Author Topic: And Now The Return of Another New Slideshow (Sort of) [**Now featuring alternate versions of scenes - see replies #60,#82,#116,#138,#157,#180,#224,#240,#280,#372,#526**]  (Read 130335 times)

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And now after what seems like ages, let's get back to the script and continue with what's left of what's listed in the script as Scene 131 and also move past that scene:

                                             DISSOLVE TO:


       as the small figure of Sarah ENTERS from the veranda.
       She walks to a spot below where the body hangs.  As
       she looks up at it, start a SLOW ZOOM IN TO HER
       CLOSE-UP.  Her eyes are filled with tears.

And that's when yesterday's quote -

Page 64/Scene 131 - Sarah: 'I will always remember...always...always...'

- comes up, followed in the script by:

                             MRS. CASTLE (O.S.)
                 Sarah...Sarah...please come inside.

131    CONTD                                     CONTD   131

       HIGH ANGLE FROM THE TREE.  With Angelique in F.G.,
       we see Mrs. Castle cross from the veranda to Sarah.
       Taking her gently by the hand, she leads her back
       to the house.  HOLD ON THE SCENE, as the rain begins
       is heard O.S.

                             MRS. CASTLE (O.S.)
                 You mustn't be unhappy, Sarah.  You
                 must try to forget.

And that's when today's first quote -

Page 65/Scene 131 - Sarah (O.S.): 'I'm not unhappy, mama, because she'll be back...some day Angelique will be back...'

- comes up, followed in the script by:

                                             DISSOLVE TO:

132    INT - GALLERY - DAY - 1971                        132


       She is staring blankly as she finishes Sarah's speech.

And that's when today's second quote -

Page 65/Scene 132 - Carlotta: '...and I will help her.'

- comes up.

And when it comes to differences in the dialogue, right off the bat none of what's been quoted here appears in the film, so there's no way to know if it might have been different - and for one when it comes to Mrs. Castle's dialogue, she adds a third "Sarah" as she comes out to get her, and none of it is delivered off screen - and for two, her telling Sarah that she mustn't be unhappy and she must try to forget is also dropped in the film - but the interesting thing there is that in the film it looks like she may be telling Sarah all that after she reaches and embraces Sarah but it's just that the sound for it isn't in the film, so chances are if it was in the film, it wouldn't have been delivered off screen - and chances are the same holds true for Sarah's response that she's not unhappy because she knows Angelique will be back - and the interesting thing about that line from Sarah is that it's replaced with a new iteration of Angelique's vow: "But I will have him will help me, Sarah... You will know when the time comes...for it is your love that will keep me alive..."

And when it comes to the differences in the directions and the descriptions, as I said earlier I have a suspicion that what's marked in the script as the beginning of Scene 131 should actually be Scene 130 and where the switch to the evening scene takes place, that should actually be the start of Scene 131 - but no matter, at the outset of the evening scene we do not see Sarah enter from the veranda, walk to a spot below where Angelique hangs, or look up at her body - nor is there a slow zoom in to her close-up where we see her eyes are filled with tears because things begin with Sarah already standing under Angelique and then Mrs. Castle comes to get her - and after telling her to come inside, she wraps her arms around Sarah's shoulders, and after Sarah takes one more look at Angelique's hanging figure, Mrs. Castle, with her arms still around Sarah's shoulders, leads Sarah away - there's no taking of Sarah by the hand - and there is no rain that begins to fall - and considering that Carlotta's line from Scene 132 is dropped, that Scene begins differently in the film, but more on that next time...

And Scene 131 marks the end of Sarah's material in the script. And as we've seen, a great deal of her stuff was possibly never shot, worked around, or simply left on the cutting room floor. And apparently it's all because DC didn't think Monica Rich brought enough to her performances. But who knows...

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Picking up now with the film's actual start of Scene 132 with Quentin's reaction to Carlotta's story (and using DC's script):

       He looks at her.

                 Then her spirit is still alive in
                 this house.

                 For certain of us, yes, Mr. Collins
                 -- for me...for you.

       He walks away, stares out the window.  Finally he
       turns to her.

And that's when today's first quote -

Page 65/Scene 132 - Quentin: 'But I am not Charles Collins.'

- comes up, followed by today's second quote -

Page 65/Scene 132 - Carlotta: 'You may not accept it now, but soon you will. And it is then that you will come to realize something else...that there is no longer a place in this house for Mrs. Collins.'

- coming up.

And when it comes to differences in the dialogue, while Quentin's lines are delivered nearly exactly as scripted (the only change is from "I am" to "I'm"), in Carlotta's unquoted line she drops addressing Quentin with "Mr. Collins" - and what Carlotta actually says in her quoted lines is "You will come to accept it...after a time. And then you will realize something else...there is no longer any place in this house for Mrs. Collins."

And when it comes to the differences in the directions and the descriptions, as can be seen in the following capture, when we first see Quentin -

- he is indeed looking at Carlotta, with almost the same forlorn expression on his face that we saw back in Scene 117, but soon he moves his eyes away and then, after walking over to his painting, he turns back to her, and it is then that he says how Angelique's spirit is still alive in the house - and I absolutely love the expression on Carlotta's face when she says -

- that it's true for both of them (though let's not forget Gerard, who, uh, "satisfied" Angelique's "needs" ([naughty]) before Quentin showed up - but then, Gerard obviously is forgotten in that department now that Quentin is on the scene) - and as we can see from 1) DC crossing out that after Quentin goes to stare out the window, he turns back to Carlotta, and from 2) today's first capture in the slideshow -

- that doesn't happen and Quentin states that he's not Charles with his back still to Carlotta - and there's no mention in the script that after Carlotta says Quentin will accept that he's Charles with time, she walks over to him to tell him that after he accepts it he will realize there's no longer a place for Tracy - but can I just say that some of the expressions on Carlotta's face -

- as she leads up to that are simply priceless!!

And last but certainly not least, let's deal with the notations in both DC's and Grayson's scripts:

When it comes to DC, first up he has a note that the camera will pan with Quentin and lose Carlotta as Quentin gears up and delivers the line that Angelique's spirit is still alive in the house, but while the camera does indeed pan with Quentin, losing Carlotta in the process would be sort of hard to do when, as we can certainly tell from the first capture above, Carlotta isn't even in the shot - she doesn't appear in the shot until Quentin just about reaches his painting, so in reality, Carlotta is gained in the pan, not lost. And DC's second note says that Carlotta will cross into the shot after Quentin says that Angelique's spirit is still alive in the house - but, again, that would be sort of hard to do when she's already in the shot before Quentin says that. And DC's third note is that Quentin will turn back to us before he says he's not Charles - but obviously that doesn't happen either. The one note that does actually take place in the film is DC's fourth, where he says that Carlotta will cross to Quentin before she reveals that he'll realize that there's no place in the house for Tracy.

And when it comes to Grayson, it's too bad that Scene 132 doesn't begin with her finishing Sarah's speech because Grayson's first three notes deal with 1) Carlotta holding the open locket (recall that back in Scene 117 Grayson had a note that just before she begins relating the events of "that last day" Carlotta is on the verge of opening the locket) as, as Sarah, Carlotta says she will help Angelique come back, 2) taking out the lock of hair (though for Scene 117 Carlotta had supposedly taken the lock of hair from a book, so who knows?) while Quentin and she discuss how Angelique's spirit is still alive in the house, and 3) looking at the hair and then putting it away. Though, of course, it's clear from the captures above that in the film Carlotta hasn't taken the locket out of her hand for even one instant, so those notes do at least partly relate to how Grayson actually plays Scene 132. But when it comes to Grayson's fourth note that is not the case because she indicates that Carlotta will hang Angelique's picture back up while she tells Quentin that he will come to accept that he is Charles, but obviously that doesn't happen. Though Grayson goes on to note that Carlotta feels that she's won, and that is certainly the case, at least when it comes to cluing Quentin in to what's really happening to him. And finally, just as DC does, Grayson also notes where Carlotta will cross to Quentin to tell him that he'll realize that there's no place in the house for Tracy.

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While I was just starting to work on picking quotes for next month I realized something about the above post: I bring up something that didn't happen - but somehow it did happen - even though we never saw it happen - and there was no way it could have happened in what we see happen. Though somehow I'm sure that in reality it's just a blooper -but it's one that I wonder if anyone ever really noticed when all that was available was the NoDS VHS?

Check out the post above and see if you realize what it is...

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And Grayson Hall and David Selby continue to be so fantastic in this scene. As today's quote -

Page 66/Scene 132 - Quentin (flaring): 'I love Tracy! I always will love Tracy! Nothing can change that.'

- comes up, just look at those faces and their body language:

Though what Quentin actually says is "I love Tracy! I'll always love Tracy! And nothing can change that."

And as we can see in today's capture, just as a note in DC's script indicates that Quentin turns to Carlotta as he delivers today's quote, that is exactly what happens in the film.

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I bring up something that didn't happen - but somehow it did happen - even though we never saw it happen - and there was no way it could have happened in what we see happen.

Yes, I was cryptic - but only so as not to give everything away. But it seems as if no one might have any idea what I was trying to get at, so here's a clue:

Focus on the capture above while thinking about what I'd previously said in Reply #391 and Reply #392...

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Wrapping up Scene 132, picking up with today's quote, as Carlotta's response to Quentin's insistence that he will always love Tracy -

Page 66/Scene 132 - Carlotta: 'If you truly believe that, Mr. Collins, then I suggest you leave Collinwood as soon as possible. ... If you can.'

- comes up. However, it's actually in DC's script as:

                 If you truly believe that, Mr.
                Collins, then I suggest you leave
                Collinwood as soon as possible.

       Quentin turns away from her, unable to answer.
       Carlotta crosses to the door, where she stops and
       then looks back at him.  There is a long moment as
       Quentin finally turns to face her.

                 If you can.

       She turns and EXITS THE SHOT.

But considering parts of what was scripted to happen between Carlotta's two lines is crossed out in DC's script, plus what wasn't crossed out never actually takes place, either, because Carlotta stays standing exactly where she is the entire time, I simply combined the two lines into one for today's quote because that's the way it occurs in the film.

And when it comes to differences in the dialogue, once again Carlotta drops addressing Quentin with "Mr. Collins" - and what Carlotta actually says "If you truly believe that, then I suggest you leave Collinwood...immediately. ... If you can."

And when it comes to the differences in the directions and the descriptions, I've already explain that as scripted, everything between Carlotta's two lines is dropped in the film - and as can already be seen in the way I wrote her combined lines, there is still a pause between Carlotta telling Quentin he should leave and then adding, if he can, but the pause wouldn't be considered a long moment - and I just love the way she delivers the combined quote because, as can be seen in today's capture -

- the expression on her face is priceless - though it's not quite as priceless as the expression on her face as -

- after zinging Quentin, Carlotta does indeed turn to exit the shot, leaving Quentin -

- standing there with his thoughts...

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As you've probably already discerned from today's graphic, we're getting into more material that doesn't appear in the film as it currently stands (or in the 97 minute version). However, the scenes we'll be dealing with today are not on Darren Gross' list of scenes that weren't recovered, so chances are they do appear in the 129 minute version:

133    EXT - BACK OF COLLINWOOD - DAY                    133

       SHOT favors Quentin, who stands moodily looking out
       of gallery windows.  RACK FOCUS to Tracy, who ENTERS
       THE SHOT F.G.  She is carrying the groceries.  She
       waves at Quentin, who suddenly notices her and as
       he waves back, she crosses toward the veranda.

134    INT - GALLERY - DAY - HIGH ANGLE                  134

       Quentin is back at his easel as Tracy ENTERS the

And that's when today's quote -

Page 66/Scene 134 - Tracy: 'I'm a genius with butchers. Of course, he thinks me quite mad...and very rich. The steaks are a masterpiece.'

- comes up.

And as far as the differences in the dialogue, the directions, and the descriptions go, because Scenes 133 and 134 aren't currently in the film, we have no way of knowing what might be different.

And there aren't any notes in DC's script for either of these scenes. (In fact, he won't have any notes until we reach Scene 139).

And you might have realized that I'm using the same still for Scene 134 as I did for Scene 116. Obviously the still can't be from both scenes, but I suspect it's actually from neither but is simply a candid shot of David Selby and Kate Jackson, even though the caption for it when in was published in 16 Magazine says otherwise. But no matter, the real reason I've chosen it is that both actors are wearing the same clothes that they wear in Scenes 116 and 134 (how we can know this will become obvious once we get to Scene 135, which is in all versions of the film), so the still can be used as a substitute in each scene until hopefully one day we actually get the restored 129 minute version of the film.

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Continuing Scene 134 with Tracy's reaction to the fact that:

       She notices the portrait of Angelique hanging in its
       former position.

And that's when yesterday's quote -

Page 66/Scene 134 - Tracy: 'She's back!'

- comes up, followed by the first part of today's quote -

Page 66/Scene 134 - Quentin: 'I offended Carlotta's sense of family tradition.'

- coming up, followed in the script by:

       He laughs.

134    CONTD                                     CONTD   134

And that's where the second part of today's quote -

Page 67/Scene 134 - Quentin (Contd): 'What was good enough for my forefathers should be good enough for me.'

And as far as the differences in the dialogue, the directions, and the descriptions go, because Scene 134 isn't currently in the film, we have no way of knowing what might be different.

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Wrapping up Scene 134:

He puts down his brush.

And that's when today's first quote -

Page 67/Scene 134 - Quentin: 'How about you and I getting out of this house? We'll take a walk.'

- comes up, followed by today's second quote -

Page 67/Scene 134 - Tracy: 'Perfect.'

End of scene.

And as far as the differences in the dialogue, the directions, and the descriptions go, because Scene 134 isn't currently in the film, we have no way of knowing what might be different.

And coming up tomorrow we'll revisit something that I brought up back in March with regard to Scene 71A but said we wouldn't deal with until we reached Scene 135...

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That's such a fab shot of Grayson delivering what may be my favorite line in the entire film.  (Too bad Lara's "Laura my darling" got cut--it was such a bitchy line.)

I don't remember ever seeing the shot featured today of David and Kate. 

I am struggling to make myself order the two film DVDs in time for Horrorween.


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Moving on to the next scene, this is how it's scripted:

135    EXT - MEADOWS - DAY - LONG LENS                   135

       Holding hands, they stroll through the meadows.
       She stops to pick a flower.  He watches her.

And that's when today's quote is scripted -

Page 67/Scene 135 - Quentin: 'Do you have any idea how much I need you?'

- to come up, followed in the script by:

       She looks up into his face as he draws her to him.

End of scene as scripted.

And as far as any difference in the dialogue goes, Quentin actually says "Do you know how much I need you?", plus it's delivered under completely different circumstances.

Which brings us to the myriad of differences in the directions and descriptions. Scene 135 does indeed begin with Tracy and Quentin holding hands as they stroll through a meadow - but she doesn't stop to pick a flower, nor does he watch her while she does so or deliver today's quote or draw her to him after she looks up into his face. They simply stroll up to and underneath a cherry blossom tree, pushing branches of flowers -

- out of their way as they go - and then things switch to a completely different location - which brings us to revisit Scene 71A as scripted:

                                             DISSOLVE TO:

71A    EXT - RAILROAD FOOTBRIDGE - DAY                   71A

       as they stroll hand-in-hand with the river in the B.G.

Scene 71A does not take place in the film as it currently stands. It seems to have been moved to play along with and after Scene 135 comes up because, as can be seen in the following capture, after Scene 135 things switch to Quentin and Tracy under the railroad footbridge -

- with Tracy throwing a rock into the river, and then after she sits down, Quentin strokes her cheek, delivers today's quote from Scene 135 -

Page 67/Scene 135 - Quentin: 'Do you have any idea how
much I need you?'

- and then she kisses him, nuzzles his cheek, and -

- rests her head on his chest, none which is scripted for Scene 71A or Scene 135 or, more likely, a nonexistent Scene 135A. So who knows why things are done that way in the film? DC may have simply thought Scene 71A wasn't needed where it was placed in the script (possibly because it's part of a montage or romantic moments between Quentin and Tracy) and it worked better following Scene 135 with Scene 135's bit of dialogue. I suppose we'll never know. But things do indeed work well the way they are.

And finally, after I posted about it the other day, I figured that I should have posted the photo I've used for the graphics for Scenes 116 and 134 so that people could also read the caption that 16 Magazine gave it. So, here it is:

And as I said, you will note that David Selby and Kate Jackson are both wearing the same clothes that they wear in the strolling in the meadow portion of Scene 135.

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Moving on to the next scene:

                                             CUT TO:

136    INT - COTTAGE - NIGHT                             136

       Claire and Alex sit by the fire.  The telephone
       rings.  Alex gets up.  Claire watches him from the

And that's when today's quote -

Page 67/Scene 136 - Alex: 'Hello? Tracy? What's wrong?'

- comes up, followed in the script by:

In the B.G. Claire rises.

End of scene.

And as far as any difference in the dialogue goes, Alex actually says "Hello? Tracy, honey, what's wrong?"

And as far as any differences in the directions and descriptions go, as can be seen in the following capture, Claire is indeed sitting by the fire and reading a book, but an already standing Alex -

- actually comes from the direction of the desk behind the couch to answer the already ringing phone, and as he makes his way to the phone, Claire does not watch him because her attention is only on the book in her lap - but as can be seen in today's capture, Alex' words certainly capture Claire's attention, though -

- we don't see her rise. (However, when next we see Alex in upcoming Scene 138, Claire will be standing at the table with him, so it's quite possible that Claire rising was shot but it didn't make it into the film - well, at least not as it currently stands...)

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And jumping to the next scene:

                            CARD ROOM   

And that's when today's quote -

Page 67/Scene 137 - Tracy (on telephone): 'Oh, Alex, how gloomy you are. I called to say everything's perfect.'

- comes up.

And as far as any difference in the dialogue goes, what's scripted is delivered exactly as written, but there's an addition because Tracy actually says "Oh, Alex, how gloomy you are. There's nothing's wrong. I called to say everything's perfect."

And as far as any differences in the directions and descriptions go, as can be deduced from the crossing out in DC's script as well as today's capture -

- the only thing is that Scene 137 takes place in the Card Room rather than some Limbo Telephone Area.

And tomorrow the slideshow will be dealing with material from this sequence that was dropped - or at least dropped from the film as it currently stands...

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Continuing and wrapping up Scene 137, beginning with today's first quote -

Page 67/Scene 137 - Alex: 'Are you sure?...Did you get into the tower?'

- coming up, followed by today's second quote -

Page 67/Scene 137 - Tracy: 'He's not even painting there anymore. He's his old self again.'

- coming up.

End of scene - but certainly not end of sequence.

And when it comes to any differences in the dialogue, the directions, or the descriptions, there obviously aren't any directions or descriptions, and there's no way to know what might have been different about the dialogue because neither of today's quotes appear in the film as it currently stands. And considering that both quotes harken back to Scene 113, a scene that doesn't appear in any version of the film, chances are quite likely that even if today's quotes were shot, they're also not in the 129 minute version of the film...

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Moving to the next parts of the sequence, and they actually deviate a bit from the way they're scripted, but here's how today's quotes are scripted to appear:

138    INT - COTTAGE - NIGHT                             138

And that's when today's first quote -

Page 68/Scene 138 - Alex (on telephone): 'That's great. Listen, Trace, Claire and I should go to New York tonight. I thought we'd stop in Burton's Gallery. He's an authority on Early American artists, isn't he?'

- comes up, followed by today's second quote -

Page 68/Scene 138 - Tracy: 'The best. Why?'

- coming up.

And as far as any difference in the dialogue goes, the "That's great" part of Alex' quote is dropped because it refers to Tracy's dropped line about Quentin not painting in the tower anymore - and the remainder of his quote is actually delivered as "Uh, listen, Trace, uh, Claire and I should go to New York tonight. And we thought we'd stop in at, uh, Burton's Gallery. He's an authority on Early American artists, isn't he?" - and Tracy's actual reply is "Well, I think he's the best. Why?", which gives a background to Tracy that is too bad the script didn't explore further.

And as far as any differences in the directions and descriptions go, there's nothing to get into there. However, the quotes don't all play at the cottage. Only up to Alex telling Tracy that he and Claire are going to NY -

- plays at the cottage (and as I'd mentioned earlier, Claire is seen as having moved to the table). After that, things shift back to the Card Room at Collinwood as Tracy listens to Alex telling her about -

- how he and Claire are going to go to Burton's Gallery and he asks if he's an authority on Early American artists - plus, as can obviously be seen in today's second capture -

- Tracy offering her opinion that Burton is the best and wondering why Alex asks also plays at Collinwood.