Members' Mausoleum => Calendar Events / Announcements Archive => Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I => Calendar Events / Announcements '06 II => Topic started by: Mysterious Benefactor on October 17, 2006, 05:11:40 AM

Title: Are You A Drama Queen (or King)? - The Drama Queen Test
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on October 17, 2006, 05:11:40 AM
I came across these two online tests today. And as they relate to a discussion on the Current Talk board, I figured I'd post a link to them here for a bit of fun, particularly because it's been a while since we've taken any surveys/tests as a group. I found both tests to be so funny that I couldn't decide which one to post, so that's why I'm posting links to both:

The Drama Queen Test (http://www.queendom.com/tests/minitests/fx/drama_queen.html)

Are You a Drama Queen (or King)? (http://www.blogthings.com/areyouadramaqueenquiz/)

And also as with the other surveys/tests, hopefully people will be willing to share their results. Here are mine. First up, the results from The Drama Queen Test:

You're as cool as cucumber. Even in touchy situations that could spark a theatrical reaction in most people, you seem to stay calm and composed. This likely stems from a rational, logical approach to life. Either that or you are just able to keep a lid on your emotions, even when you're flipping out on the inside. You are generally able to maintain perspective and see the big picture, even when the worse appears to be true. You know that freaking out before you really know what's going on results in the whole "mountains out of molehills" scenario. This is a healthy approach that allows you to cope well with most of life's trials, big and small. As long as you are not blindly optimistic to the point that you ignore trouble, you're coping very well.

And then the results from Are You a Drama Queen (or King)?

You Are As Cool As They Come
Rational and relaxed, no one could accuse you of being dramatic. You roll with the punches, and nothing ever gets you too worked up. You are able to maintain perspective and see the big picture.

And even if you're emotional inside, you don't let it show. You're great at keeping it together, and you're rewarded for that. People see you as an ideal friend, employee, and partner.

Though there's probably no surprise in either of those results because whenever we take these tests, I'm always getting told that I have "a rational, logical approach to life" and that I'm "generally able to maintain perspective and see the big picture, even when the worse appears to be true."  [hall2_wink]
Title: Re: Are You A Drama Queen (or King)? - The Drama Queen Test
Post by: MagnusTrask on October 17, 2006, 05:43:03 AM
They think I'm cool as a cucumber.  I'm not.  I just have REAL crises going on.

The 2nd one... the premise of each question seemed wrong.    They were impossible to answer.
Title: Re: Are You A Drama Queen (or King)? - The Drama Queen Test
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on October 17, 2006, 08:00:30 AM
Well, I strongly suspect that the crafters of both tests don't expect them to be taken seriously.  [hall2_smiley] Hence the absurdity of some of the choices for answers...
Title: Re: Are You A Drama Queen (or King)? - The Drama Queen Test
Post by: Amanda on October 17, 2006, 09:17:51 AM
I came up with the same results you did, MB.  Interesting.  I don't see myself as a drama queen or king but, I do think I have my moments!   [spin]
Title: Re: Are You A Drama Queen (or King)? - The Drama Queen Test
Post by: CastleBee on October 17, 2006, 12:56:04 PM
The Drama Queen Test
Score = 70

You should get an Oscar for your dramatic flair. You tend to blow situations out of proportion, overreact and make mountains out of molehills. While this might keep your life interesting and provide the occasional laugh, it's also got to be pretty hard on you. It's exhausting riding a constant emotional roller coaster! Both for your own sake and the peace-of-mind of those closest to you, you should really learn to chill out a little. Try to keep things in perspective - something may seem like a major life crisis at the moment, but will you even remember it in a month (or day) from now? You can keep your passion for the dramatic (a tiger never changes its stripes), but consider toning it down before you wear yourself out!

Drama Queen or King

You Are a Drama Princess

You're not over the top dramatic, but you have your moments.
You know how to steal the spotlight...
And how to act out to get your way.

People around you know that you're good for a laugh.
But at times, your drama gets a bit too much for everyone.
Tone it down a tad, and you'll still be the center of attention.

No surprises here - for me or anyone who knows me.  [hall2_rolleyes]
Title: Re: Are You A Drama Queen (or King)? - The Drama Queen Test
Post by: Barnabas'sBride on October 17, 2006, 12:58:36 PM
I was almost to medium level (I got a 45) on the first one, but got the "cool as a cucumber" result on the second.
Title: Re: Are You A Drama Queen (or King)? - The Drama Queen Test
Post by: CastleBee on October 17, 2006, 01:40:46 PM
Okay...some Drama Queens and Kings had better show up or I'm going to cry my eyes out or throw a fit!!!  (still deciding) [bawling2]
Title: Re: Are You A Drama Queen (or King)? - The Drama Queen Test
Post by: Midnite on October 18, 2006, 01:15:49 AM
Okay...some Drama Queens and Kings had better show up or I'm going to cry my eyes out or throw a fit!!!  (still deciding) [bawling2]

Hee hee, CastleBee!  (rhyme unintentional)  I'm apparently cool as a cuke-- hmm, that's not very Leo-like-- but I've had friends who could honestly answer yes to everything in The DQ Test, and can you say "high maintenance"?  But I found the 2nd test very amusing, and yay, I'm a Drama Princess too!   [hall2_cheesy]
Title: Re: Are You A Drama Queen (or King)? - The Drama Queen Test
Post by: barnabasjr on October 18, 2006, 01:53:33 AM
My results were the same as MB's verbatim. Maybe I'll get to moderate a board someday....hmmmm....MBjr...  [hall2_wink]
Title: Re: Are You A Drama Queen (or King)? - The Drama Queen Test
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on October 18, 2006, 02:18:27 AM
My results were the same as MB's verbatim. Maybe I'll get to moderate a board someday....hmmmm....MBjr...  (hall2_wink)

Hmmm, you never know when an opening might arise.  [hall2_smiley]
Title: Re: Are You A Drama Queen (or King)? - The Drama Queen Test
Post by: Minja on October 18, 2006, 04:06:57 AM

Well I took the test and scored a 60.  It basically said I wasn't a drama queen, just menopausal.  And that I really ought to get a grip on my occasional emotional upheavals. 

Sheez, just what I needed. A dismissive diagnosis and a lecture.   [hall2_rolleyes]

But thanks for sharing it with us MB.  It was fun! [hall2_grin]

Always, Minja [vryevl][/color]
Title: Re: Are You A Drama Queen (or King)? - The Drama Queen Test
Post by: Teresa on October 18, 2006, 10:54:34 PM
I also got the same results as MB.
Title: Re: Are You A Drama Queen (or King)? - The Drama Queen Test
Post by: Widows Wail on October 18, 2006, 11:15:09 PM
I also got the same results as MB.

Me too! So far the cucumbers are winning. [dancing_bones]
Title: Re: Are You A Drama Queen (or King)? - The Drama Queen Test
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on October 19, 2006, 02:29:18 AM
So far the cucumbers are winning.

Either that or the drama queens and kings are too shy to post their results.  [hall2_wink]  [hall2_grin]
Title: Re: Are You A Drama Queen (or King)? - The Drama Queen Test
Post by: Raineypark on October 19, 2006, 02:44:16 AM
Either that or the drama queens and kings are too shy to post their results.  [hall2_wink]  [hall2_grin]

Who ever heard of a "shy" drama queen?  Isn't that an oxymoron?... [hall_rolleyes]
Title: Re: Are You A Drama Queen (or King)? - The Drama Queen Test
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on October 19, 2006, 02:54:53 AM
Who ever heard of a "shy" drama queen?  Isn't that an oxymoron?...

Well, I was trying to be diplomatic.  [hall2_smiley]  What I really meant was that they don't want to admit to the rest of us or possibly even to themselves that they're drama queens and kings. And there, OK, I've said it.  [hall2_wink]  But of course, what they may not realize is that in several cases we might already know who they are.  [hall2_grin]