General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '02 I => Topic started by: Gothick on May 01, 2002, 10:37:56 PM

Title: Fervently clutching the phone
Post by: Gothick on May 01, 2002, 10:37:56 PM
To the Mysterious Benefactor in all his mysterious May Day delight,

Many thanks for including that FAB shot of the Queen of Fabness Herself, Dr. Julia Hoffman, fervently clutching the phone at Collinwood, as gnostic and hieratic as an image in a Wallace Stevens alchemical chapbook.

Wish I had a nice, crisp, large jpg of this image for my very own.

I just love that scene where Julia goes to the Old House and lays down the law to vampy Barn.  And even more I love the scene between Julia and Dr. Lang in the hospital.  I can just see Julia thinking:  "time to get one of Angelique's voodoo dolls out and one of Eric Lang's scarves for a special treat!"

I swear, that scene where poor befuddled Addison Powell blurts out (obviously struggling not to burst out laughing), "He's a vampire, isn't he?" always cracks me up!  ONLY Grayson's dignity and focused saved that scene from degenerating into a Monty Python skit!

Gothick (hoping for a post from HENRY the Magnificent about the new shows!)