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Messages - Nelson Collins

Robservations / Re: #0115/0116: Robservations 08/09/01: Prisoner of a Madman
« on: September 13, 2013, 03:20:03 AM »
I just got to this episode.... the opening voiceover doesn't sound AM. At all.  Is it possible for some reason (even though Vicki is in the episode) AM wasn't available at the time the voice over was due to be recorded? were the voice overs prerecorded or spoken live as the episode was being taped?
Oh, and, D'oh! I didn't specify.  It was Ep 115

Robservations / Re: #0115/0116: Robservations 08/09/01: Prisoner of a Madman
« on: September 13, 2013, 02:29:35 AM »
I just got to this episode.... the opening voiceover doesn't sound AM. At all.  Is it possible for some reason (even though Vicki is in the episode) AM wasn't available at the time the voice over was due to be recorded? were the voice overs prerecorded or spoken live as the episode was being taped?

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Release!!
« on: December 05, 2012, 10:17:40 PM »
I missed DS in the theater.  I'd planned to see it but got cold feet at the last minute.  After the DVD release, I found it at a very reasonable price on Amazon, so I decided to complete my DS collection:

Things I liked:
[spoiler]The telescoping of Barn’s curse story.

Michelle Pfeiffer – IMO easily the best thing about the film.

Coming right out with Barn as a vampire and Elizabeth’s reaction/acceptance to it.  I found myself imagining Frid and Bennett having this scene.

I actually really liked the idea of Vickie actually being Maggie Evans taking an assumed name, since orphan looking for her parents story was abandoned. It worked for me.

Loved Collinwood (before and after its restoration).

Wasn’t sure about the ending (and it’s always a bit lame to throw in the creaky  “instant vampire just drain victim dry” plot (I mean really, if that was all it took, there would be a couple dozen construction worker and hippie vamps running around) but I did feel happy that Barn was finally reunited with Josette.

Christopher Lee!

Nice twist on the cure plot.

I liked that Angelique owned a competing cannery in the present.

Johnny Lee Miller as a really nasty piece of work Roger.


The TV Cast Cameo!!!! Squee![/spoiler]

Things I didn’t like:
[spoiler]The story focused on Barn and Ang to the near total exclusion of all the other characters in the story.  The writer seemed to assume no one would be interested in anyone else.  This disappointed me.

Carolyn as a werewolf – huh??

HBC as Julia (OMG, did she really give Barn a blow job?!?!).  She was okay with what she was given, but unfortunately was rather poorly served with her part in the script.

Despite liking what they did with the concept Vickie/Maggie, she, like Julia got lost in a script too top heavy with Barn and Ang.

The sex scene – ew. Just … ew.

Eva Green as Angelique – badly miscast and poorly acted.

And while on the subject of Angelique – what was the deal with her cracking and literally falling to pieces?  I didn’t get that at all.

Depp’s make up, esp. the fingernails.

Most of Barn’s dialogue – the joke got very old, very quickly.

Maggie’s parents sent her off to a sanitarium because she has an imaginary friend?  Don’t many kids have imaginary friends at some point in their lives?  Didn’t buy that at all.

The final scene, telegraphed by Julia’s fangs during her death scene much earlier in the film, was rather limp.  I had actually kept expecting vamp Julia to show up.

Current Talk '12 I / Re: Complete Original Series April 10 on DVD
« on: February 02, 2012, 06:40:41 PM »



My sentiments exactly.

Current Talk '09 I / Re: the old house exteriors
« on: June 16, 2009, 04:30:22 AM »
do any pictures or blueprints exist of the Spratt house?

Current Talk '09 I / Re: Let's talk about Elizabeth...
« on: June 01, 2009, 12:39:50 AM »
ISTR Roger being incredibly nasty to Victoria on a number of occasions but by post 1795 he was visibly quite fonder of her and considered her a member of the family.  I've always wondered if, in one of his soberer moments (off screen) he guessed why Liz had brought Vicky to Collinwood, and simply said nothing about it, the only hint showing in how he treated her much better than in the early years of the series.  Alternately erhaps Roger did talk to his sister about Vicky off screen and Liz confided in him. 

Would love to have seen Liz reveal herself to Vicky and seen that scene between Liz and Roger in a flashback.... :)

Really, why are all boards everywhere quiet now?
Can't speak for everywhere, but the Doctor Who Forum at has been zombie territory for days, most of the moderators (and a fair few posters) were at the annual Gallifrey One Con ast weekend  and the weekend before was the New York Comic Con, so maybe it's just the start of Con season?

Current Talk '09 I / Re: Was DS ever actually shown live?
« on: February 13, 2009, 11:22:09 PM »
I think someone has confused DS with the Tootsie soap that had to go live due to
It was the show's "future ex-tape editor" who spilled a bottle of celery tonic over the tape of the show airing that day, so they had to do one scene of that day's episode live (Dorothy's party scene) because that part of the tape was ruined.

Current Talk '09 I / Re: favorite lines of dialogue
« on: February 13, 2009, 06:45:25 AM »
I always get the feeling she is intentionally trying to trip herself up because of her complicity in Dave's death ... but it's a great speech :)

Current Talk '09 I / Re: Was DS ever actually shown live?
« on: February 13, 2009, 06:41:24 AM »
I'm gonna have to dig out my Bloopers dvd because I've convinced myself the Welcome to Hollywood blooper is on that! ;)

HUZZAH!  I should have guessed that the dead don't stay so very long around here.  [clap2] Merci beaucoup!

How trippy!  Today also happens to be the birthday of my housemate/landlord for whom I am currently planning a surprise party!  LOL

Happy Birthday, Mr. Selby - many happy returns of the day...

What's happened to it?

It looks like AOL Hometown (the site of the fan fic) was rather unceremoniously taken down and CDT's delightful (IMHO) final year of the series is gone forever.

Does anyone happen to know where it might currently be found or if or when it might reappear elsewhere?


Current Talk '09 I / Re: Rules of DS Vampires
« on: January 31, 2009, 04:05:16 PM »
Well, from Reply #6 on page 1:
Barnabas provided Joshua with a gun and silver bullets so his father could destroy him...
Ah, apologies. I'd somehow got it into my head that Joshua had a very anachronistic revolver, but I was wrong, it was a flintlock pistol.

Current Talk '09 I / Re: Rules of DS Vampires
« on: January 30, 2009, 05:10:24 AM »
I was always puzzled by Barn's revelation to Willie [spoiler]when he was planning to torture Julia into insanity and possibly suicide[/spoiler]
about the powers he said he learned about when in Martinique.  Am I remembering that correctly?

Also, and OT, didn't Barnabas supply his father with a revolver and silver bullets?