Members' Mausoleum => Calendar Events / Announcements Archive => Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I => Calendar Events / Announcements '06 II => Topic started by: Mark Rainey on November 22, 2006, 11:41:22 PM

Title: Anyone know if this is David Hennesy...
Post by: Mark Rainey on November 22, 2006, 11:41:22 PM
...in a Post Rice Krinkles commercial? Sure looks like him.


Title: Re: Anyone know if this is David Hennesy...
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on November 23, 2006, 12:15:59 AM
Sure looks like him.

It also sounds just like him. I'd be 99.9% sure it is him.  :)

Given the thousands of videos on YouTube, however did you come across it?
Title: Re: Anyone know if this is David Hennesy...
Post by: Mark Rainey on November 23, 2006, 12:53:57 AM
Hmm -- Let's see if I can remember the proper sequence of events...

Well, first off, writer Steve Vernon posted a nice review of Blue Devil Island (http://hellnotes.com/2006/11/22/book-review-blue-devil-island/), my upcoming WWII novel (which features a Collins, by the way), and one of his remarks was about old war comics, which he compared it favorably to. This brought to mind the fact that, a while back, I had been intending to look up some stuff on old Bugs Bunny war cartoons, so I went to YouTube, and while searching for cartoons, I came upon some entries for Woody Woodpecker. This made me think of other old TV cartoons, including Linus the Lion-Hearted. So that brought to mind old TV commercials, and the first one I thought of was Post Crispy Critters cereal. When I did a search for Crispy Critters, it also brought up Post Rice Krinkles, and I found that commercial. The first thing I thought of then was that I needed to post this on the DS Board so MB and Midnite could have a field day trying to figure out how I found such a thing.

What do you mean I must be some kind of freaking loon?
Title: Re: Anyone know if this is David Hennesy...
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on November 23, 2006, 01:07:23 AM
The first thing I thought of then was that I needed to post this on the DS Board so MB and Midnite could have a field day trying to figure out how I found such a thing.

What do you mean I must be some kind of freaking loon?

Well, I don't think we'd go quite that far. With some people, yes - but not with you.  [wink2]  Your explanation makes perfect sense.  :D

I'd completely forgotten that Post Rice Krinkles even existed, so seeing the commercial was definitely a blast from the past!  [lghy]  But I couldn't imagine how they would be something you'd ever go looking for specifically. Now I know you didn't.  ;)
Title: Re: Anyone know if this is David Hennesy...
Post by: jennifer on November 23, 2006, 01:52:35 AM
it does look like him until he turns then i wasn't so sure
Rice Krinkles????

Title: Re: Anyone know if this is David Hennesy...
Post by: Gerard on November 23, 2006, 02:22:36 AM
OMG!  Talk about memories!  When I was growing up, Rice Krinkles was my favorite cereal.  Bascially, it was Rice Crispies saturated with sugar.  Because it was so high in that energy content, my mom would only buy it for me on "special occasions."  I don't remember when it disappeared from the market.

Title: Re: Anyone know if this is David Hennesy...
Post by: BuzzH on November 23, 2006, 02:38:58 AM
It's definately Hennessy.  I don't remember Rice Krinkles, but I *do* remember Quisp!  Anyone else remember that cereal?
Title: Re: Anyone know if this is David Hennesy...
Post by: Mark Rainey on November 23, 2006, 03:14:16 AM
But I couldn't imagine how they would be something you'd ever go looking for specifically.

Oh, but I might just. [hall2_grin] The Puffa Puffa Rice commercial was always a favorite, too.

I've remembered the old Crispy Critters song ever since I was a kid. Every now and then I call the cats down for dinner by singing, "The one and only cereal that comes in the shape of animals."

I really do, yes.

Title: Re: Anyone know if this is David Hennesy...
Post by: barnabasjr on November 23, 2006, 03:17:12 AM
It's definately Hennessy.  I don't remember Rice Krinkles, but I *do* remember Quisp!  Anyone else remember that cereal?
Sure do, I voted for Quisp in the big Quisp vs Quake whatever it was. Somehow I stumbled across some Quisp info when I discovered the web, circa 94, and found out the cereal is still manufactured and sold in those big no name bulk bags of cereal at Safeway. I tried it and it was the same stuff! Congrats, btw!  >:D
Title: Re: Anyone know if this is David Hennesy...
Post by: jennifer on November 23, 2006, 04:12:13 AM
OMG!  Talk about memories!  When I was growing up, Rice Krinkles was my favorite cereal.  Bascially, it was Rice Crispies saturated with sugar.  Because it was so high in that energy content, my mom would only buy it for me on "special occasions."  I don't remember when it disappeared from the market.

oh for the days we didn't worry about sugar content i love how they advertize it!!!

i agree as i looked again at it it has to him!
Title: Re: Anyone know if this is David Hennesy...
Post by: PennyDreadful on November 23, 2006, 04:25:55 AM
That must be David Hennesy.  I'd say it's definitely him.  I wonder how old he was when he did that.
Title: Re: Anyone know if this is David Hennesy...
Post by: Gerard on November 23, 2006, 04:49:51 AM
That must be David Hennesy.  I'd say it's definitely him.  I wonder how old he was when he did that.

I was around seven-or-so when I use to eat it voraciously, and since he and I are the same age, I guess he'd've been around the same at that time, too.

Gerard (Who's Having A Massive Sugar Rush Right Now Just Thinking About That Delicious Stuff)
Title: Re: Anyone know if this is David Hennesy...
Post by: BuzzH on November 23, 2006, 05:01:30 AM
Sure do, I voted for Quisp in the big Quisp vs Quake whatever it was.

OMG!  Yes!  I remember that contest too, didn't vote, too young.  But I liked Quisp better.  And thanks for giving me the name of the other cereal!  I've been racking my brain for YEARS trying to remember that name.  They're spokesperson-thing was a cowboy, right?
Title: Re: Anyone know if this is David Hennesy...
Post by: Minja on November 23, 2006, 05:58:47 AM
I consulted e-bay....
Quake's Quangaroos mascot was an Aussie cowboy and an orange kangaroo,
Quake himself was a musclebound miner with a yellow helmet,
Quisp was a small alien with a propeller on his head.  I always thought that whoever invented the Quisp character got his inspiration form the moon men on Rocky and Bullwinkle.

I hate to dissappoint anyone but I found no e-bay listings for the little plastic so-hi acrobat figure. [hall2_cry]

I do remember the Rice Krinkle cereal and the little cartoon so-hi fellow.  And in KLS's book Dark Shadows memories, David Henesy states he had done many commercials prior to Dark Shadows.  And the boy in the Rice Krinkle commercial looks like him, so I vote that is indeed him.

And as far as my memory itself goes, I could swear that there was a krispy kritter character that was a pink elephant. And Mark, I salute the fact you still remember the lyrics to the Krispy Kritter jingle. [salute]

I love these fun, obscure threads.

Always, Minja  [vryevl]
Title: Re: Anyone know if this is David Hennesy...
Post by: barnabasjr on November 23, 2006, 06:07:40 AM
They're spokesperson-thing was a cowboy, right?
Yes, although I remember him more as a miner. I'm sending you a PM so this doesn't get blasted for going too far OT.
Title: Re: Anyone know if this is David Hennesy...
Post by: Charles_Ellis on November 23, 2006, 08:14:19 AM
Wow!  Why hasn't this been included on an MPI DS DVD release?   Maybe someone can get Jim Pierson to track down a copy of the ad for one of the upcoming pre-Barnabas DVDs.  BTW Mark, what was Roger's rank in WWII?  Or maybe you had the wandering Quentin in the French Resistance.......
Title: Re: Anyone know if this is David Hennesy...
Post by: Mark Rainey on November 23, 2006, 06:41:55 PM
Charles -- as a matter of fact, the character's name is Max Collins; but someone in the know might just swear that it's actually Quentin. ;) Since he comes from a "small fishing village in Maine," the Marine CO constantly refers to him as a "f*ckin' Yankee wharf rat."
Title: Re: Anyone know if this is David Hennesy...
Post by: Midnite on November 23, 2006, 07:35:17 PM
The first thing I thought of then was that I needed to post this on the DS Board so MB and Midnite could have a field day trying to figure out how I found such a thing.

What do you mean I must be some kind of freaking loon?

LOL  No, but I am thinking that you're EVIL.   [smrtasy]   ;)

Great find!
Title: Re: Anyone know if this is David Hennesy...
Post by: petofi on November 23, 2006, 08:08:18 PM
  I always thought that whoever invented the Quisp character got his inspiration form the moon men on Rocky and Bullwinkle.

Jay Ward did both the Quisp animation, and the Rocky and Bullwinkle stuff.

Title: Re: Anyone know if this is David Hennesy...
Post by: onyx_treasure on November 23, 2006, 11:17:38 PM
     I think David Hennesy looks so cute.  I guess the old commercials could be very politically incorrect.  I wonder when they got rid of Frito Bandito and So Hi?  I remember Quake and Quisp.  Quake tasted just like Cap'n Crunch.  I did not like Quisp.