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Discuss - Ep #1020
« on: December 07, 2015, 07:08:52 PM »
Robservations #1020

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #1020

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Re: Discuss - Ep #1020
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2015, 01:32:20 AM »
Grayson VO.  Farewell, 50s throwback Larry Chase.  Chris Collins really did save his own life by skipping town, or at least hiding off camera.  Will finds Chase's body at Ang's feet.  When we cut back to the commotion from the body's finding, Will has put on a bow tie, which I think someone recently decided was going to be a PT thing. 

Barnabas "courts" Buffie in her room.  As the biting happens, I pictured the landlady blundering in, looking shocked, then Barnabas hands her some pocket money, she brightens and says "You two just pick up where you left off, don't mind me!"  Cy is the one who walks in though, end.  Why Cy is there and what it means, I've never been sure.  Does he want to have an affair with her as Cyrus?  Does she represent wild sexual abandon to him, or something?  That was Jaeger's part in the whole thing, I'd guess.  Buffie was the more passive partner.

All that makes sense to me is that Cy looks out through Yaeger's eyes and sees someone he'd rather be in love with, than his own fiancee.  There is no obvious onscreen difference between Sabrina and Buffie, that they show the viewers.  Did Cyrus go through all this rigamorole just because he was too shy to cheat on Sabrina or call things off?
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Re: Discuss - Ep #1020
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2015, 03:55:19 PM »
Ha ha ha, that's a great idea about Cyrus/Yaeger and Sabrina/Buffie. Cyrus certainly is attracted to Buffie, or he would be if he let himself.

Poor Larry. But Angelique checks his marital status first. He tells her he's the "last of the bachelors, and proud of it!" just before she kills him. Poor Will stumbles in and gabbles at her to stay calm. She turns away to hide her smile.

Meanwhile the good doctor is headed for his wall safe. Taking out a bottle of Yaegerade (the red stuff), he wonders, Do I miss John Yaeger that much? Do I need to commit another murder? He starts to put it away then thinks to himself, No, this time I will be different. This time I will just see Buffie. At that moment Will phones, urging him to come to Collinwood right away. Saved, saved, Cyrus murmurs as he puts the Yaegerade back in the safe with trembling hands.

Death seems mysteriously attracted to this his, Barnabas comments as he eyes "Alexis." Why are you looking at me when you say that? she asks angrily, the malice showing for once. Playing peacemaker, Will says “Alexis” is still understandably upset. He tries to get Barnabas to say he didn’t mean it, but Barnabas says, I was thinking of the strange mysteries around here. You yourself are one of those mysteries, aren’t you, Mr. Collins? Angelique says with a knowing smirk. A moment later Cyrus arrives. Will offers to show Cyrus the body, but Angelique insists on talking to Cyrus (whom she greets as “Mister Longworth,“ not “Doctor Longworth”) herself, since she was the last person to see Larry alive.

Will is worried that Barn is interested in "Alexis," but Barn quickly busts that theory and leaves, thinking about his lust for blood.

Angelique is nearly frantic when she finds out that (1) there will be an autopsy; and (2) Cyrus won't be doing it. So she has no way to influence the results.

After Cyrus leaves, Will refreshes himself with a drink but nearly chokes on it when Angelique asks him, How well do you know Barnabas? Not well, he answers. Why did Barnabas come to Collinsport? Angelique asks. He read my book about his ancestor, Will replies, twitching his collar up higher. Angelique continues to question Will rather closely about Barnabas. He doesn’t give much away, but it’s obvious to her that this subject makes Will very, very nervous, so she knows there must be more to Barnabas Collins than meets the eye.

Barn chats up Buffie, regaling her with tales of his travels and making her wish she could travel too. He tells her about parallel time, and she hopes her opposite number is having a better time than she is--with apologies to Barnabas. Buffie hears a customer come in and gets up, promising to come back to Barnabas’s table. The customer is Cyrus Longworth, on his way back to Collinwood from the morgue. He’s certainly surprised to see Barnabas (1) there at all; and (2) evidently pleased with the Eagle’s wait-staff. Cyrus turns down Buffie’s offer of a drink. Have you seen John Yaeger recently? he asks. Is he back in town? Buffie asks with displeasure. You told me he wasn’t coming back. With a nervous laugh, Cyrus says, Yaeger is a very unpredictable fellow. I know that, Buffie answers ironically. Cyrus offers Barnabas a lift back to Collinwood, is politely turned down, and leaves. I think he came into the Eagle to see you, Barnabas opines to Buffie. She laughs at this notion. I’m sure I’m right, Barnabas insists politely. You’re very pretty. (Evidently he reserves “beautiful” exclusively for Maggie Collins.) Barnabas asks about closing time, and Buffie tells him in about an hour. Moving quite close to her, Barnabas offers to take her home. That would be very nice, Buffie replies. Barnabas is close enough that he nearly bites her. Abruptly he tells her he’ll come back in an hour and leaves.

Cyrus has brought "Alexis" a sedative, and she uncharacteristically goes straight upstairs to bed. Will has managed to get drunk and reminisces about hanging out at the Eagle in the old days. I am afraid that you wouldn't find much company there except for your _friend_, Cyrus says. What friend? Will asks. Barnabas Collins, Cyrus replies, with as much jealousy as he can permit himself to acknowledge. I stopped in there tonight, Cyrus goes on, and he was there with _the girl_ that works there. They were alone together. Luckily for Cyrus, Will doesn’t notice the indignation that has crept into his voice, because Will has reasons of his own for thinking this is very bad news. Buffie, Will mutters and dashes out without a word of explanation. He rushes into the Eagle and is horrified to learn that Barnabas will be back to take Buffie home. Buffie! he says urgently, stepping closer, but before he can warn her Barnabas returns. Will makes the excuse that he just stopped by to offer Barnabas a ride back to Collinwood. I’m not going home now, Barnabas replies pointedly. Will scurries out without having even one drink. Buffie decides it’s closing time, and Barnabas watches with an anticipatory smile as she turns down the lights.

Evidently Will hasn’t gotten drunk enough at Collinwood, so he adjourns to Cyrus’s lab to finish the job. Cyrus is glad of the company tonight. Will reminds Cyrus, We had a conversation once about good and evil. I thought you didn’t know anything about evil. You were wrong, Cyrus tells him. We all have evil inside of us. I think it is best if we just admit it and let it out! That sounds to me like your friend John Yaeger, Will comments. Do you know him? Cyrus asks in alarm. I don’t know him personally, Will replies. I just saw him somewhere once, and Quentin identified him from my description. Where is he now? Will asks. He’s waiting, Cyrus replies. What?! Will exclaims in surprise. Waiting somewhere, waiting to come back, Cyrus replies, turning away with an almost sly smile: You know, he and I are much more alike than you think. Of course the only difference is that I work and he plays. I do what I should, and he just does what he wants. [I suppose the similarity here is in their consistency of character.] It sounds like you’re jealous, Will opines, adding, You should let yourself go sometime and have fun, just have a ball. I wouldn’t know where to begin, Cyrus says, looking down with a nervous laugh. Why don’t you do what your friend Yaeger does, Will suggests. Just think of what you want to do at that moment, and then do it. Cyrus thinks this is a mighty fine idea, and he’s going to go out and do it right now!

Barnabas has escorted Buffie back to her room. I’ve always planned to fix things up, she says apologetically. [She has kept a relic of her childhood innocence in the form of a Raggedy Ann doll.] Always the gentleman, Barnabas steers the conversation away from the general decor to admire a certain landscape painting on the wall above the fireplace. I like it sometimes, Buffie says, but when I think of the person who gave it to me, I don’t like it that much. Barnabas turns down her offer of a drink and fixes his gaze on her eyes. Evidently all too accustomed to this sort of encounter, Buffie comments, You have the strangest eyes I have ever seen. It’s like you can see right through me. His eyes are not strange enough to keep her from resting her head on his shoulder, so Barnabas sinks his teeth into her neck. She gives a little scream, but goes limp as he drinks deeply. At that very moment someone knocks on the door. Barnabas drops Buffie in surprise. He doesn’t have time even to think about changing into a bat when the door opens, disclosing to the surprised Cyrus the spectacle of Barnabas standing there with Buffie collapsed on the floor (and showing quite a bit of leg) at his feet....

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Re: Discuss - Ep #1020
« Reply #3 on: December 24, 2015, 01:16:08 AM »
Cut to the Chase! Did they plan to get rid of Chris Collins this early in the story?
I don't quite get why Angelique is so worried about them doing an autopsy on Larry. There's nothing, other than her physical presence, that could be used against her.
Will is at the middle of several diverse plots here. No wonder he drinks.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #1020
« Reply #4 on: December 24, 2015, 06:20:56 AM »
Very funny when Barnabas suggests that the police will be involved.  Is Angelique really that naive that she wouldn't realize that the police de would be involved in a sudden unexplained death.
So instead of some random person, Barnabas decides to chat up the bartender at the bar and escort her home before he does the deed.
you know there's a whole wing that's closed off all the time; the west wing, I go there lots of times