Author Topic: Discuss - Ep #0875  (Read 792 times)

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Discuss - Ep #0875
« on: October 30, 2009, 08:34:59 PM »

Offline alwaysdavid

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0875
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2009, 03:11:36 AM »
Beth decides that Tim is her only hope?  And she is proved wrong her bring Quentin with Petofi's mind to  get her.  Considering what Tim knows about the hand and Petofi, should he not have thought it could be true?  Barnabas suggests that it is willpower that made the switch and it works.  The minds and bodies are restored in the nightmare version of "A Midsummers Night's Dream"  as two more of the the characters are fixed.  Will Pansy and Kitty follow?
you know there's a whole wing that's closed off all the time; the west wing, I go there lots of times


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Re: Discuss - Ep #0875
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2009, 05:59:37 AM »
I'll never understand why Beth didn't think to go to Quentin in Petofi's body. She may not have known where he was at the moment, but she could have gone to the rectory or wait around for him to return to the mill, since that is Petofi's hideout. She could have waited...her telling 'Quentin' the gypsies were coming sent him out of there in a hurry and ensured he wasn't likely to be returning anytime soon, or at least for the rest of the night.

Beth took it for granted that Tim would believe the mind-switching scenerio between Quentin and Petofi. Yes, Tim does know about Petofi's powers, but I am sure that he believed that switching bodies was not a possible feat, even for Petofi. Beth tells Tim that Petofi is afraid of the gypsies, and would do ANYTHING to get away from them, and while we know that's true, I can understand why Tim would have a hard time swallowing that, considering he knows what the power of the hand can do.

I loved the scream at the end when Petofi and Quentin switch back to their rightful bodies.

Poor Beth, now she is the victim of bad timing here. She now thinks Quentin is Petofi, just after Quentin has returned to his rightful body. It really wasn't her night.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0875
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2009, 01:38:58 AM »
Beth reports to Quentin that there are gypsies at Collinwood. Quentin/Petofi says he doesn’t want to be around gypsies, but then tells her he’ll see her at Collinwood. Huh?

Tim Shaw is Beth’s only hope? Egad!

Just what were they thinking when they styled Briscoe’s hair anyway? Yikes!
And what was Briscoe smoking before the cameras rolled? I want some.

That frock coat of Barnabas’ looks like one of those tear away suits.

Quentin is elated to discover he’s him again. Now he can go back to the House of Frivolities. Long & Lanky is back. I bet they’ve missed you, boy.

Beth! Noooooo! You can’t fall! You’re not a widow!!!

Excellent performance by Terry Crawford today.
I get a kick out of these guys who think they're so clean, when all the time they're trying to cover up their dirt.

Offline Lydia

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0875
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2009, 10:55:20 PM »
I'm liking Barnabas a lot these days.  Jonathan Frid's making him seem very unvampirelike and human and (appearances can be deceiving) sensible.

There's a moment in this episode that I prize: when Barnabas looks up from the book (presumably about the occult) that he has been reading down in the old mill.  His eyebrows lift, and he looks disgusted with whatever he has been reading.  For a second, I'm seeing not Barnabas there, but Jonathan Frid.

I'm trying but unable to remember if a reason turns up later on why it's important that Tim suspect that Quentin and Petofi have switched bodies.  That's the only reason I can think of why today's episode would take the detour to Tim's room at the Inn.  Beth gave Tim an explanation of what had happened.  The explanation was completely unbelievable, but it was (as far as I can remember) clear.  At some point in the future it seems likely that Tim will believe that Quentin and Petofi are still in each other's bodies, and that this will lead to a further twist in the plot.  I can't remember it happening, but that doesn't mean a thing.

Couldn't they have put a filter over film of the waves and the rocks below Widows Hill?  We're on Widows Hill with Beth and it's night, and then we look down on the water and it's light.  And couldn't the set be raised a foot or two so we could see a little of the precipice?  And why did Beth go to Widows Hill, anyway?