Author Topic: Robservations 5/21/03 - #948-949  (Read 1168 times)

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Robservations 5/21/03 - #948-949
« on: May 21, 2003, 03:31:00 AM »
948 - The bat flies up and down in the cage, squeaking wildly.  Jeb promises the creature, you'll meet Barnabas Collins very soon.

When Barnabas enters Collinwood, Julia anxiously asks where he's been. I had a long talk with Jeb, says Barn, during which we resolved our differences, reaffirmed our belief in the cause, and parted as friends, for the time being--when this period of peace is over, what then? What do you mean? asks Julia. After I spoke to Jeb, explains Barn, I went for a long walk and wondered what the ultimate struggle that must take place between me and Jeb will mean to my friends, the ones I love--I thought of the possibility of people getting hurt--and of Josette--how can I really do anything if Josette is their hostage?--if moving against them will mean terrible torture for her? Barnabas, if you don't fight...begins Julia. "I know," he finishes, "Carolyn and everyone else will face an inhuman fate.

Jeb returns to the antique shop with his grotesque pet.  He asks Philip, don't you know that all work and no play make Philip a dull boy?  Annoyed, Philip says, someone has to look after the shop. Does someone? asks Jeb--what are you up to now? Taking inventory of new merchandise, says Philip--but something is missing. Jeb holds up the covered cage.  Why did you take that? demands Philip. Jeb pulls the cage out of his reach--"I needed it," he says, "and not for catching woodlarks."  What do you have in there? Philip asks.  Wouldn't you like to know? taunts Jeb--well, you're not going to. I couldn't care less, says Philip--I already know--probably something to make someone die. Jeb laughs--it's not something to make anyone die--not directly--you've got the wrong idea--as a matter of fact, you always have the wrong idea--and I'm going to do something about it. Jeb gets in Philip's face, looking for all the world like he's going to kiss him.

Collinwood drawing room - The Leviathans know how to use our human feelings against us, Julia, says Barnabas.  What can you do? she asks.  While I was walking through the woods, says Barn, I about the dreadful choice I would have to make and decided there was only one way to fight them--Julia, we must contact Josette's (Julia's, he said first) spirit and find out the truth. Do you think she'll tell us? asks Julia.  I don't know, but I plan to try, he says. When? she asks.  Immediately, says Barnabas--who else is in the house? Only Maggie, says Julia. Good, smiles Barnabas, her psychic strength can help us--go get her. Julia leaves to do so.

10 PM - The trio assembles for the seance. Barnabas orders the ladies, join hands with me, keep the circle complete. I call to the spirit who once lived and loved here, he says--remember that life and love, hear us, from the darkness of the world you now inhabit, the everlasting depths of the grave, hear us, join our circle! Julia suggests, if Josette is a prisoner, they'll stop her from coming. We will open the door for her, says Barn
--make it possible for Josette to escape for a while and join us--Josette, break the barrier and join our circle! The chandelier overhead begins to tinkle and the candle blows out. Julia wonders if it's Josette. Barnabas calls to the spirit, "If you are Josette, speak to us!" Maggie goes into a trance, moaning. Josette is with us, says Barnabas. Her or someone else from beyond, says Julia. It is I, mon cher, says Josette, it was so difficult to come here...

Josette's signature music begins to play in the background. Why it was difficult for you to come here? asks Barn--were the Leviathans guarding you? "I know of no Leviathans," murmurs Josette. This shocks Barnabas--are you sure?  I know of no Leviathans, reiterates Josette. How did you die? asks Barnabas. When you did not come to meet me, I took poison, says Josette--I could not live without you, and I knew this time, it would be forever. Barnabas' forehead crinkles. That night in my room, says Josette, I vowed you would never hurt me, that I would never hurt you again--I can hurt you, I know it, I know in some way I can keep you from doing something you must, unless we are free from each other completely. Are you only saying this to set me free to fight, because you know the Leviathans and what they can do to hurt you? asks Barnabas.  "I know of no Leviathans!" repeats Josette.  I wonder if you are concealing something from me, says Barnabas. I am not concealing anything, I swear, she says--come to my grave, I will show you tonight--come to my grave... Maggie's head falls to the table. Julia rouses the younger woman, patting her face and assuring her, you're all right. She helps her to the sofa.  What happened? asks Maggie. We had a seance and you fainted, says Julia. That girl, was she able to help? asks Maggie. We reached her, says Barnabas, I'll know tonight, but if she can help us, we will begin to move against the Leviathans almost immediately. What first? asks Maggie. First, we must destroy the Leviathan box, says Barnabas, then they won't be able to convert others and they will know who our enemies are. If the box is destroyed, what will happen next? asks Maggie--how will you get the box?--Jeb guards it very carefully. Jeb won't let Barnabas near it, says Julia, despite the friendship they seem to have forged. (Ima Fly makes a cameo appearance here.) We've got to find it, they've got to! insists Barn. Carolyn enters the dark room, remarking, what a cheerful group you are!  She turns on the light--didn't anyone notice it was dark in here?  (Must have wondered exactly what Barnabas, Julia and Maggie were doing in the dark.)  How are you feeling? asks Julia. Wonderful, grins Carolyn, getting away from here was a fine idea, but now that I'm back, I intend to have some fun. She picks up the phone.  Who are you calling? asks Barnabas. "Can't I have any secrets from you?" she smiles. "Hello?" she says, "It's Carolyn. I'm calling to remind you you have one unused date, Jeb." Barnabas looks worried. "Would you like to collect it tonight?" continues Carolyn--"that would be perfect" She eyes the trio after she hangs up and says, "It's true, I do owe him a date, and I like to keep things like that straight." She leaves the room.  He'll be busy with her, Barnabas says--we can go ahead with our plan!

Antique shop - Maggie stops by and greets Philip. You've had enough time with Barnabas Collins, says Jeb--what have you found out?  Nothing, she says, I don't think Barnabas trusts me. "I don't think I trust YOU," says Jeb. Maggie looks at him.  Philip reminds Jeb--Carolyn is waiting for you. That's right, agrees a happy Jeb, who takes his jacket and bids them good night. Maggie and Philip gaze at each other. She peeks out the shade on the door and says, Philip, Barnabas wants to see you--to meet him someplace, and you're not to tell Jeb. Why? asks Philip. Maggie simply stares at him.  Philip says, "Never mind, you don't have to tell me--I understand completely!"

Leviathan altar - This certainly has been a night for conversations, Barnabas, says Philip--Jeb talked to me earlier, accusing me of being weak--I told Jeb I'd try to do better, and one of the things I promised him was that I'd keep my eye on you to make sure you're as loyal as you should be. Now you know, says Barnabas--you can leave here and go to him and tell him everything, how I plotted against him.  "He was right about me," interrupts Philip, "I am NOT a strong Leviathan, and I don't need your help to undermine my faith, I have reasons of my own--two murders among them--and Megan, what they've done to Megan--that's my reason for hating them, Barnabas, that's my reasons for wanting to fight them, no matter what it costs me." It will cost you nothing, promises Barnabas, (famous last words!)  we will get away free, if my plan works--it will be dangerous, and your part in it will be very dangerous. What am I to do? asks Philip. Steal the Leviathan box from Jeb's room when I give you the signal, says Barnabas--will you do that?
Yes, promises Philip eagerly--to pay Jeb back for all he's stolen from ME!

Carolyn fixes her hair in front of the mirror and answers Jeb's knock--I'm glad you're early, she says. She takes and hangs up his coat.  I've been thinking about you a lot lately, she says, and people always seem different in your thoughts. I wish I could read your mind, he says fervently, and know exactly how you feel about me--and I warn you, I'm working on it. He puts his hands on her shoulders; she caresses his arms. "And I'll help you," she says softly--"I care about you." Caring is for distant cousins and elderly aunts, says Jeb. How do you want me to feel about you? she asks. Moving in close, he says, "I want you to love me, and want me, need me--think you can manage that?" I can try, she promises.  They kiss, lengthily, deeply and with tremendous passion.

Barnabas goes to Josette's grave. Everyone is ready to go, to move against the Leviathans, except me, muses Barnabas--I can't as long as I have any doubt about you, Josette. Her music begins to play.  Barnabas calls, "Who is it? Who's there?--Josette, is that you?"  She appears, lovely in her wedding gown and veil, minus the protruding golf eyeball. It is I, she says, and I will tell you what you must know, how and forever. "You asked me if the Leviathans held me prisoner," she murmurs, "they do not, but you hold me, just as I hold you with my love--but now the time has come for both of us to go free." I cannot be free without you, protests Barnabas. "But you must," insists Josette, "for I belong to the past: for you there is a future, with someone else." But I don't want anyone else, says Barnabas. "Then you must be lonely, for you cannot have me," she tells him sadly--"But you will find someone else, I know it, and when you do, give her this." She hands him a ring. "The ring that you gave to me, give to her," says Josette, "whoever she may be." Barnabas takes the emerald and diamond ring into his own hand.
"This ring," says Josette, "a sign of your freedom--and of mine." She begins to fade.  Barnabas begs, "Don't leave me, Josette, it's too cruel!"  He surveys the ring, illuminated from the lightning of the storm.

Carolyn and Jeb kiss in the Collinwood foyer. "Carolyn!" murmurs Jeb, holding her tightly.  She clings to him, too. "I always want you to be with me, think of me, and dream of me," says Jeb.  Her face changes, turning from dreamy and lovestruck to upset. I did dream of you, she says, the other night, and I didn't like it--it wasn't an ordinary dream, it took place in the antique shop, and you told me that you were Michael, Alexander and the baby--you had blood on your hands, and I was frightened
--Jeb, what's the matter, you seem frightened, too?  I'm just upset you would think such a thing of me, laments Jeb--blood on my hands. She apologizes--I didn't mean to see you that way, I didn't cause the dream. She presses his hand to her face. Of course, he says.  They hug. The clock chimes.  I told a friend named Bruno we would meet him at the Blue Whale, says Jeb. Carolyn isn't thrilled to hear they're meeting someone else tonight.  He's sharp, says Jeb--you'll like him, come along. Wait a minute, she protests, trying to pull away, I'm not sure...  Barnabas enters and greets them. We're going somewhere, says Jeb.  Carolyn corrects him--Jeb is, I'm not--I just don't feel like meeting someone new tonight--go on. That's ridiculous! says Jeb.  Ridiculous or not, says Carolyn, that's the way I feel about it--good night, she bids both men. Jeb calls up to her, wait a minute, but she's gone, disappeared upstairs.  A pissed off Jeb swings around Barnabas, takes his jacket, and leaves without a word. Barnabas picks up the phone and dials Philip--is Megan asleep?--Jeb just left and is on his way to the Blue Whale--that will give you enough time to do what must be done.

Upstairs at the antique shop, Philip enters Jeb's room. It contains a table and lamp, which Philip switches on. He searches the semi-dark room and finds the Leviathan box in a portable closet. His task complete, he turns off the lamp and leaves the room. When he goes downstairs, he runs into Jeb, turns on the light and asks, "Going somewhere, Philip?...isn't it a bit TOO LATE?"

NOTES: Oh, my, I was actually wondering if perhaps Philip was in cahoots with Jeb to "get" Barnabas, but it appears that Philip's passionate declaration that he wants out is true. What will happen to the poor guy now that he's been caught stealing the box? And what will happen to Barnabas at the fangs of that bat in the box?

Carolyn and Jeb were getting very chummy there, smooching out in the foyer. Perhaps the attraction is purely physical? Wonder if she'd want to cuddle up that close if she could see him in his true form? All that slime would sure mess up a gal's clothes and hair.

How poignant that Josette frees Barnabas from his commitment to her, if we never did see him give her the ring she returned to him.  Figures the woman, even if a ghost, would be the practical one! I always wondered why Josette didn't seem to have any sort of engagement ring from Barnabas. He's going to give it to someone, but I won't spoil and reveal who.

949 - Where were you going, Philip? asks Jeb--"You're going to take that box to someone, weren't you?"  Stammering, Philip finally answering yes, but refuses to tell him who. You don't have to tell me who, taunts Jeb, there's only one person it could be--and he's fooled me for a long time, but no more. Jeb takes the box away from Philip and says, if Barnabas wants the box, he can have it. This generosity puzzles Philip. Jeb adds, "When I'm ready. Philip, I'm a very obliging fellow," says Jeb, turning on the light--"I give people exactly what they want. You, for instance, made it clear from the beginning what you wanted is death--you couldn't have been stupid enough to act the way you have from the beginning unless you wanted to die, so I can only assume... " No!" cries Philip.  Jeb, reaching for a candleholder "...I'm going to give you what you want tonight--right now!"  Again, Philip cries, "NO!"
Jeb lifts the candlestick high; Philip's face contorts in terror. Someone knocks.  Philip squeaks out, "Just a minute." Jeb puts down the candleholder--you're lucky, he tells his foster father, but your luck will run out very soon. The visitor is Lawrence Guthrie, from Augusta, investigating the mysterious murders in town--I know it's late, but I'd like to come in. Philip is more than happy to invite him in.  Jeb requests his ID. This is Jeb Hawkes, our boarder, introduces Philip. Guthrie takes out his wallet and shows his ID to Jeb, then says, Mr. Todd, I want to ask you the same questions Davenport asked. I don't mind, says Philip--I'll tell you anything I can--we were very upset about Davenport.  Why? asks Jeb, when such a man dies in the line of duty, isn't that the way he wants to go?
Guthrie looks at the grinning Jeb and suggests, that's an odd point of view.  Mr. Todd, how long was Paul Stoddard here the night he was murdered?  Just a few minutes, responds Philip. Where did he stand? queries Guthrie. About where you're standing now, replies Philip. So he was never near that door? asks Guthrie. No, unless it was during the time my wife Megan came up to get him, says Philip. Jeb watches, his tongue thrust into his right cheek. I don't think so, adds Philip--I think the minute she left the room, he ran out--she said he was in a terribly disturbed state. Philip offers to awaken Megan to speak to Guthrie.  Don't bother, says the lawman--I'll talk to her another time. As the man walks around the shop, Jeb and Philip stare at each other. Jeb saunters up to the guy and asks, what were those questions about?--I'd like to know. I'd like to know a few things, too, says Guthrie--may I see your ID?  I wasn't here the night of the murders, says Jeb, pulling a piece of paper from his pocket and handing it to Guthrie. Yes, I know--where were you? asks Guthrie. Traveling, replies Jeb, cross-country, on both business and pleasure--I'm a photographer. You must have gotten some interesting pictures, remarks Guthrie--I'd like to see them someday--I'm an amateur photographer myself. He hands Jeb back his ID and says goodnight. Wait, says Philip hastily, I was just about to go out, I'll walk with you. Jeb cunningly asks Philip, do you want me to tell Megan you're going out?  Megan? repeats Philip, as though not remembering the name. She might be very upset you left, points out Jeb. Philip agrees--sorry, Inspector Guthrie, but I had better stay--my wife has been very nervous since these murders started. Guthrie leaves without him, not saying another word. Philip is furious. I've changed my mind about killing you, says Jeb--but if you ever get any ideas about betraying me, Megan is going to regret it very much.

Collinwood drawing room - Amy draws.  What is that? asks Carolyn, taking it from her to look at it.  --why are you drawing that?  It's pretty, the child answers. Carolyn disagrees--it's the last thing in the world I'd call it--what gave you the idea for drawing it, anyway? Mrs. Todd has one on her locket, says Amy. Philip has one on his ring, says Carolyn--I wish I could understand its fascination for everyone--it makes me feel uncomfortable. Quentin enters the room, sending Amy darting into Carolyn's arms. "Don't let him in here!" she cries. Carolyn assures her there's no reason to be frightened--I know this man who scared you in the shop, and you were wrong, then and now. No! cries Amy, twice.  What is it about me that scares you so much? asks Quentin.  You look like the ghost, like Quentin Collins, says Amy. That's because he's related to the man who frightened you, says Carolyn, he's a cousin of ours, who is also named Quentin--but not the same one--how could he be?  (ask Barnabas)  Amy clings to Carolyn, hiding her face.  She's being unreasonable about this, Quentin, says Carolyn--I don't know what to do. Well I do, says Q, leave us alone a minute. No! protests Amy. Please, says Quentin, I know this moment will be very painful, but less painful than your fear of me continuing. If you say so, agrees, Carolyn--Amy, I'm going to see Mrs. Johnson for a minute. I'm going to bed, insists Amy.  Quentin wants to speak to you, Carolyn reminds her. I don't want to speak to him, says a terrified Amy.  Carolyn soothes her--there's not a reason in the world you can't speak to him. Gently, Quentin repeats Carolyn's words. Carolyn walks from the room.  Amy turns away from Quentin. "Don't turn away from me," he says, reaching to pull her around to face him.  He takes her face in his hand and asks, can you feel my touch?  (lucky gal)! There's nothing to be afraid of in my hand, he says, just as there's nothing for you to be afraid of in me. He looks straight into her eyes--I know once you were afraid of someone named Quentin Collins, but I'm not that man, I swear it (but he's lying and we know it)!

Philip looks over an array of photos, amazed to see they're taken from around the country--and with the same kind of camera Jeb has. I have some followers loyal enough to get me anything I need, says Jeb, but this isn't going to do--that special investigator didn't like me--I can tell the way people feel about me--and I'm going to take care of him.  What if he didn't like you? asks Philip--you were rude to him, why should he like you--you answered all his questions, and weren't even here the night Paul died.

Guthrie, of the Augusta police, is on the phone, requesting, "anything you can find on Jeb Hawkes"--and he spells the last name.

Amy runs into the shop, calling Jeb--I'm so frightened of Quentin, because of what he is, I wasn't sure, but now I am--I had a dream, I was sure, no matter what anyone says--it was a terrible dream--David was missing--I went into this room, I heard his music (we see Amy's dream played out). The gramophone in Quentin's room is covered with cobwebs.  Amy enters the room, calling  David--there's something I must tell you, please answer. The door slams closed and Amy spots Quentin's reflection in the mirror.  "Quentin!" she calls--I came to warn you (and it's the mutton-chopped Quentin we and Amy see)--they're on their way here now, Maggie and Barnabas, they think David's here, and they know all about this room, and they're coming to get you. He regards her with anger.  Why? she asks--I came and told you, didn't I?--I didn't tell them about the room, Maggie remembered it in a dream, I heard her telling Dr. Hoffman she was here before!--I didn't have anything to do with it, you've got to believe that. He grabs her shoulder.  Don't punish me, she begs, please!
Quentin speaks, "You will not tell Maggie, you will not tell Julia, you not tell anyone, especially Jeb!" He knew about you, points out Amy, and you weren't here then--somehow, this Quentin Collins is the same ghost who scared me before, and I'm still afraid of him. You don't need to be, says Jeb, not this time, I'll take care of it. He pats her hair--I'll take care of anyone who gets in my way. He grabs his jacket--I'll take you to Collinwood--pay a visit. Carolyn's busy talking to a Mr. Guthrie now, says Amy. I think I'll see her anyhow, says Jeb.  The two of them leave the shop. Philip enters, gazing after them.

"Then, Dr. Hoffman found him in front of the shop," explains Carolyn haltingly--she took him to Professor Stokes' flat, where he was killed. Guthrie thanks her for the information--I know it's been hard to talk about, he says--I also spoke to Philip Todd last night. Poor Philip, says Carolyn, there's been so much talk about the shop... Guthrie asks, do you believe any of it?  No, she says.  I also met Jeb Hawkes, adds Guthrie.  Carolyn smiles--your tone tells me you didn't like him, she says. Yours tells me that you do, comments Guthrie. Yes, I do, very much, says Carolyn. She answers the phone; we see it's Philip, still wearing his Naga ring, covering the phone with a handkerchief, asking to speak to Guthrie at once (do people really believe that changes their voices)?

Philip removes the handkerchief from the phone after Carolyn gives it to Guthrie. There's something I forgot to tell you last night, says Philip, introducing himself. I'll be right over, says the latter. No, not now, says Jeb, my wife Megan is here, and Jeb has gone to Collinwood and is coming right back, so come tonight at nine--Megan will be at a farm auction and Jeb having dinner with Carolyn--I'll be alone--one more thing, Inspector, says Philip, don't tell Carolyn or anyone else I called. No, of course not, agrees Guthrie, and hangs up. Carolyn asks, was it important?  Very important indeed, he replies.

9 PM - Philip unlocks the door and admits Guthrie. I'm going to tell you how Paul Stoddard was killed and who killed him, announces Philip.  I'm shocked you know, says Guthrie. It's an incredible, horrible story, says Philip, and it's going to be hard for you to believe.  Do you want to talk here or at the police station? asks Guthrie. The latter, says Philip, but before we go, I have something to show you--a room upstairs--it's an important part of the story. Philip leads him to THE room--go right in, he says. Guthrie does so.  Philip waits outside. Guthrie turns on the light and finds himself face to face with the heavily-breathing LLB monster. Let me out! begs Guthrie.  Instead, Philip turns the key, locking him in.  Guthrie screams as Jeb turns him to Leviathan Death Stew. Hearing the man's screams, Philip looks sickened. The heaving breathing dies away.  Jeb knocks to be let out and tells Philip--he won't be asking anymore questions--don't be so upset, you did your job well--Megan would have been proud of you. Megan? repeats Philip, looking pleased. You did your job very well, repeats Jeb--now let's see if you can do the rest of it.

10 PM - Carolyn runs to answer the knock at the door. It's Quentin, who anxiously asks for Barnabas. He's not here, says Carolyn. I'm supposed to meet him here, says Quentin--we'd like to talk to you.  I'm going out with Jeb, if he ever gets here, says Carolyn. You can't do that, insists Quentin. I'd like to know why not, says Carolyn.  You'll find out when Barnabas gets here, he says.  Suppose Jeb arrives first? she asks. I'll take care of Jeb, says Quentin. I'm sick and tired of all this, she complains--everything becomes a mystery, I can't even have a simple dinner with someone without people acting... He walks away from her.  Either you tell me what's going on or I'll go meet Jeb in town, she threatens--I've had all I can take for one day. He agrees to begin without Barnabas--I want to discuss your father's murderer. Do you know who it is? she asks--who?  I want to wait for Barnabas, he says.  Please tell me! she begs--why is it so difficult, is it someone I know, someone I care about?--who is it, tell me? Jeb Hawkes, reveals Quentin. Infuriated, Carolyn reminds him--Jeb wasn't even in Collinsport when my father was murdered. He was, says Quentin, you just couldn't realize it. I realize much more than you thinks, says Carolyn, that you and Barnabas are determined to keep me from seeing Jeb and don't care how you do it--you'll even use my grief over my father to keep us apart. It's the truth, says Quentin, Jeb did murder your father. Prove it, demands Carolyn. All right, I'll tell you everything! says Quentin. Jeb bursts in--I couldn't come, he says--something just happened at that antique shop--Guthrie was just murdered, and they got the murderer, the same who killed the sheriff, your father. Who? demands Carolyn.
"Philip Todd--he just confessed," says Jeb. Quentin looks at him steadily, a gaze that says, we both know that's a lie.

NOTES: Whoever played Guthrie wasn't the world's greatest actor, but we lose yet another to the Leviathan Lung Brat. Does anyone remember another DS character named Guthrie, and how he succumbed to fire thanks to Laura Collins? I wonder if there was any relationship?

Carolyn was bullied by Jeb, yet seems ready to defend him, no matter what. He must give off some pheromones that are blocking her intelligence.

Poor Philip, taking the rap for Jeb's crimes. He really is a fool, but one must assume Jeb is threatening Megan. And how did Philip get all that goo on his victims, anyway?  How are they going to be able to tie him to this crime--really?

Love, Robin