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Topics - Gerard

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Last night, here in my assisted living community, after one of the sessions where we're forced to make ashtrays and candy dishes out of popsicle sticks, as I rested in my apartment watching TV, the cable (Comcast - horrible stuff) went down all throughout this region.  Most residents here have to use Comcast for their viewing pleasure, unless they're streaming (something technologically over most of their heads) because there is no other cable alternative.

So while there were some anxious moments amongst my neighbors, I just plugged my computer into the TV and called up Pluto, on which I once again enjoy watching Dark Shadows.  I noticed something in the results for DS that I had either missed or was new - either way, I never saw it before.  It's an MPI documentary made, I believe, in 2019 about Dan Curtis and his life and times from the moment he entered the world all the way until his passing.  Of course, most of it was focused on DS and had scores of our favorite DS alumni offering commentary on what it was like working for him (which, all stated, could be very difficult - Barbara Steele even quit and walked off the set of DS-'91, but returned the following day).  It was a thoroughly enjoyable documentary to watch and I learned quite a few things I didn't know before.  It was long, but that's partially because Pluto has commercials which is what makes it a free streaming service (but the ads, other than during the first break, were rather few and would consist of only one).  The cable service was rather quickly restored (two hours ahead of the predicted repair time - that's shocking, considering it's Comcast) but I continued to watch the presentation until the end (and then, since I had it all plugged in and turned on, I grabbed some of my usual DS reruns). 

So, if you haven't seen this enjoyable and informative documentary, now you can, totally free, on Pluto.  You don't have to register unless you want to in order to have your own favorites library.  Just type "Dark Shadows" into the search and voila


Meaning the 2012 Depp movie version.  It was on SyFy (I hate that lettering) today at noon, CST.  I haven't actually seen it in several years (my DVD is in a box in storage), so I settled back and enjoyed watching it again.  I think it's a really great movie.

Anyway, this is something we might've discussed some time ago, probably on the Depp DS thread, but - of course - at this late point in the game, I have no recall.  The end of the movie left so many possibilities for at least one sequel, with so many lose threads.  Collinwood obviously needs to be restored, if not rebuilt.  Carolyn is a werewolf, plus she made it apparent that there's a mystery as to what happened to her father (Paul, I would imagine).  The ghost of Laura Collins and her mysterious background were made evident along with her relationship with David.  Josette/Maggie/Victoria (Josmagia?) is now a vampire, along with Julia who is very pissed.  And will Mrs. Johnson ever get that new mop bucket?

So what could Depp and Burton come up with?  What ideas would anyone here have?  I've tried to creatively fantasize the next phase in the adventures of the Collins family, but it's not an easy project.


Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I / Fifty-six years ago today.
« on: January 02, 2024, 02:40:52 AM »
I was in the fifth grade, and I was watching the episode featured in today's historical montage.  I remember it vividly, because the disfigured, bloodied ghost of Jeremiah terrified me.  When he carried Angelique off and dropped her into the grave, dumping dirt over her from her bird's-eye view, I actually hid behind a chair.  That last time I did that was probably six years earlier when, watching The Wizard of Oz on TV (something really big back then, hosted by Danny Kaye), the Wicked Witch of the West's image not only filled her massive crystal ball, but the whole screen.  I have started doing that again, when I get my monthly bill for my housing and nursing care in my assisted living facility. 


Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I / House of Dark Shadows II
« on: November 09, 2023, 02:11:38 AM »
Apparently, after the success of House of Dark Shadows, plans for the next film were to be a direct sequel, with Barnabas returning, but Jonathan Frid said no to reprising the role, so the project eventually became Night of Dark Shadows.  But if making the sequel had succeeded, I always wondered what it would be about.

At the conclusion of HoDS, many of the primary characters had gone compost:  Carolyn; Julia; Roger; Eliot, and Willie.  Those major ones remaining were Elizabeth, David, Maggie and Jeff.  Minor ones were Mrs. Johnson, Todd - who survived Carolyn - and Daphne who, I take it, survived Barnabas' attack.  Elizabeth had gone Frances Farmer; David was an orphan.  Thinking logically, what would've happened to all of them after the blood letting brought on by a now-staked Barnabas?  Elizabeth undoubtedly would've remained at Collinwood with Mrs. Johnson tending to her as she tried to figure out how to market her secret mayonnaise.  David, now a Dickensian waif with an enormous trust fund, probably would've been turned over to child protective services who would've placed him under a state guardianship and would be shipped off to an all-year prestigious boarding school, possibly in Europe, until he reaches majority.  Maggie and Jeff would take off, eloping, finding a new home far away, trying to stay incognito while he remains a struggling artist and she brings home the bacon as a school teacher.  Todd would've probably spent some time recuperating at Wyndcliffe and once his marbles are all back in place, odds are he definitely wouldn't remain in Collinsport and seek his future elsewhere.  Daphne, also mended, certainly wouldn't resume doing secretarial work for her employer who now thinks she's Queen Victoria and would seek places distant to resume her life.

So, in great bloody and violent Hammeresque style, Barnabas resurrects and what does he find?  At a now desolate Collinwood, there are two late-middle-aged women, one thinking it's 1901 and the other having her sample sandwich spread, hopefully their shared existence not turning into Blanche and Baby Jane Hudson.  He no longer has a Renfield in Willie to watch over him and drag his coffin around.  Does he even still have a coffin?  Wouldn't the police either have hauled it away as evidence or even destroyed it?  Where will Barnabas sleep the sleep of the dead?  As for his Josette, she (and her husband) are long gone and nobody knows where.

With just those remaining characters, what would a plot involving a returning Barnabas be about?  Maybe somebody knows or even has a good I-think-I-remember-hearing answer to give us.  If not, what do our DS cousins here would think would be a great storyline?


Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I / Dennis Patrick Film
« on: March 15, 2023, 01:14:46 AM »
The other night, I was surfing on TV and on one of the many movie channels I found a film named Joe.  I had never heard of it before.  Made in 1970, it was about an upper-class, professional Manhattan man (Dennis Patrick) who accidentally kills the hippie-drug-dealer boyfriend of his addicted daughter (Susan Sarandon) after she overdoses from the opioids her boyfriend gave her (she survives).  He teams up with an extremely bigoted lower-class working man named Joe (Peter Boyle) and together they hunt down and kill hippie drug dealers. 

It sounds like a bizarre film and it somehow is while, at the same time, it is not.  You can't stop watching it.  The movie garnered positive reviews and was a box-office success.  If you run across it, give it a watch - you won't be disappointed.


Current Talk '24 I / For Dark Shadows, I'm Ed McMahon
« on: October 31, 2022, 01:10:30 AM »
I think I've mentioned somewhere in passing here that I'm a loyal PCH (Publishers' Clearing House Sweepstakes) player - you know, the one that gives away $7,500 a week for life along with lots of other prizes.  It's free and when, once upon a time, players had to fill out all sorts of paperwork and mail it in (they still do that for those who prefer it that way), most now just go on-line, register, and start playing.

One of the ways to win is to earn tokens which can then be used to bid on various prizes (one can also just automatically win something).  To date, I've won over $1,700 playing PCH (yes, people do win).  There are several ways to win tokens.  One is through "quizzes," where one answers questions on all sorts of topics. 

Just recently, one of the quizzes was "Can You Finish the Name of This Soap Opera?"  I guess you know where this is going.  Of course, one of the slides had a picture of the fang-baring Barnabas with the question:  Dark _____. 

And then they have something called slideshows.  It's just ten things concerning certain topics, such as "Interesting Egg Dishes From Around the World."  In honor of Halloween, there have been plenty  about sundry spooky things, including "Famous Vampire Movies and Shows."  Yes, one slide had DS, but - get this - the 2012 movie with Johnny Depp, although it did say that while he played Barnabas, it was based on the TV show with a mention of Jonathan Frid originating the role. 

Last but not least, I also saw an MSN slideshow listing movies that had important scenes after the final credits rolled.  (Think the scene of the guy in the taxi following the end credits in Airplane which was included in the list.) To my shock and pleasant surprise, it listed HoDS stating that the staked-and-redead Barnabas changes into a bat and flies away allowing for, as the slide stated, a sequel.

You never know where we're going to pop up.


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Series Daily Slideshow Went Poof
« on: August 12, 2021, 01:23:42 AM »
Am I the only one having this problem?  I can't see the daily episodes slideshow starting on page 2 of Roberservations.  Just the first shot appears with no caption and no back and forth arrows leading to the next slide.


Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I / OT: The Stand "Limited Series"
« on: January 01, 2021, 03:06:58 AM »
I'm just wondering if anyone here has been watching the CBS miniseries version of Stephen Kings The Stand.

When I first heard, months ago, that it was coming in December I was all excited.  I remember, enjoy and have watched several times the 1994 version.  I thought an "updating" would be fun.  Of course, I didn't pay close attention as to how CBS was going to air it.  I simply believed it would be like any other program, including a miniseries (now called "limited" series) on regular broadcast TV:  a program on regular broadcast TV.  But, no, that wasn't to be the case.  It would be on something called CBS "All Access."  I learned that means having a regular TV set simply would not do.  One would need one of those pricey "smart" TVs that are like the viewing port on the Starship Enterprise with all these programming and other sundry things.  Along with that, you gotta get and download the CBS "All Access" app (I hate that word - app) and pay for it. 

Being a kvetcher, I whine, complained and pissed and moaned.   Why wasn't it being shown on regular TV?  Why does one need some futuristic contraption and dish out the loot?  Friends told me that's how it's now being done.  Even major networks are subtley abandoning "traditional" broadcasting for computerized "apps" that work only on certain gizmos and, furthermore, one must now pay EXTRA to watch what for 3/4 of a century came free.  So why call it "All Access" when only some can access it?  I call it the "Disneyfying" of television:  just as the Disney Corporation has priced out (intentionally) the working middle class in order to cater to the monied 1-4 percenters, TV is doing the same.  Want to watch something now?  Pay extra for it or be left viewing the free left-overs. 

So, being bitchy about not being able to see this new version of The Stand, it enthralled me to find out it's actually not that good.  It has been receiving mediocre reviews ranging from okay to bad.  One critic has stated (even though he's seen only about half of the nine episodes) that one, especially a "virgin" to the story, should just go and watch the much-better '94 original miniseries.  Seems like  I'm not missing a whole lot because I won't run out and buy some new, expensive major household appliance and then fork over more money to CBS for what's seemingly turning out to be a much-ado-about-nothing. 

But, finally, to the main question and purpose of this post.  Anyone here watching it and what do you think of it?


Current Talk '24 I / Again, A Moment of Silence...
« on: April 03, 2019, 12:33:43 AM » we who grew up watching our beloved DS, remember (often with tears, like me, at that time), went off the air.  We had other things to carry us through, from the continuation of the Ross novels, the horrible comic books, and the newspaper comic, and awaiting NoDS, but it wasn't the same.  It was gone.  They were gone. 

So please stand for a moment of silence while the theme song plays.  We will always love DS.


Calendar Events / Announcements '17 II / What Do I Get?
« on: August 23, 2017, 07:51:28 PM »
I just realized I hit 3,000 posts.  So what do I win, MB and Midnite?  A free drawing for the chance of a Chevy Caprice?  A five-dollar gift card for Crate and Barrel?  How about a free afghan? 


Calendar Events / Announcements '17 I / Dark Shadows Feud
« on: April 29, 2017, 02:09:48 AM »
Feud:  Bette and Joan, that marvelous mini-series, is now over.  Because of high ratings, the next one is starting in production about Diana and Charles.  What if they made one about the production of Dark Shadows?  It would be a "feud" since it appears that most got along, even when Dan Curtis acted like a tyrant.  That "drama" wouldn't be there.  But, still, wouldn't a miniseries about the most unique soap opera be interesting?

So who would play whom?  I could certainly see Jessica Lange playing Joan Bennett.  And Susan Sarandon playing Grayson Hall.  But who would play the others?


Current Talk '17 I / An Odd Day for DS Fans
« on: April 04, 2017, 12:58:26 AM »
Today, April 3, was - indeed -at the most a tragic day for DS fans and at the least a somewhat difficult one. 

The day before, April 2, 1971, we couldn't believe that it was gone and we thought we'd never see it again.  We hoped on Saturday, April 3 as well as Sunday April 4, that it was a mistake.  But there it was, on Monday, April 5 - Password Plus.  It was a done deal.

On April 3, 1970 (and the ones before and after), during the PT70 plot, characters began to vanish and wouldn't be back for weeks or even months.  Barnabas was locked in a coffin by William H. Loomis.  Gone.  William H. Loomis was busy writing down and "oral history" of his captive.  Gone.  Carolyn Loomis spent her time drinking in the Loomis House drawing room so as not to face what Barnabas and William were doing in the secret room.  Gone.  Maggie Collins got all huffy about Alexis Stokes and ran back to NYC.  Gone.  Daniel Collins would be just, well, gone.  No explanation.  Siblings Elizabeth (Stoddard) and Roger Collins apparently went off to visit relatives.  Gone.  Housekeeper Hoffman also seemingly went away to visit relatives.  Gone.  Chris Collins and his little sister would also soon be gone with no explanation.  That basically left five major characters:  Quentin, Angelexis, Bruno, Cyrus/Big-Nose and Sabrina to carry the storyline.  Important minor characters were Aunt Hannah, Buffy, Trask-the-butler and the guy who sold Cyrus his dope.  Well, somehow, we continued to watch until the bulk of performers returned from Lyndhurst.  Still, it was an odd time.


Current Talk '17 I / "Filthy" DS Topic
« on: February 26, 2017, 01:32:34 AM »
I was looking at a site where they talked about when "swear" or "filthy" words were first used on television.  Words like "damn," "hell," "bitch," "bastard."  They started to become common-place by the late eighties.  The site talked about "damn," - not "damn," but "damn."  Some say it was in the '70's in All In the Family, when during a heated argument, Archie screamed it but it was barely audible because everyone was screaming and, therefore, the censors allowed it.  Edith chastised Archie for saying "GD." 

I say it was on DS.  Unless I'm suffering from DSFMS, it was in the episode where Barnabas was dying from the vampire bat bite and Angelique was arguing with Ben.  Thayer David, who was obviously an incredible method actor and immersed himself in a role, was Ben and acted accordingly.  If I remember, he went off-script somewhat and shouted at Angelique (paraphrasing here):  "I don't care about your damn..."  If that actually happened, how did they get away with it?  First, DS loathed to re-shoot scenes unless absolutely necessary because it was done live-on-tape.  Second, not wanting to re-shoot the scene, the DS PTB hoped the TV PTB censors wouldn't notice.  Third, because DS wasn't prime-time, no PTB would care.  Fourth, combine all of that together, and it aired with the banned "damn."  I haven't seen that scene since the Sci-Fi network stopped airing DS, but I saw it a multitude of times while it did.  Do I have DSFMS?  If any of you have that episode on tape/DVD, take a look.  Am I wrong?

I remember that Star Trek was the first show to use "hell" as a swear word.  It wanted to use it on previous episodes when people, especially Bones, wanted to say:  "go to hell."  It was changed to "go to the devil."  Finally, on the classic "City on the Edge of Forever," Kirk said, for the first time:  "Let's get the hell out of here."  It was almost as much as a cultural shock as when the first interracial kiss happened between Kirk and Uhura.  The censors allowed it because they were "forced" to kiss by aliens.

Today, censors are far more, shall we say, liberal.  Only non-cable networks still have some restrictions.  Cable networks have more freedom.  That's why we here words like "shit" on cable programming.  It's used on virtually every episode of The Walking Dead.  Well, like it or not, that's how people talk.  From what I've seen, the only prime-time, non-cable network that has really tried to push the envelope, is American Dad.  And it really pushes.  On an episode, where Roger worked with Francine in an enterprise, he was on the phone with a client when Francine started berating him.  He told the client he had to hang up because the "C-U-Next-Tuesday" was on his back.  I thought it was hysterical.  I couldn't believe the censors allowed it.  But then Roger has said so many outrageous things.  I could list them here.

So, did Ben/Thayer David say "damn" on that episode?  Those of you who have it, pop it in the player ans see if it's true or am I suffering from DSFMS.  If he said it, DS had another first. 


Current Talk '16 I / In Memoriam
« on: April 03, 2016, 04:54:47 AM »
I usually post this every time on this day for the past several years.  It was on this day, a Friday, when those of us "growing up" watched DS and it all ended on this day.  I refused to believe it.  I hoped beyond hope that things would be different the following Monday, that ABC had made a mistake, but there it was, the newest version of Password in place of our beloved DS.  It was over.  There was still NoDS to hit the theaters, the comic books (awful as they were) and the comic series in newspapers (although our local one didn't carry it) and the Marilyn Ross books for about another year for our fixation.  But it was over.  RIP, DS.


Current Talk '15 II / Again In the Top 50
« on: August 26, 2015, 10:31:53 PM »
Go to 14:55.  You'l love the photos.  But also enjoy the entire video; it'll bring back memories for many of us and provide history for the other of us.


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