Author Topic: Robservations 6/12/02 - #517/518 - Stokes, Dream Police  (Read 1455 times)

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Robservations 6/12/02 - #517/518 - Stokes, Dream Police
« on: June 11, 2002, 08:24:50 PM »
517 - Cassandra is burning, but this time the fire doesn't look like a white jet, but more of an orange, dancing flame. Cassandra fights against it, summoning all her powers to extinguish the flames. When she's done, she sits down, surrounded by smoke, not even slightly burnt, and assures the absent Trask that they will meet again--and when they do, Barnabas Collins will be destroyed!

When Cassandra returns to Collinwood, she overhears Vicki on the phone talking to Joe. She tells him that Sam Evans fell, has a concussion, and is in critical condition at the hospital. She knows Joe had an argument with Maggie, but advises him to go comfort is girlfriend. When Vicki leaves the drawing room, she meets Cassandra in the foyer. The witch admits overhearing and asks some questions. Vicki doesn't know much and quickly excuses herself. Cassandra leaves the house. At the hospital, Maggie is pacing her father's room. Joe arrives and hugs Maggie. He feels that Sam would have been OK if he had stayed with her. Maggie describes what happened. She calls it a misunderstanding--Pop thought Adam was trying to hurt her. There was a struggle, and Pop fell and hit his head. Maggie doesn't think Adam intended to hurt him--she couldn't face the police so she had a doctor do it. Maggie's sure they're out looking for Adam now. Cassandra comes in, filled with sympathy, surprising Maggie and Joe with her appearance. She offers to watch Sam while Maggie takes a coffee break. Joe agrees that she needs one, so after some polite talk, the couple leaves Cassandra alone with Sam. (noooooooo!) She immediately pours some powder in a glass of water and wakes the patient. He grunts and asks who is there. A friend, replies Cassandra--the nurse asked her to get Sam to drink some water.
She pours it down his throat. Sam wants to tell Maggie something. Cassandra tries to urge him to sleep, but he mumbles something about Adam. . .my friend. . .it wasn't Adam's fault. Cassandra tries to get him to explain the tie between Adam and Barnabas, but Sam falls asleep. She's a bit disappointed, but decides it's more important that he sleep--and has the dream.

Maggie and Joe return with coffee. Cassandra reports that she was whispering to Sam to go back to sleep--he stirred slightly, but now he should sleep peacefully for the rest of the night. Sam has the dream--Vicki summons him from the hospital room. He's not blind in the dream, although he keeps his dark glasses on. He protests that he's not supposed to leave the bed. Off he goes to the room. Vicki reads the blazing head of light poem and Josette's music begins. Sam shrieks and yells as he encounters the skull, the skeleton bride and the guillotine behind the doors. His final door reveals Maggie, dressed in black, mourning at a coffin.
When he realizes she is mourning his death, he repeatedly cries out that he's not dead. When he wakes, he's still yelling to Maggie that he's not dead. Of course you're not, his daughter assures him, and tries to calm him down. Pop says he had the dream, just like hers--he must see Vicki before he dies. He's very insistent.
Vicki is packed, ready to go visit Jeff in Portsmouth, but Joe convinces her to come with him to the hospital--he'll explain everything in the car. Back at the hospital, Sam is sleeping. Maggie takes the opportunity to call Stokes and tell him that Pop has had the dream--she needs his help. Vicki is the beckoner. When Sam wakes, Maggie explains that the Stokes will be here soon--he knows all about the dream. Sam wants only Vicki, who may arrive too late. Maggie keeps telling assuring him that he won't die-he'll tell Vicki the dream and will be all right.

At Collinwood, Cassandra goes to the open window with a candle and speaks to Sam Evans, casting yet another spell--"You must live until Vicki hears the dream--Vicki must hear the dream because she will take the final step and carry the dream to Barnabas."

Sam impatient awaits Vicki's arrival as Maggie tries fruitlessly to calm him down. When Vicki arrives, Sam is very grateful. Vicki assures Sam he isn't going to die, but he's not afraid of that--he just wants to tell her the dream. Vicki is ready to listen: "Tell me your dream," she urges.
NOTES: Oh, dear, it's pretty certain that Barnabas will be the next to have the dream after Vicki, so if she goes through with this, Barnabas is surely going to be a vampire soon. Cassandra is working overtime to ensure this comes about, and wait until you see just how far she goes!

518 - Sam begins to describe his dream to Vicki, but Stokes barges in and orders Vicki to leave the room at once. (He must be the Dream Police.) Sam protests, but Stokes insists. He physically escorts Vicki out of the room, over Maggie's protests, and tells her to wait outside. He must speak to Sam first, says Stokes, it's for the best. Maggie asked Stokes to help them, and he says he will, she must be patient and trust him. Stokes tells Sam he had to take Vicki out, and he plans to send Vicki home. Sam complains, as does Maggie, but Stokes says if the dream goes one step further, to Vicki, it might prove fatal to the next person who has it. Do your best to refrain from telling the dream, begs Stokes-I will try to alleviate your mental torture. Stokes stands and thinks, while Maggie tends to Sam, urging him to try to rest. Sam says he is tired and would like to sleep. Stokes spots Adam staring in Sam's window, but the big man disappears when Stokes goes closer to the window and looks out. After Sam falls asleep, Stokes questions Maggie about her father's accident. Maggie describes that Sam took a fall. Adam was there, yes, and he was responsible for the fall--Sam insists it was just an accident, but Maggie is unsure. Stokes says Sam knew Adam for a brief time, but believed a strong bond of friendship existed between them. Maggie wonders how this is connected to the dream, but Stokes says it's just rather curious. Stokes leaves to speak to Vicki, while Maggie hovers over her father.

Vicki drums her fingers on a desk. When Stokes and Maggie come out, Vicki demands an explanation.
She should be grateful he arrived when he did; he prevented her from having a terrible experience in that dream. He won't let her see him--he's suffering the effects of the dream curse and Vicki is the next to have it. She's uncomprehending. He asks Maggie about witchcraft, and tells her it is involved in this dangerous situation. She finds it hard to believe this curse was caused by a witch, and he reminds her nine people have had the dream thus far, and there is a reason for it; he knows that reason and is trying to cope. He tells Vicki to go home, but she doesn't want to. Then don't go into Sam's room, he requests. Vicki protests, but Stokes tells her there is danger to Vicki, and not only her. Vicki feels badly about not easing Sam's suffering, but Stokes says she can't, anyway. Don't go in, he asks again--promise me. She agrees. Stokes asks Maggie to walk him to the door to hear further instructions. Vicki waits outside. Sam sleeps. Adam peers in the window again, opens it, and climbs in. "Friend," he says to Sam, "listen!"
Sam murmurs Adam's name, and Adam indicates he wants to help Sam. I need Vicki, says Sam, calling to her. "No! No!" cries Adam. Vicki paces, hearing Sam call to her. "I need you!" he begs. "Please!" says Vicki, tortured, and finally relents and goes to the door.

Vicki enters Sam's room. She sees the wide open window and closes it. She promises him that she won't go away again, and he says it's all wrong, he can't help it, he must tell her the dream. Maggie comes in and Vicki explains that she had to come in when she heard him calling. "The doors," says Sam, "behind the doors, strange music, everywhere. Strange riddle." Vicki and Maggie know Sam is describing the dream, and Maggie says Vicki needn't stay if she doesn't want to. Vicki wants to comfort Sam, and is willing to stay. "No return, no way out," Sam mutters. Maggie remembers the riddle from her dream, too, and tries to quiet Sam. He continues to describe the dream, beginning with the knock at the door.
He tells her what he saw, then sits up, reaching. He falls back down, dead. "Pop! Pop!" sobs Maggie, shaking her father, while Vicki goes to the door and calls for the doctor.

Stokes goes to the Evans cottage and walks right in.

Vicki and Maggie exit Sam's room, where doctors have tried working on Sam, but apparently to no avail. Maggie blames herself--if she had been home, this wouldn't have happened--she panicked, Adam wasn't trying to hurt Sam, but she was so scared. Vicki tries to comfort Maggie's grief over the death of this good man, and Maggie sits and cries. Stokes walks through the cottage, calling to Adam. I'm a friend, he assures him. He thinks he can't be far away, perhaps a lamp in the window will help. Sam turns on the light and leaves.

Maggie sits in the hospital, quiet now, breaking into new tears. Vicki offers her a sedative and a glass of water. Maggie takes it docilely. Vicki tells her to come back to Collinwood with her tonight; she shouldn't be alone at the cottage. There are things to be done, but they can be done at another time, says Vicki. Maggie agrees. It seems so unreal, Maggie says, even the way it started, a strange, pathetic man-they've got to find Adam before he harms anyone else! Adam is out there wandering around and no one knows how dangerous he can be. So ironic--Pop felt sorry for that man, tried to help him, he didn't know how dangerous he was and now he's dead because of him.

Adam spots the light shining in the window and gazes in. He opens the door and enters. Stokes, waiting for him, greets him, "Adam?" Adam is all set to run, but Stokes assures him he's a friend and wants to help him. Adam is mistrustful, afraid, despite Stokes' assurance. The professor observes the scars, calling him an extraordinary creature. When Adam tries to push Stokes away, the latter drops a stick pin on the carpet. Stokes says "Friend," says Stokes--I AM your friend, possibly the only one you have left--I can help you, give you food, which you can't survive without. The word food makes Adam point to the kitchen, which surprises Stokes. "My name is Adam," says the big man, and Stokes asks him to say more. "Paintbrush" says Adam, showing him the object. Stokes is pleased.
They must find out why Adam says little but understands what is said to him. He offers Adam a home with him, give him lots of food, teach him to speak and communicate with people. Adam tries to say "Communicate," and Stokes says he'll help him learn quickly--they'll be good friends. He leads him out, and Adam repeats the word "Friend" with good cheer, happy to have found someone who cares-and is alive.

NOTES: The bottles of blood and the IV add an unusual air of authenticity to DS, which usually has patients lying there without any sustenance at all.

I've said it before, but Vicki looks really pretty with her hair up.

How odd that Stokes is extending his hand to Adam-why, we wonder? He has no idea of his beginnings, how abused he's been all this time. Why would be risk his own life, knowing what happened to Sam?--or does he sense, as Sam did, that there is a good, gentle person under this seemingly violent, huge man?

Sam has died. He was with the show from nearly the beginning (they started with a different actor portraying Sam for a few eps). Supposedly they made his character blind so he could look at the teleprompter without anyone knowing (the dark glasses and all). David Ford was once married to Nancy Barrett (you read that right) and was wonderful in the musical, 1776. I was sorry to see Sam go, but I guess they felt he had outlived his usefulness, and Maggie no longer needed "Pop."

Love, Robin


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Re: Robservations 6/12/02 - #517/518 - Stokes, Dream Police
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2002, 09:10:58 PM »
Dream Curse recipient #10-Sam Evans-episode 517-Final door=Maggie mourning over is coffin
His beckoner is Vicky Winters.

Cassandra is bound and determined to restore the nightmare cycle, with a potion to Sam.  He dies before telling Vicky the whole dream, and Prof Stokes scrambles to break the cycle once again.  Will Vicky have the dream?  Will it ever reach Barnabas, and restore his curse?
