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Messages - Kid_A_Grue

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:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o


OMG if Depp is Barnabas then BITE NOW!!!!

Current Talk '02 II / Just a thought  here.....
« on: July 13, 2002, 10:27:01 PM »
I dunno why but I always figured Julia and Roger should have hooked up. They just seem like a good couple for some reason. I dunno, maybe it's because Louis Ecmonds was my fav actor and Grayson Hall was my fav actress. I dunno...

BTW-Check out my new pic!!

Kid A

Current Talk '02 II / Mirror mirror...
« on: July 13, 2002, 06:56:24 AM »
watching today's episode I had a strange vision...

Angie and Nick were using the Mirror to see Vicky. Heh heh...

*Kid_A's Paroidy*

Ang: " Mirror, Mirron on the wall, am I the cutest of them all?"

Nick(shoving Angelique away): " No it's not you! It's(Runs hand through hair and gives suave smile) ME! WHAHAHAHA! Oh Nick, you ARE  a sexy devil aren't you?"

Ang: Oh Nick, why can't I  be the cute one?

Nick: Because, I SAY so! Plus I make this look good!

Ang: Well let's let the mirror decide!

(They crowd around mirror on wall)

Both: " Mirror, Mirron on the wall, who's the cutes of them all?"

(Mirror does trip out color scnece to reveil....)

Both: VICKY??



Yeah, them days at the Thespian Conference sure do help!

Kid A

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Just What the Heck Is Jeff's Job?
« on: July 10, 2002, 06:10:59 PM »
I think Jeffy is a salesman at Ye Olde Collinsport Wigg Makers (Est. 1788 ). He walks around the store and helps buying customers choose wigs. 'Yes,' he says, running his hands though various wigs of hairs as if they were his own, 'This wig is perfect for you! Just FEEL that hair ship between your fingers!'. At night after closing time, Jeffy put on various wigs and prances around the store, 'oohing' and 'awing' at the feel of synthetic hair in his hands. He models them in the mirrors and dreams of one day introduicing Vicki to his favorite wig, the one he so affectionaly calls ' Bathia Mapes'

Strange yet true....

Kid A
:o :o

Current Talk '02 II / Roger Rant
« on: July 09, 2002, 12:22:32 AM »
I'm sorry. I just have to say that ROGER IS THE MAN~!!! He is awsome!! Lousi Edmonds did a great job playing the part! He recovered flubbs with ease. "It SEEMED like a hundred miles!" I love Roger. I'm not IN LOVEI just just have a case of the Hero worship thing. I mean, after his car crash he takes pain pills AND CHASES IT WITH BRANDY!!! That is a MAN!! I Because of him I wanna own a big company and drink and drive fast cars and have a son who holds a gun to the camera and says 'I WANNA KILL THEM ALL!!'( Was that NOT  a bit freaky? Nowadays they'd NEVER let that fly on the airwaves..), I want to get rich and look down on commoners. I want to marry a Phinox AND a Witch afterwards. Roger is my hero!!! Why do people smack down Roger? HE'S AWSOME and the greatest thing this is HE'S SO DRUNK HE'S OBLIVIOUS!! Well, not as bad as Vicki Winter( BOO HISS!) but he makes it look GOOD!!


Games / Re: Groovin' tunes at Collinwood
« on: July 09, 2002, 12:13:17 AM »
Quentin- " Do ya think I'm sexy?" Rod Stewart

Roger- "Margarittaville" or "Why Don't we get drunk and screw?' Ah any Buffet will do.

Carolyn- "Leader of the Pack'( By who I don't know) telling of her and Buzz's love...

David -" Hi! My name is(Slim Shady)" Eminiem. darn punks...

Julia- 'Joga' by Bjork

Liz- ' Hey Ladies!' by the Beastie Boys or 'Boomin Granny' by the Beasties.

Nick- 'Ol' Black Magic'

Barnabas- 'I go walkin'...It just sounds like him..moonlight and looking and junk. I think 'Tubas in the Moonlight' by the Bonzo Dog Band is a good one too.

Mrs. J- 'Lady Madonna'

Cassandra- ' Karma Police' by RADIOHEAD!!! THOM IS GOD!!!

Everyone took Buffer for Roger and I wanted to be the first but oh well..I guess great minds think alike!!!


Current Talk '02 I / Why Roger is soooo...THE MAN!!
« on: May 24, 2002, 04:49:24 AM »
Roger Collins...Drunk, Snob, Rich...and one ODB. I've always loved Roger. His drunking quips, flubbed lines( It SEEMed like a Hundred miles and Incestor Oh I mean Ancestors!), the whole snob thing, having no interest in his son, and of course...DRINKING(one of my favorite hobbies). I mean, in the real world Roger Collins would not exsist. But only in DS can he rule the roost. ODB for life Roger!! I'll drink to that and crash my car with you!

The Grue

Current Talk '02 I / Re: "Just Not Our Kind, Dear."
« on: May 24, 2002, 04:42:22 AM »
Oh now come on! Roger is just being Roger! I mean, okay so he can be a bit anal but still I mean, if Roger wasn't Roger, would he really BE Roger?? I will always defend Roger!!!

Stand By your Man........ 8)

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Did anyone on DS ever have sex?
« on: May 24, 2002, 04:39:54 AM »
Yeah I remember during 1800 PT Bramwell and Catherine had done it and she was lying on the bed and Bramwell was himself up( ya know, fixing his shirt and the like). Accually they had just DONE IT but the DS writers were insinuating the whole concept of Doing it...

Birds DO IT! bees DO IT! Even educated fleas DO IT! Why don't we all just fall in love?

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