Author Topic: #0017/0018: Robservations 05/30/01: David's Case of the Guilts  (Read 8334 times)

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Episode #17 - There is no sound in Collinwood, only the strangeness of the people around me--the woman who has brought me here, who has not left her house in 18 years (we see Liz going upstairs). The strangeness of a small boy, and the devils that torment him. (We see David asleep, moaning, "I didn't, I didn't!") He flings himself all over the bed, muttering the same thing, and finally awakens with a fierce "NO!" He rises from bed and goes to the window, standing on a chair so he can open it and look out. Liz runs in. For the love of God, David! she cries, pulling him down from the table, "Wake up!" He struggles in her grasp, saying he has to get away, and tries to get back to the window. She again begs him to wake up, shaking him. I didn't, I didn't! he wails.
He climbs back into bed and pleads with her to help him. It's only a dream, she assures him. I didn't kill him! yells David, I didn't mean to kill him! Liz holds him in her arms and caresses his hair, comforting him. (Guilt, thy name is David.)

Office of D. Reeves, MD - Bill Malloy thumbs through a magazine and rises from a seat in the waiting room, his face impatient. The doctor, who has a delightful Maine twang, comes out and tells him Roger is dressing, that he was lucky--is Malloy taking him home?--he'll be ready in 15 minutes, he has a few things to clear up with him, insurance forms, all that nonsense. Bill asks if he can stretch it to half an hour; he wants to go back and look at that wreck again. Go ahead, says the doc, I'm not going anywhere, unless Lucy Cameron decides to have her baby ahead of time. I'll be back in half an hour, says Malloy. What do you expect to see? Doc Reeves asks--a wreck is a wreck. Not this one, Doc, says Bill brusquely. The doctor joins Roger in the examining room. He helps him on with his jacket after Roger admits to needing some help putting it on. His left wrist and forehead are bandaged. Doc Reeves advises him to ask his sister or someone else in the house to help him get dressed for a while. I can't stand being treated like an invalid, complains Roger. Invalid? asks the doc, maybe you don't realize just how lucky you are--a few stitches in your forehead, contusions, one arm bruised and sprained--by all the rules, I should have been signing a death certificate instead of helping you into a jacket. Sorry to be breaking the rules, quips Roger, as the doctor fashions a sling for him. That's all right, I got a bigger fee this way, says Reeves. (I love this guy's slick medical humor.) He tells Roger to hold his arm up and ties the sling around his neck. When those brakes went, says Roger, I thought for sure I'd end up on a slab. How does that feel? asks the doc. All right, says Roger--how long do I have to wear this thing? A day or two, just to ease up on any sprain--you'll know when to take it off--I'm going to give you a couple of pills before you go to bed tonight--ease up on the pain--and then I want you to get right home, get into bed, as soon as Malloy gets back here. Isn't Malloy waiting outside? asks Roger. He'll be back here, says the doc--said he wanted to get another look at the wreck. Oh, says Roger. Anything special about this one? asks the Doc. What do you mean? asks Roger. Malloy seemed to intimate...begins Reeves. Intimate what? demands Roger. The fact is, says Reeves, I think that all you people livin' in the big house havin' to go up and down that hill would be pretty darn sure your brakes were in good working order. They were, says Roger. Give ya a couple of extra in case you need some tomorrow night, says Reeves, doling out some additional pills. Roger takes them and thanks him. Then how come you went over the edge? asks Reeves. I told you, when I pulled out of the garage, the brakes were acting fine, says Roger, and they continued to work all right until I got about halfway down the hill, then the pedal went right to the floorboard--I tried to keep it on the road but I couldn't make it when I got to that big curve about a hundred miles--hundred miles?--it seemed like a hundred miles (a classic Roger blooper and save!)--a hundred feet from the bottom of the hill--then I went right over the edge of the hill--then Malloy came along. Yes, he told me, says the doctor, he was on his way up to the house--might as well get on with these forms--lucky thing Malloy wasn't walkin' up that hill--we might have had another death. Roger stares at him and suspiciously asks what he means--another death? Reeves says it seems that fellow he treated 10 years ago when he and Burke Devlin... I had nothing to do with that, insists Roger.
Never said you did, says Reeves. Doctor, Burke Devlin was sent to prison for killing that man--it had nothing to do with me, says Roger. I know, says Reeves, I was at the trial--well, shall we get on with it? Roger glances at him, not at all pleased.

David lies in bed, awake. The noisy wind blows open his window. That frightens him and he calls for Aunt Liz, who runs right in and closes the window--she didn't close it tightly enough, she says--you aren't afraid of a little wind, are you? Stay in here with me, please? he begs. You couldn't get me out of here if you tried to, she assures him, dropping a comforting hand to his shoulder--see if you can go back to sleep. (This woman is exactly what this child needs, a loving, kind person who believes him, trusts him, and cares for him.) He slides back under the covers. Don't turn the light out, he says. There's nothing to be afraid of, she says, sitting in his bed, I'm here. I want the light on, he insists. All right, she says, try to sleep. He closes his eyes, but soon opens them and asks when his father will be back. Soon, she says, he's gone to the doctor. You won't tell him about my nightmare, will you? he asks. Not if you don't want me to, she promises, but there's nothing to be ashamed of, even grownups have nightmares sometimes--close your eyes and see if you can go to sleep. He settles down, but soon his eyes open again. What did I say, when I was dreaming? he asks. Just a lot of nonsense, she says. He sits up, anxious. What was it, I want to know? he says. Then will you go back to sleep? she asks. I'll try, he says. It seems you were dreaming about having a fight with someone and they were hurt, she explains. Who? he asks. It doesn't matter, she says, the important thing is for you to forget about it and go back to sleep. Did I say who was hurt? he asks. No, you just kept saying, "I didn't mean to kill him," over and over again, she says--come on, it was just a bad dream, try to sleep. He lies down for just a moment, then gets on his knees and goes to Liz. You won't let anyone hurt me, will you? he asks her. Of course not, she croons. Do you promise, he says. Of course I do, it was only a dream! She caresses his face. David puts his hand up to his face and says he doesn't think he can sleep. She suggests he put on his robe; they'll go down and wait for his father and Malloy. He digs his feet into his slippers.

Malloy returns to Reeves' office and knocks at the door. He enters and joins Roger and the doctor. It certainly was a fast half hour, says Reeves, I barely got this stuff finished. I saw what I wanted to see, says Bill. Hanky panky? asks the doctor. Didn't say that, says Malloy to Roger, I just said I saw what I wanted to see. Someday I'm going to write a book about Down-Easterners, myself included, says Reeves, I'm going to write about all those words that never get said. I don't know what you're talking about, says Malloy. I'm a freak around here, says Reeves, putting on his jacket, that's what I'm talkin' about--I open up and tell people what I'm thinkin'--for instance, me and Mr. Collins just had a chat about his old friend, Burke Devlin. What about him? asks Malloy. Am I through, Doctor? asks Roger. See what I mean? says the doctor--as soon as the conversation gets onto important things, we hold up a sign: no trespassing. (I adore this doctor's honesty.) Some things are nobody's else's affair, says Malloy. That's all an illusion, says Reeves, in this case, anyway--it was a public trial 10 years ago, wasn't there--and now Burke Devlin's back--do you honestly believe there's not one person in this town that knows why? I can't worry about what people think, says Roger. No, no, I know, you can't do that, says the doctor, all you can do is roll downhill in a car and get yourself nearly killed. (nervy medico.) His phone rings, and he tells Roger he's well enough to go home, but he must go right to bed. It's Mr. Cameron on the phone, and Doc asks how his wife is. (Wonder if she's having that baby?) Bill and Roger leave the office. Well? asks Roger. I went to the car, says Bill. I KNOW that, says Roger--did you find out what caused the accident? Ay-yuh, says Bill, but it wasn't an accident, Roger. Are you sure? asks Roger. Positive, absolutely no question about it, says Malloy.

Reeves waiting room - Malloy has drawn a picture for Roger of what looks almost like a thick bullet with a screw at one end. This is what it looks like, says Malloy--it's a bleeder valve--do you know much about cars? You put the key in the ignition and the car starts, turn it off and the car stops, says Roger--that's about it. (Didn't Roger take auto mechanics in school?) Showing Roger a drawn diagram, Malloy explains the brakes run on hydraulic fluid and there's a master cylinder under the hood--the fluid's in there--when you step on the brake pedal, what you're doin' is forcing the fluid from the master cylinder to the separate cylinders on each brake, and that's what stops the car. Where does this piece come in? asks Roger. This piece, the bleeder valve, explains Malloy, was missing, and left a little hole where it should have been--and every time you stepped on the brake pedal, you forced a stream of hydraulic fluid out of that hole--do that a dozen times, there's no fluid left at all.
That's exactly what happened, says Roger--the brakes were working fine until I got about halfway down that hill. That's the way it must have been planned. I've got to be sure about this, says Roger--could this piece have come off by itself? Never heard of it happen, says Bill. Is it hard to remove? asks Roger. Easy with a wrench or a pair of pliers, says Malloy. Then that's it, says Roger--Devlin came to the house this afternoon and made arrangements for me to meet him in town tonight--what was to prevent him from going to the garage and tampering with my car to make sure I didn't get down that hill? Malloy rises from his chair and says it's possible, but neither of them can prove it. Agitated, Roger says not yet. Slow down, says Malloy. Do you think I'm going to let it go at that? demands Roger, I was almost killed--I don't give a damn about proof--I'm going to go to Burke and make him admit it himself! What are you going to do--beat it out of him with one arm? asks Bill. You two still here? asks the doctor, joining them--I told you to go home and get some rest! I'm taking him home right now, says Malloy. Look, Bill, says Roger. It can wait until tomorrow, Malloy says. Except birthin', says Reeves--I've got one right now that can't wait to get into this world--you think it's worth it? I'll tell you tomorrow, says Roger, thanking the doctor, who puts on his hat, and, bag in hand, turns off the light and leaves.

Drawing room - Standing before his portrait, Liz tells David that Isaac was a brave man, sailing on the ocean in a small ship--does David know when that was? My father tells me 1690, says David That's right, agrees Liz--he landed right near here in Frenchman's Bay, and he came to Collinsport and liked it and decided to stay--only it wasn't called Collinsport then, because there was nothing here except the harbor, and trees and lots of fish--Isaac Collins, imagine having a town named after you? Distracted, David asks if she heard a car. She says he hasn't been listening to one word she's said. I'm sure I heard something, he says anxiously, opening the window. There's no one out there, says Liz. Are you sure my father wasn't badly hurt? asks David. That's what I was told, says Liz, I want you to stop worrying about it. He asks if she hated her father. Of course not, she says, I loved him very, very much. How did you feel when he died? asks David. Such a strange question, remarks Liz, I told you he wasn't badly hurt. Did you cry? asks David. Yes, she says. Did you have nightmares? he asks. I don't remember, she says, it was over 20 years ago. I bet you didn't, he says resentfully, I bet if you love your father, you never have nightmares. David, she says, holding his shoulders, everything's going to work out all right for you, I know it will if you'll just be patient. The car pulls up. I don't want to see him! says David. I told you he wasn't badly hurt, says Liz. I don't want to see him! cries David, and runs to the stairs.

Roger and Bill enter Collinwood. Remember, says Roger to Malloy, don't tell my sister about that valve. You can't keep it a secret forever, insists Bill. Just tonight, says Roger, I want to do this in my own way. Liz opens the double doors and Roger greets her heartily, saying the soldier is home from the war. He kisses her cheek, and she asks if he's really all right. Nothing that a stiff drink won't cure, Roger assures her, and Bill says he wouldn't mind a short one. But your arm, says Liz, you didn't tell me about it. Malloy says it didn't start to act up until they were on their way to the doctor. Just a sprain, Liz, says Roger, it's kind of heroic, don't you think?--let's see about that drink. They enter the drawing room and Bill closes the doors behind them. From the corner of the foyer, David watches, then sneaks to the doors and listens.
I'm a pretty good driver, Roger tells Liz, but I couldn't make that last curve without brakes, so over I went--the doctor said I'd live and that's the whole sad story. Not quite, says Liz, you think Burke Devlin had anything to do with this? Roger and Malloy exchange glances and Roger, a peculiar smile on his face, asks her what makes her asks that. Miss Winters told me she saw Burke looking at your car earlier this evening, says Liz. Roger puts down his drink, amazed--what did I tell you? he asks Malloy. You can't prove he tampered with it, says Bill. Do you think I'm going to let it go at that?--to Liz--I was going to charge up to Burke and accuse him, but he talked me out of it. We have a constable in town, Bill reminds him, to handle things like that. Don't you think you ought to call him? asks Liz. I will, says Roger, is Miss Winters here, upstairs in her room? Liz rises from the sofa. You're not going to do anything foolish, are you? she asks her brother. I'm through being foolish, says Roger, I'm going to be very sensible--why don't you do the same--go upstairs and try to get some sleep--we've all had a rough night. What will you do? asks Liz. Oh, I might have another drink, says Roger, raising his glass, commune with my ancestors, mediate over my past mistakes and try to think of a way to correct them--he drinks. Correcting mistakes doesn't mean making others, warns Liz--you were almost killed tonight--don't forget that. I have no intention of forgetting it, not ever, Roger assures her--he kisses her cheek and wishes her pleasant dreams. Liz gazes at him suspiciously. I'll run along myself, says Malloy. Are you sure you'll be all right? asks Liz. Perfectly sure, says Roger. All right, says Liz, and asks to speak to Bill for few moments before he leaves. Sure, says Bill. Roger wanders over to Isaac's portrait--well, what would you do if somebody tried to kill you? he asks, and drinks.

Malloy enters the drawing room to say good night to Roger, who asks what Liz wanted. She asked me to check in town, see if I could find Carolyn, says Bill. Did she ask anything about me? asks Roger. She was a little afraid you might try something, says Malloy, but I told her not to worry, that you were just going to have a drink and go to bed. Not true, says Roger. Bill starts to warn him, but Roger says there's a girl upstairs who saw Burke standing by his car--doesn't Bill think he should at least talk to her? Sure, but wait until morning, says Bill. Good night, Bill, thanks for everything, says Roger--and drinks. Good night, says Bill, resigned, already knowing his advice isn't going to be taken. Roger puts down his drink on the foyer table and looks upstairs, then determinedly walks up. David watches, looking up at the landing, staring into the camera with gigantic eyes.

NOTES: Is Roger going to grill Vicki about what she saw? He isn't going to be gentle about it, that much you can be sure of. He's too upset and angry.

David felt guilty about what he did--his nightmare attests to that. He is actually glad he didn't succeed in patricide. Is there hope for this sad, demented child?

The performances thus far as so good. I marvel over David Henesy's David, he's as seamless an actor as I've ever seen; he doesn't even seem to be acting! Nancy Barrett is great as Carolyn, alternately child and bitch; Mitchell Ryan as Burke is enigmatic and exciting; Louis Edmonds shines as the semi-evil Roger and the sly humor is so much fun. Joan Bennett, regal yet motherly, is beautiful, strong and riveting.

Episode #18 - David listens to his father's footsteps heading upstairs. The boy stands in the foyer, fearful and tormented, according to Vicki's intro, listening to those footsteps receding away from him.

In Vicki's room, a window bangs in the wind and awakens her. She settles back against her pillow until the insistent clatter forces her out of bed. (She wears simple pajamas, not a fancy nightie.) She closes the banging window, then gets back into bed. She hears a knock at her door, and Roger's soft voice asking if she's awake. She puts on a light and asks who's at her door (the big bad wolf?). Roger says he hates to disturb her, but he must talk to her. It's very late, she protests. Roger says he knows, but it's very important, please. I'm not dressed, she says. I'll wait for you downstairs in the drawing room, he says, please hurry. He walks away from her door.

David, still standing in the foyer, hears his father coming downstairs and hastily hides in the dark corner. Roger comes downstairs slowly, not seeing David, and goes into the drawing room. David joins his father in the drawing room, asking him if it hurts. What are you doing up so late? asks Roger. I couldn't sleep, says the boy.
Worried about me, I suppose, says Roger. Yes, I wanted you to know I'm sorry, says David. Sorry for what--that I survived? Asks Roger. (ooh, low blow!) David gives him a look of hatred. Roger admits that was a bit cruel of him, please accept my apology. Roger sits down on the sofa, head in hand. Does it hurt? repeats David. A little, the arm especially, says Roger. What happened--is it broken? Asks David. No, just a sprain, it will be better in a day or two, says Roger. They look at each other a moment. All right, is there anything else? asks Roger. Why do you want to talk to Miss Winters? asks David. That's not your affair, says Roger. It's abut the accident, isn't it? asks David--you think she knows whose fault it is. What makes you believe I think it was anybody's fault? asks Roger. I know, says David you said someone fooled with the brakes and that's why the automobile crashed. I know something, too, young man, says Roger, I know that I don't like little boys listening at keyholes. I wanted to find out what happened, says David. All right, now you know, says Roger--the car ran off the edge of the road--I sprained my arm and cut my forehead--now you run along to bed. Do you know who did it? asks David. I have no patience for this! says Roger. You were almost killed, David reminds him--don't you think I have a right to know? The only thing you have any right to know is that it's past your bedtime, says Roger, now get to bed, right now. You don't even care if I am sorry, accuses David. Just get to bed! says Roger, and leave me alone--that's all I care about. (I feel so sorry for these two.) Maybe I'm not sorry at all, says David, maybe I wish you'd... Roger stands up threateningly, and David runs from the room.

Vicki, in a robe now, brushes her hair. David knocks at her door. She thinks it's Roger again, and tells him she told him she would come down as soon as she. She's surprised to see David, and asks what he's doing up so late. Can I talk to you? he asks. Sure, come on in, she says. He does, and she closes the door. I don't have much time, your father is waiting for me downstairs, she explains. I know, I just saw him, the boy says. He's all right, isn't he? she asks. Sure, he's all right, says David. Then what's the matter? she asks. I tried to tell him I'm sorry, says David resentfully, but he wouldn't listen! Is that all? asks Vicki. He yelled at me and told me to go to bed, complains David. Look at me, says Vicki--your father was almost killed--I'm sure he must be very upset, just as you are. I wanted to apologize, that's all, says David. But there's no reason for you to apologize, says Vicki, believe me--I know what's bothering you--you told me you wished your father would die, and he almost did, and now you think it's your fault. It's not true, says David, it's not my fault, and I had nothing to do with it Then why are you so upset? asks Vicki. You don't believe me, do you? he asks her--nobody believes me! Nobody is accusing you anything, says Vicki, no one but yourself. He looks at her sadly.

Roger looks upstairs, impatiently awaiting Vicki. He checks his watch.

David glances through Vicki's window. Vicki tells him she's sure there isn't a child in this world who hasn't said what he did at one time or another--it's nothing to be unhappy about--can't you understand that--just because you said you wished he was dead... I had nothing to do with it! blares David. Then why are you so upset? she asks--if your father shouted at you, I'm sure he didn't mean it--just as you didn't mean what you said. He looks at her. She says he'd better go to bed now. She sits in a chair and he asks what she's going to tell his father. About you, not a thing, she promises. What are you going to tell him about the accident? asks David. If he asks me, she says, I'll tell him what I know, which is nothing--go on. He shuffles toward the door, but looks at her again. I have no more time, she says, your father is waiting for me. What if it wasn't an accident? Asks David. Then I guess your father will have to go to the police, she says. and what will they do? asks David anxiously. What police do, says Vicki--try and find the person responsible and arrest him. Would they put him in jail? Asks David, gulping. If he's guilty, she says, he should be put in jail--and now you should be put in bed--go on, David. She turns back, but she says she has no more time. I just want to know one thing, he says--if you knew who did it, would you tell? That's a silly question, of course I would, she says.
Even if it meant he had to go to jail? Asks David. You father was almost killed, says Vicki, it's a terrible thing for anyone to do. He wants to send me away--don't you think that's terrible? demands the boy. It's not true, says Vicki, and it has nothing to do with it. It's the same thing, insists David, sending someone away!--that's all you can think about, you and my father--you're both the same!--and he leaves her room and goes into his own, closing the door.

Drawing room - Roger tells Vicki that he's afraid his son's emotional state doesn't concern him at the moment--I know that may sound callous to you, but what does concern me is that a man wanted me to meet him in town, knowing that I had to use my car to get there--I drove my car earlier today, and the brakes were in perfect condition--when I went to keep the appointment, they failed. Do you know why? asks Vicki. Yes, says Roger, and I also know why and who caused them to fail--but knowing it and proving it are two different things--that's why I wanted to talk to you. How can I help? she asks. You said you saw Burke Devlin standing in my garage earlier this evening, Roger reminds her. Yes, says Vicki. He was looking at the car, is that what you says? asks Roger. Yes, says Vicki, he told me he was thinking of buying one like it. He could scarcely have told you he was tampering with my brakes, says Roger, anymore than he could tell me that his suggestion I meet him in town was an invitation to an accident. Vicki asks if he's sure it was Devlin. If I wasn't sure, he replies, I wouldn't be bothering you like this--I know it's late, and I know you're very tired, but it's very important you remember everything that happened when you saw Burke in the garage. Well, she says, I went to the station wagon to get some times tables, I was told they were in the glove compartment--and I heard a car door slam. Are you sure it was a door? he asks. I think so, why? she asks. He shows her Malloy's sketch of the part removed from his car--it's a bleeder valve, and that doesn't mean anything except that Devlin lifted the hood of my car and removed this part from what they call the master brake cylinder. I'm afraid I don't know enough about cars, begins Vicki. All you have to know, says Roger, is that this part, without it, would cause the brakes to not function in about two minutes--about the sound that you heard--could it have been the hood slamming down instead of the door? Vicki says she supposes so--would a special instrument be needed to get that out of the car? A pair of pliers, that's all, says Roger--even a child could do it. A wrench? Asks Vicki. Yes, why? asks Roger. When I went to the garage to see who it was and saw Mr. Devlin standing there, he was holding a wrench in his hand, reveals Vicki.

David takes a toy car down from the shelf and plays with it, on a table, and the floor. He suddenly steps on it, crushing it.

You saw Devlin standing at my car with a wrench in his hand and you didn't mention it? rails Roger. The man told me he found the wrench on the car seat and there was no reason not to believe him, says Vicki. Do you still believe him? asks Roger angrily. Look, I was going to say something to your sister when I came into the house, says Vicki, but as I said, it seemed so silly--and when I heard how friendly Mr. Devlin has been, I guess I just forgot about it. Even after you heard about this so-called accident? Demands Roger. I didn't know it wasn't an accident until you told me about the valve thing, says Vicki. For your information, says Roger, I drove the car earlier today and did not leave a wrench on the front seat, not did I return to the car and put one on the front seat. I'm so sorry, says Vicki--I suppose I should have said something--is there anything I can do? There's a great deal you can d, he says, please sit down. She does, on the sofa. Is there anything you haven't mentioned, other than this wrench? Asks Roger. No, says Vicki, she's quite sure--she heard the car door slam. Or the engine hood, says Roger. Yes, she agrees, and I went in the direction of the sound and saw Devlin standing there. With the wrench? Says Roger. Yes, she says--I told him I was looking for time table and then I asked if Roger knew he was there, because I didn't know if you'd patched up your quarrel then. Obviously, says Roger, we haven't--what did he say to that? He said that you didn't know, but wouldn't mind, says Vicki, and then he told me he was looking at the car because he was thinking of buying one like it. Was he holding the wrench all this time? asks Roger. I don't, she says...wait a minute, I do remember, he threw it on the workbench! That's probably where he got it, says Roger--now, about his hands--were they dirty? I don't know, she says, I don't remember. This could be very important, he says. I really don't remember, she says, I didn't pay any attention to his hands. Did he seem upset? asks Roger, was he concerned that you'd found him there? No, I remember that very well, says Vicki, he seemed very calm and pleasant, not concerned at all.
I see, says Roger, well, he's going to be concerned, very concerned--don't go away, Miss Winter. He dials the phone, calling Burke's hotel. Burke isn't there. Roger says he'll call later. He's not there, he tells Vicki, but he will be soon. What are you going to do? asks Vicki. Wait outside the hotel, says Roger, and wait for him to go in--when he does, I'm going right to his room and throw this whole thing right in his face! Vicki asks if he wouldn't be better off getting the police. I intend to, says Roger, but only after I have enjoyed seeing Burke and forcing him to tell me the truth--you'd better get dressed. Me? she asks, what for? I don't want to give him the chance to deny he ever had that wrench, says Roger, I want you standing beside me all the time. I'm sorry, says Vicki, but I... You just asked me if there was anything you could do to help, this is it! he says. I know, but...she says. You won't have to go to his room unless it's absolutely necessary, says Roger, you can wait in the lobby, but I may need you--don't let me down now! Vicki heads upstairs, giving him a look first.

David examines his crushed car. He stands on a chair and opens the window, tosses something out, then closes it. He looks in his dresser drawer, takes something out, and closes that.

In her room, Vicki is getting dressed when she sees her doorknob turning. She quickly opens her door and finds David standing there. He immediately runs away, into his room, and hides something under his pillow, then goes to stand by his desk Vicki enters and asks what it is this time--another present? She faces him and says she doesn't want to have to lock her door every time she goes out. You can lock it, he says, I don't care. But I do, she tells him, aren't we friends anymore? What did you tell em father? he asks. It had nothing to do with you, says Vicki--we talked about the accident, nothing else. (Isn't she putting anything together here? This kid is acting as guilty as Capone, for God's sake! And even Roger said a child could do it!) Is he going to call the police? asks David. Maybe, says Vicki--why should that bother you? (Why, indeed?) I just wanted to know, that's all! says David. Why are you so worried and upset? asks Vicki. Where are you going? David asks her. Into town with your father, she says. To the police? he asks. Maybe, I don't know, says Vicki. David walks away from her. How can we be friends if you won't tell me what's wrong? asks Vicki. I don't wanna be friends, he says. All right, she says, we'll talk about it in the morning. I wrecked the car, he says. WHAT? she asks. One of my models, he says, I crushed it and threw it out the window. That was a silly thing to do, she says. Why don't you call the police and have me arrested? He asks. Because it's easier to buy you a new car, says Vicki. Why can't HE buy a new car? demands David, why does he have to call the police? I think you're just too young to understand, says Vicki I understand, all right, says David resentfully, I know... Roger has entered the room, reminding David that he told him to go to sleep. It was my fault, says Vicki, we were having a little talk. Can't it wait until morning? asks Roger, I was wondering what had happened to you. He was very upset, says Vicki. He'll be more upset if he's not asleep in 10 minutes, says Roger--now get in that bed right now! David does so, kneeling, not lying down. Don't you glare at me, young man, orders Roger, I'm in no mood for your nonsense!--are you ready? He asks Vicki. I just have to get my coat, she says. I'll meet you downstairs, please hurry, he says. Vicki gives David a sympathetic look and tells him to try and get some sleep--good night. I hate him, David says, crouching on his bed. Vicki looks at him helplessly and sighs, not knowing what else to say, and leaves his room.

Vicki joins Roger down in the foyer. He sarcastically asks if his son is properly tucked in. She apologizes for taking so long, but she was very worried about him. Spare me the details, he says, I'm only worried about my own problems--are you ready? I should think he'd be one of your problems, too! says Vicki indignantly. Not tonight, says Roger, tonight I'm only interested in what happened to that car--and it doesn't involve David at all. He ushers her out. On the foyer table, we see the drawing of the bleeder vale.

We return to David's room, where he holds that very bleeder valve in his hand.
He closes his fist over it for a moment, then tucks it into his dresser amongst his clothes.

NOTES: It certainly appears that David is the culprit who removed the bleeder valve and attempted to kill his own father, doesn't it? Yet he seemed terribly guilty at the thought that he'd actually murdered his father--and terrified at the thought of getting caught (note his fear of the mention of the police). Yet he flattened out one of his own toy cars, then tossed it out the window. Trying to excise his own guilt, or just trying to mentally kill his father since his real effort failed? This is quite an amazing role and Henesy is wringing every bit of emotion from it with the ability of an actor many years his senior.

They are trying to make Roger both witty and cruel here, and succeeding. He's a selfish man whose only concern is his own business; that he has a child with many problems doesn't seem to concern or faze him. Sad family. Thank God for Vicki and Liz; with his mother out of the picture, David needs someone to care about him, and even though he continues to push her away, Vicki is there for him. Good gal.

Bill Malloy is a major character here, not just foreman at the cannery, but Liz and Roger's confidant, too, and Carolyn's almost uncle. He adores her, that's obvious. He went to see Burke on his own, trying to find out what he wants, but Devlin refused to see him. Does he have romantic designs on Liz? She needs someone to care about her, too.

Love, Robin

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Re: #0017/0018: Robservations 05/30/01: David's Case of the Guilts
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2010, 01:00:22 AM »
Ummmmmmmmm Roger protested a bit much over his innocence to Dr. Reeves.

As for the crash, Malloy is on the case  and plans to get to the truth.

I like him.

Roger: I can't worry about what people think doctor.

Reeves: Naaaah Nah, you can't do that.  All you can do is roll down hill in a car and get yourself nearly killed.

R0TFLMA0,  more Dr. Reeves please?!   [91a2]

Don"t what to make of young Damien Thor...oops I mean David at this point.

But i liked the final shot of the young actor staring into the camera.

Roger is on his way to question Vicki, please let that dreadful dress be gone.

YAY, the evil dress is gone!       [cheerleader]

But this girl can't seem to catch a clue, David said everyting short of I DID IT.

Plus it looks like the hate for daddy is back, after Roger blew the kid off.

After seeing the toy car get smashed, could another murder attempt happen soon?

Sad thing is, can't really muster up any real sympathy for Roger.

Due to him being such a jerk towards David, his own son.

Now Vicki has to bear witness aganst Burke for Roger, in another DRAB and boring dress.
My name is Victoria Winters, my journey is just beginning.

A journey that I hope will open the doors of life to me and link my  past with my future.  A journey that will bring me to a strange and dark place.  To the edge of the sea, high atop Widow's Hill, to a place called Collingwood.