General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '06 II => Topic started by: Brandon Collins on November 19, 2006, 08:17:14 PM

Title: Annoying Shadows
Post by: Brandon Collins on November 19, 2006, 08:17:14 PM
I meant to post something about this a few weeks back when I was actually WATCHING the episodes, but alas, I forgot.

Anyway, during the 1897 episodes where Kitty is [spoiler]realizing that she is Josette,[/spoiler] that flashing back and forth between Kitty and Barnabas' portrait and Kitty and Barnabas' portrait and so on and so forth, IS REALLY ANNOYING. Not only does it hurt my eyes when they do it several times in a row, but I just can't stand it!!!!

And then, when we get back to 1969 and we THINK that it's over, oh no. Julia [spoiler]thinks Barnabas is alive[/spoiler] and before she rushes to the Old House we have this whole Julia-looking-into-the-camera-while-Barnabas'-portait-flashes-us.

Who knew that a portrait could actually FLASH you, or that it could be so damn annoying.
Title: Re: Annoying Shadows
Post by: IluvBarnabas on November 19, 2006, 09:00:14 PM
To me, nothing was more annoying than hearing that damn tape recording with Lang's voice:

"Julia...when...when you do the experiment again (and so on)...." >:(

They played the that dang thing over and over AND OVER AND OVER again so often, it got to the point I couldn't even stand listening to the characters talk about ithe message. :-
Title: Re: Annoying Shadows
Post by: FireRose on November 19, 2006, 09:20:38 PM
To me, nothing was more annoying than hearing that damn tape recording with Lang's voice:

"Julia...when...when you do the experiment again (and so on)...." >:(

They played the that dang thing over and over AND OVER AND OVER again so often, it got to the point I couldn't even stand listening to the characters talk about ithe message. :-

My father always said that if the actors/actresses on the show heard that, the same way (we) the audience did, repeated over an over again. That even the actors/actresses, who were not good at remembering their lines, should twenty years later be able to remember it word for word. Because getting that out of ones head after hearing it so often was not an easy task to do.

It did get old after awhile.

Title: Re: Annoying Shadows
Post by: arashi on November 19, 2006, 10:17:53 PM
If you're watching 1897 on a straight run through the boxsets, Quentin's theme gets really old after a while. Like really old.
Title: Re: Annoying Shadows
Post by: Lydia on November 20, 2006, 02:03:14 AM
"A seance has been held at the great house of Collinwood, a seance which has suspended time and space, and sent one woman on an uncertain and frightening journey back to the year 1795.  There each of the Collins ancestors resembles a present-day member of the Collins family, but the names and relationships have changed, and Victoria Winters finds herself a stranger in a sea of familiar faces."

I did that entirely from memory, although it's been nearly a year since I watched any of the 1795 episodes.  I'm betting that the majority of the people reading this could do it from memory, too.
Title: Re: Annoying Shadows
Post by: Willie on November 20, 2006, 03:06:42 AM
I always wondered what the point of reminding us of that before every single episode, was.  I mean, I could see their desire to keep first-time viewers up to date, but jeez, even first-timers would have gotten pretty sick of it after a few days.  They could at least have varied the wording a bit. 
Title: Re: Annoying Shadows
Post by: MagnusTrask on November 20, 2006, 03:15:03 AM
Time travel and fantasy weren't handled too well by most 60s viewers.  they hasd to be led by the hand through it all, so repeated explanations.

The significant thing about Kitty and the portrait for the viewer was the implication I think that Barnabas may be communicating with her in a ghostlike way, perhaps confirming that he's actually "dead".   that's what it was for me.

Title: Re: Annoying Shadows
Post by: Angelique Wins on November 20, 2006, 03:41:02 AM
Time travel and fantasy weren't handled too well by most 60s viewers.  they hasd to be led by the hand through it all, so repeated explanations.

That must be the same for lots of other stuff.  Cause how many of us remember watching films in elementary school in the late 50s and early 60s and hearing over and over and over:  "Use this title and soundtrack to focus the picture and adjust the sound level.  To prevent damage, reel the film continuously during the showing.  Return all film parts around the proper reel.  DO NOT REWIND after the last showing.  Thank you."  ??

By 6th grade, the whole class usually chimed in like a Greek chorus!  LOL!

Title: Re: Annoying Shadows
Post by: MagnusTrask on November 20, 2006, 03:53:00 AM
Lather... rinse... repeat...
Title: Re: Annoying Shadows
Post by: Brandon Collins on November 20, 2006, 05:33:36 AM
OMG! I completely forgot about that awful Lang tape! That was something that REALLY plucked my last nerve during the Adam storyline. Speaking of Adam..

1)The Green Sweater. --Need I say more?
2)Everytime he spoke. B-B-B-Ba-Ba-Barn-Barna-Barnab-Barnaba-Barnabas GAWD!
3)Eve. Love Marie, hate Eve.

I so wanted to reach through the screen and just say "Dammit! If Barnabas dies Adam dies and if Adam dies, Barnabas dies! Cheese and rice people! You get bits and pieces for WEEKS ON END and you still are so damn stupid that you can't figure out what it means!"

But what does it mean?

And I don't really much mind the voiceovers being repeated time and again, because nowadays, most of the time when I watch the eps I'm settling into bed to watch about two before I retire, and I don't really pay much attention to them because while they are playing I'm adjusting myself to get comfy. (That is NOT how it sounds.)

But, you are so right. I read through that and could probably do the majority of it from memory alone.
Title: Re: Annoying Shadows
Post by: Willie on November 22, 2006, 05:09:38 AM
Speaking of things that are annoying due to sheer repetitiveness, I just remembered:  Every time you're moments away from turning into a werewolf, what are the chances of somebody showing up at your doorstep wanting to have a long, thoughtul conversation with you?  Just about 100% apparently :)  Good grief that gets old. 
Title: Re: Annoying Shadows
Post by: Angelique Wins on November 22, 2006, 06:18:22 AM
OMG! I completely forgot about that awful Lang tape! That was something that REALLY plucked my last nerve during the Adam storyline...I so wanted to reach through the screen and just say "Dammit! If Barnabas dies Adam dies and if Adam dies, Barnabas dies! Cheese and rice people! You get bits and pieces for WEEKS ON END and you still are so damn stupid that you can't figure out what it means!"

lol!  Can't everybody relate to that???  [laughing6]    ROFL!!!!

Title: Re: Annoying Shadows
Post by: arashi on November 22, 2006, 08:05:41 AM
Speaking of things that are annoying due to sheer repetitiveness, I just remembered:  Every time you're moments away from turning into a werewolf, what are the chances of somebody showing up at your doorstep wanting to have a long, thoughtul conversation with you?  Just about 100% apparently :)  Good grief that gets old.

Also annoying is the about-to-become-a-werwolf's inability to NOT ANSWER THE DAMN DOOR.
Title: Re: Annoying Shadows
Post by: Brandon Collins on November 22, 2006, 07:10:46 PM
Hmm. Annoying. I have two names. Alexander and Michael. The latter less so than the former. Boo I say, boo!

And on that note, I'm also starting to get quite annoyed with Paul's constant freakouts about the Leviathans and all that. Poor guy. I just wish he had a blow up doll to tell all this problems too. Because obviously no one actually LIVING will listen to him.
Title: Re: Annoying Shadows
Post by: retzev on November 24, 2006, 02:16:02 AM
Except for David Henesy, I haven't seen a child on the show that wasn't nails on a chalkboard annoying.
Title: Re: Annoying Shadows
Post by: IluvBarnabas on November 24, 2006, 03:19:22 AM
Except for David Henesy, I haven't seen a child on the show that wasn't nails on a chalkboard annoying.

David is my #1 favorite child character on the show.I agree that Alexander and Michael were both annoying and obnoxious but I don't think the girls were as bad as all that or anywere near as bad as the Leviathan brats. I find Sarah adorable, Amy cute as a button and Hallie very sweet. JMO though.
Title: Re: Annoying Shadows
Post by: Willie on November 24, 2006, 04:48:35 PM
Except for David Henesy, I haven't seen a child on the show that wasn't nails on a chalkboard annoying.

I feel the same way exactly.  And Henesy could really give me pain in the eardrums as well.  Amy was just like a windup doll that shrieked constantly.  I mean, you spend all day listening to your own kids hollering and screaming, then you settle in for a nice episode of Dark Shadows to unwind and get away from it all, and you've gotta listen to those kids screaming and whining?  ACK!

I'm sorta worried - I just ordered DVD sets 16 - 18 (Thanks to the board members for the heads-up on the Deep Discount DVD sale!) which includes the Leviathan storyline.  Don't know about some of the comments I'm hearing here  ;D  Sounds scary.
Title: Re: Annoying Shadows
Post by: MagnusTrask on November 24, 2006, 05:05:11 PM
Except for David Henesy, I haven't seen a child on the show that wasn't nails on a chalkboard annoying.

I felt that way when I WAS Henesy's age, watching for the first time.   Kids were almost all annoying idiots on ALL of TV, though (they acted something like 5 years younger than they were), except Henesy and Billy Mumy, who was actually a great role model, and grew up pretty interestingly.     (Fish Heads, America, DS9, B5)
Title: Re: Annoying Shadows
Post by: BuzzH on November 24, 2006, 05:29:05 PM
Don't know about some of the comments I'm hearing here  ;D  Sounds scary.

Leviathan kicks ass, IMHO!   ;)
Title: Re: Annoying Shadows
Post by: Willie on November 24, 2006, 05:46:16 PM
Leviathan kicks ass, IMHO!   ;)

Cool!  I haven't seen that story since they aired it on the Sci-Fi Channel years ago, so my memories are pretty vague.  But I seem to remember it being interesting.
Title: Re: Annoying Shadows
Post by: Brandon Collins on November 25, 2006, 01:32:58 AM
Don't know about some of the comments I'm hearing here  ;D  Sounds scary.

Leviathan kicks ass, IMHO!   ;)


It's not THAT bad, not it's not EXCELLENT either. It falls somewhere in the middle. The storyline, well that's all right I suppose, might be hard to follow if you pay close attention. The thing that many seem to like about it is the character interactions and changes--and I've been enjoying this the most too.

And I agree that David H. isn't annoying. And I didn't really find Amy that annoying except when they kept making David twist her arm to make her do something, literally. And I don't remember much about Hallie so I don't want to make an opinion, but I think I liked her when I saw it the first time.
Title: Re: Annoying Shadows
Post by: Alondra on January 31, 2007, 03:23:02 AM
I can't believe no one mentioned "London Bridge is falling down falling down falling down London bridge is falling down my fair lady."

Here's what seems to have happened throughout a lot of DS. You had one song or one sequence that you heard over and over for a period of time then they moved on to something else and it was a new something or other that you heard over and over ad nauseum.

1) London Bridge, early Barnabas storyline
2) Josette's theme, early Barnabas storyline
2) "A seance has been held in the great house of Collinwood... 1795 storyline. And note how one day they'd say girl and the next woman. They never could make up their minds whether Vicki was a girl or a woman. Why couldn't they say young woman?
3) "Julia, when you do the experiment again..." Adam storyline
4) Quentin's theme, ghost of Quentin storyline, 1897 storyline
5) Angelique's theme, parallel time storyline. I never got tired of this one though, I loved it.
6) The carousel music 1995 and summer of '70 storyline. I don't think we heard it once we moved into 1840.

I don't remember others than these. But with each one you'd hear it during that storyline only, after that never again.

Title: Re: Annoying Shadows
Post by: loril54 on January 31, 2007, 08:38:04 AM
I found it anoying that Roger was always drinking and walking in the front door.

The Laviathan story I never really liked Chris Pennock

To remind people about Barnabas in Pt time 1970 showing the chained coffin.

[spoiler]That they killed of Off Barnabas in 1897 then explained it later. >:D[/spoiler]

Title: Re: Annoying Shadows
Post by: MagnusTrask on January 31, 2007, 09:10:17 AM
Music-box-like themes for each storyline after a certain point, whether it made sense or not-- just because Josette's was popular.   Cloning Leticia from Pansy just because Pansy was popular.    PT not being thought out well, not consisting of things that could really have resulted from different choices.   Every other storyline being disappointing.
Title: Re: Annoying Shadows
Post by: adamsgirl on January 31, 2007, 04:15:24 PM
I am with Alondra on the London Bridge thing, and yes, Quentin's theme got old quickly as well. Here's something that quickly got on my nerves:

"My name is Victoria Winters." I mean, gee, we get it! It was almost as if Vicki was so stupid, she had to keep repeating her name! I don't believe they changed that until the 1795 storyline began!
Title: Re: Annoying Shadows
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on January 31, 2007, 05:12:01 PM
I don't believe they changed that until the 1795 storyline began!

It lasted until Ep #275 when Nancy Barrett did the first non-Alexandra opening. 1795/96 began with Ep #366.  :)
Title: Re: Annoying Shadows
Post by: adamsgirl on January 31, 2007, 08:14:17 PM
I don't believe they changed that until the 1795 storyline began!

It lasted until Ep #275 when Nancy Barrett did the first non-Alexandra opening. 1795/96 began with Ep #366.  :)

Thanks! See? It seemed to me to go on forever, but 275 episodes is enough anyway.
Title: Re: Annoying Shadows
Post by: Lydia on February 01, 2007, 03:58:42 AM
When we first started watching the early Barnabas episodes together a couple of weeks ago, the "My name is Victoria Winters" was annoying to me.  Now I've gotten used to it again, and I can imagine that when the show was originally on, the repeated statement might have been like a Pavlov's dog thing - you heard it and immediately the rest of your life dropped away and you were in the Dark Shadows world. Just in case the initial music didn't do the job.

For some reason the repetition of the various people's themes has never bothered me - not even London Bridge.
Title: Re: Annoying Shadows
Post by: MagnusTrask on February 01, 2007, 04:47:19 AM
Hey Lydia--

"My name is Victoria Winters."

(I think she's under... what do you think we can make her do?    Something more imaginative than the old cluck-like-a-chicken bit...?)
Title: Re: Annoying Shadows
Post by: Lydia on February 01, 2007, 05:03:41 AM
Don't do that!  It scares my cat when I cluck!