like burgandy. I think that's the one most people are talking about when they talk about that afghan.

One prop that I am seeing everywhere is a green lamp with a glass cover. It's seen in the black and white eps, and I know it's green because it's seen in color later on and in fact throughout the whole course of the show, even in the past storylines in which I guess you're to assume there is a candle underneath. It's interesting to watch a scene and recognize several props.

There is the sofa/loveseat in Professor Stokes' cottage which later on we see in 1897 in the cottage when Laura moves in. I saw it also in the scene at Wyndcliff with Chris and Amy. There are probably many such props that just get moved around.

Title: Re: Props moving around the set from room to room
Post by: MagnusTrask on February 01, 2007, 08:45:36 PM
There is the Petofi box, as well as the box I keep mistaking for the Petofi box.  I think the former has a round lid, and the latter a square or flat lid.   The Petofi box showed up prematurely in 1795 and then in Eve's bedroom, I think.    I remember it in the hall outside Victoria's and/or Josette's (in the New House) and/or ECS's bedroom(s), which all seemed to be the same place.
Title: Re: Props moving around the set from room to room
Post by: Jackie on February 01, 2007, 08:51:49 PM
Has anyone actually tracked just where that crocheted afghan has turned up? So far I have seen it in the Evan's cottage, on Joe's bed, on Elizabeth's bed (:o Joe, you scamp!), and I think in Vicki's room in 1795  (which is possibly not as anachonistic as it sounds.

I'm watching the 1897 storyline and I just saw it in Tim Shaw's room, on his bed.

There is the Petofi box, as well as the box I keep mistaking for the Petofi box.  I think the former has a round lid, and the latter a square or flat lid.   The Petofi box showed up prematurely in 1795 and then in Eve's bedroom, I think.    I remember it in the hall outside Victoria's and/or Josette's (in the New House) and/or ECS's bedroom(s), which all seemed to be the same place.

That box is seen in the second floor hallway of Collinwood during present time, in 1897 of course, and I believe in PT somewhere.
Title: Re: Props moving around the set from room to room
Post by: MagnusTrask on February 01, 2007, 08:59:17 PM
Now I'm picturing PT Petofi, who has too many hands, three maybe.
Title: Re: Props moving around the set from room to room
Post by: Sandor on February 02, 2007, 06:03:44 AM
Where is that afghan today??!! I must know! I must!!

And the crazy thing is, there must be a die-hard DS fan out there, who's a whiz at crochet, who has replicated said afghan and plans to bring it to the next DS fest.
Title: Re: Props moving around the set from room to room
Post by: Nelson Collins on February 02, 2007, 07:24:36 AM
Where is that afghan today??!! I must know! I must!!

And the crazy thing is, there must be a die-hard DS fan out there, who's a whiz at crochet, who has replicated said afghan and plans to bring it to the next DS fest.
It would have to be moved to a different room every day though!  ;D
Title: Re: Props moving around the set from room to room
Post by: Jackie on February 02, 2007, 07:29:01 AM
Has the afghan been auctioned like other DS items? [huhg]
Title: Re: Props moving around the set from room to room
Post by: Gerard on February 02, 2007, 12:18:48 PM
At the one DS Fest I attended, during a question-and-answer session with cast members up on the stage, an audience member did an absolutely hysterical tongue-in-cheek "question" about props moving about.  She did a short schtick about the piano in the drawing room in particular which had everyone, including the cast members, in stitches.  When she was finished, everyone applauded at her witty, hilarious routine.  She should've been on Leno.

Title: Re: Props moving around the set from room to room
Post by: CastleBee on February 02, 2007, 02:47:18 PM
An actual account of moving props would be a hysterical little book for fans.  I wish I'd caught the bit on that by that audience member that Gerard mentioned!

I also can't help but wonder what happened to some of the props in the long run...stuff like the big candlestick holders by the front door, the tea set, various paintings on the walls (other than the most famous portraits), the kid junk all over David's room, the grandfather clock, etc.  I wouldn't even mind having one of those big ominous looking chairs you use to see sitting up against the drawing room walls.  I have no idea where I'd put it but, I'm sure I'd figure something out. ;)
Title: Re: Props moving around the set from room to room
Post by: Alondra on February 02, 2007, 04:24:27 PM
And the crazy thing is, there must be a die-hard DS fan out there, who's a whiz at crochet, who has replicated said afghan and plans to bring it to the next DS fest.

I could easily crochet that afghan but I wouldn't choose those colors, no way. But I have crocheted many afghans like it in different colors.

Title: Re: Props moving around the set from room to room
Post by: loril54 on February 02, 2007, 07:11:39 PM
Hey you could make them and sell them.  That way you could afford to go to the fest.  ;D
Title: Re: Props moving around the set from room to room
Post by: MsCriseyde on February 02, 2007, 07:50:28 PM
Hey you could make them and sell them.  That way you could afford to go to the fest.  ;D
That would be positively hilarious if someone in the dealer's room sold afghans.  Considering how cold the hotel sometimes is, you could probably sell a fair number.  :)
Title: Re: Props moving around the set from room to room
Post by: Alondra on February 02, 2007, 08:21:54 PM
Hey you could make them and sell them.  That way you could afford to go to the fest.  ;D

Hmm, not a bad idea. My husband and I are looking into selling things on ebay and I wonder what something like that would bring. I'll have to check that out.

Title: Re: Props moving around the set from room to room
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on February 02, 2007, 08:50:09 PM
My husband and I are looking into selling things on ebay and I wonder what something like that would bring.

But keep in mind that if you want to sell to DS fans, you'd have to bite the bullet and replicate the same colors and pattern as the infamous afghans.  :D  Otherwise (and no offense to your talent intended) they would just be any old afghans.  ;)
Title: Re: Props moving around the set from room to room
Post by: loril54 on February 02, 2007, 08:58:40 PM
But keep in mind that if you want to sell to DS fans, you'd have to bite the bullet and replicate the same colors and pattern as the infamous afghans.  :D  Otherwise (and no offense to your talent intended) they would just be any old afghans.  ;)

Can you stand having to look at those colors day after day.  ^-^ Plus you would have to buy a whole bunch of the collors. That would make yarn distributors happy they could get rid of their bad colors. You would have do one in shades of grey white and black. For people who saw the show in black and white.  >:D
Title: Re: Props moving around the set from room to room
Post by: dom on February 02, 2007, 09:01:13 PM
You would have do one in shades of grey white and black. For people who saw the show in black and white.  >:D

Title: Re: Props moving around the set from room to room
Post by: Alondra on February 02, 2007, 10:11:35 PM
But keep in mind that if you want to sell to DS fans, you'd have to bite the bullet and replicate the same colors and pattern as the infamous afghans.  :D  Otherwise (and no offense to your talent intended) they would just be any old afghans.  ;)

Actually I was thinking of selling them on ebay under the category of afghans which would mean selling them to more than DS fans. But it might be interesting to try to sell some with those colors to DS fans IF I could find them.

Title: Re: Props moving around the set from room to room
Post by: MagnusTrask on February 03, 2007, 12:07:49 AM
I wonder if people would pay for Petofi hands....

Sell enough afghans, and they really will be everywhere, thus making DS come true, at least in terms of afghan dispersal.   Now if we could only send some back in time....
Title: Re: Props moving around the set from room to room
Post by: loril54 on February 03, 2007, 04:15:05 PM
To move the afgans,  we'll have to consult some of the scientist in our favorite movies, Somewhere in Time, Back to the Future. Maybe some scientist can find a worm hole.  The I ching. [read3] [book_study] [book2]
Title: Re: Props moving around the set from room to room
Post by: MagnusTrask on February 03, 2007, 08:57:03 PM
What if the Hands were personally autographed by Charles Delaware Tate, and had a slight smell of formaldehyde?
Title: Re: Props moving around the set from room to room
Post by: dom on February 03, 2007, 09:05:58 PM
I'd be happier to find crib notes on the palm for an incantation or something like that, lol. Perhaps a tattoo of a unicorn?  ::)

PS - Is the box extra?

Title: Re: Props moving around the set from room to room
Post by: michael c on February 04, 2007, 06:34:26 PM
i'm doing a secondary watch and i'm picking up things i missed during the first go round.

there is a set of earthenware mugs that get quite alot of use.they first appear in the black-and-white episodes but we later see that they are orange with brown stripes running down the side.

i first noticed them during the leviathan storyline when an hysterical megan todd unwisely tries to "calm herself down" over a nice cup of coffee. ::)

they make a very early appearance at the police station where sheriff patterson enjoys a cup of joe and then they go on to spend a signifigant amount of time at the evans cottage.i know they're going to turn up elsewhere.
Title: Re: Props moving around the set from room to room
Post by: MagnusTrask on February 04, 2007, 09:10:39 PM
Probably some wedding gift that keeps being regifted around town.  If it shows up in different centuries, well, same explanation.    Funny if the same Christmas fruitcake kept showing up in every generation, since no one ever eats those, and they probably stay preserved pretty well.  Just guessing.

I really like the idea of the Hands personally autographed by Tate with a seal verifying that they're fresh from the cemetery, each with its own carrying case (Petofi box).     In that case they wouldn't be fake real Petofi hands, but fake fake Petofi Hands.   If it weren't for the eye thing, I'd get started on that.  Certain legal hurdles I suppose.    Anyone can make an afghan without violating copyrights.
Title: Re: Props moving around the set from room to room
Post by: Lydia on February 04, 2007, 09:58:03 PM
Probably some wedding gift that keeps being regifted around town.  If it shows up in different centuries, well, same explanation.    Funny if the same Christmas fruitcake kept showing up in every generation, since no one ever eats those, and they probably stay preserved pretty well.
BIG laugh-out-loud!

Oddly enough, I have eaten fruitcake and enjoyed it.
Title: Re: Props moving around the set from room to room
Post by: MagnusTrask on February 04, 2007, 10:13:54 PM
Oddly enough, I have eaten fruitcake and enjoyed it.

Mr. Spock once said the same thing about animal flesh.  I'm saying that because I've decided that there just isn't enough trivia in the world.  Thanks, by the way!
Title: What about the mysterious stationary props?
Post by: Angelique Wins on February 06, 2007, 07:03:22 AM
Speaking of props...how about those that seemed to stay in one place, but we've never seen used and have no idea what they are?   ???  I'm talking about the square thingy by the front doors of Collinwood.  Everybody always passes by it, nobody puts anything on it, or takes anything off of it.  For my money, it either looks like a grand disguise for one of those plastic Sparkletts water dispensers, or (and this is what it REALLY looks like to me) a tabernacle from the sanctuary of a church--aka the little house where the consecrated hosts are kept.  And I KNOW that isn't what it is.  But every time I see it, I go, there's that THINGY again!!!!

Title: Re: Props moving around the set from room to room
Post by: loril54 on February 06, 2007, 08:46:17 AM
Josette's room always stayed the same. Barn's and Julia's Chairs didn't move did they??
Title: Re: Props moving around the set from room to room
Post by: loril54 on February 07, 2007, 09:11:17 PM
In episode 228 they reorganize the study. I wonder If Mrs Johnson is doing some house cleaning  :-X
Title: Re: What about the mysterious stationary props?
Post by: Alondra on February 07, 2007, 09:15:34 PM
Speaking of props...how about those that seemed to stay in one place, but we've never seen used and have no idea what they are?   ???  I'm talking about the square thingy by the front doors of Collinwood.  Everybody always passes by it, nobody puts anything on it, or takes anything off of it.  For my money, it either looks like a grand disguise for one of those plastic Sparkletts water dispensers, or (and this is what it REALLY looks like to me) a tabernacle from the sanctuary of a church--aka the little house where the consecrated hosts are kept.  And I KNOW that isn't what it is.  But every time I see it, I go, there's that THINGY again!!!!

I wondered this too. I've seen that thing and thought what in the dickens is that? It looks to me like some kind of radiator but you wouldn't have one so close to the front door would you?

Title: Re: Props moving around the set from room to room
Post by: Gothick on February 07, 2007, 10:55:11 PM
I've been noticing lately that the chairs in the OH drawing room move around  A LOT.  I know it's because they would put the furniture out different ways depending upon the day's blocking but it's been freaking me out.  I just wonder how I managed to watch this long without noticing!

Some years ago, somebody mentioned about the wall by the front door with Barn's portrait on it moving around--back, forwards, side-to-side--again, depending on blocking and the day's shooting routine.  I started paying attention to that and was again very surprised at how much it shifted around.

Title: Re: Props moving around the set from room to room
Post by: loril54 on February 08, 2007, 06:05:43 PM
In episode of 229 the afgans were not on the Evans couch.  Do we know what episode that they arrive. ??