General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '06 II => Topic started by: Joeytrom on November 02, 2006, 04:08:12 AM

Title: Other Julias
Post by: Joeytrom on November 02, 2006, 04:08:12 AM
It was stated by author R.J. Jamison of "Grayson Hall: A Hard Act to Follow", that another actress was cast as Julia and she backed out at the last minute, resulting in the hiring of Grayson Hall just before the filming of Julia's first episode.  No one seems to remember this actress' name other then it may have been "Honey" or "Honeybee" and she was from Broadway.

Does anyone know of any Broadway actresses at the time with that name or similar?
Title: Re: Other Julias
Post by: Midnite on November 02, 2006, 05:07:22 PM
it may have been "Honey" or "Honeybee" and she was from Broadway.

I was just rereading that chapter last night.  Really.  :D  It was Honey or Honeypot, and I'm highly suspicious of that clue to the identity of the theater actress originally cast in the role since it came from KLS, and her memories haven't always stood up well to challenge.
Title: Re: Other Julias
Post by: BuzzH on November 02, 2006, 05:13:34 PM
I'm highly suspicious of that clue to the identity of the theater actress originally cast in the role since it came from KLS, and her memories haven't always stood up well to challenge.

Boy, is THAT ever the TRUTH!   [hall2_rolleyes]  Her memory is so bad, perhaps she should invest in some pot since researchers are now saying it may stave off Alheimer's!    >:D
Title: Re: Other Julias
Post by: Gothick on November 02, 2006, 05:45:24 PM
My theory is that it was Lovelady Powell who appeared in the one episode a few months before as Portia Fitzsimmons.  I could see them trying to get her for Julia.  It would be really interesting to know whether she did a reading and then bailed or whether they simply decided she wasn't right for the part--if there's anything to my theory (hearing an echo here of Barn's snide comment to Julia in their fateful rapprochement in her boudoir "you assume that I'm interested in your... THEORY, Doctor" where he makes a "theory" sound like something of a lady's no gentleman would have truck with).

I think RJ was able to get confirmation from Sam that Grayson was a re-cast on DS, but I don't believe who could recall the identity of the other actress.  GH wound up being a re-cast a number of times in her career... it seems to have been a pattern.  I forget just how Nancy Barrett put it but she did sum up brilliantly that Grayson was tough to cast because she was so "odd" (and OUT THERE, I add from my seat in the balcony).

cheers, G.
Title: Re: Other Julias
Post by: Joeytrom on November 02, 2006, 06:35:31 PM
I could see Lovelady Powell as Julia, she does have a resemblence to GH.  Though, if she was cast, we may have seen the original plan for Barnabas to kill Julia.

The book also states that Julia was to die in a vat of acid, that's the first I have heard of that idea.

If LP backed out after Julia's first episode and then GH take over for her next appearance, it would have made for an interesting comparison

[spoiler]Perhaps after Julia's experiment turns Barnabas  into an aged man, he was to get revenge on Julia for doing that to him and then throw her into the acid vat?   Would they have been able to keep Barnabas on the show after doing that?  Unless Woodard and Burke were still around and then they did the staking.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: Other Julias
Post by: Julia99 on November 02, 2006, 10:07:32 PM
I'll throw in 2 cents here. . .I had promoted for the last couple of years that the first actress might've been Lovelady Powell but Sam said "No no. . ."  He thought he'd eventually remember--alas...

However, I think "Honeypot" is a clue. . .

There is play (I don't have the info here in front of me) from the 40/50s with a character named "Honeypot". . my theory is the actress may have originated that role in NY or played it a long while, hence she was associated with that name--

Just a theory but several of mine proved accurate but of course there is the Lovelady Powell one which was WRONG!!  [hall2_tongue]
Title: Re: Other Julias
Post by: michael c on November 03, 2006, 02:01:57 AM
oh the obscure thrills of d.s. fandom!

i just love that we all know who lovelady powell is. :-*